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Bonus Round: E3 2012 Preview [Up: Part 5: Thrid Parties Again]


"System" is such a broad word, and is used for COUNTLESS things. If they said "gaming system" that would make more sense, but they didn't.

The gaming reel didn't show anything until halfway point, in which they showed the LoZ HD footage. I think you've pointed this out already but they showed Mii's and Wii-like footage up until that point.

PSN is a system, XBL is a system. Network to be more precise, but it's a system. Kinect is a peripheral, but with the 360 it works as a system. A group of parts that work together to accomplish something.
I understand that but when have we ever called a controller a "system"? Watching the videos again, I saw Nintendo called the controller a "controller".


PSN is a system, XBL is a system. Network to be more precise, but it's a system. Kinect is a peripheral, but with the 360 it works as a system. A group of parts that work together to accomplish something.

I've never really heard any of those called systems before, but I can see how the term could be applied. I just think that system is pretty much synonymous with console, so there shouldn't really have been confusion there. Now, choosing games with Wii quality graphics as your first examples to show off a new HD system was terrible.


But when has the term "system" been used like that in the gaming industry? I think the point that people are trying to make is that gaming journalists-who should've already been aware of the Cafe rumors-should've heard "new system" and realized what was going on.

Here is what people are saying:
- They didn't show the system
- They referred almost entirely to just a new controller
- The games shown initially were all Wii level visuals

Even I, as someone who visits GAF and other gaming sites daily AND knew of the rumours was scratching my head for a second until they showed the reel with graphics that obviously were HD level.

When people say the presentation was confusing they are just trying to express the weird way in which Nintendo chose to present the Wii U did them no favours in gaining excitement for the system or the controller.
I understand that but when have we ever called a controller a "system"? Watching the videos again, I saw Nintendo called the controller a "controller".

The controller isn't a system, but even if the Wii U controller worked in tandem with the Wii, it would be a system. The two work together... I knew i was a new console but it appeared that it extended the Wii's capabilities because the message was so muddled up.


How about we all agree that it wasn't a spectacular reveal and try to forget it ever happened? Let's at least find that degree of common ground - and hope that Nintendo is able to kill it this year.
wow I really enjoyed part 3, that was informed well discussed and not ONLY negative to Nintendo just talking up the facts of how they are doing and whats to come.

Part 1 and 2 were really boring.


What's wrong with a 399 price tag? It's new hardware. Obviously nothing like a PS4/XB3 (which won't be out for another year or two). It has a costly (relative to the competition) controller... what do you expect? As he said, they made a loss, they need to recoup. I personally think it'll be 350, but that's still too high. But they won't go 300, they simply wont... Not unless they are skimping out more than we thought... I don't think they can afford that though.

Also, he's not saying they can't make games for the Wii U controller, he's saying what's the fucking point? COD players won't want to look at their screen for an airstrike. The don't want stupid menu items on their screen. That's too much time away from the main action and too much on the frills that just get in the way. That's what he's saying.

Nintendo is not stupid enough to price the Wii U at higher than 299.99, not with what happened with the 3DS at least. The hardware is slightly more powerful than the PS3 and 360 as far as we know and you can go out and purchase a 360 right now for 200 dollars or less. Also, like others have said, I can't imagine the controller costing THAT much to raise the price of the console to 399. I could possibly see the price at 350 if Nintendo are really trying to be greedy but nothing more. And of course Nintendo wants to recoup their losses but they are still riding on boatloads of money from previous generations. They will slowly regain their losses through strong software sales as well as the 3DS once that becomes profitable again.

Also, as far as what the guy said about the controller, he said the game wasn't going to control the same which is absolutely false. Developers don't have to make use of the touch screen if they don't want to and if they don't, the Wii U controller is just essentially a bigger PS3 or 360 controller.
How about we all agree that it wasn't a spectacular reveal and try to forget it ever happened? Let's at least find that degree of common ground - and hope that Nintendo is able to kill it this year.

I don't even see how Nintendo failed as it wasn't the last showing of the console before launch.

They didn't even show any games.

They got people used to the controller, now they can broaden their focus.


Until I see what Nintendo is bringing to the table, it's impossible to make predictions as to what price they will list it at.

I don't even see how Nintendo failed as it wasn't the last showing of the console before launch.

They didn't even show any games.

They got people used to the controller, now they can broaden their focus.

No, it wasn't the last showing, but 'cmon... Do you think Nintendo looks back on that reveal and is proud of itself? Do you think they feel it was valuable time spent? I doubt it. In fact, I believe even Iwata mentioned that there was confusion due to the reveal and how it was handled. So yes, it's likely it didn't buy them much in the long run.


Gold Member
Is Pachter senile? Or do you think he is having a good lulz?

The only bit of news is one of them saying the Wii U is gonna to have a decent line up of games at E3.

Shane already mentioned that in their IW Podcast before. And he said more than decent, but due to many being multiplatform games yeah you're probably right.


Maturity, bitches.
How about we all agree that it wasn't a spectacular reveal and try to forget it ever happened? Let's at least find that degree of common ground - and hope that Nintendo is able to kill it this year.

My only argument was that it's a sad state of affairs that those who are paid to "represent us" got confused over something they should have already known about, never about the quality of the reveal.
My only argument was that it's a sad state of affairs that those who are paid to "represent us" got confused over something they should have already known about, never about the quality of the reveal.

Yep. Going into the show, I knew that "Project Cafe" was a brand new console that Nintendo was going to unveil, so it was never confusing to me in the least.

Now, I wasn't particularly thrilled about Nintendo focusing 95% on only the controller, doing a lot of talking and not a lot of showing when it came to games. I think it almost would have been better if Nintendo didn't even announce it last year at all. We barely know much more today than we did a year ago.

People who didn't know about "Cafe" coming in may not have known it was a new console, but that's where the reporters need to step-up, and some of them came off as just as confused.


Is Pachter senile? Or do you think he is having a good lulz?

Shane already mentioned that in their IW Podcast before. And he said more than decent, but due to many being multiplatform games yeah you're probably right.

Does anyone think Shane actually knows anything about the launch lineup beyond what EA, Activision, and Ubisoft plan to show? Odds are that those companies, collectively, will have about 2 or 3 games actually worth purchasing. I can't imagine Nintendo has shared what it plans to show with anyone in the U.S. media at this point, can you?


The Wii U reveal was bad. Emphasizing the controller and showing Wii-like visuals can easily make you think the tablet was some new accessory or something. It also doesn't help that the actual Wii U console itself looks very much like a Wii from a quick glance.
Does anyone think Shane actually knows anything about the launch lineup beyond what EA, Activision, and Ubisoft plan to show? Odds are that those companies, collectively, will have about 2 or 3 games actually worth purchasing. I can't imagine Nintendo has shared what it plans to show with anyone in the U.S. media at this point, can you?
Well last year Geoff and a bunch of other journalists new about the WiiU well ahead of it's E3 reveal so this could be true. There was some event last week or so (according to Twitter and a lot of devs/pubs I follow there) in SF so I'm guessing that's the "pre-E3" prep. Meetins, showcases, all under heavy NDA.


Gold Member
The Wii U reveal was bad. Emphasizing the controller and showing Wii-like visuals can easily make you think the tablet was some new accessory or something. It also doesn't help that the actual Wii U console itself looks very more like a Wii from a quick glance.

They showed the bird/garden demo and the games trailer had 360/PS3/PC footage, how is that Wii-like visuals?


Maturity, bitches.
That wasn't shown until later. At that point all the previous Wii looking crap has caused confusion.

Seriously is everyone a pokémon? They get hit by confusion and can't snap out of it.

So a rough timeline:
  • Reggie calls it a new system - lol wat is a system.
  • Controller is shown with footage from games with "Wii level graphics" - OMGOSH it's a Wii addon.
  • Bird Demo is shown - Oh I'm too confused to make up my mind so I'll carry on assuming it's a Wii addon.
That makes no sense. None. Na da. Bugger all.

Even if we assume they are terrible at their job and didn't know anything before hand there has to be a point where it all sank in. The new name, the HD footage, the fact they called it a new system. If after those 60 minutes you were still confused there is something seriously wrong with you.

It may not have been the best reveal but I'd like to hope the human race has the ability to think for itself. And you wonder why games are getting easier and have to spoonfeed the player.


My only argument was that it's a sad state of affairs that those who are paid to "represent us" got confused over something they should have already known about, never about the quality of the reveal.

Wait. Who is paid to 'represent [me]' again?? Gaming journalists? They represent the same people that also went into that conference wanting to misunderstand or dislike what Nintendo was offering, as a way to show that Nintendo had gone full-on gimmick mode and didn't give a crap about games anymore - which the Wii heralded in from those journalists' perspectives.

So yeah, they don't 'represent [me]' in the slightest.

To be fair, though, even I thought it was revealed in such a way that it could incite confusion even for level-headed folks.


Maturity, bitches.
So, it's not coming out this holiday in North America then?

They're probably doing what they did with the 3DS and will have a launch event to announce these details. Pretty sure the WiiU will be in your home by the end of the year.
They didn't announce date or price for 3DS at E3 2010, or for DS at E3 2004, either. And yes, it's confirmed to launch this year in all major territories.


IQ levels on the tards not understanding the Wii U reveal is around 10! Seriously, you wheel chair bound idiots were confused? And you call yourself GAMERS? Hahahha, I haven't had a laugh like this in a while! It might not have been shown in the best order and just because Iwata didn't come out with it held in his hands people didn't get it?? Really?? It's time for another hobby, maybe you can find one of those special Olympics considering this is the year for the summer Olympics. I still need to donate this year, so please let me know what special people organization I should send it to.


Maturity, bitches.
Wait. Who is paid to 'represent [me]' again?? Gaming journalists? They represent the same people that also went into that conference wanting to misunderstand or dislike what Nintendo was offering, as a way to show that Nintendo had gone full-on gimmick mode and didn't give a crap about games anymore - which the Wii heralded in from those journalists' perspectives.

So yeah, they don't 'represent [me]' in the slightest.

To be fair, though, even I thought it was revealed in such a way that it could incite confusion even for level-headed folks.

Gaming journalist act as a mouth piece for us whether you like it or not. It's a tragic reality.

And if they are meant to be "journalists" they should start acting like them. IGN's owned by News Corp right? If they want to show they are doing their job probably why don't they phonehack Reggie's phone?


Gaming journalist act as a mouth piece for us whether you like it or not. It's a tragic reality.

Um... someone represents me when I either elect them or pay them to have my best interests at heart. These people do not. They cater to the stereotypical 'core gamer' mentality that permeates much of online gaming media. And that's fine, but at no point do they represent me or my interests. Haven't for a very, very long time.


formerly cjelly
IQ levels on the tards not understanding the Wii U reveal is around 10! Seriously, you wheel chair bound idiots were confused? And you call yourself GAMERS? Hahahha, I haven't had a laugh like this in a while! It might not have been shown in the best order and just because Iwata didn't come out with it held in his hands people didn't get it?? Really?? It's time for another hobby, maybe you can find one of those special Olympics considering this is the year for the summer Olympics. I still need to donate this year, so please let me know what special people organization I should send it to.



IQ levels on the tards not understanding the Wii U reveal is around 10! Seriously, you wheel chair bound idiots were confused? And you call yourself GAMERS? Hahahha, I haven't had a laugh like this in a while! It might not have been shown in the best order and just because Iwata didn't come out with it held in his hands people didn't get it?? Really?? It's time for another hobby, maybe you can find one of those special Olympics considering this is the year for the summer Olympics. I still need to donate this year, so please let me know what special people organization I should send it to.

Not cool or funny.


IQ levels on the tards not understanding the Wii U reveal is around 10! Seriously, you wheel chair bound idiots were confused? And you call yourself GAMERS? Hahahha, I haven't had a laugh like this in a while! It might not have been shown in the best order and just because Iwata didn't come out with it held in his hands people didn't get it?? Really?? It's time for another hobby, maybe you can find one of those special Olympics considering this is the year for the summer Olympics. I still need to donate this year, so please let me know what special people organization I should send it to.

Oh hush.


IQ levels on the tards not understanding the Wii U reveal is around 10! Seriously, you wheel chair bound idiots were confused? And you call yourself GAMERS? Hahahha, I haven't had a laugh like this in a while! It might not have been shown in the best order and just because Iwata didn't come out with it held in his hands people didn't get it?? Really?? It's time for another hobby, maybe you can find one of those special Olympics considering this is the year for the summer Olympics. I still need to donate this year, so please let me know what special people organization I should send it to.

So, this post, with that username, and a junior status?

Obvious joke poster, so whose alt account are you?


IQ levels on the tards not understanding the Wii U reveal is around 10! Seriously, you wheel chair bound idiots were confused? And you call yourself GAMERS? Hahahha, I haven't had a laugh like this in a while! It might not have been shown in the best order and just because Iwata didn't come out with it held in his hands people didn't get it?? Really?? It's time for another hobby, maybe you can find one of those special Olympics considering this is the year for the summer Olympics. I still need to donate this year, so please let me know what special people organization I should send it to.

Every post you make leaves me scratching my head. Joke poster, or just a joke?

So, this post, with that username, and a junior status?

Obvious joke poster, so whose alt account are you?
Look through his post history, it's a trip.
Seriously is everyone a pokémon? They get hit by confusion and can't snap out of it.

So a rough timeline:
  • Reggie calls it a new system - lol wat is a system.
  • Controller is shown with footage from games with "Wii level graphics" - OMGOSH it's a Wii addon.
  • Bird Demo is shown - Oh I'm too confused to make up my mind so I'll carry on assuming it's a Wii addon.
That makes no sense. None. Na da. Bugger all.

Even if we assume they are terrible at their job and didn't know anything before hand there has to be a point where it all sank in. The new name, the HD footage, the fact they called it a new system. If after those 60 minutes you were still confused there is something seriously wrong with you.

It may not have been the best reveal but I'd like to hope the human race has the ability to think for itself. And you wonder why games are getting easier and have to spoonfeed the player.

The point is they didn't put their best foot forward. They didn't make a clear and decisive message. IT DID cause confusion. Luckily man people knew it was already a rumored console, but the massive focus on the controller and NOTHING else confused people.

How were people not to know that the controller itself didn't have a processor that did the processing for the new games? Easy, they can't. Sure it would require a lot of tech to do those graphics but regardless Nintendo didn't make it 100% clear and it was their job to do so. Ignore how "stupid" people are because Nintendo is supposed to show and explain to the consumers AND investors what the product is so they will understand what is being sold. It's as basic as that.

The defense of Nintendo here is straight fanboyism.

Look through his post history, it's a trip.

What have you done to me?


Maturity, bitches.
Every post you make leaves me scratching my head. Joke poster, or just a joke?

Post Modern poster. He questions what it means to be a poster.

The defense of Nintendo here is straight fanboyism.
I'm only accusing the journalists of being silly billies.

Would you rather me say. "Gee whizz I guess I'm one of the cleverest gamers around because I understood the WiiU controller was a controller for a new system"?


The high confusion factor from the Wii U reveal last year comes down to a simple matter of willful ignorance. The new controller was the innovation Nintendo wanted to focus on. The "Wii-like" graphics were used to demonstrate the utility of the controller. Nintendo probably didn't want to show stuff not quite ready yet, hence all the Mii centric demos.

All the crapping on Nintendo, especially from Stuttering Sessler was exactly as expected. These people never fail to disappoint.
I'm only accusing the journalists of being silly billies.

Would you rather me say. "Gee whizz I guess I'm one of the cleverest gamers around because I understood the WiiU controller was a controller for a new system"?

As I said before, "game journalists" (with a few exceptions) are often in my words "idiots" and I hardly care for what they say. I have little respect for them in the journalistic field. Sure my position as Editor-in-Chief for a newspaper was only for one in a high school, but it was scholastically recognized on a national level. I take pride in that. We published a newspaper every other week... 20-30 students that had full time school and only 1 class period to work on it every day. I take pride in the work we did and the years I was editor, we went from reporting "what's in your locker" to local, state and even national news to make our higher diversified school more educated on what's going on around them.

Game journalists have often stifled the industry with selling out and not covering poor practices and topics of great interest to the consumer. Sure Skyrim is fun, but did anyone REALLY cover the absolute piss poor performance it got? Eurogamer maybe? That's it.

Anyway... ending my small rant.

In the end, Nintendo did a shit job at revealing their console. It doesn't matter if the audience should have known otherwise or not. They need to assume that the audience doesn't know.


Or that the audience is antagonistic. One of the primary questions you always have to keep in mind when communicating any message is, "Who am I speaking to?" and augment your message based on that.
Wait. Who is paid to 'represent [me]' again?? Gaming journalists? They represent the same people that also went into that conference wanting to misunderstand or dislike what Nintendo was offering, as a way to show that Nintendo had gone full-on gimmick mode and didn't give a crap about games anymore - which the Wii heralded in from those journalists' perspectives.

So yeah, they don't 'represent [me]' in the slightest.

To be fair, though, even I thought it was revealed in such a way that it could incite confusion even for level-headed folks.

Yes, all the journalists, publishers, and Epic hate Nintendo. Conspiracy theories. Keep them coming.
They specifically used the phrases "home system" and "our next platform" earlier in the conference. They referred to Wii as a system and made it obvious that the thing called "Wii U" was a sytem. The context was obvious. I will concede that if you walked in, had never seen video games before and didn't know what anything technology wise meant, and had just watched a specific 2 minute slice out of a 1 hour presentation out of context before turning around and walking away, you could reasonably be confused.


In the end, Nintendo did a shit job at revealing their console. It doesn't matter if the audience should have known otherwise or not. They need to assume that the audience doesn't know.
Nintendo put that reveal together last minute because of all the rumors about their next console. It is pretty clear they were scrambling to get ahead of all the speculation by acknowledging Project Cafe and giving it more than just an ethereal, "New system next year".
Nintendo did do a very poor job presenting the Wii U as new hardware. It's just a little odd that anyone in games press wouldn't notice it. Ignoring the Cafe scuttlebutt leading up to E3, wasn't there an announcement prior stating there would be a new console? and even ignoring that, it's not too difficult to put 2 and 2 together if it's your job.

Still, compare how Nintendo revealed the Wii U to how Microsoft revealed the updated/slim Xbox 360. Or any hardware, really. If I'm remembering correctly, in 2005 Iwata held up the Wii console and showcased the controller about a year before any games were shown. Reggie should've pulled out the Wii U from his jacket, because he's a large man and has that pocket space.
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