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Capcom's Deep Down (PS4) is an online game, TGS debut [Reading-RPG, online required]


I wonder if the guys that think its gonna look like the first trailer are the ones that held out believing the original motorstorm video was in engine :)

I just assumed everyone new the original trailer was not in game. Regardless of graphical quality, it didn't look like gameplay from what I can remember.
Link please? I may have missed that and not finding it on search. The one I found said it ran on PS4.

You already have your link. Nowhere is mentioned that it was running on a PS4.

The Deep Down demo ran in real time at the PS4 presentation and displayed between 10 and 20 million polygons per frame. It had a variable frame rate above 30 frames per second and a total texture capacity of 2 GB. It ran 30 different shaders at the same time.

The demo can run on a PC with an NVIDIA Geforce GTX 570, 8 GB of RAM, and an Intel Core i7 CPU. The development machines used at Capcom have Geforce GTX 680 and GTX 590 GPUs.


Online you say... Capcom you say...

What if they are trying to make the western version of Monster Hunter here, they know people in the west largely play games online more and more, look at what Bungie is doing with Destiny, look at the success of Borderlands 1 and 2, TitanFall.

Maybe that is where the industry is heading, maybe that will be the next big trend. It is also easier to sell micro transactions to people, items, xp etc.


Online? I remember a shitload of people complaining about Dragon's Dogma being single player only and even spammed their stream demanding multiplayer, this is good news!
Do you mean that? They don't say "realtime in PS4". Ono talking about "we are testing phanta rai engine in ps4" weeks after reveal says a lot.

They also don't say it ran on PC...note the use of the word 'can'. Not that it matters, it seems the game may not look anything like the initial trailer on any platform....


Online? I remember a shitload of people complaining about Dragon's Dogma being single player only and even spammed their stream demanding multiplayer, this is good news!

Yeah but they need to keep the combat gameplay and make it mutiplayer not try and transform it into an MMO.


I guess Panta Rhei suffered the same problem UE4 has had. Consoles are weaker than Capcom/Epic were hoping for/wanting. Can't wait to see The Division show up actually running on PS4.


Can't wait to see the PC version. The tech demo definitely looked way better than what they showed briefly this time around. Especially after looking at some of the screens captured.


I guess Panta Rhei suffered the same problem UE4 has had. Consoles are weaker than Capcom/Epic were hoping for/wanting. Can't wait to see The Division show up actually running on PS4.

I just hope that if that is true, it doesn't hold the PC versions back


So its not going to be a spitiual successor to Dragons Dogma? :(

Dragons Dogma style combat in any genre like an MMO would have worked.


Since X1, PS4, and PC share similar architecture AND If the engine scales well I don't think we'll see too much holding back on PC multiplatform games this time around.


Junior Member
So Capcom is going to be the SquareEnix of next gen?

I'm ok with this, as long as SquareEnix stops being the SquareEnix of this generation. Sorry, fans of Capcom IPs.

OT: The fact that this is online, kills any remaining hype I had for this game. I feel like gaming is trying to leave me behind, just because I don't like playing with other people.


i'm thinking this is online as in more like dark souls, where it's not a full on mmo but has online aspects


Since X1, PS4, and PC share similar architecture AND If the engine scales well I don't think we'll see too much holding back on PC multiplatform games this time around.

I hope that's true! :)
I honestly see this gen having the fewest console exclusives yet.


i'm thinking this is online as in more like dark souls, where it's not a full on mmo but has online aspects

I think people should keep in mind that the game is now associated with Capcom Online Games. This puts it in the same stable as browser games, smartphone games, social/mobile stuff, and subscription based online Monster Hunter. It doesn't mean it's a MMO, but it does mean that the people in charge of producing and marketing this title are the same guys handling the other stuff I mentioned. Food for thought.

Edit: These threads should give you a good idea of the kind of management which is behind this game:



Where does it say it's an mmo? :eek:

Or is CoG related to MMOs or something? I'm kind of confused.

Earlier in the thread:

The genre is listed as "Memory Reading RPG" on the site. Requires online, many other players.

No mention of "MMO" per se. I doubt it will be complete MMO. I'm thinking it will be similar to Dragon Dogma's taken up a notch/coop, etc.

I think people should keep in mind that the game is now associated with Capcom Online Games. This puts it in the same stable as browser games, smartphone games, social/mobile stuff, and subscription based online Monster Hunter. It doesn't mean it's a MMO, but it does mean that the people in charge of producing and marketing this title are the same guys handling the other stuff I mentioned. Food for thought.

Edit: These threads should give you a good idea of the kind of management which is behind this game:


Well, shit.
Based on the YouTube we have with the quality we have this game went through MASSIVE downgrade since the reveal trailer.

Polycounts, textures, effects etc. everything looks poor and this-gen in that YT video.

Oh well.
Holy shit at that downgrade. I was holding out hope these new consoles could amaze me with graphics like this and Quantic Dream's Sorcerer tech. Oh well. 8-10 more years with these underwhelming consoles.

There is another way, my son. There is the PC way.
They could have made a dragon's dogma 2, instead they probably make some shitty ass mmo.

Next gen couldn't be any more of a dissapointment I thought, I was wrong.

I think people should keep in mind that the game is now associated with Capcom Online Games. This puts it in the same stable as browser games, smartphone games, social/mobile stuff, and subscription based online Monster Hunter. It doesn't mean it's a MMO, but it does mean that the people in charge of producing and marketing this title are the same guys handling the other stuff I mentioned. Food for thought.

Edit: These threads should give you a good idea of the kind of management which is behind this game:

edit: oh fuck this....


If this turns out to be rubbish I will just transfer my hype to Dragon's Dogma 2 when it is announced since that is where the hype rightfully belongs anyway.


I really hope it does turn out to be on PC, next-gen seems to be favouring multi-platform and why would Capcom not want to capitalise on other platforms? Looking interesting, hopefully it turns out to be some form of Dark Souls/Dragon's Dogma styled game with an online portion attached. Definitely seems like next-gen titles are really pushing the open-world/online play.
Man, all these PC titles for next-gen, boy is it good to have a high-end PC! Looking interesting, hopefully it turns out to be some form of Dark Souls/Dragon's Dogma styled game with an online portion attached. Definitely seems like next-gen titles are really pushing the open-world/online play.

Yay PC!

Has it been confirmed for PC?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?

Sorry if old.
Why does everything look so good off screen? This shit looks like Demon's Souls 2.
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