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Colin Moriarty of Kinda Funny: source says "most developers are not happy with PS4.5"

They are not overworked enough, lol. Now they will have two versions of PS4 and Xbox One to develop around instead of targeting each one. Again, I have no problem with these new systems for those that want the option, but I can also see why devs would not be too high on the idea.

Keep in mind some of the same developers were releasing their games cross-platform between PS3 and PS4, and 360 and Xbone. Activision, EA, Ubisoft, etc. all of them were doing it. And releasing those same games on PC too.

That's a lot more "work" than it would be for PS4 and PS4K.
So what I want to know is what are the publishers thinking about this?
Would love to know this too.

I'd see them really pushing for it if they could somehow get a bump of a few extra bucks out of the NEO version of their games, but otherwise whats the real upside for them here?


If Sony follows what is outlined in the GiantBomb article, people should have little to worry about regarding a split user base. So I think people need to chill out on the split user base speculation because every indication is that all games will be forward compatible for PS4.

For those that are upset because their PS4 won't be the newest/shiniest version, I'm not sure what to tell you. Nothing is being taken away from you, it's giving those that want to upgrade an opportunity to do so. The 7 year console cycle is a dinosaur and experimenting with new release models is a positive. If PSNeo bombs then they'll probably revert.

I feel like a lot of people who are complaining in this thread will eventually come around and be buying the new version within a few months of release.
Keep in mind some of the same developers were releasing their games cross-platform between PS3 and PS4, and 360 and Xbone. Activision, EA, Ubisoft, etc. all of them were doing it. And releasing those same games on PC too.

That's a lot more "work" than it would be for PS4 and PS4K.

Most cross gen titles were given to different dev teams.
Would love to know this too.

I'd see them really pushing for it if they could somehow get a bump of a few extra bucks out of the NEO version of their games, but otherwise whats the real upside for them here?

I mean, how many people would buy a game just because it was optimized for Neo? I don't see this generating sales for third party publishers.
I'm curious to see the interviews after the thing unveils.

It's possible tons of developers are upset, but Colin citing one person speaking for an industry without any additional details isn't convincing me this is the majority opinion.

"NeoGaf moderator calls into question the journalistic integrity of Colin Moriarty"


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
"Most developers"?

This is going to look pretty stupid if Sony have a developer interview reel like they did when they announced the ps4 hardware.

I highly doubt they would push forward with this unless the major publishers were on board.

I highly disagree.


Makes sense. These games running on the PS4 and Xbox One aren't selling any less because of the hardware limitations. Sony is just complicating things, and adding extra work and consideration for both devs and consumers. I would have much preferred they wait a few more years and just release the PS5.
This is optional, right? If it isn't feasible for certain third parties, then that's fine, just develop for the OG PS4. I'm sure Sony will get its own studios to optimise for it.


OléGunner;201383864 said:
Time is the only missing element here.

We need this new PS4 to drop so devs can honestly say whether adding another Sku genuinely adds extra costs and effort on their part.

Is this a joke??

Yes. No. Maybe
So your solution to shitty game optimization is to add even more effort and forced platforms?

What are you talking about? Am I supposed to be concerned as a consumer why something is broken? If something is broken it's developer's problem. PS3 was more difficult to port to and that never excused shitty Bayonetta port. Why should I care what their excuse is?


Never thought I'd see the day... lots of people in this thread complaining that games will have to spend MORE time in QA.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Devs complain about having to make the same game for two different graphical skus for no extra money or marketshare.

They were never gone. They were just making some seriously good decisions for a hot minute.

And then VR.

And then PS4K.


While I agree they never left, they just sat back and let Microsoft shoot itself in the face.


While I doubt there's a single "source" in the business that has instant access to most developers, if the PS4 Neo is exactly as the leaks suggest (and nothing more, nothing less), I can totally see a number of developers not having warm feelings towards it. I've said it before, but if the value proposition is just "more graphics", then the product has the potential to cause a lot of negative feelings from the community.
Much of the issues are on how the company console leaders plan to deal with this. Two SKUs means double the cert, as said before. Also, how will optimizations work for both systems? And are gamers going to expect better performance for lower, third party developers who already barely have the funds to make it work?

If they can fix those issues, it might be a good idea, but that takes some heavy preplanning, and the assumption that they released these consoles possibly thinking about another version in mind.

I'm especially worried about how Japanese developers are going take this. They finally catch hold of the market, and now have to worry about this. Sony and MS better have some easy options for them and other devs, or this will be a halt of progress.

Never thought I'd see the day... lots of people in this thread complaining that games will have to spend MORE time in QA.

They aren't in QA for glitches. It's for optimization for a new console.

And pushing back dates for a thing that might not affect every consumer en masse would be annoying.
What are you talking about? Am I supposed to be concerned as a consumer why something is broken? If something is broken it's developer's problem. PS3 was more difficult to port to and that never excused shitty Bayonetta port. Why should I care what their excuse is?
Yes you should because regardless of what their excuse is you as a consumer end up with a worse game.


best junior ever
From a QA perspective this will mean having to test 2 different versions of the game on 2 different machines. In my educated opinion it will increase testing time by at least 30% which will mean that extra staff will have to be hired, new TRC's will have to be adhered to, Bug databases will have to be split and a whole bunch of new machines will have to be bought. This will hurt the smaller studios.

Assuming all the reports are correct.
I would be if you suddenly told me I had to implement an additional 'neo' mode in my game due out this fall. Who is going to pay for that extra time testing it?
I'm really pissed at PS4K in general, but making a mandatory Neo mode is very bad for all developers, especially indies. I have a bad feeling it'll cause Persona 5 to be delayed again. ._.

Hopefully Sony cancels this shit. One console per a generation should be it for a minimum of 5 years.


It's been fascinating listening to Colin talk about his stance on this topic since murmurings of the PS4K hit the general public. I too, greedily welcome the prospect of a iterative console on a shorter cycle which boosts game performance to the highest achievable level, but the fact is that this is a troubling trend to set; one which will have positive effects for some, while splitting the general gaming population even further and having negative repercussions on gaming in general.
Everything cant stay the same, we're not in a perpetual time bubble, so you adapt, you change things up or you lose. Sony has 4k TVs to sell, UHD to sell, VR to sell and great looking first party efforts to sell on a 4k screen, they're in a business to keep all their divisions afloat. If they were selling this upgrade for an arm and a leg I would understand, but the thing is $400 for quite a bit of a power upgrade, if anything, I thing this is goodwill that they've listened to persons who wanted something beefier for their games and VR and to also leverage their other business which PS4 users utilize as well, like bluray, media etc.... I'm yet to understand how a developer will have a hard time generating neo code alongside the vanilla PS4, are these consoles based on two vastly different architectures? No, so it's more or less hating the concept of mid gen releases more than anything. Developers use to develop games for PS3, PS2, Wii, XB360, PSP, NDS and PC at one point in time, I never heard such statements, all of a sudden two similar PS4's from an arch standpoint is a headache devs are commenting on.

People had a right to bitch about cell, they had a right to bitch about vector units on the PS2, but the good devs always let their code do the talking. It would seem that coding for the NEO and PS4 combined is somehow worse than cell coding, but we all know this is not true. If these devs could have done multiple platforms years ago when most devs had to finetune their own internal engine for multiple architectures and a hundreds of pc configs, how are these guys complaining now who mostly use UE4, Cryengine, Unity, Frostbite which have already catered to a million varied platforms. It's not even necessary to make that point because the PS4 and NEO use the same dev environment and api's


Gold Member
"NeoGaf moderator calls into question the journalistic integrity of Colin Moriarty"

Well, Colin has made his stance know since the very first rumors, that he is against this idea. Thus there is a slight bias, to be loose with the information.

Most can be anywhere from 3 out of 5 developers or, 150 out of 250. ;)

I do not think it was 'integrity' he was calling out... but to leave an open ended 'most' with no basis of numbers, etc., sends people into one extreme side, like we are seeing, lol.

Yes. No. Maybe

That's classified.


So I tried looking up who Colin Moriarty is. Still have no idea outside of his affiliation with Funny Or Die. Is he actually a journalist?

Kinda Funny.

Before that he was Senior Editor at IGN

It's the first thing that comes up when you type his name into google.


I'm really pissed at PS4K in general, but making a mandatory Neo mode is very bad for all developers, especially indies. I have a bad feeling it'll cause Persona 5 to be delayed again. ._.

Hopefully Sony cancels this shit. One console per a generation should be it for a minimum of 5 years.
Are there any other arbitrary rules you would like Sony to follow?

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
That worked out just swell for Quantum Break.

It was so easy that they didn't even bother to put a quit option in the main menu.

So you've proven my point then. Because the Xbox One version doesn't have a quit option either.

So maybe it seems like it was very easy for them to actually do the port, but the obvious current limitations of UWP are bringing its own issues. But in terms of the actual development of the port, maybe that went smoothly. Given pretty much EVERYTHING from the Xbox version carried over in tact, maybe I'm right.


Gold Member
Would love to know this too.

I'd see them really pushing for it if they could somehow get a bump of a few extra bucks out of the NEO version of their games, but otherwise whats the real upside for them here?

I have a feeling that it's part of the long game for them if this is the first step towards a future where userbases are no longer fragmented with each new console release. The big win for them is no longer having to start from scratch with each "generation" in terms of user bases where games that are released early on in a cycle have lower sales potential.

So you've proven my point then. Because the Xbox One version doesn't have a quit option either.

So maybe it seems like it was very easy for them to actually do the port, but the obvious current limitations of UWP are bringing its own issues. But in terms of the actual development of the port, maybe that went smoothly. Given pretty much EVERYTHING from the Xbox version carried over in tact, maybe I'm right.

I'm not disputing that.

It doesn't mean it's a good thing though.
I'm really pissed at PS4K in general, but making a mandatory Neo mode is very bad for all developers, especially indies. I have a bad feeling it'll cause Persona 5 to be delayed again. ._.

Hopefully Sony cancels this shit. One console per a generation should be it for a minimum of 5 years.

Is Neo mode mandatory?

What if you simple submitted the same code for both modes
From a QA perspective this will mean having to test 2 different versions of the game on 2 different machines. In my educated opinion it will increase testing time by at least 30% which will mean that extra staff will have to be hired, new TRC's will have to be adhered to, Bug databases will have to be split and a whole bunch of new machines will have to be bought. This will hurt the smaller studios.

Assuming all the reports are correct.
But will these smaller studios be forced to develop two versions? The vanilla version will work on Neo.
Never thought I'd see the day... lots of people in this thread complaining that games will have to spend MORE time in QA.

It's not spending better time in QA though. It's spending the exact same time on 2 different machines, meaning you either put more money into it or more time. The end result for the game is still the same. It's just been more expensive or a longer wait. The game isn't actually tested anymore than if it had been on a single platform.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Its Colin

His source is likely legit but without specifics its hard to say how sweeping this sentiment is


Colin is EXTREMELY well connected in Playstation land so his comment is probably as certain as a tweet can be.


That doesn't really say how sweeping or widespread this sentiment goes

Ray Down

Thread's moving fast so I didn't see them!

Matt posted in the Giant bomb thread and said something along the lines that we shouldn't worry and Gopher said something in the original thread about it being okay.

Someone probably has those posts bookmarked though.

I trust there word, but man E3 gonna be a circus.


That's pretty much what I was trying to say as well. I give up though, it's not worth talking about because "it should be easy" so apparently during all of my years of experience I've been doing the whole damn thing wrong.

you should see the other threads.

apparently all coding is done using high level playstation apis where you just pass your "settings" and magically the game is optimized.
also I learnt that nobody writes hardware specific low level code(aka coding to metal) anymore. It's actually a myth they say, so I wonder what that makes me(most I do is low level stuff that often targets specific hardware)? a mythical programmer? ^_~
It wouldn't surprise me if these people think exclusives like uncharted 4 are made using ruby, javascript and the html 5 canvas tag.
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