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Blade Runner 2049 |OT| Do Androids Dream of Electric Boogaloo? [Unmarked Spoilers]


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Bless Denis for leaving it ambiguous.


It woulda been funny though if Wallace brought out a young Deckard replicant and had him administer a voight-kampff test to Harrison Ford. Stupid, but fun to watch.

It's a miracle that they got young Rachel to not be overly uncanny like Tarkin was in Rogue One. She barely moved, including her mouth, but it was still convincing enough.


It's a miracle that they got young Rachel to not be overly uncanny like Tarkin was in Rogue One. She barely moved, including her mouth, but it was still convincing enough.

They were smart with the multiple shots from the back. I kinda noticed they were trying to hide her as much as they could, but it's better than the alternative.
Rachel already served that role in the first film. She was given fake memories and made to believe she was human. Deckard being the exact same "experiment" wouldn't add anything

Of course it does. Repeating an experiment is a big deal. Two replicants falling in love is a big deal. It informs a lot of the plot of the sequel. Replicants being able to breed is a big deal.
They were smart with the multiple shots from the back. I kinda noticed they were trying to hide her as much as they could, but it's better than the alternative.

I almost thought they wouldn't actually show her from the front to avoid it being uncanny. Although, the fact that they got the eye color wrong means there would have at least been an in-universe explanation for her not looking quite right
Word of God matters, but Ridley Scott is also known for ruining his movies after the fact. And death of the author states that it's not up to the creator to define the work once it's released. It's up to the viewer.

That Fancher, screenwriter on both Blade Runner and BR2049, seems intent on keeping it ambiguous also muddies the idea of authorial intent.
Word of God matters, but Ridley Scott is also known for ruining his movies after the fact. And death of the author states that it's not up to the creator to define the work once it's released. It's up to the viewer.

I agree, we shouldn't be slaves to Ridley's words, as a matter of fact Villeneuve made sure to challenge him as much as possible if not outright contradict him.

My point is, it's fine to believe Deckard is human but dismissing the scene where this matter is discussed as Wallace simply messing with Deckard's head is reductive, This is the exploration of a 30 year old question and there are legitimate reasons to believe Deckard not being human is a possibility, we should be happy Denis directed the film because otherwise a definitive answer would have been hammered into our collective heads.

Making it ambiguous was the right call.

You do realize the movie is largely based on the Phillip K. Dick story, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" where Deckard is, unambiguously human, right? If Word of God is true, then which "God" do we believe when they contradict one another? This is just a case of Ridley Scott ruining his own movies, like he did with the xenomorphs origin in Prometheus and Covenant

I know. I've read it. Androids is androids, and runner is runner, they are both their own thing and Fancher and Scott have ultimate authority over the movie, pretending that Blade Runner is anything other than a loosely based adaptation would be kind of dishonest IMO. Novel's great too but in a different way than the film.
Nope, he was saying that they got created for each other and their love, kinda like (possibly) Joi, was all fake. But that was him fucking with Deckard because he can't know that because he doesn't know if he is or isn't a Replicant.

Hmm, will look forward to seeing that bit again. Might have missed the specificity as I was becoming preoccupied with the realities of having drank a gallon of theater soda at that point lol.

And indeed, the intent of screwing with Deckard's mind is there either way, whatever the angle.
Of course it does. Repeating an experiment is a big deal. Two replicants falling in love is a big deal. It informs a lot of the plot of the sequel. Replicants being able to breed is a big deal.

For the sake of the themes of the story, repeating it served no purpose. A singular example was enough to prove the point. Two replicants falling in love is no different from one, because once you know one is capable then they all are. Same with breeding. You're trying to apply the type of rigor required for a scientific experiment to fiction when it isn't required and oftentimes causes unnecessary redundancy
Just saw Blade Runner 2049. Excellent movie, the more I thought about it leaving the theater, the more I liked it too, which makes its box office almost criminal. For a 2 hour and 43 minute including credits, it's didn't feel long at all. In fact the story flowed perfectly, and if Deakins doesn't win an Oscar for it (which I know at this point he very likely won't), I think I'm going to scream. My only real regret is I wish I could have seen it on the biggest screen possible, otherwise I loved it!

Anyone else seen this in one of those new fancy Dolby Cinema theaters? Just paid $24 for a ticket to one in Santa Monica, hope its worth it.

There are no theaters of that kind close to me. I feel jealous! Damn.


semen stains the mountaintops
Word of God matters, but Ridley Scott is also known for ruining his movies after the fact. And death of the author states that it's not up to the creator to define the work once it's released. It's up to the viewer.

I'm not a fan of the concept of Death of the Author, especially when people use it to try to make their insane views on medium seem possibility even when the author completely disagree with said take, however, I don't think that applies here. Movies don't just have one person who makes the movie, the director says he's a Replicant, the writer says he isn't, the actor played it like a human and the other director says it's ambiguous.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
The 3D was pretty good in this movie too.

Usually I hate 3D, its not even noticeable most of the times and feels tacked on yet that wasn't the case here. The opening shot established the 3D in this movie was no joke.
Saw this earlier today. I find it fascinating how similar they were able to make this film to the original, from both tone and pacing. The visuals were incredible and the acting was good.
Some of the dialogue in the beginning felt a bit hard to hear but in general the sound quality was incredible. Ryan Gosling in particular did really well. I actually like the character of Joe in this film much more than the character of Deckard in the original.

The ending didn't feel very ambiguous to me. They showed Joe's wound and you see his breathing slow before moving up and away from his body. It seems pretty clear that he died unless I'm missing something.


there is joy in sucking dick
Man the moving light sets made me hnnnnnghhh throughout. What a damn fine film. I was also emotionally invested in K and the AI. A whole lot was going on with this film and was made the richer for it.


In my head canon the Unicorn from the original was meant to symbolize Rachael. Watching 2049, I was surprised to see how nicely that fits.

It was the movie's version of the electric sheep. Something real and fake, fleeting. Deckard finds in Rachel what he had been longing for, some sort of magical creature.

I love the intro of this movie when the loud bass comes on and you see the opening studios in this distorted, staticky image

The close up on the eye was a bit cheap though. In the original, it's Batty looking at the world he's facing, and another thing "he has seen", or at least very likely to be so. Here it was nothing.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
What a beuatiful movie. Loved it and I don't even remember the 1st one. The sound was amazing. Loud and powerful.
Anyone else seen this in one of those new fancy Dolby Cinema theaters? Just paid $24 for a ticket to one in Santa Monica, hope its worth it.

I saw it at the Dolby AMC theater near me friday, screen is great and sound is great and the seats are very comfy (full control plus independent legrest with control) to the point I almost fell asleep during some of the lulls.

One bad thing, the AMC Dolby Cinema near me "vibrates" the seats sometimes, I'm not sure what the trigger exactly is. I've seen a few movies in the same exact theater and seat and never found it bothersome, but 2049 rumbles the seats A LOT in the first hour of the movie. Maybe I just stopped noticing after a while but it was a bit weird, especially with all the seats around you also rumbling.

My AMC has both a IMAX screen (liemax really, its not fully 70 feet tall) and Dolby Digital with Atmos and the Dolby Digital seats and screen are better, except in the case where the movie is shot for iMAX specifically (Dunkirk the only one I can think of recently).


If Deckard is a Replicant, then why is he still alive in 2049? Roy Batty discovered that Tyrell wasn't able to make Replicants beyond the four-year life-span, so it would to reason that Deckard would also have fallen into that same situation as the others. I like the ambiguitity, but it doesn't go beyond that for me.

Anyway, I adored the movie. I enjoyed it more than the original. It felt more grand and lived-in, and the story just felt more impactful to me. I was pretty sad to see K go out in the end.

The only things I didn't like were CG Sean Young as new Rachel--which felt a bit awkward to me since you could tell they were using a stand-in. Also, I didn't like how they dropped Wallace towards the end. I get that they weren't going to take down the big mega-corporation again, but things felt unresolved with his character.

Still, Loved the movie. It was amazing.


I saw it at the Dolby AMC theater near me friday, screen is great and sound is great and the seats are very comfy to the point I almost fell asleep during some of the lulls.

One bad thing, the AMC Dolby Cinema near me "vibrates" the seats sometimes, I'm not sure what the trigger exactly is. I've seen a few movies in the same exact theater and seat and never found it bothersome, but 2049 rumbles the seats A LOT in the first hour of the movie. Maybe I just stopped noticing after a while but it was a bit weird, especially with all the seats around you also rumbling.



I just saw the movie this afternoon and haven't had time to read through all the thread but what were people's take on Luv? I thought she was a great physical antagonist but I couldn't get a beat on her character. Was she just an unwillingly obedient servant to Wallace or did she get something out of her work? I ask that mainly due to how the last scene portrays her. After Luv stabs K she kisses him and says "I'm the best." Is she just imitating what her god did when he killed his imperfect creation or was she harboring a connection to K? We see Luv kill pretty indiscriminately throughout the film but the way she revels in dispatching the two women in K's life seems weird. Since she's Wallace's right hand does she just have a superiority complex and look down on other replicants?


Honey that Deckard sends from his bee farm.

There are actually, unless I imagined this, a lot of honeycomb shapes seen in the movie. Could be my imagination, but it wouldn't surprise me if BR2049 had designs with them being born in honey comb structures.


On a technical/FX level, does anyone know if the Rachel replicant that appeared in the corporate HQ was just a straight up Sean Young look-alike, or was there any CG trickery going on there to try and create more of a resemblance? Because if there was, it seemed much more subtle to me than what we got in Rogue One.



I just saw the movie this afternoon and haven't had time to read through all the thread but what were people's take on Luv? I thought she was a great physical antagonist but I couldn't get a beat on her character. Was she just an unwillingly obedient servant to Wallace or did she get something out of her work? I ask that mainly due to how the last scene portrays her. After Luv stabs K she kisses him and says "I'm the best." Is she just imitating what her god did when he killed his imperfect creation or was she harboring a connection to K? We see Luv kill pretty indiscriminately throughout the film but the way she revels in dispatching the two women in K's life seems weird. Since she's Wallace's right hand does she just have a superiority complex and look down on other replicants?

That she cries indicates to me that she's at times an unwilling participant that's forced to obey by design, and she laments her actions to some extent.
God damn what a film. Loved every second of it. The relationship between K and his ai was pretty great in how they developed it. Sylvia Hoeks stole the show for me. What a fucking performance.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.

I just saw the movie this afternoon and haven't had time to read through all the thread but what were people's take on Luv? I thought she was a great physical antagonist but I couldn't get a beat on her character. Was she just an unwillingly obedient servant to Wallace or did she get something out of her work? I ask that mainly due to how the last scene portrays her. After Luv stabs K she kisses him and says "I'm the best." Is she just imitating what her god did when he killed his imperfect creation or was she harboring a connection to K? We see Luv kill pretty indiscriminately throughout the film but the way she revels in dispatching the two women in K's life seems weird. Since she's Wallace's right hand does she just have a superiority complex and look down on other replicants?

Superiority complex is right. Also a great fear/respect of Wallace.

I got the impression she was sheltered. So she may have been a more advanced prototype, far more capable than K, but K had actually been fighting replicants in the real world and getting experience.


If Deckard is a Replicant, then why is he still alive in 2049? Roy Batty discovered that Tyrell wasn't able to make Replicants beyond the four-year life-span, so it would to reason that Deckard would also have fallen into that same situation as the others. I like the ambiguitity, but it doesn't go beyond that for me.

Anyway, I adored the movie. I enjoyed it more than the original. It felt more grand and lived-in, and the story just felt more impactful to me. I was pretty sad to see K go out in the end.

The only things I didn't like were CG Sean Young as new Rachel--which felt a bit awkward to me since you could tell they were using a stand-in. Also, I didn't like how they dropped Wallace towards the end. I get that they weren't going to take down the big mega-corporation again, but things felt unresolved with his character.

Still, Loved the movie. It was amazing.

It was really stupid to have Wallace being important at all. Have Luv look into things herself, out of her own curiosity and obsession into this, not because her boss wants to. This way you can end the movie with the baddie being taken down for real, and not make it feel like you're stringing people along into some additional content. Something about her being worried her "father" will see the child as superior or whatever if he finds out about it. Would have made her character more interesting too instead of just an order-following bot.


On a technical/FX level, does anyone know if the Rachel replicant that appeared in the corporate HQ was just a straight up Sean Young look-alike, or was there any CG trickery going on there to try and create more of a resemblance? Because if there was, it seemed much more subtle to me than what we got in Rogue One.

CG and I think they just reused some footage from the first blade runner for her walking up.


Oh man, I'm furious. I should have spent the money elsewhere. Had a great evening at first: we watched the first movie together with a glass of wine - we all loved it. Some of us even saw it for the very first time and were super impressed, After that we went to the theatre together... and the snoozefest began. We all collectively hated it. Probably my biggest disappointment this year so far.

It's 4 am now and I'm very tired, but I'll write some lines tomorrow to be more specific. Just as an entry point: there's no magic whatsoever, the plot feels terribly mediocre, so many scenes that are straight up dragged out, self indulgent, overly long and just utterly pointless... I really don't get the praise whatsoever and I don't see any point in talking about specific storylines, because the movie didn't offer anything interesting to discuss.

Pretty much the only thing that I took from the movie was that I need to digitalize all my childhood photos in the near future.


man, this movie was everything i wanted from a blade runner sequel. felt really emotionally attached to K, loved seeing harrison ford reprise deckard and perform the hell out of the role. just an amazing accomplishment all around, i can’t believe they really did it.

i’m also surprised at how good the damn soundtrack was. i was never particularly attached to vangelis, but i think the score here was really really good. i guess when harrison ford and hans zimmer really give a shit they still got the magic.

The Hermit

I wish the film ended with Joe on the steps outside in the show. I don't think we needed to see Deckard go inside - plus we see him and his daughter look at each other but thats it. I feel less is more in this situation.

I agree, actually the scene where he meets the girl felt really unecessary.

The movie is good, but I still love the original way more, especially because of the soundtrack.


Pretty much the only thing that I took from the movie was that I need to digitalize all my childhood photos in the near future.

But wasn't the point of the archive scene that only the physical stuff survived and all the digital stuff was lost forever.


Oh man, I'm furious. I should have spent the money elsewhere. Had a great evening at first: we watched the first movie together with a glass of wine - we all loved it. Some of us even saw it for the very first time and were super impressed, After that we went to the theatre together... and the snoozefest began. We all collectively hated it. Probably my biggest disappointment this year so far.

It's 4 am now and I'm very tired, but I'll write some lines tomorrow to be more specific. Just as an entry point: there's no magic whatsoever, the plot feels terribly mediocre, so many scenes that are straight up dragged out, self indulgent, overly long and just utterly pointless... I really don't get the praise whatsoever and I don't see any point in talking about specific storylines, because the movie didn't offer anything interesting to discuss.

Pretty much the only thing that I took from the movie was that I need to digitalize all my childhood photos in the near future.

Seeing a near 3 hour long movie at midnight is a recipe for disaster.


Seeing a near 3 hour long movie at midnight is a recipe for disaster.

Yep. I mean at that time, the grogginess comes in being up so late and it's a film that for what its worth is going to take its damn time and it's almost 3 hours.

I watched it around 7pm and that was a great time to go in.


Thanks. I've never bought music from either of these services. Do they offer .flacs? DRM-free?

DRM-free, I think you'll only get up to 256kbps on both services though. I'll look if I can find .flac sites

edit: Ah man, don't see these available on any of the .flac purchasing sites I know.


CG and I think they just reused some footage from the first blade runner for her walking up.

Damn, if that's actually the case then I'm really impressed. The Rachel replicant didn't immediately jump out and me and scream "SEEEEEEEE GEEEEEEEEEE!" the way the Grand Moff Tarkin character did in Rogue One.
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