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COMICS! |OT| May 2015. Those things your favorite movie/show/game/etc. was based on.

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So, FCBD plans, fam?

My LCS opens at 10am. I plan on rolling by 6:45am to see how the line is. If it's more than 50, I'm going to work to get some overtime. If not, then I'm staying in line with my 3DS, Batman: Black Mirror and All-Star Superman trades. Maybe get some Dutch Bros before I head there. Derek Fridolfs is going to be there giving out free sketches; will get him to draw me something if I have time.

Also, my LCS is limiting two books per adult. :(
All my local shops are doing five per person. I'm making a small road trip out of it. :3

That's fair. This is the first year my LCS isn't doing it for walk-ins. In past years, they've always had problems. Last year it was some lady trying to take multiple copies of everything for her kids.
Tyrant, who's your avvytar?
Takane from Idolmaster :)
All my local shops are doing five per person. I'm making a small road trip out of it. :3
Yeah I saw Tate's was doing five per person. I would stop by since it's on my way home from work but I saw they already had a tent set up so I know it's gonna be a zoo this weekend between that and the big Star Wars sale on Sunday. I can deal with waiting since I really only want Avengers and Divergence lol
So I'm reading through Multiversity #2, and wow there are
A LOT of blatant Marvel characters in there. I'm just like "oh, there's Cyclops! And Hawkeye! Is that Captain America?" Is there a reason for this?
So I'm reading through Multiversity #2, and wow there are
A LOT of blatant Marvel characters in there. I'm just like "oh, there's Cyclops! And Hawkeye! Is that Captain America?" Is there a reason for this?
Spider-Man too! Just Morrison writing commentary on the industry. It is hilarious how blatant it is
So, FCBD plans, fam?

i was supposed to go to this big "Free Comic-Con Day" thing in Culver City with a shitload of artists/writers/etc but my friend had to cancel

straight up fuccboi shit and now everything's up in the air, like do i drive 1.5 hours by myself to a thing or do i not do that


Pax America thoughts for Veelk:

So Pax is a pretty fascinating comic for me, conceptually and in practice it is absolutely brilliant and unlike some of the other Multiversity one shots I don't see any way it could ever work as an on going series. It's obviously a reaction to Miller and Moore and the bits of dark n gritty they introduced and popularized into modern comics. This should surprise no one really because Morrison has very publically decried those themes, it's probably his magnum opus in that regards honestly. As a comic story it's just so perfectly conceived and executed, Morrison and Quitely created a comic that can literally be read forwards and backwards to tell it's story (when reading it in reverse, the panels depicting the president's assassination through to the cover of the comic are absolutely perfect). I don't think it's even important whether or not Algorithm 8 works or not, you can pretty easily make a case that it's simply a manifestation of the President's guilt over killing his father as a child. I think it's a more interesting story if you consider that Atom knows this plan will fail, but goes through with it any way simply because that's the way it has to be. He can see their origins and he can see their endings, but he never makes a case for being able to change those beginnings or endings. The door may open both ways, but only if Atom wants to or believes it's the way things were always going to. I've been toying with the idea that nothing Atom tells the president is actually in reference to what is happening in their reality, but rather broader statements about the multiversal crisis. In the end the door did open both ways for Nix and company, and that's how they were
able to stave off the attempts of the Gentry and see the dark version of Ultraa on his throne with the empty hand.
With all that said, Thunderworld was my favorite issue of the lot, because it was just so pitch perfect.

If you're not a fan of Morrison already, I don't see this as being the book to flip the switch for you. Something smaller in scope like We3 or Joe the Barbarian might be better starting points, they're undeniably Morrison, but a bit easier to digest and dive into.

Yeah, that's why I feel Harley is the only real character in the comic. There's emotional resonance in him. The alternative interpretation of him just believing Algorithm 8 out of guilt is an interesting interpretation, but then what does that imply about Captain Atom? He is at the part of Harley's life where he made that realization, and is just trolling him along? If the whole determinism thing is true, then Algorithm 8 exists and Harley just doesn't know it, so why Atom is doing it isn't really relevant because it's already happened from his perspective, which kind of just makes him an animate object rather than a character. The interesting thing with Dr. Manhattan that he struggled with who he was before and the god he is now. What is Atom's struggle? He seems like he's more secure about who he is in the room with the scientists than when he was with Harley. Did he get more comtrol over his powers? Did he stop caring about his old humanity? What changed? Who knows. Captain Atom isn't developed as a character within Pax, and we have no insight into what he's doing, why, or even if maybe he plans to go through with Harley's plan. Harley is the most developed character in the story, us having seen his life and his backstory and motivation. He's not extraordinarily well developed, and he mostly just looks good in comparison to other Pax characters who are remarkably shallow. The other character's decisions are only significant in regards to him, rather than themselves. So I can't agree about Pax being much in execution at all, but hey, agree to disagree.

The thing I like about Grant Morrison is his compactness


But that’s me, and that’s my taste. I look at something like “Clown at Midnight”, which all its flowery, nauseating purple prose and awful awful artwork, jerking off to its overblown alliteration. “casually, the coffin crushes Charlie cheesemold’s sternum to splinters and splits…”. FUCK YOU I wanted to read a comic book.

Well, I appreciate that you took the time to write that out, but, as with the reviewer in my PA post, I feel like one of us is in bizarro world and have completely opposite definitions of "good writing". I do see Morrison just throwing ideas at the wall occasionally, tough I do think he atleast tries to choose them with care. However, compactness....when you compact something, you lose are squeezing it, pressing things in a too small space. People praise the opening page of ASS, but it's more of a 'lets move on' sort of thing and it just manipulates you into completing the story for him. True, you could say he's writing for a well read superman audience and benefits them by not wasting time. However, what I see happening is this. He says brief words that have been traditionally used in the superman telling of the story, wherein you fill in the blanks with the best details you can know of. On it's own, it's basically just a summary in 8 words of Superman's past. It's usually a good narrative technique in some cases, but Morrison overuses it in ASS to me, because at some point I refuse to fill in the blanks and just read the text, and it's barren.

Writing "Rich Upbringing. Tragic Shooting. Obsessed Perfecting. Caped Crusading.." for Batman, I don't care about these ideas themselves. They are meager and pathetic. How has his upbringing affected him in this version growing up. Where were his parents shot, for what reason, why. What kind of obsessed training did he do, when did he start, how does he feel about it.

"Stuff happening" is shallow and meager writing. An idea, on it's own, is worthless to me. So yes, I have to monumentally disagree with you. Throw the comic with 12 ideas in the trash, I don't need them. One a single idea in depth is infinitely more valuable to me.

You should try something of his divorced from superhero comics. I feel We3 gets that reaction. Though I wouldn't expect We3 or Joe the Barbarian to give you an epiphany on Morrison's superhero work. But you might like them better all the same.
I would definitely recommend Doom Patrol. To me it's all about the nature of life. You could see it differently, however.

Will keeps these in mind, but I'm not expecting to be converted at this point.

I would say probably that if you've only been reading comics for a few years, that might take a lot of the impact of All Star away. Part of what I love about it is how it weaves in and out of what's almost a Superman history lesson, touching on aspects of the character and its mythos that have been so prevalent over the years.

I never really felt that it was preachy in any way, or that the world was 'unbelievable', though I don't really consider the effectiveness of the villains to be that barometer in this story.

The story is much less about, imo, whether or not this is a book that would allow a girl to actually hit the pavement as it is about Superman being there and what he would say to prevent it.

I do find it interesting that when discussing Morrison's work, fans often default to what Morrison work means in reference to things outside the comic itself. ASS is supposed to be a history lesson on superman now, a capture of the history of Superman gone by. What I would like to see what fans have to say on the ASS story, in and of itself, the characters and plot. I could talk about Snyder's work in general for a very long time, and though they contain numerous references to outside the comics (Zero Year especailly), I could have an entire conversation of nothing but the contents of the story itself. I don't feel I can do that with Morrison's stuff as much, and I don't see others doing it.

As for what ASS is about (regarding that panel), Superman says 2 things. One that her doctor got held up, and then that she's stronger than she thinks she is. The former statement would startle me, wondering how he knew. The latter I'd interpret as him not understanding me, and telling him to fuck off because he doesn't get it. Those words wouldn't resonate with me. I tried to think of what kind of person Regan would be to be moved by this. And the answer is: I have no clue. There are a great number of possibilities. Infinite, really. I have no idea who this kid is, what her problem was, why she was didn't believe her doctor, what her history is...nothing. She has some details you can extrapolate and you can tell she's goth, but that's it. When I realized this, this essentially became a generic motivational poster. You can transplant literally any kind of idea of kinship onto her because she's a blank slate, not a character. For an image as iconic as this, Superman helping out this random noncharacter seems like it's famous because of what it shows about Superman rather than who Regan is. Who Regan is is unimportant. It's Superman who is just characterized as a Nice Guy, and she's a means to that. It just became sterile and mechanical to me after that.

It all goes back to making the world of the comic, the characters and the environments feel real to me, and Morrison doesn't do that.

Well, as much as I enjoyed this surprisingly civil discussion, I'll have to retire for atleast a few days, since I have tests to study for. I spent 1.5 hours writing out this response, and to have a proper discussion with future responses, it'd require similar chunks of time. So until next time.


Age of Ultron doesn't start screening here in Poland until the 8th I think and there are micro-spoilers everywhere. Hnnnggg.

Also, not reading this thread for three months made me a sadder individual, I think. You people are cool.


So I'm reading through Multiversity #2, and wow there are
A LOT of blatant Marvel characters in there. I'm just like "oh, there's Cyclops! And Hawkeye! Is that Captain America?" Is there a reason for this?

To show that regardless of the publisher all comics exist in the same shared fiction. There's also a world of 90s Image characters. For example, DinoCop is based off Savage Dragon.


Junior Member
Should I head out to my comic book store right about now? They open at 11 & the lines get pretty damn long.


So, FCBD plans, fam?

Gonna meet up with Korupt in a couple hours to wait in line at one of our LCS'. They open at 10 but we're only gonna get there like a half hour early. When I went to FCBD there last year the line moved pretty quickly to get people into the store.


I am more curious dor the Valiant and Dark Circle Books than for ANAL Avengers and Secret Wars...

Espescially since Valiant gets the Cinematic Universe Treatment.


Unconfirmed Member


Throwing it out there

Miles Morales x America Chavez
I would be envious of Miles

Edit: wait, did I say that right? I meant to say that McKelvie's Anerica has the best legs, not admit to being gay. English language be difficult.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
X-Force #11, holy shit

finally loses it, and then gets his
brains blown all over the place by Domino
. Welp... Thats
1 of the 3 Fantomex's
down I guess. Im really surprised more people dont talk about this book around here, it seems right up Gaf's alley with its quirky cast and fucked up story. I for one highly recomend it.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
i was supposed to go to this big "Free Comic-Con Day" thing in Culver City with a shitload of artists/writers/etc but my friend had to cancel

straight up fuccboi shit and now everything's up in the air, like do i drive 1.5 hours by myself to a thing or do i not do that

Maaan. That sucks.

This is actually kind of refreshing. This thread overlooks awesome books like this and Bee & Puppycat.

Wait, what book is that then? I thought it was Bee & Puppycat.


Gonna meet up with Korupt in a couple hours to wait in line at one of our LCS'. They open at 10 but we're only gonna get there like a half hour early. When I went to FCBD there last year the line moved pretty quickly to get people into the store.

Pics or it didn't happen. :p

Gonna head out to my LCS soon and see what's up.
Great choice.
I still consider this the official history of the Marvel Universe.

Plus, the hardcover is oversized, if that's what you ordered. That art deserves more page space.

:( I did not, but it's not so expensive so if I love it and that sorta thing...I'll probably "upgrade" at some point.
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