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COMICS!!! |OT| August 2017 | Gwenpool's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard


Superman #28 was good, but why did Supes
go and ruin that family's tradition?
What are they going to do next summer?

Didn't really care for Batman this week, and I've enjoyed Jokes & Riddles so far. Didn't feel like Batman made any progress other than taking some pawns off the board.

That's all I got this week. Marvel didn't really have anything other than Vader. Those books are good, but I feel like they are over as soon as they start. They probably would read much better in trade format.

How has Green Arrow been? I've been thinking about picking up the first few trades.
I was thinking about them at first, but I thought F4 and X-Men don't patrol. Isn't F4 government operated and they fight in space?

Not government operated, but they are government allies from time to time. They fight where they're needed, but they threats they deal with are typically cosmic. Though there's also Mole Man.

X-Men and FF don't do patrolling. It really does seem like you want the Detective Comics run going right now or some version of Birds of Prey.
Not government operated, but they are government allies from time to time. They fight where they're needed, but they threats they deal with are typically cosmic. Though there's also Mole Man.

X-Men and FF don't do patrolling. It really does seem like you want the Detective Comics run going right now or some version of Birds of Prey.
Ultimate!FF was government operated, right?
I really like Aaron's Dr Strange run for what it's worth, I like how he leans heavy on the link between Strange's expertise as an actual doctor and makes that link, examining magical creatures as bacteria and so on, it's pretty good stuff. He manages to build a nice little world and community between the various sorcerers of the MU too, that was neat. I kind of thought it was received well too by the big sites? Regardless I enjoyed it. Thor is the main attraction but Imo Thor is inherently more interesting a concept. Strange isn't far behind as a well written run from Aaron though.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Was kind of disappointed in Elsewhere. Kind of just bland, but interesting enough to give another shot. Extremity stays great though!

I just read Elsewhere myself. I didn't love it but I wouldn't say I was disappointed. Amelia is cute. Her two companions are kind of bland so far though. The reveal at the end was pretty cool. Sumeyye Kesgin and Ron Riley both did a great job on the art.

I liked it enough to give it an arc unless it just falls off a cliff.

As someone who only buys the trades its brutal when a new issue of East of West comes out.

It's definitely the book I'm most excited for this week. That is why I am saving it until last.
From Gillen's newsletter.

On the JIM omnibus:

Out this week. 750 pages or so. If you're feeling flush, get it from your comic shop or online retailer.

This pleased me. Young Avengers got a omnibus, but this is the biggest body of my Marvel Work put in an omnibus format. As it was always conceived as a novel to have it all between two thick covers is doubly pleasing.

I suspect Journey Into Mystery may be the book which most altered my trajectory as a writer. There's a distinct before and after. It was certainly the first example of my specific Work-For-Hire tactic for my whole Marvel Universe period – namely, one book which leans populist and another which leans personal. Uncanny X-Men was me playing stadiums. Journey Into Mystery was me doing “Fuck it – no-one's done a pop-Sandman in the Marvel Universe, so that someone may as well be me.”

Journey Into Mystery came after my oddly ever-expanding fill in run on Thor. It was originally meant to be five issues, but ended up being 11, plus two other tie-ins. I recall getting called by Alejandro to expand it for the final time and we laughed until we cried, and then we cried some more. Suffice to say, that year on Thor was came out hot, and when it was all over, I was able to sit back and contemplate the chaos a little.

Later, Editor Ralph Macchio asked if I had any ideas to do a sister book to Matt Fraction's run on Thor. And, yes, I did. I wanted to do a Loki book.

My Thor run was basically a process of getting under Loki's skin. At the start, I was writing him as the standard devious insecure sibling model. The more I wrote him, the more the perversity of Loki's position got to me. This all came together in a Siege: Loki, with Jamie McKelvie (whatever happened to that guy?) which can be seen as the febrile Petri dish that Journey Into Mystery grew from. He's the god of chaos, but can never change. That would make Loki seethe. I wanted to write that guy.

The book I originally conceived was very much that. A returned, almost Elric-styled SexLoki trying to work out a way to be anything else. Ironically enough, in my head it was a little closer to what Al Ewing ended up writing with his wonderful third-part-to-the-Loki Trilogy in Loki: Agent Of Asgard. But there was a curveball – Fraction's plan to bring Loki back as a kid. I asked Matt when he'd be back as an adult, presuming it'd be at the end of Fear Itself. Matt says no. We're keeping him as a kid, as long as we can.

You can imagine my eyebrow rise. Are you sure?

The second I started writing Loki as a kid, it instantly clicked. This was a great idea. Matt's observation was that we never had any idea why Thor cared about Loki. To show Loki as this sweet, funny, smart boy is a way for us to understand why Thor doesn't just hammer Loki's head flat at the start of every god cycle. For my writing, it was a revelation. Pre-Journey Into Mystery I was a cold writer. I still am, to some level. My characters mostly wear masks, and I get emotion when that shell cracks. With Loki as a kid, I could write someone with all the wordplay, performance and deceit which I love, but also give myself permission to write emotions much nearer the surface. I could show his pain more, which undercut all his levity and lies with that fundamental sadness.

In other words, I could be a total heartbreaker. And lo, I was, and when I'd done it once, I got a taste for it.

I often get a lot of credit for Kid Loki, occasionally even to the level of people saying he's my character. That's not true, and Fraction deserves so much credit for the core of what makes Journey Into Mystery work. It was 100% his idea. He deserves even more than that, as there's another reason why if it wasn't for Matt, it's unlikely anyone would be talking about Journey Into Mystery today.

Because without Matt, Journey Into Mystery doesn't have its end, and its end is the reason why Journey Into Mystery is Journey Into Mystery.

After I'd already finished Manchester Gods, I was informed that JIM would be cancelled in three or four issues. I'll be candid: I was distraught. I was distraught and angry with myself, because I'd done the classic error of getting too emotionally invested with characters which were not my own. My emotional contraceptives were pierced. A WFH creator is a nanny, not a mother, and the industry is full of horror stories of what happened to people who failed to realise that. If I was told before Manchester Gods, I may have been able to get to the conclusion in the space, but in those handful, it just was impossible. I started to piece together another ending, which would have been tragic and meta, a mixture of comic and bitter. I had the idea of a multidimensional congress of Leahs, who were all dying. If they fell beneath a set number, our reality would fail. The number of Leahs in the congress would be the final sales orders for whatever issue of Journey Into Mystery it was, so would fall from issue to issue as sales gradually declined. Which is a very me idea, but would also totally fuck us if sales went up.

I was talking to Matt about this, and he instantly suggested we merge our two books for the end of our runs. Some of his storylines (such as the Aesir/Vanir parts) were already interlinked with mine, and he could see that my story was constructed solely towards its ending. He wanted to ensure it happened. We pitched it to Marvel, and they said yes.

There's many people – artists, editors, colourists, letterers, designers - who deserve thanks to for Journey Into Mystery, but for all their brilliance, they were doing their jobs. Matt deserves special thanks because this wasn't his problem. I owe him enormously, as does anyone who's ever enjoyed Journey Into Mystery.

Heh. I've written a thousand words and not even got to the serious parts of unpacking of what makes it work, and how it's looked at, and where it took me next. It's a weird book in many ways. I planned it to be resilient to crossovers, but I had no idea literally 75% of its run would be crossovers. Hell, 25% of this novel isn't written by me, which makes the "By Kieron Gillen" a bit funny. Yet in this strange conditions, it holds together, and it mostly works, or so I'm told.

I don't want to write a specific thank you to everyone who worked on it, but it's brought more close personal friends than any other book. You know who you are, and thank you. I cherish you.

In the inside cover of Journey Into Mystery trades, I tend to write line I put in the back of the notes of our final issue: Write your own happy ending.

This omnibus is Journey Into Mystery's.

On WicDiv:

We have an artist for the 1920s WicDiv special. They're excellent. And I am teasing.
I just read Elsewhere myself. I didn't love it but I wouldn't say I was disappointed. Amelia is cute. Her two companions are kind of bland so far though. The reveal at the end was pretty cool. Sumeyye Kesgin and Ron Riley both did a great job on the art.

I liked it enough to give it an arc unless it just falls off a cliff.

It's definitely the book I'm most excited for this week. That is why I am saving it until last.

The story possibilities with that ending is enough to have me come back for a bit. Especially if it could happen with more than just this case.
New Gods Special was great, ready for a New Gods ongoing now

Generations Hulk was okay. I liked the conversation more than the fighting, which wasn't always clearly conveyed. The reason for the meeting was dumb. Doesn't inspire much faith in the event.
New Gods Special was great, ready for a New Gods ongoing now

Generations Hulk was okay. I liked the conversation more than the fighting, which wasn't always clearly conveyed. The reason for the meeting was dumb. Doesn't inspire much faith in the event.
Yeah, saw Comicsbeat's review of the special.


Alright. Picked up Thor vol1 - Thunder in her Veins, and excited about it thanks to gaf.

Also picked up Jessica Jones vol 1, I'm a massive Alias fan, and didn't realize Bendy and Gaydos were working on her again.

Lastly I grabbed Saga vol 1. I know NOTHING about it, but BKV is awesome and it seems popular.

As far as floppies go, I bought Generations Hulk, Robotech, and New Gods special because I am weak. (I'm trying be a mostly trade guy again, floppies are awful I have no place to store them in my tiny apartment.
I just grabbed it off IST.

I have it all ready in the big two part soft cover editions, but wanted the Omnibus to go with my Young Avengers one.

Now if only they'd release a Loki: Agent of Asgard omni, I'd have the full set.
Would love a pre-Secret Wars omni with all of Ewing's work.


Birthday Time has started again, where ComicGAF celebrates like every second day another birthday child!

Happy Birthday Freeza! Stay healthy and have always a good Comic to read!


I'm not a Shane Davis fam but I was pleasantly surprised by the New Gods special. It's nice to see the classic Orion again and none of the N52 garbage take.


I just grabbed it off IST.

I have it all ready in the big two part soft cover editions, but wanted the Omnibus to go with my Young Avengers one.

Now if only they'd release a Loki: Agent of Asgard omni, I'd have the full set.

When you put it next to young avengers will you say "why couldn't you be a good book like JiM" and frown?


Alright. Picked up Thor vol1 - Thunder in her Veins, and excited about it thanks to gaf.

Also picked up Jessica Jones vol 1, I'm a massive Alias fan, and didn't realize Bendy and Gaydos were working on her again.

Lastly I grabbed Saga vol 1. I know NOTHING about it, but BKV is awesome and it seems popular.

As far as floppies go, I bought Generations Hulk, Robotech, and New Gods special because I am weak. (I'm trying be a mostly trade guy again, floppies are awful I have no place to store them in my tiny apartment.

That's not the first Thor volume. You are looking for God of Thunder.

If you liked Alias you will love Jessica jones.

Saga is so bloody great. Enjoy.
Anyone picking up the JIM omnibus?

Definitely, I had it pre-ordered on Amazon but IST ended up getting it 2 weeks earlier than Amazon and significantly cheaper (not a big surprise), so I moved my order over to IST. I have the TPBs... somewhere (I think I'm still missing one book box from a move 3 years ago.... or maybe my JIM TPBs ran away with my Remender X-Force tpbs)... but It'll be nice to have it all in one place.

The run isn't home-run perfect throughout the whole duration (there are definitely a few down points), and it does end up crossing over with stuff a bit too much, but it's still one of my favorite recent runs, tells a great story, and does an amazing job of actually making you really, really care about Loki, and feel genuinely bad for him and the fate he's basically trapped in. Plus Thori (Loki's dog) is absolutely amazing.

It's interesting to see the whole "witty/cool character" thing in relation to Phonogram (which is enjoyable, but also completely up it's own ass with how "cool" it wanted to be) and Young Avengers (which I like a lot, but since it's a team book the team and book can be "witty" and "cool" at each other / within itself without other people calling them out on how hollow or fake a lot of it rings.) in JIM Loki tries to be "witty" and "cool", but 99% of the time the other characters are having absolutely none of it and call him out on his nonsense; he may be the smartest person in the room but you are also reminded that he'd be absolutely insufferable to be around.


That's not the first Thor volume. You are looking for God of Thunder.

If you liked Alias you will love Jessica jones.

Saga is so bloody great. Enjoy.

Ahhh, thank you so much. I will table that trade and read the earlier stuff.

Edit - oh, also the skies fucking opened up and I got drenched from head to toe on the way back to work. Boss was not pleased but the comics stayed dry and at the end of the day, thats what really matters.
Did you see the Ellis info from his newsletter in last thread?

Also, yay new thread.

Yeah, that was a great page. everyone should subscribe to his newsletter. Something fun to look forward to (almost) every Sunday.

Anyone picking up the JIM omnibus?

Will order sometime today. My carry over 2% shipping made the price drop below the free shipping tier. -_-
first world problems...
Will order sometime today. My carry over 2% shipping made the price drop below the free shipping tier. -_-
first world problems...

Marvel Monsterbus #2 also just hit this week, if you're looking for other interesting omnibus-type-things at significant discounts. Monsterbus #1 was a ton of fun.
Happy Birthday Freeza! Stay healthy and have always a good Comic to read!

Have a good birthday Freeza! Hope you don't get rained on like me on the way to dinner on my break.

Marvel Monsterbus #2 also just hit this week, if you're looking for other interesting omnibus-type-things at significant discounts. Monsterbus #1 was a ton of fun.

I'll definitely get those someday but in spite of Kirby, they rather scream of clearance-discounts in a year or so...

Edit: Whoa, already at 67% off. Then I might as well jump on it. Thanks for the heads up.
The New Gods issue was okay. I wasn't expecting a lot out of it.
I'm dropping Tom King's after reading the latest issue and might get the trade for All Star Batman at my LCS.
Fantagraphics Humble Bundle, for all of you Fantagraphics fans. I heard there were dozens of you.

Happy birthday, Freeza!
Fanta rules. Stealth best pub out there.

Good bundle too. Megg and Mogg In Amsterdam and 5000KM Per Second were two of my favorite graphic novels last year. Plus it comes with some Love and Rockets and more. Definitely worth a look and a pretty good place to start if you want to get into indie/alt comics beyond Image.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Apparently pretty alright aside from the fact that kind of story(kids from the future)has been told more than 1000 times. It's nothing amazing but also not horrible.

Interested in who takes over JL after Hitch.

They can't be any worse


I fucking love Cooke but have never read New Frontier, that's something I gotta fix one of these days. I'm not too big on the whole DC universe, I'm mostly a Bat Family guy, but I'm sure a comic done by Cooke will be amazingly regardless of what it's about.

That makes me sad that you haven't read it. It's definitely his magnum opus. To me, it's the best standalone superhero story ever. Incredibly incredible.

Please get on it.
Happy birthday Freeza! How many statues are you buying for yourself today.

-_- Best publisher in comics
at least for physical editions

Fanta rules. Stealth best pub out there.

Good bundle too. Megg and Mogg In Amsterdam and 5000KM Per Second were two of my favorite graphic novels last year. Plus it comes with some Love and Rockets and more. Definitely worth a look and a pretty good place to start if you want to get into indie/alt comics beyond Image.

I'm just throwing shade at Ed.
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