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Atlas Shrugged (Part 1) Trailer released

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Yaweee said:
Not only did the director put himself in the movie, but he's John Galt? Wow.

If there's any part to flip through, it's the commando-style raid on the Death Star at the end.

who's john galt?


I don't think turning loyal subjects into abberant Randians is part of the Big Conservapublican Battle Plan. If the movie is funded by some steenkin rich dude, then no skin off his back, 's just a hobby project. But it's not going to reach the masses.


This was reportedly rushed into production on a very low budget -- just before the producers' rights to the book were due to expire -- in order to retain the book rights (think Roger Corman's Fantastic Four movie). I'm amazed it's even getting a theatrical release.


Timber said:
I don't think turning loyal subjects into abberant Randians is part of the Big Conservapublican Battle Plan. If the movie is funded by some steenkin rich dude, then no skin off his back, 's just a hobby project. But it's not going to reach the masses.

its funny how afraid GAF is of this movie. The government seizing GM wasn't popular and i suspect something like this movie would resonate in some way with at least 50% of the voting public.


FoneBone said:
This was reportedly rushed into production on a very low budget -- just before the producers' rights to the book were due to expire -- in order to retain the book rights (think Roger Corman's Fantastic Four movie). I'm amazed it's even getting a theatrical release.

Okay, that makes a lot of sense.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
minus_273 said:
its funny how afraid GAF is of this movie. The government seizing GM wasn't popular and i suspect something like this movie would resonate in some way with at least 50% of the voting public.
minus_273 said:
its funny how afraid GAF is of this movie. The government seizing GM wasn't popular and i suspect something like this movie would resonate in some way with at least 50% of the voting public.
Yes, our hysterical laughter is out of fear


minus_273 said:
its funny how afraid GAF is of this movie. The government seizing GM wasn't popular and i suspect something like this movie would resonate in some way with at least 50% of the voting public.

But the book is kind of an opposite scenario.

In the book, the rail company is doing good before the government intervenes, and then it turns to shit. It's based on her family's pharmacy that was run in to the ground when the communists took it over.

GM was completely different, on the verge of going belly-up before it got a "Oh, hey, you are headquartered in a battle-ground state" loan.

Timber said:
Are you for real. This is a more expensive, more political, perhaps even slightly more ambitious version of The Room.

Oh come on, you can stop with the hyperbole. It looks like shit, but nowhere near The Room degree's of shit. I can at least recognize most of the actors from successful TV shows.

Atlus better do a 50% off sale to coincide with its release. "Atlus shrugs.... half-off all PSN titles!"
minus_273 said:
its funny how afraid GAF is of this movie. The government seizing GM wasn't popular and i suspect something like this movie would resonate in some way with at least 50% of the voting public.

this guy's a gimmick right

sadly this is all it will take to make the movie successful :/


Yaweee said:
But the book is kind of an opposite scenario.

In the book, the rail company is doing good before the government intervenes, and then it turns to shit. It's based on her family's pharmacy that was run in to the ground when the communists took it over.

GM was completely different, on the verge of going belly-up before it got a "Oh, hey, you are headquartered in a battle-ground state" loan.

GM was not a loan it was seized from its owners and given to someone else. The shareholders of GM were robbed


Yaweee said:
Oh come on, you can stop with the hyperbole. It looks like shit, but nowhere near The Room degree's of shit. I can at least recognize most of the actors from successful TV shows.
In a perfect world, Tommy Wisseau would have been every cast member of Friends.
minus_273 said:
its funny how afraid GAF is of this movie. The government seizing GM wasn't popular and i suspect something like this movie would resonate in some way with at least 50% of the voting public.

In the Egypt thread you argue for a dictatorship, in this thread you argue for objectivism, and your avatar argues for military fascism. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!


ConfusingJazz said:
In the Egypt thread you argue for a dictatorship, in this thread you argue for objectivism, and your avatar argues for military fascism. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!

in the egypt thread i said i was a libertarian and argued against establishing a religious dictatorship.



So the supporters of the film are acting like assholes, saying we're all afraid of this movie like it's going to potentially change the world?

Ayn that just Rand.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
minus_273 said:
GM was not a loan it was seized from its owners and given to someone else. The shareholders of GM were robbed
Robbed of what? Bankruptcy?


minus_273 said:
its funny how afraid GAF is of this movie. The government seizing GM wasn't popular and i suspect something like this movie would resonate in some way with at least 50% of the voting public.

i'm not afraid of something that takes a ludicrous ideology and makes it somehow even more ludicrous through the power of terrible looking acting, writing and directing. maybe i'd be afraid if i didn't look so amateurish.
minus_273 said:
GM was not a loan it was seized from its owners and given to someone else. The shareholders of GM were robbed

Dude, they were Chapter 11. The stockholders got a fucking sweetheart deal from the government.

minus_273 said:
in the egypt thread i said i was a libertarian and argued against
establishing a religious dictatorship.

So you want an oppressive regime to counteract a possible oppressive regime. What kind of a libertarian are you?


Rorschach said:
Yeah, GM was making too much money, so the government took it by force. Why are you people so blind?!

GM was under a lot of debt. the debt holders were forced to give up their claims and the shareholders lost everything. all assets were then transferred to a new company (now called new GM) owned by the US, Canadian govs and the unions. having wiped out the original share holders, new GM just had its IPO


ConfusingJazz said:
Dude, they were Chapter 11. The stockholders got a fucking sweetheart deal from the government.

So you want an oppressive regime to counteract a possible oppressive regime. What kind of a libertarian are you?

are you going to revisit the the other thread here? i oppose religious dictatorships can i be any clearer to you?
minus_273 said:
GM was under a lot of debt. the debt holders were forced to give up their claims and the shareholders lost everything. all assets were then transferred to a new company (now called new GM) owned by the US, Canadian govs and the unions. having wiped out the original share holders, new GM just had its IPO

So instead of having worthless stock whose assets wouldn't come close to repaying the debt, they got money. I think that's a pretty damn good deal.

minus_273 said:
are you going to revisit the the other thread here? i oppose religious dictatorships can i be any clearer to you?

I am saying you are a hypocrite.


Chichikov said:
I was just thinking, you know what Atlas Shrugged needs?
The Starship Troopers cinematic treatment.

Is Paul Verhoeven free?
you know what Starship Troopers needs?
a faithfull adaptation

about AS, lolbertarians are funny
althrough I wouldn't say the trailer looks low budged
EmCeeGramr said:
john galt's speech is like worstthingeverwritten.txt

It's awesome because several other characters have pretty much said the same speech several times previously in the book and took ten pages to do it (Which is insane, but not the "This is your brain on drugs" 70 page length of the Galt speech)


ConfusingJazz said:
So instead of having worthless stock whose assets wouldn't come close to repaying the debt, they got money. I think that's a pretty damn good deal.

I am saying you are a hypocrite.

you dont know what residual owners are do you? you might want to look it up. the people who got the big money were the bondholders the owners were screwed.

I challenge you to find a post where i say i support dictatorship. Otherwise, stop your baseless allegations based on imaginary posts in another thread.


minus_273 said:
GM was under a lot of debt. the debt holders were forced to give up their claims and the shareholders lost everything. all assets were then transferred to a new company (now called new GM) owned by the US, Canadian govs and the unions. having wiped out the original share holders, new GM just had its IPO
Yep. And the reason that they were in so much debt was because the government forced them into it. They were getting too big for the government's liking and they also wanted GM's EV1 tech.
ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
It's awesome because several other characters have pretty much said the same speech several times previously in the book and took ten pages to do it (Which is insane, but not the "This is your brain on drugs" 70 page length of the Galt speech)
i loved the part where someone innocently says that money is the root of all evil and an indignant francisco vomits out a million words about how people who weren't capitalist were all dependent on slaves and theft and how money is the best thing ever and it's in the middle of a party and NO HUMAN BEING TALKS LIKE THIS


minus_273 said:
GM was under a lot of debt. the debt holders were forced to give up their claims and the shareholders lost everything. all assets were then transferred to a new company (now called new GM) owned by the US, Canadian govs and the unions. having wiped out the original share holders, new GM just had its IPO
Forced to give up? They went through Chapter 11 and sold their assets to the only institutions that could (would) buy them.


I'm free 2night after my LARPing guild meets.
During the main storyline of the book, Galt has secretly organized a strike by the world's creative leaders, including inventors, artists and businessmen, in an effort to "stop the motor of the world" and bring about the collapse of the collectivist society.

So he's in China?
minus_273 said:
its funny how afraid GAF is of this movie. The government seizing GM wasn't popular and i suspect something like this movie would resonate in some way with at least 50% of the voting public.

You're silly. You make me laugh. Dont ever stop posting silly man.


Dr.Guru of Peru said:
That was confusing. What is this movie about? Who are the good guys? Why was the music so dramatic? What the hell?

It's preaching to the choir. If you're a disciple of the book, you already know which of your prophets and which of your blood enemies each character is.

Also: the fat people are bad guys, the chiseled people are heroes. Like in a Jack Chick tract.


Let's be clear. GM wasn't seized. Its executives were rescued, just like the banking industry. We're still down over 6 billion dollars from our initial funding and NOT on track to make it back with stock sales either. That was not an exercise in capitalism because in a capitalist economy successful companies prosper and failing companies are allowed to die.
Dr.Guru of Peru said:
That was confusing. What is this movie about? Who are the good guys? Why was the music so dramatic? What the hell?
the smartest and best looking man in the world builds the best company ever all by himself and invents every single product they put out all by himself (including super metal, the best metal ever)

the evil government tries to steal it from him and he and his rich super genius friends go live in a secret super best town where nobody has to share with anyone ever and they watch as all the fat dumb poor people cry and society collapses without their amazing talents

way more

bengraven said:
It's preaching to the choir. If you're a disciple of the book, you already know which of your prophets and which of your blood enemies each character is.

Also: the fat people are bad guys, the chiseled people are heroes. Like in a Jack Chick tract.

I personally don't think the villains are sickly and rat-like enough. Nor are the hero's 7 foot tall, statuesque demi-gods.
EmCeeGramr said:
the smartest and best looking man in the world builds the best company ever all by himself and invents every single product they put out all by himself (including super metal, the best metal ever)

the evil government tries to steal it from him and he and his rich super genius friends go live in a secret super best town where nobody has to share with anyone ever and they watch as all the fat dumb poor people cry and society collapses without their amazing talents
lol, this needs to be adapted by the South Park guys with a "THIS IS WHAT THEY REALLY BELIEVE" lower third.


EmCeeGramr said:
the smartest and best looking man in the world builds the best company ever all by himself and invents every single product they put out all by himself (including super metal, the best metal ever)

the evil government tries to steal it from him and he and his rich super genius friends go live in a secret super best town where nobody has to share with anyone ever and they watch as all the fat dumb poor people cry and society collapses without their amazing talents

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