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A note about Persona 5 Streaming From Atlus

It is baffling that someone in the business of selling video games doesn't understand how important twitch can be for your sales.

I assume they are in the process of learning right this second.


Did they not think to send this out before the official release date? There's shit loads of videos and streams already out there.
This is honestly one of the most pathetic statements I've ever seen a company or organization put out.

It's not offensive. It doesn't get me angry. It's just...pathetic.


Corporate Apologist
Geez, way to spoil the game Atlus. Now I know 7/7 must be important in game and that some guy called Yusuke has an awakening scene. Game ruined, just going to return it.


Persona is one of those games. I cannot tell you how many games I've bought because I saw someone do an LP of it.

The vast majority of people who watch LPs aren't doing it because they don't want to pay for a game.

What I will agree with you on is because I watched a stream and lets play of persona 4, I am more willing to buy persona 5 because it was a great experience watching it. Although this means that I will never buy persona 4 because I have seen it already. If someone comes along and does the same for persona 5 and just watches it. I find it hard to believe they will buy it. But I do believe that they might buy the next one. So streaming has its positives and negatives.

Unfortunately most companies focus on the negatives of streaming way too much.
What a frustrating, backwards policy. Locking down streaming would be stupid and shitty, but at least, like, normal stupid and shitty. Blocking players from using system-level features to take screenshots and video clips is just next-level crap, though.

Unless their intention in all this is to pass up free marketing in favor of bad press, in which case, hey, mission accomplished, I guess.


and yet horizon sold through 2.6 million in two weeks

Yes and that's a nice number, but that isn't how these companies think. When they see those figures they say to themselves "Gee, I wonder how many units would have sold if it wasn't for streaming". I don't know the answer to that, but it would be silly for me to believe that it has no effect at all. Same goes for used games. I love used games and I wouldn't want them to go away but its hard to believe that it doesn't effect sales.


"We've made a fantastic game that fills a niche currently needed these days."


"Ok. How do we go about fucking this up?"




Game has been out for almost a year already in Japan. I doubt they're the ones actually forcing this on anyone.


They care so much about not spoiling Persona 5, yet they clearly spoiled probably the most significant date in the game?

Can't SEGA talk some sense to the Atlus execs? Or they just don't care now.

You mean the same Sega that went on a spree a couple years back removing any and all "Shining" series game videos on Youtube for some bizarre reason?


Game has been out for almost a year already in Japan. I doubt they're the ones actually forcing this on anyone.

JP higher ups for companies tend to treat each region as it's own closed bubble, as if the internet doesn't exist for communicating stuff. They did it before with other stuff.


Very questionable presentation of queer people in-game and now attacking product audience. Not a good look.


Well, that's a dumb policy. Is this worse than Nintendo's YouTube policy, or not as bad since at least some of the game is fair game?

Also, can we please get an EO5 localization announcement? That's what I really want out of Atlus right now.


Yes and that's a nice number, but that isn't how these companies think. When they see those figures they say to themselves "Gee, I wonder how many units would have sold if it wasn't for streaming". I don't know the answer to that, but it would be silly for me to believe that it has no effect at all. Same goes for used games. I love used games and I wouldn't want them to go away but its hard to believe that it doesn't effect sales.

It doesn't affect sales. If anything, not allowing streaming and LPs hurts sales more than it helps.
Honestly almost impressed that Atlus is going to charge forward on a literally unprecedented level of hostility to streaming over this.

I would like to think there's someone at Atlus JP (or, more realistically, Sega of Japan) who in a week, when thanks to this they managed to burn all the launch goodwill from the press for their critically acclaimed game by producing two idiotic and entirely unnecessary controversies, thinks "oh maybe we shouldn't do this next time" and puts their foot down, but... we'll see, I guess.

Yes and that's a nice number, but that isn't how these companies think. When they see those figures they say to themselves "Gee, I wonder how many units would have sold if it wasn't for streaming".

The number is always equal or lesser to the number it sold with streaming. This type of decision is never driven primarily by money; it's individual executives who want to exert a feeling of control, really.


This is pretty archaic and silly.

It's not like the game hasn't already been out for months in Japan.....


Persona 4 got a huge amount of word of mouth from the Endurance Run on Giantbomb nearly a decade ago and this is how you return the favor?

Yeah, it's pretty crazy when thinking about the Endurance Run, and just how much it popularized Persona in the West. But I don't think the Japan side cares much about that.


It doesn't affect sales. If anything, not allowing streaming and LPs hurts sales more than it helps.

How do you know it doesn't effect sales? Just using my own personal experiences I can tell you that it has effected sales a very small amount, even if I am the only person in the world who didn't buy a game because I saw a twitch stream. You can't really talk about streaming using blanket statements because its a very complex issue.

Again companies are all about maximizing profits, and if streaming and used games effect their revenue in any way, then I am not going to be surprised that they try to find ways to maximize this profit.
Maybe they saw how well received the preview restrictions on review copies were for Zelda to prevent spoils and had the bright idea to expand that to absolutely everyone playing the final game.


How do you know it doesn't effect sales? Just using my own personal experiences I can tell you that it has effected sales a very small amount, even if I am the only person in the world who didn't buy a game because I saw a twitch stream. You can't really talk about streaming using blanket statements because its a very complex issue.

Again companies are all about maximizing profits, and if streaming and used games effect their revenue in any way, then I am not going to be surprised that they try to find ways to maximize this profit.

Your personal experiences mean nothing.

Point to me a single game who's sales dropped thanks to steaming, cuz I can find plenty that had higher sales thanks to it.
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