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Bioshock Infinite IGN Review In Progress: A.K.A Console Owners Cry


Meh, game reviewers said Spec Ops: The Line had shitty graphics, because they played it on consoles. When in reality it has some of the best art direction the engine has ever been used to produce.
Art direction and how the engine performed on consoles are two completely different things. It isn't like anyone is getting a discount when developers either suffer a bad deadline situation, cut corners, or simply perform below par. Any one of those can contribute to a bad version of a game.

That said, most games do not take a hit on review scores even if a particular version is downright dysfunctional.


Art direction and how the engine performed on consoles are two completely different things. It isn't like anyone is getting a discount when developers either suffer a bad deadline situation, cut corners, or simply perform below par. Any one of those can contribute to a bad version of a game.
Ya, I'm sure there are technical problems on consoles. I'm just saying that I'm skeptical of this reviewer's statements, because I believe gamer reviewers have poor taste and poor technical knowledge, in general.
Over in the other thread, Valentine71 says the game runs well and textures look good on PS3. Early stages of the game, but it sounds positive!
Considering that 95% of game stories are garbage, I'm genuinely sorry.

I do love a good one though..

sometimes, i make up my own endings and plot and character development.

once i get attached to the characters thus far, i realize they've done nothing of the sort that make me care for them lol.

BIOSHOCK, hopefully, will change that.


Considering that 95% of game stories are garbage, I'm genuinely sorry.
They have a solid track record of thought provoking stories under their belt. There's no reason to think Infinite will be an exception to that.

And why is this gloomy thread here? Shut this thing down, the OT is up and feels are good.


A reviewer can't list a ton of technical issues and then go on to claim that it doesn't affect the game. If it was important enough to mention then it is a distraction.

This is why I ignore mainstream, pick a number, gaming reviews. In the case of any high profile game that falls short of expectations (not saying this about Bioshock) they all become a bunch of fence sitters. They point out the flaws because they know they will get flamed if they dont. Then they go on to say it doesn't affect the game... Really? Then why did you mention it.

And what is with the way too often disconnect between the narrative and the quantified score. Half the time they LOVED it.... and give it an 8, half the time they list every conceivable flaw... and give it an 8. I trust the amature reviews on amazon much, much more than IGN, gamespot, game informer, Edge or any other major web site.


Any devs or anyone with a developer/debug 360/ps3 unit here?

Our game reviewer has a debug model ps3 and xbox with a copy of a debug bioshock disc but we can't get it to work. No retail copy was sent for review.

The ps3 gets online, signs in, click the first disc that should ask for the authentication code but asks for an update and loops back to the ps3 xmb screen.

The xbox checks ok for internet but fails at xbox live connection test. This one maybe a port issue so we have networking support opening the ports but the reviewer says he has the same ps3 issue on the xbox at home so he is not hopeful.

Anyone have experience with debug consoles that can provide any advice?


Any devs or anyone with a developer/debug 360/ps3 unit here?

Our game reviewer has a debug model ps3 and xbox with a copy of a debug bioshock disc but we can't get it to work. No retail copy was sent for review.

The ps3 gets online, signs in, click the first disc that should ask for the authentication code but asks for an update and loops back to the ps3 xmb screen.

The xbox checks ok for internet but fails at xbox live connection test. This one maybe a port issue so we have networking support opening the ports but the reviewer says he has the same ps3 issue on the xbox at home so he is not hopeful.

Anyone have experience with debug consoles that can provide any advice?

2K review codes are *always* troublesome with their hateful porticullis stuff and input codes. Will get back to you tomorrow on that.


2K review codes are *always* troublesome with their hateful porticullis stuff and input codes. Will get back to you tomorrow on that.

porticullis - that's exactly what it is. About to jump on a conference call with a 2k pr rep about this now.

EDIT*** or was, all the conference rooms are now booked.. sigh..

I'm just the IT Support guy helping out the edit staff, hoping to get in an in and some clout but the gaming gods are working against me. Have to wait an hour before we can try again.



Ended up having to restore the ps3, entered the code provided by the pr rep and all is well.

What a shit show. May have to wipe and reset the 360 as well.
It can't be any worse than Far Cry 3 on the PS3, and I'm loving that game right now, so I think I'll be okay. Sure I'd like it to run properly, but there's nothing I can do about it.


I'm sure it will look just fine on my Xbox 360.

I'll take my controller, sofa, 50" TV, surround sound system and Xbox any day of the week.


Watched some HD videos of the leaked PS3 version earlier and I thought it looked very good. Hopefully the 360 version is at that level.


can't imagine anyone who would expect the new bioshock to push the 360 to new extremes....7-year-old hardware eventually has its limits, and we've reached them. probably been there for a few years now.
i wouldn't be that surprised to see the ps3 version coming out on top on consoles. ken levine and sony seem to be in cahoots. bioshock vita announcement (which is probably never gonna happen), bioshock showed up on ps all stars (character and stage), bioshock infinite on ps3 has 3d, move support and the first bioshock too.
Expected this from UE3, but still disappointing to hear. I wanted my Bioshock Infinite in a PS3 box, complete with dudebro cover. Oh well, my PC is more than ready for this.


i wouldn't be that surprised to see the ps3 version coming out on top on consoles. ken levine and sony seem to be in cahoots. bioshock vita announcement (which is probably never gonna happen), bioshock showed up on ps all stars (character and stage), bioshock infinite on ps3 has 3d, move support and the first bioshock too.

Well it's happened before. Wasn't Portal 2 better on the ps3?


since this was bumped, i just want to point out that the review in progress has never been updated.

i assume tomorrow night the entire and final review will go live, with no updates to follow.

so... that's a pretty amazing 2 update 'review in progress', lol. good job getting the landing page up and getting hits ign.


I'm sure it will look just fine on my Xbox 360.

I'll take my controller, sofa, 50" TV, surround sound system and Xbox any day of the week.

I assume (and would hope) this is a troll post, but if not, I love when this argument comes out. Seeing someone unknowingly gloat about an inferior experience makes me happy.


The pre-order arms race that's happening now should be enough to convince people to get the PC version, the deals are insane. Regardless PC is my primary platform so everything is gravy, it'll be a hassle if I had to connect my 360 again.


I think they'll re-release it for XB3/PS4 next year and brand it GoTY or somesuch edition.

A little bit of tangent here.

Does Dishonored look and perform bad on consoles?


Why do people like to bash Unreal engine? There are lots of impressive games that use it. Bioshock, Arkham, Dishonored games for example.


I didn't think Bioshock was all that fantastic one a pure graphical level. Wasn't it running a modified version of Unreal 2.5 or something? They also say it's comparable in quality to Dishonored, which I thought was fine looking on console. I will enjoy the art design in Bioshock Infinite well enough on my plasma.


Meh my PC would only be able to run it at medium spec which I guess would be an equivalent experience to just playing it on my 360.
Since this is such a late big release in the gen, what's the chances of PS4/Next Xbox versions of this?
I think that will be the trend early on with AAA, seen already with Watch Dogs, etc.


I'm actually sort of excited about Move support. I'll give it an honest try for sure
on my second playthrough
Wait a minute, Doc...are you telling me, that this sucker will run better on newer, faster, modern pc hardware than on 8 year old consoles?



Wait a minute, Doc...are you telling me, that this sucker will run better on newer, faster, modern pc hardware than on 8 year old consoles?


And by the gods, are you telling that console owners will have shell out full $60 as opposed to $50 for PC version?

Oh my!
Pre ordered on Amazon Direct download. Will be interesting how this runs on my new Y500 laptop. Hoping it has the power under the hood to hit high settings.

I think we are going to see even more upscaling/rereleases of games from 2013 on the PS4/720, just like the late ports on the WiiU.
Never even crossed my mind to get the console version. Have Bioshock 1 and 2 on PC will get this on on PC as well. Glad to see the PC version looks markedly better than the console version. Hate to see when they port something to PC and it looks like crap. I'm excited.
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