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Bungie on Destiny PC: "We're not saying we're not going to do it."


But you're not going to do it?

Glad we cleared that up, guess Titanfall is getting my money instead.

Then fuck off and either announce it or don't say anything at all.

Developers that are planning a late port to the platform always do this. Its in order to ensure a larger sales potential on consoles, then more sales on PC for the definitive version.

I want quick patches for broken things. Will wait for PC version.

By then the game will be more functional too.

Halo-style shooter
ADS not required for accuracy
M/KB controls


It's a PvE focused RPG shooter where you kill giant monsters, I can't imagine you'd need the precision of a typical multiplayer shooter.

PVE is one part of the game, but it has a dedicated multiplayer mode as well.
I may have a minority opinion but I never really care for Halo except the first one. So I am not really looking forward to this game, if it comes to PC and it looks good I might consider getting it. Overall though my hype level for this game is meh.


Aw man, I'd love a PC version. Why would the person get in trouble for talking about stuff like that? It's just a (possible) port.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Aw man, I'd love a PC version. Why would the person get in trouble for talking about stuff like that? It's just a (possible) port.

Gearbox is gonna be pissed. thats why.


I really don't know what mouse comes with what keyboard you're talking about.

Just in case you're not being purposely dense, how many PC gamers do you know have a keyboard but don't have a mouse? Obviously when I talk about precision I'm talking about a keyboard/mouse combo.


Really? Because I thought not having the ability for offline play was a nonstarter for a lot of PC'ers?
In a world where MMOs exist almost exclusively on a particular platform, and where an overwhelming negative reception forced a certain hardware manufacturer to drastically change policy on their periodically online next-gen console, I think a PC release would do fine.
Developers that are planning a late port to the platform always do this. Its in order to ensure a larger sales potential on consoles, then more sales on PC for the definitive version.

I wonder though do people who mainly game on PC , but happen to have consoles just give in and buy the console version? If I had the a console I wouldn't chance it and just wait to see if it came to PC. Look at GTA 5, has there been an announcement that it will not come to PC like RDR? I haven't kept up on it, but would be shocked if it didn't eventually come to PC, just like I'd be surprised if there wasn't a greatest hits next gen version released.


I think Bungie is happy with consoles so at this point. Nothing wrong with that.

that being said I really couldn't care less if it showed up. I don't buy console games on PC


Even if I had a console I wouldn't buy Destiny. I can't stand playing first person shooters with a controller.

PC-->K+B or fuck off.


Really? Because I thought not having the ability for offline play was a nonstarter for a lot of PC'ers? Especially after Diablo III, SimCity? I agree though that a game like this is perfectly suited for PC, with its large worlds, coop PVE or PVP gameplay.

It's not really about that. It has to do with the game needing it or not needing it at all. With those 2 games you mentioned, there was an expectation especially because there are previous games in the series who didn't have it, and were excellent. In the end, it worked against those 2 games so I don't think the complaints are unjustified. If anything, they proves that many of the complaints were spot on, especially for that piece of garbage called Sim City.

For this game tho, new IP, new ideas, new gameplay. If they are upfront about it and it doesn't work against the game I don't really see the problem. The game and developer are clearly MP focused as well, so it is not the same thing at all.


It's not really about that. It has to do with the game needing it or not needing it at all. With those 2 games you mentioned, there was an expectation especially because there are previous games in the series who didn't have it, and were excellent. In the end, it worked against those 2 games so I don't think the complaints are unjustified. If anything, they proves that many of the complaints were spot on, especially for that piece of garbage called Sim City.

For this game tho, new IP, new ideas, new gameplay. If they are upfront about it and it doesn't work against the game I don't really see the problem. The game and developer are clearly MP focused as well, so it is not the same thing at all.

It seems odd to me to expect a game to have an offline mode based on previous games in the series when said previous games came out over a decade ago. It seems even odder to me to think something is mandatory in an old IP but not in a new IP. It's either mandatory or it isn't.


In a world where MMOs exist almost exclusively on a particular platform, and where an overwhelming negative reception forced a certain hardware manufacturer to drastically change policy on their periodically online next-gen console, I think a PC release would do fine.

Oh I agree, especially when you are trying to create a new, not only competitive shooter, but a new coop and gameplay experience. These kinds of games take off on PC and create great communities overall, not to mention, the more platforms it's on, the more they play.

I only meant, it's Activision. They want the higher price of console game sales, the always online, the DLC etc. Plus they probably want PC'ers to double dip. I just thought PC'ers would hate a game they couldn't play offline, even if they wanted to play alone and not coop.


If I ever get this, it'll be when it's at least 75% off. Fuck developers(like Rockstar) that do this sort of thing.


If I ever get this, it'll be when it's at least 75% off. Fuck developers(like Rockstar) that do this sort of thing.

''We hope that with the announcement that L.A. Noire is coming to PC this fall, and the knowledge that our next big game Max Payne 3 will have a PC release (plus that we’ve released both Grand Theft Auto IV and the Episodes from Liberty City for PC), we can finally put to rest any misconceptions that we’ve ‘abandoned the PC platform’.''

I hate these companies, all of them, either say ''not gonna happen'' or ''better be ready for a long wait'' or just stfu.

Reminds me of that dumb move Ubisoft made with The Division basically saying ''beg for it''.


''We hope that with the announcement that L.A. Noire is coming to PC this fall, and the knowledge that our next big game Max Payne 3 will have a PC release (plus that we’ve released both Grand Theft Auto IV and the Episodes from Liberty City for PC), we can finally put to rest any misconceptions that we’ve ‘abandoned the PC platform’.''

Then they delayed MP3 on PC for a month for no apparent reason.


Game Informer: Is there a PC version? Did you...

Bungie: We have not announced that. And by not announced I mean we're not even hinting we're doing a PC version. I'm going to be clear there because I will get in trouble.

Game Informer: But by not hinting, are you hinting?

Bungie: Hahaha. We're not saying we're not going to do it but...we're not going to do it.



''We hope that with the announcement that L.A. Noire is coming to PC this fall, and the knowledge that our next big game Max Payne 3 will have a PC release (plus that we’ve released both Grand Theft Auto IV and the Episodes from Liberty City for PC), we can finally put to rest any misconceptions that we’ve ‘abandoned the PC platform’.''

I hate these companies, all of them, either say ''not gonna happen'' or ''better be ready for a long wait'' or just stfu.

Reminds me of that dumb move Ubisoft made with The Division basically saying ''beg for it''.

They always tell us when its not going to happen.

They are always intentionally ambiguous when it is going to happen. See: MGSV, GTAV, Destiny, etc
They have exclusivity with Sony that Activision signed. Remember, Activision is publishing Destiny, they're not really big on PC as it is, they like consoles, DLC etc. Also, Destiny is always online as well. Something that would piss off PC gamers.

while true us PC gamers hate always online for single player games this in my opinion is an mmo style game which are all always online


Didn't they already pissed of some PC communities by making the ridiculous KB/M control comment at Destiny announcement?


I would love to know how many enthusiasts double dip with late PC ports and if it's the cause of this.


thanks for the laugh
i imagine the potential headache of a PC version goes beyond simply tuning for different specs and giving more graphics options. the PC crowd lives in a whole different world of expectations and standards when it comes to both MMOs and FPS. bungie want another halo on their hands and one user-base's finely tuned and dynamic firefight is another user base's sludgy, pedestrian engagement.

if a large, perhaps even majority slice of your audience comes from a platform with traditional expectations which aren't exactly optimised for the type of game you're making, it's going to rain on your launch parade.

that said, a developer should be confident enough in the qualities of their title to make it available as far and wide as moneyhats permit, so that anyone who does appreciate what it's trying to do can play it without having to jump through excessive hardware hoops.
Ryan Ellis of Bungie: "we're not even hinting we're doing a PC version"

Reaction: "Stop teasing us, Bungie!"

Seems like he was trying to give an honest, friendly answer without teasing PC fans or crushing their hopes for a future port. What an asshole!


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Good to hear, may double dip if there are any big upgrades, but getting it on PS4 for friends.


I'll be playing Titanfall until it gets released on PC. No biggie. I waited for METAL GEAR MOTHER F'N RISING this long. I'll be able to wait or this game.

Destiny, MGSV, FFXV... I'll be playing them on PC.
Whelp that's far too many times dancing around this bush. It's gonna happen... see ya all on the PC version sometime in late 2015-2016.


Didn't they already pissed of some PC communities by making the ridiculous KB/M control comment at Destiny announcement?

What comment was that?

I'll be playing Titanfall until it gets released on PC. No biggie. I waited for METAL GEAR MOTHER F'N RISING this long. I'll be able to wait or this game.

Destiny, MGSV, FFXV... I'll be playing them on PC.

Sounds like a plan Rayge.

They're not. They love us.

They love the massive amount of money we generate for them over time.
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