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Batman v Superman Ultimate Cut |OT| - Men are still good (out now)



I love that entire fight scene.

Welcome to brain trauma city.


Just finished watching the UC, it's a lot better than the theatrical cut. Cleared up a lot of my issues with the poor editing and clarity.

But man, three hours is long as fuck. It took like 1hr 20 min to arrive at what I consider the first "true" action sequence (Batmobile chase) and then another 40+ minutes to get to the actual Batman vs Superman fight. The script is simply too bloated imo.
Just finished watching the UC, it's a lot better than the theatrical cut. Cleared up a lot of my issues with the poor editing and clarity.

But man, three hours is long as fuck. It took like 1hr 20 min to arrive at what I consider the first "true" action sequence (Batmobile chase) and then another 40+ minutes to get to the actual Batman vs Superman fight. The script is simply too bloated imo.

This is why the rumor of it being 2 movies probably true, then WB cut that shit down to 1 bloated mess..also i really wish this movie was the Dark Knight returns, not this shit they made here..


to be fair, most of the "nitpicking" is not about superpowers or "fantastic stuff" (which is easier to dismiss/ignore); most of it is actually about "normal/human" common sense of the characters in decision-taking moments.

Don't get me wrong, I actually didn't like superman v batman. Terrible sense of pacing, a mess of a plot. Plus the stuff you mention. But you know, nitpicking the fantastical elements like why doesn't superman fly here or use this power etc it's kinda silly sometimes.

It's partially what happens when you try to make dark, gritty and grounded... The fantastical flaws stick out like a sore thumb much more than if you kind of kept it a sort of fun other-worldly movie such as the original superman.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Just finished watching the UC, it's a lot better than the theatrical cut. Cleared up a lot of my issues with the poor editing and clarity.

But man, three hours is long as fuck. It took like 1hr 20 min to arrive at what I consider the first "true" action sequence (Batmobile chase) and then another 40+ minutes to get to the actual Batman vs Superman fight. The script is simply too bloated imo.

This is why I can understand WB wanting it cut down. It's more coherent at 3 hours, but it doesn't use that time wisely at all. The titular conflict and Doomsday all happen in the 3rd Act. So it takes a little over two hours to get to a certain point, resolves that in minutes, and then moves onto a newer, bigger conflict. It's sloppy in that regard. It would be like if Avatar ended with the conflict with the military (something that was building throughout the film) and then a new alien subspecies appeared as the set piece. It almost feels like two different scripts stitched together. One that is painfully grounded, and the other that wants to be more fantastical.

I don't see any reason why they couldn't get the fight between Batman and Superman to happen in the second act. Batman was already warned and goading Superman to have the fight. He was sitting there waiting. So if Luther hadn't kidnapped Martha, Superman wouldn't have gone? Nah, he would still show up. Then just have him get weakened by Batman and have to defend himself. All the kidnapping stuff isn't really needed for motivation, it's Superman making good on his word to put Batman down if he didnt stop. There is this sense of confusion on what they wanted to do there.


This is why the rumor of it being 2 movies probably true, then WB cut that shit down to 1 bloated mess..also i really wish this movie was the Dark Knight returns, not this shit they made here..

that's probably my biggest issue with Batman in this movie and universe. It wants to do DKR stuff so bad but it also needs Batman to stick around and be tolerable for Justice League and future movies

the entire movie feels like a sequence of awkward contrivances to get to the DKR type stuff without the consequences


that's probably my biggest issue with Batman in this movie and universe. It wants to do DKR stuff so bad but it also needs Batman to stick around and be tolerable for Justice League and future movies

The idea of having the DC universe start off so antagonistically is straight up asinine. I obviously couldn't predict that it'd be the mess of a film it ended up being, but from the moment it was announced, the idea of them starting off as enemies that wanted to kill each other was unappealing.

I think few people understand that Batman and Superman, in terms of their respective skill sets, fighting is not that interesting. It's the idea of two friends fighting that's fascinating. Which I still fundamentally believe is why Civil War and BvS are polar opposites of each other in quality. Civil War never lets go of the fact that no matter what is happening, Steve and Tony still care for one another.


Junior Member
The Ultimate Edition is a significant improvement but it shouldn't exist. Zack has to get better at evaluating scripts and trimming the right portions in the edit. You have to imagine WB played a major role in the film's bloat as well. You reap what you sow.


If you require three hours to tell a coherent narrative, your script needs a rewrite, and it’s Zack’s job to determine that. It seems like every film he puts out requires an additional 30 minutes. There’s always a Director’s Cut or an Ultimate Cut—he’s always asking for more time instead of trimming the script before he steps on set. Maybe he’s in the wrong medium. Maybe he should be making television.

BvS:UE feels like a novel adaptation that doesn’t want to let anything go and the theatrical cut is the adaptation that cuts all the wrong bits! Taken individually, it’s clear to see why the scenes that got axed were axed. But those scenes don’t exist in a vacuum, they are apart of a larger story and when viewed in that context they are utterly essential to the structural integrity of the narrative.


They probably could have made a film where Batman v Superman is the Act 3 conflict. Still due to Lex Luthor machinations, but it would allow them to not Spider-Man 3 the ending. I mean, that's what you should be going for in a film called 'Batman v Superman'.

Then you could take the final act of this film and use it for a first Justice League movie.

I can see why they went the way they did though, but it's too much story ground to cover in one movie, quite obviously.


Junior Member
They probably could have made a film where Batman v Superman is the Act 3 conflict. Still due to Lex Luthor machinations, but it would allow them to not Spider-Man 3 the ending. I mean, that's what you should be going for in a film called 'Batman v Superman'.

Then you could take the final act of this film and use it for a first Justice League movie.

I can see why they went the way they did though, but it's too much story ground to cover in one movie, quite obviously.

That's exactly what they should have done. 86 Doomsday, Wonder Woman, and a lot of that Krypton ship stuff. They could have shaved 30+ minutes off of this thing and wouldn't have lost any of the depth from the political and religious subtext.


Neo Member
Don't get me wrong, I actually didn't like superman v batman. Terrible sense of pacing, a mess of a plot. Plus the stuff you mention. But you know, nitpicking the fantastical elements like why doesn't superman fly here or use this power etc it's kinda silly sometimes.

It's partially what happens when you try to make dark, gritty and grounded... The fantastical flaws stick out like a sore thumb much more than if you kind of kept it a sort of fun other-worldly movie such as the original superman.

oh, I get it now. I totally agree with you.

I guess I didn't count the "fantastical elements" as problems... lol.


Zack got that right, but the blood spatter from the guy getting hit from the crate put me off a little. I acknowledge that your head getting busted by a crate would probably/maybe make your head bust open, or was it from hitting the wall because the front of him didn't look damaged.

Huh? It's clearly from hitting the wall. The blood trails down with the head

I would love to see a Snyder helmed series on HBO or something. Or a DC Netflix show
I've just finished up watching it and loved it. I am stunned that they released the TC and WB fucked this movie right in the ass, dry, with the initial release. I definitely noticed most cut scenes were Supes scenes and some of them really fucked him up. The senate bombing for instance, so many of the negative comments were based in that scenes.


I'm gonna take the other side on this one and say I think the fault rather lies in the idea that movies HAVE to be a certain length. I wouldn't mind it if that rule went away. If a writer wants to make a 3 hour movie, they should be allowed to do so. Or even 5 hours, so long as the movie maker understands I'm probably not going to get that all in one viewing. It's an unnecessary restriction imo and would rather see it gone. Let the natural consequences of a director asking people to sit down for an extented period of time be the deterrent from making movies too long.

Marvel with shots fired.

They're too nice.


I wanted to know about the alternate cut vs theatrical cut from iTunes.

I know the extras are usually streamed now.

But what about the actually movie? How does it handle the download? Does it actually download two movie files? That will be like 15 GB!

I bought the iTunes version and as far as I can tell it downloads the theatrical cut and makes you stream the ultimate edition. Which is frustrating, I can never see myself wanting to watch the theatrical cut ever again.


I hate this film even more now. Even a bit I liked before, the warehouse Batman scene was painful to watch now, Batman does cool stuff, there is cool gadgets and brutal moves but the fast cuts are bloody awful.

Another complaint, visually it's so overly busy. There is just nothing to focus on when the scenes are look at how much crap I can put in each frame. It ruins the film and there is so many, it never ends. The initial Batmobile chase which I though was kinda cool is absolutely terrible second time, bad cuts, bad shots, bad CGI, just how do those two parts connect, terrible.

Lois before she gets kidnapped is so bloody lazy, oh hey random cleaner do I know you, that's the best they could come up with. Dire. No sense of tension, Lois has to set crap in motion throughout this mess of a film.

For Snyder this is actually a terrible looking film even though it has many of his touches. Too much focus on detail magnified to an extreme forgetting all else.


I don't know if I would be talking shit when Civil War has a lot of the same narrative issues as BvS. It even has its own "mommy" subplot.


they also made civil bore most recently, so nobody wins

I don't know if I would be talking shit when Civil War has a lot of the same narrative issues as BvS. It even has its own "mommy" subplot.

Any comparison to Civil War is not going to end in BvS's favor (edit: except maybe in the sound track department, but tbh, neither of em are all that good). Civil War has its own problems but they're very different from the problems in BvS.
Civil War is a better movie overall easy, more tolerable to watch haha. But I liked the highs of this a loooot more than the highs of that.

Still really impressed by the Metropolis scene and Batman's introduction. And the way the world is presented in it seems a lot more fleshed out. It really feels like Batman has existed for 20 years for example. Civil War handled the conflict between the two heroes much better though. And the airport scene is better than any action sequence in BvS except for maaybe the warehouse one.


Junior Member
Civil War manages its character roster significantly better than Batman v Superman. Just because both films have a ton of characters doesn't mean they suffer the same level of affliction.


There was a deleted scene where he tried to look for her but his senses were overwhelmed with other people asking for help and due to the anguish he couldn't focus enough. Also, Luthor would have taken notice and order the death.

Also, this movie has to be the most nitpicked one ever.

Are there deleted scenes showing stuff like Luthor's perspective of the Metropolos fight or him deciphering Supes/Batman's secret identity.


Once Civil War comes out on Bluray, I'll do a Veelk on it. But for now, I'll just say that Civil War has become my favorite superhero movie of all time. Before that, it was Nolan's Batman trilogy, not a specific movie, but how all 3 of them came together. A lot of their quality can be debated, but they hold a special place in my heart, partially because it's batman, partially because they historically can be argued to ahve popularized Superhero movies to be more than just empty popcorn flicks. They had heart, and I loved them for that.

Civil War has that same heart, done with far greater technical mastery of the handling of it's characters, mixed with some of the best action choreography I've ever seen in the Superhero genre. There's no absolutely flawless film and we can debate about CW's quality as well, but it carried a character journey, not just for one character but for many, better than almost any other hero film I've seen.

For two movies with the same premise, my reception to both could not be farther apart on the spectrum. BvS is one of the worst superhero movies I've ever seen, one that makes me actively depressed watching it, for various reasons. Civil War is one of the best.


Watched it again and it's definitely a good film. Haven't watched TC so don't know about original flaws much but UC is a good film.

Even if you don't like tone or story of the movie now there is nothing terrible about it. Technically its a very well made film
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