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Angry Joe gets called out by IGNs review editor for misquoting their Titanfall review


Yeah... I pretty much eye-rolled during the entire "conversation". Both of them are pretty ridiculous, and Joe definitly could have handled that argument better.
Also, I'll remember that IGN guy... Gosh.
Dumb dumb argument.

No one wins here, I just watched the IGN video review.

Disgusting hyperbole.

Reviewed by Ryan McCaffrey


After my first few rounds of TitanFall, hearing this "hey your titan is good to go call it when ready" began to induce a pavlovian adrenaline rush response. It's a signal that I'm about to transition from the liberating mobility of a jet pack powered wall running pilot to the ego swelling walking tank.

It's more than a Call of Duty with mechs gimmick, Titanfall turns out to be an invigorating multi-player first person shooter that melds fresh mechanics with familiar ones creating a new water cooling moment almost every time I play, I only wish there was more of it and that it was easier to fight my friends.


I really like the fact that angry joe did made a blatant masking of his error of using a preview lines to imply it was a review, and mask that delibrate handling by arguing about the score and the decimals itself.

And i think that is job well done since most of people in this thread are actuallytalking about the score than the problem at large.

Most people are talking about the Score because deep down inside they don't want to recognize that IGN and Dan, as awful as they are in their review process for big AAA games, are actually right to call Joe out for his representation of that quote.

When you have a choice between a douche and a turd sandwich, always choose the one that the cool kids like.
The thing is, guys like Joe are watched for their shtick. IGN is bring pretty trivial here and they look more foolish. Some act as if Joe's behavior is *gasp* immoral. Take a look at how some people here act before casting stones.

To crap on Joe for who he is would negate the reason for watching his content. Joe's fine just the way he is. Let's not act like the morality police and dismiss a good guy for defending his rep.

The main point of this makes IGN look worse.
I don't watch his content because of the way he acts. Both parties look like immature assholes in this situation. One doesn't get a pass every time he's an immature asshole just because he has a whole youtube channel of him acting like an immature asshole. It may be less surprising that he's acting like an immature asshole, but it doesn't make him any less of one and people don't have to like or dismiss his actions just because he's famous for having a shitty attitude.
In what way is he "obviously joking" there? I mean it's pretty consistent with everything else I've seen from him. A quick google search finds he apparently worked on the Xbox Magazine before going to IGN.

Totally joking.

I think he's joking because he would have to be truly idiotic to think MS would ever get a journalist to host their E3 press conference which is broadcast on television. I refuse to believe anyone is that dumb. Also the smiley face. But what I was kind of trying to say is that he phrased it as a joke but he would do it in a heart beat.
There's a couple of wrongs from both sides on this:

  • Quoting preview commentary that does not represent the game's final judgement is misrepresentative.
  • 8.9 is essentially almost a 9. It's a very high score. Trying to argue otherwise is highly pedantic.
  • Angry Joe's constant namecalling and colourful insults during the whole Twitter exchange paints a terrible picture of him. He's the one that needs to grow up.

Another casualty of people acting dumb on Twitter for the whole world to see. Merrhh.

You pretty much nail how I see it with your post.

I don't read IGN and I definitively don't watch "Angry Joe" on YT. This is just another reason why.


I don't like x/5 scales ratings because the differences between them are too large and making them into decimals (i.e. 3.2/5) requires that I multiply it by 2, and I'm lazy. I don't like 0.1 scales because I cannot tell the difference between 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, or 9.4. I think there is a sense of randomness to a review when it is given a 0.1 that doesn't end in x.0 or x.5.

This argument that Dan started is pretty stupid. It seems like he is arguing about something that is not quite there.


The guys that do the youtube comments re-enactments should start doing twitter also.

All this over 1%?

I say 1% because that's exactly what 0.1 is.

However it's obviously not, because IGN adopt the 7-10 scale so 0.1 is actually much bigger number. I'm too lazy to work out what 0.1 equates to.

Stupid argument, but at least it highlights IGN's masturbatory and arbitrary numbering scheme.

Technically, 0.1 is 10% :)


Gonna have to back Joe on this one. On a scale 0-10, 8.9 is a 9.

0.1 on that scale is not significant. I could live with an 8.5 but even then it will round to 9.
It'd be refreshing though, if Joe would have handled it like anything other than an immature asshole. Dan would look like a complete twat if Joe had just explained what happened, apologized for misrepresenting the quote, and moved on.

Instead they're both rolling around on the floor twatting it up.

It would be, but knowing Joe's Schtick thats a bit too much to ask for. :)


I'm not a major fan of Angry Joe as his style just doesn't always click with me, but I do occasionally watch his stuff and he does sometimes have a good point to make like he did in this instance.

IGN on the other hand, I have absolutely zero interest in visiting and it amazes me that people still go there. I'm tired of the tabloid style gaming "press" and they fit up in that bracket and have no credibility in my view. Those kinds of sites always feel like if you don't agree with their opinion you're wrong.

Joe is clearly entitled to make reference to the praise lavished upon Titanfall by the gaming sites here as part of his critique - it's his opinion after all. IGN's reviews editor in this action has just managed to present himself as being an insufferable tool.
Holy shit, I only just realised that the guy that did that ridiculous gushing preview about it being 'too much for his eyeballs to take' is the same guy that tried to get ms to employ him to host their e3 conference. He clearly has no objectivity whatsoever.

This is almost thread-worthy.
I think he's joking because he would have to be truly idiotic to think MS would ever get a journalist to host their E3 press conference which is broadcast on television. I refuse to believe anyone is that dumb. Also the smiley face. But what I was kind of trying to say is that he phrased it as a joke but he would do it in a heart beat.

I read this line over about 3 times and my brain still doesn't understand what you're trying to say, or how that in anyway proves he's not "truly idiotic". He's willing to do it, he asked them if he can do it. What alternate reality are we living in where 2 plus 2 doesn't equal 4 and now I'm actually Vince McMahon?

Have you seen his fuckin preview? I quoted it not too long ago! He is most certainly "that guy". I don't go on sites like IGN because they employ people like him, it's why I go on GAF actually. Direct news, easier to ignore the insanity of video game journalism, not giving page clicks to them, etc.


If you gush that much in a preview, you're not doing a good job to begin with and you've lost any right to complain. Those should be optimistic at best, but not insanely hyped like the stuff he wrote. Fishing for a box-quote much?


I don't like x/5 scales ratings because the differences between them are too large and making them into decimals (i.e. 3.2/5) requires that I multiply it by 2, and I'm lazy. I don't like 0.1 scales because I cannot tell the difference between 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, or 9.4. I think there is a sense of randomness to a review when it is given a 0.1 that doesn't end in x.0 or x.5.

This argument that Dan started is pretty stupid. It seems like he is arguing about something that is not quite there.

Gonna have to back Joe on this one. On a scale 0-10, 8.9 is a 9.

0.1 on that scale is not significant. I could live with an 8.5 bu even then it will round to 9.

This may be a fruitless endeavour, but Dan is actually arguing about the quote misattribution, not the score. Joe, knowing that he has no leg to stand on with the quote, decided to then argue about the score.


It's like two children on a playground arguing over which super hero would win in a fight.

I understand what the IGN editor is trying to say , but it's splitting hairs at that point.


Normally I wouldn't agree, but in gaming reviews an 8.9/10 and a 9/10 are two games in two completely different categories. It shouldn't be that way but it is. IMO Joe comes out like the ass in this argument. IGN gets enough shit, well deserved most of the time, but if they didn't do something then they shouldn't take blame for it.



the xbox live community, ladies and gents!

fuck IGN and Joe


Neo Member
I'm not a major fan of Angry Joe as his style just doesn't always click with me, but I do occasionally watch his stuff and he does sometimes have a good point to make like he did in this instance.

IGN on the other hand, I have absolutely zero interest in visiting and it amazes me that people still go there. I'm tired of the tabloid style gaming "press" and they fit up in that bracket and have no credibility in my view. Those kinds of sites always feel like if you don't agree with their opinion you're wrong.

Joe is clearly entitled to make reference to the praise lavished upon Titanfall by the gaming sites here as part of his critique - it's his opinion after all. IGN's reviews editor in this action has just managed to present himself as being an insufferable tool.

This is one of the man reason the team and I decided when we put together out site (http://www.mygameslounge.com) We wouldn't have a forced opinion on anything, we welcome points of view and allow all users to offer their opinion openly.

Seeing this king of Flare attack makes me believe we are doing the right thing :)


IGN's 'believe the hype' gushing in their preview was so ridiculously uncritical and sounded so much like a press release that it was used in the Titanfall ads that completely surrounded the reviews on Eurogamer. I found it hard to believe anything the mainstream press on both sides of the pond had to say about it after that, the lack of objective reporting and willingness to be PR puppets in the lead up to release was just silly.

The twitter spat was silly on both sides though. That's what I hate about twitter, it elevates mild complaints into playground brawls where everyone can see it and no one wants to be seen to back down in front of their followers, it's incredibly unprofessional and childish. If I was Dan's boss I'd tell him to cool it on twitter, if a fights worth pursuing it's worth pursuing with a modicum of civility rather than passive-aggressive wankery. Dan could have just emailed him and said 'how about an apology on the site' rather than his lame passive-aggressive opening line about 'how will you misrepresent us this time' that was never going to lead to an acceptable conclusion for the inflated egos on either side.
I don't necessarily agree with every that Joe says, or the tone in which he says it, but I respect it. It is his shtick and I think the work he puts into his reviews with their costumes and visual editing are far beyond the level of production most other Youtube gaming entities do.

Despite not always agreeing with him, I'll be rotting in a carcass before I decide to ignore the malicious and manipulative spewing of bullshit and broad and abundant non-informative link-baiting hyperbolic crap that IGN constantly publishes.

I find it amusing to see them take up a defensive stance against these new game reporting entities that are not only taking their cake, but eating too and providing users with far more entertaining and, let us not forget, much more honest content.

In my eyes if you work for IGN you have zero credibility as a reporter from that point and then onwards until proven otherwise.
There's a couple of wrongs from both sides on this:

  • Quoting preview commentary that does not represent the game's final judgement is misrepresentative.
  • 8.9 is essentially almost a 9. It's a very high score. Trying to argue otherwise is highly pedantic.
  • Angry Joe's constant namecalling and colourful insults during the whole Twitter exchange paints a terrible picture of him. He's the one that needs to grow up.

Another casualty of people acting dumb on Twitter for the whole world to see. Merrhh.
Very good summary.

I can't stand Angry Joe though


To summarize...
- Stapleton was wrong to sink to Joe's level on Twitter and pick a fight in the first place - and to then make the difference between an 8.9 out of 10 and a 9 out of 10 seem like a big deal (which it's not)
- Vargas was wrong to misrepresent a quote from IGN's Titanfall preview as a quote from their review - although he did a masterful job of shifting the argument elsewhere
- McCaffrey was wrong for being an unabashed Microsoft shill - who is trying to leverage his role as sanctioned PR to land a gig at MSFT and thus mortgaging any credibility his 8.9 score had in the first place

Have I got all of this right?


I don't know why Dan Stapleton will not just stop his jaw from moving.

He is digging himself into such a deep hole.


To summarize...
- Stapleton was wrong to sink to Joe's level on Twitter and pick a fight in the first place - and to then make the difference between an 8.9 out of 10 and a 9 out of 10 seem like a big deal (which it's not)
- Vargas was wrong to misrepresent a quote from IGN's Titanfall preview as a quote from their review - although he did a masterful job of shifting the argument elsewhere
- McCaffrey was wrong for being an unabashed Microsoft shill in the first place who is trying to leverage his role as sanctioned PR to try and land a gig at MS while mortgaging any credibility his 8.9 score had in the first place

Have I got all of this right?


The enthusiast video game press industrial complex is in no short supply of idiots.
This Joe guy is acting childish while being mostly in the right as to the point in play, while the IGN guy is acting childish while being mostly in the wrong and in theory a professional

although apparently not that professional


This may be a fruitless endeavour, but Dan is actually arguing about the quote misattribution, not the score. Joe, knowing that he has no leg to stand on with the quote, decided to then argue about the score.

Very true. I'm kind of glad Dan called him out for misquoting.


This may be a fruitless endeavour, but Dan is actually arguing about the quote misattribution, not the score. Joe, knowing that he has no leg to stand on with the quote, decided to then argue about the score.

Really not sure how this is getting missed. Just like with reviews, people are ignoring the text and focusing on the number.


Neo Member
Honestly this just shows how much of a joke sites like joes and ign are. I am sorry but why does there need to be a number associated with every game. What happened to just righting a review, no we have the 7.5-10 scale of stupidity. Never really cared for joes reviews and never listened to ign reviews because the rest of the stuff that site does is bs click bait for fanboy wars.


Gold Member
Honestly, imo Angry Joe is at fault in this case. He's casually taking IGNs source articles and citation out of context, and thus mispresenting IGNs opinion. That's irresponsible. To him it's a question of just one "lousy" decimal - without digging into his remarks about what he classifies as a preview or review - because it's not his news media outlet. He obviously won't be attentive to how it's formulated. This action merely enables him to support his own message, thus twisting the content of the original source. So in a sense it's misinforming and thus damaging IGNs credibility and authenticity. Joe doesn't seem to acknowledge the importance of accurate information distrubition, thus displaying a worrying lack of responsibility in his actions. It spreads a misinterpretation of IGNs source, in correalation to their final verdict.



the xbox live community, ladies and gents!

fuck IGN and Joe
This is why i would never take IGN seriously. I don't care if you're writing a preview, a review or any other piece of news on a game.. that crap is just embarrassing to read.

Like their GTAV preview coverage, after all.
Just massive cringe, going through it.. or their Uncharted 3 review.


Angry Joe's always seemed problematic, so this doesn't surprise me.

Honestly, imo Angry Joe is at fault in this case. He's casually taking IGNs source articles and citation out of context, and thus mispresenting IGNs opinion. That's irresponsible. To him it's a question of just one "lousy" decimal - without digging into his remarks about what he classifies as a preview or review - because it's not his news media outlet. He obviously won't be attentive to how it's formulated. This action merely enables him to support his own message, thus twisting the content of the original source. So in a sense it's misinforming and thus damaging IGNs credibility and authenticity. Joe doesn't seem to acknowledge the importance of accurate information distrubition, thus displaying a worrying lack of responsibility in his actions. It spreads a misinterpretation of IGNs source, in correalation to their final verdict.

Yup. It's as if he cares more about being angry than he cares about being correct, and mistakenly assumes his anger is righteous, assuming that makes him right enough that he can fudge the facts.
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