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Brexit |OT| UK Referendum on EU Membership - 23 June 2016

Did you vote for the side that is going to win?

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That's why direct democracy sucks, because you think it's going to work out in the end due to common sense, but it turns out there are more shitty people out there than you think.

This sucks. UK doesn't deserve this, and having the pound drop so much within 12 hours? Sheesh. I'm sorry for all the UK gaffers :l


Because there was no real reason to vote that way, well known racist politicians flocked to the Leave cause, the U.K. tabloids in all their racist glory also did everything they could to ensure it went ahead, and any advantages that people claimed would happen (the economy) is clearly not fucking happening now.

Citation needed. The stock market isn't the economy. Its even more divorced from the economy most people participate in.
I'm not from the UK, and I've only been loosely following this Brexit thing, but I'm sorry to hear these results. UKGAF, my thoughts are with y'all.
I'm so incredibly and utterly disappointed that the majority of British voters could act so shortsighted, irrationally and plain dumb.

My condolences to all the smart people who actually knew the fatal implication this would have.

I hope the EU doesn't cede an inch and makes an example out of England. The Union has to be protected and the last thing we need is the greatest project of our continent to collapse because of stupid nationalism, fear mongering and "well, England pulled it off".
Why the hell do people keep bringing Trump's chances into this? There's a list that stretches a mile long why there's no comparison here other than "lol racism."


A wise investment would be to buy GBP when it bottoms out in the coming days.
Trying to catch a falling knife is almost never a wise investment, doing it on currencies is even less so, and doing it on something that is driven by uncharted political actions is really risky if you ask me.


For you.
I haven't been following this.

Why is everyone branding people who vote leave as bigots and racists? What's up with that?

I genuinely don't know the positives and negatives of both options.
Well, the major parties that support leave are composed of racists and bigots that engage in constant fearmongering.

There's no logical reason to vote leave and the only thing they managed to do was fucking their country up. There is no positives.


I guess the only thing I have to say is I'm not surprised.
I mean, when I went to bed last night the odds on leave were around 6/1. They shortened up to 7/2 at one point before drifting back out again. But if the last general election (the second of my adult life) taught me anything it's that odds and exit surveys don't mean jack. And it's proven right.


I haven't been following this.

Why is everyone branding people who vote leave as bigots and racists? What's up with that?

I genuinely don't know the positives and negatives of both options.

I don't live in the UK so take what I say with a grain of salt. A huge part of the leave platform was based on anti immigrant resentment. Not every one who wanted to leave had that as a reason, but a sizable ammount did.


Economic collapse vs. Stop the influx of Muslims . Choice is clear. Cut off the nose to spite the face.

I'm surprised at the spattering of posters here that are surprised at the extremely negative reaction to this

At least now they'll have a higher percentage of less jobs.


This is crazy, since large trading blocs had been the trend for a while now. ASEAN for example has formed itself into a large single-market.


Kills Photobucket
Why the hell do people keep bringing Trump's chances into this? There's a list that stretches a mile long why there's no comparison here.



wants to fuck an Asian grill.

Good morning UK. In less than an hour, votes from Doncaster will join with votes from Birmingham. And you will be launching the largest drop against the dollar in this history of the british sterling.


This is acceptable here?

The remain voters here are being truly disgusting for mature and smart individuals.

It's pretty common. For all its faults, The Dark Knight was quite right with its universal messages. If you're in the game for too long, you become the bad guy.
Britain will survive, the EU will survive (for now), the Germans are probably furious since they've been controlling EU for quite some time now, intelligence gathering will still be shared, the market will shake up a bit but we'll live through this.

This is simply democracy at work.



That's why direct democracy sucks, because you think it's going to work out in the end due to common sense, but it turns out there are more shitty people out there than you think.

This sucks. UK doesn't deserve this, and having the pound drop so much within 12 hours? Sheesh. I'm sorry for all the UK gaffers :l

"Democracy sucks because I didn't get my way"?

That is literally what you wrote.


Nothing! I said nothing!
so I haven't really been paying attention to all this because I just assumed there was no way they'd leave...

why do people want to leave the EU? Does it basically boil down to racism??

The main reason seems to be that they blame immigrants for taking jobs, school places, doctor appointments, housing etc. We can't legally prevent EU citizens from coming here.

In reality immigrants greatly contribute to the UK economy and our public services are simply underfunded.


I've just come home. Watching the BBC atm.

Farewell UK. You only had one foot in the EU anyway. I think sooner or later you would have left.

Damn I know so many french people who live in the UK who're going to have to come back to France. Hundreds of thousands of depressed french people right now.

Stage On

asked in the other thread, just in case;

I know shit about economics...so...

Will this affect the CAD dollar in any way? We are already hurting here with our fucked currency

Considering how it's going to totally mess up some pretty important trade agreements among other things it's not looking good for us :/


So is this a done deal? I thought I read something that this vote would have to lead to another one that would make the actual decision.

Given this referendum thread has got over 15,000 posts, this would be the only vote and indeed a done deal.


Gold Member
I am one, and I expect I'll be fine. I don't think anyone has talked about kicking anyone out, or anything like that.

Same, I'm not too worried and I don't see the reason they would kick people out who have lived here a long time.

But after this I don't know what the future holds, to be frank.
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