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Aliens: Colonial Marines review thread of broken dreams and movie references

Wow, very disappointed to read these impression, especially from Rab Florence, because I respect the hell out of his opinion.

The game went from a "Might buy Day 1" to a low priority on my love film list. Hopefully there is still some fun to be had.


Give me proper Wii FPS controls with the Wii U version (meaning Wii Remote and Nunchuck support on par with Black Ops Wii, Goldeneye Wii, Conduit 2, etc.) and I'll buy it regardless of any middling reviews.

Quoting myself from the first page.

Trying hard to keep my hopes up for a decent Wii U version in the absence of impressions, confirmations, press materials, anything of the like.


Yeah, I think I'd want to be as far away as possible from the internet at launch too...



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Uh... Duke Nukem Forever. That ship has sailed.

They did what they could with what was given to them. It was amazing that they managed to pull all together and get it out the door. Kudos for that.


did people post fabricated backlash's impressions from the OT? The
Hicks revival
is straight up fan fic garbage.

Ok, I just watched some walkthrough vids of this game.

The graphics, glitches, tearing, retarded AI, horrible animation and pacing are really only just minor issues compared to the sexist POS story.

Warning massive spoiler ahead, so don't highlight unless you're sure you want to:

Hicks coming back, with some rage inducingly boring ass explanation is probably the worst retcon I've ever seen. Honestly, this is grade A level fanfiction bullshit. This is insulting and reeks of stupid fans getting their way with a story. Horrible.

Yeah right, Weyland troops were in Orbit over Fury 161 but didn't bother to check the surface...
Hicks planting another body in the cryo tube for whatever bullshit reason...
Ripley and Newt being turned into Women in a fridge tropes just so that Gearbox can spin their macho sexist Marine bullshit story avenging the death of those poor helpless women as uber masculine males with massive guns and badass one liners.

This is downright insulting in it's infantile, sexist and condescending writing.

This is a new level of bad and embarassing. If you thought Other M was bad in it's depiction of women and character retcon, this basically takes Ripley, puts a princess gown on her and skullfucks her character and achievements in one foul coma inducing pile of vomit.

AGAIN!!!! Don't look this up if you want to experience the worst fanfiction ever produced in playable form yourself.


this fan fiction is bad regardless of medium. In Fact, it's even insulting for videogame standards.

This is the result of overly zealous fanboys working on an IP they loved. It's worse than I expected, and the pandering is so disgustingly misplaced and out of touch with the key themes of the franchise that it beggars believe anyone actually wrote this shit.

The actual story and writing is even worse than the ultimate badass trailer. That at least was just stupid fascistoid nonsense, the actual story is miles worse with all the pretense.

I truly hope that Randy Pitchfork just acted as a PR character and didn't actually like what they were doing with the franchise. Because that would make it much more tragic.



Can I have another AvP now, Sega? The last one really wasn't bad at all. Just needed to drop multiplayer and double the campaign length.


So sad to hear this. I was really looking forward to this game. I love Aliens and this look like it was going to stay true to it. Had faith in Gearbox delivering a well made game, but now I found out they didn't even make it? Mind blown.

Guess I will not be heading out tomorrow to pick it up. Will wait for it to drop way in price, which will probably be sooner than later.


Not just Timegate.

Seems a lot of teams had a hand in this game.

I'm really worried about the WiiU version. I bet it doesn't even run at 720P.

What the hell was GB doing all this time? This is ridiculous! It's supposed to be their game after all, but now it's clear it was a patchwork of 4 different studios, and the GB just ended up doing the supplementary mode.

In light of this, it makes all those trailers and behind the scenes videos look ten times more pretentious and obnoxious.


Every time someone tries to hammer the point home that A:CM is garbage because Gearbox isn't all that, and points their finger at Borderlands as another bad game...I instantly dismiss their opinion entirely.

Borderlands is one of the best franchises this generation. It created a new genre - the FPSRPG.
Huge areas, loot, humor, hundreds of quests, interesting mobs, drop in/out coop, lots of extra DLC content to keep it going, pleasant art style, and just a ton of fun when playing with 3 friends online.
It's pretty much the ultimate party game.


I don't know if I should be upset that you think Borderlands is a well designed game or that it's the first FPS RPG hybrid. Never heard of Deus Ex? System Shock? Shit even Bioshock came out before Borderlands.
They made Borderlands.....Borderlands.

Bored me to tears. Hiding a lack of impact and entertaining shooting action on "it's not a shooter, it's a loot game" when the brunt of the marketing talked up the weapons doesn't fly with me. I haven't played the sequel but since Gearbox has never once made a game with exciting gameplay I don't think I'll bother.


I don't know if I should be upset that you think Borderlands is a well designed game or that it's the first FPS RPG hybrid. Never heard of Deus Ex? System Shock? Shit even Bioshock came out before Borderlands.
All of which none were loot based.


Bored me to tears. Hiding a lack of impact and entertaining shooting action on "it's not a shooter, it's a loot game" when the brunt of the marketing talked up the weapons doesn't fly with me. I haven't played the sequel but since Gearbox has never once made a game with exciting gameplay I don't think I'll bother.

I'd say that Borderlands 2 is 5x better than the original, but if you had such an inherent problem with the original then that's probably not saying much. Though the Brothers In Arms games were good. That series is what put them on the map.


What the hell was GB doing all this time? This is ridiculous! It's supposed to be their game after all, but now it's clear it was a patchwork of 4 different studios, and the GB just ended up doing the supplementary mode.

They obviously used all that SEGA development money to create Borderlands and maybe some DNF
As a huuuuge fan of the films I was extremely excited for this game when I read the cover story in Game Informer years ago. Looked like the perfect Aliens game.

Then when the more recent footage started coming out a year or two ago... yeah, didn't look so hot. I lowered my expectations quite a bit and expected it to just be Call of Aliens, but I never expected it to get blasted this hard, cot damn.

It really shouldn't be this hard to make another good Aliens game about marines, come on SEGA.
Or hell, maybe drop the whole marines angle and make a different type of Alien(s) game. I mean, that's what made me doubtful of the game in the first place. The Brothers in Arms tools couldn't possibly make an Aliens game with the right atmosphere.
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