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Assassin's Creed III - Announcement Trailer (360/PS3/PC/WiiU, AnvilNext Engine)


Yes they did.

Gimme a sec, let me find the quote.

I got the quote. That was the first thing I searched for after seeing the trailer. :)

The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die.

George Washington says it to his troops before the battle of Long Island in 1776.


Neo Member
Another thing, I'm really interested if Ubisoft will stay true to the early American time period and technology. Weapons take a long-ass time to reload and were not accurate at all. And how Washington won the war using guerilla (AKA terrorist) tactics to tire the British.

ezio had a laser-accurate pistol in the renaissance that took less than ten seconds to reload

i doubt they'd regress but here's to hoping
Have looked at the quality of their CGI trailers? This must be in-engine.

This is a CGI trailer: http://youtu.be/OoVVcObi-bo

The difference here is that that one isn't using the games assets. But if you ask me, the rendering method on that one is the same as the one in AC3 trailer, only that it's using game assets this time, so things tend to look "blocky" since polygons are more noticeable and textures/normal maps/etc aren't of the same quality.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Hahahaha.... Oh Ubisoft .....

Did anyone see the bit at the end with the releasedate? 31 Oktober 2012. In Dutch it says right at the end: "Releasedatum PC versie wordt later bevestigd."

Date of the PC version has yet to be announced ....
ezio had a laser-accurate pistol in the renaissance that took less than ten seconds to reload

i doubt they'd regress but here's to hoping

Yeah I'm really doubting, but I hope they do.

Most likely they will probably ditch the whole Guerilla warfare too in favor of straight-up group skirmishes -sigh-

rdrr gnr

Yeah I'm really doubting, but I hope they do.

Most likely they will probably ditch the whole Guerilla warfare too in favor of straight-up group skirmishes -sigh-
Why such a dichotomy? I think they'll have both. It's hard to ignore such blatant guerrilla tactics.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Anyone else think it's really weird when something really violent happens but there's a lack of gore?


I got the quote. That was the first thing I searched for after seeing the trailer. :)

George Washington says it to his troops before the battle of Long Island in 1776.
I really hope they'll point out double standards like this during the game.


Neo Member
Yeah I'm really doubting, but I hope they do.

Most likely they will probably ditch the whole Guerilla warfare too in favor of straight-up group skirmishes -sigh-

didn't they supposedly revamp combat? maybe i just heard that...at any rate you're an assassin in the woods with better ai, i'm sure guerilla tactics will be employed.

also isn't connor supposed to participate in the battle of valley forge?
Another thing, I'm really interested if Ubisoft will stay true to the early American time period and technology. Weapons take a long-ass time to reload and were not accurate at all. And how Washington won the war using guerilla (AKA terrorist) tactics to tire the British.

uh. You know they DID have rifles then, right? I mean, they had muskets, too...but rifling technology and the increased accuracy that went along with it was a big part of what made Washington's guerilla warfare so effective.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
The difference here is that that one isn't using the games assets. But if you ask me, the rendering method on that one is the same as the one in AC3 trailer, only that it's using game assets this time, so things tend to look "blocky" since polygons are more noticeable and textures/normal maps/etc aren't of the same quality.

The quality of the wolves has me questioning even the "in-game" assets point.

Unless they are finally giving me the PC release I deserve.
uh. You know they DID have rifles then, right? I mean, they had muskets, too...but rifling technology and the increased accuracy that went along with it was a big part of what made Washington's guerilla warfare so effective.

Washington's guerilla warfare was effective because it was guerilla warfare not weapons (the British had the superior army and technology silly). Where the British marched in neat formations, the colonists ambushed from everywhere ranging from rooftops, in gutters, behind trees, ditches, etc.

Let me point out the Battle of Lexington (shot heard around the world) you want to know the accuracy of said weapons? The two armies stood 30-50 yards apart (the range sucked) and stood a great deal of space from each other, and you know what their tactic was? Shoot and hope it hits somebody. A man can aim his weapon at one guy and shoot the other 10-20 feet to the right. Accuracy was bullshit.


The difference here is that that one isn't using the games assets. But if you ask me, the rendering method on that one is the same as the one in AC3 trailer, only that it's using game assets this time, so things tend to look "blocky" since polygons are more noticeable and textures/normal maps/etc aren't of the same quality.

It's obviously not real time, so it must be a mixture of game assets with various tweaks done pre rendering the image.
Those CGI trailers (Revelations', Brotherhood's and AC2's) are not done by Ubisoft, though.


Lots of running and jumping. Hidden blades. Bloke with his hood up.

Yup, looks exactly like the last 4.

When you boil it down to its most basic elements, it's the same. What series is this NOT true for? If it didn't have any of that it wouldn't be an assassin's creed game. The game can still include those elements and play WILDLY different than it's predecessors.
Washington's guerilla warfare was effective because it was guerilla warfare. Where the British marched in neat formations, the colonists ambushed from everywhere ranging from rooftops, in gutters, behind trees, ditches, etc.

Let me point out the Battle of Lexington (shot heard around the world) you want to know the accuracy of said weapons? The two armies stood 30-50 yards apart (the range sucked) and stood a great deal of space from each other, and you know what their tactic was? Shoot and hope it hits somebody. A man can aim his weapon at one guy and shoot the other 10-20 feet to the right. Accuracy was bullshit.

right. with muskets. which were prevalent at the time, but not the only ranged weapons out there.


It's called the articles of confederation :p

Talk about a useless document, jeez.

Lol at Washington talking about americans & slavery knowing what's to come.

It was causing political conflict even back then. They couldn't even get the Constitution passed without a clause that said "LOOK WE'RE NOT EVEN GOING TO DISCUSS SLAVERY FOR TWENTY YEARS, OKAY JEEZ".
And were employed in massive amounts by both British and the colonists. Contrary to what you said, rifles did not win the Revolutionary war, guerrilla tactics did.

I didn't say guerrilla tactics didn't win the war, though. I said that guerrilla tactics were successful because of rifles. If one guy pops out of a tree or the roof of a building with a gun that he can't hit the broad side of a barn with, how useful is that?
I didn't say guerrilla tactics didn't win the war, though. I said that guerrilla tactics were successful because of rifles. If one guy pops out of a tree or the roof of a building with a gun that he can't hit the broad side of a barn with, how useful is that?

You speak as if every colonist during that time had a rifle which isn't true, they're weapons were outclassed by the British (and the British weapons still had poor accuracy). In mass numbers muskets and still cause alot of damn damage and with guerilla warfare random stray bullets going in every direction is not what you want as the victim.

Yes rifles did help but they did not determine the success of guerilla tactics.
Washington's guerilla warfare was effective because it was guerilla warfare not weapons (the British had the superior army and technology silly). Where the British marched in neat formations, the colonists ambushed from everywhere ranging from rooftops, in gutters, behind trees, ditches, etc.

Let me point out the Battle of Lexington (shot heard around the world) you want to know the accuracy of said weapons? The two armies stood 30-50 yards apart (the range sucked) and stood a great deal of space from each other, and you know what their tactic was? Shoot and hope it hits somebody. A man can aim his weapon at one guy and shoot the other 10-20 feet to the right. Accuracy was bullshit.
Historical accuracy is nice, so long as it doesn't get in the way of actually making it a fun game. Who the hell wants to stand there loading for minutes, aiming dead center, and having the shot miss by a mile? That'd be annoying as hell.

I do like the guerrilla warfare aspect though. That'll lend itself real well to AC's style (although the stealth elements in previous games have been more on the crappy side in terms of execution).
Historical accuracy is nice, so long as it doesn't get in the way of actually making it a fun game. Who the hell wants to stand there loading for minutes, aiming dead center, and having the shot miss by a mile? That'd be annoying as hell.

I do like the guerrilla warfare aspect though. That'll lend itself real well to AC's style (although the stealth elements in previous games have been more on the crappy side in terms of execution).

Historical accuracy is why there are few to none games about the Revolutionary War or the American Civil War.


Hmm, seems setting the game in America has made it almost impossible to talk about the game anywhere else on the internet.

I want pet wolves I can summon instead of lame assassins.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Soooooooooo hawt. I was sold on the timeframe alone but this trailer just hammered it home. I cannot freakin wait for this game. Can't even remember the last time i played a game from this time period that wasn't garbage.

This looks stellar. Can't wait to tomahawk some officers in the FACE
That was so awesome, holy god can't wait. I don't give a shit about the negative neogaf force that is probably rampant in this thread *fingers in ears* "LALALALALA! ITS AWESOME! LALALAA" Don't let Amir0x in.
are people saying "meh" to the trailer itself or the game?

because if it's toward the game your brain is busted. trailer wasn't bad, kind of lackluster other than getting a chance to see him up close.
Seven studios are developing Assassins Creed III.

Massive rounds of layoffs coming post release then, as per usual.

Not necessarily. Don't get me wrong, of course there will be some layoffs, but Ubisoft likes making money and I bet some of these studios will be transferred to new AC projects such as ACIII: Electric Boogaloo a little before ACIII releases so there can be a Fall 2013 release.


I wonder if we will have to wait until E3 for a gameplay demonstration or if they will end up releasing one of those narrative trailers before then.
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