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Dating-Age |OT5| Halp me pls. In the bathroom.

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A legit 10/10 messaged me on okcpuid. We chatted a bit and I got her number to talk on whatsapp. Talked a bit more and the last message I sent was asking if she was interested in meeting. Nothing for a few days. Too soon? Like it was... 3 days on okcupid and another 2 on whatsapp. Thought I'd take a shot I guess. Not a big deal but really if you guys could see her looks wise and me. pretty surprising. Though it didn't work out of course!

Anyway I'm taking a break from all online dating things now for a while i think. I really really need some pictures. Like all I have are mirror ones and one where a guy is owning me in bjj. Legit have no pictures of myself from the past few years (I know!)

Good luck everyone else, I'll be back!


You sound A) bitter and B) like you don actually like her. So why are you wasting time entertaining hanging out? Just say "no I'm good" and move on with your life. Don't you have actual better things to spend your free time on than proving pointless shit to yourself?

This. You said that you think she wants to meet up to rub the new bf in your face, but it sounds more like you want to rub your newfound confidence or whatever in hers.

No matter the reason, there's no point in meeting up with her.


This. You said that you think she wants to meet up to rub the new bf in your face, but it sounds more like you want to rub your newfound confidence or whatever in hers.

No matter the reason, there's no point in meeting up with her.

You sound A) bitter and B) like you don actually like her. So why are you wasting time entertaining hanging out? Just say "no I'm good" and move on with your life. Don't you have actual better things to spend your free time on than proving pointless shit to yourself?

I wouldn't have bothered wasting my time meeting up with such a person to prove anything. You shouldn't HAVE to prove anything. You should already KNOW that you are awesome and not require external validation.

Ok, so she knows that you're better off without her? Now what? What was the point if you don't care about her?

So, it's a form of payback? And/or a test for yourself?

The thing is, I do genuinely like this girl. I went there to test myself, I admit that, but I didn't go with any malicious intent towards her. I don't think there's anything wrong with me seeking physical proof that you're more likely to succeed in dating if you're not so nice. It's not often that you're gonna get the chance to test two different approaches on one girl.

When she was apologising, I just laughed it off, I didn't guilt trip her. If I'm bitter, it would be about the way I acted back then as opposed to begrudging her.

I genuinely enjoyed myself too, so it wasn't a waste of time. I always got on really well with her and I honestly can't understand what happened that day at the restaurant.

I was with her for like 4 hours so we spoke about plenty of things other than our failed relationship and the way I'd changed.

Yea I don't like her in that way anymore but that wasn't an issue when I was meeting her because I didn't expect her to say anything suggestive.

I would like to see her again as a friend and maybe I would date her again one day but my own gut feeling is that it was very stupid to go in the first place and everyone else's reaction has basically confirmed it.


A legit 10/10 messaged me on okcpuid. We chatted a bit and I got her number to talk on whatsapp. Talked a bit more and the last message I sent was asking if she was interested in meeting. Nothing for a few days. Too soon? Like it was... 3 days on okcupid and another 2 on whatsapp. Thought I'd take a shot I guess. Not a big deal but really if you guys could see her looks wise and me. pretty surprising. Though it didn't work out of course!

Anyway I'm taking a break from all online dating things now for a while i think. I really really need some pictures. Like all I have are mirror ones and one where a guy is owning me in bjj. Legit have no pictures of myself from the past few years (I know!)

Good luck everyone else, I'll be back!

5 days is fine. She probably was not interested in meeting you ever if that was 'too soon'.
5 days is fine. She probably was not interested in meeting you ever if that was 'too soon'.

Yeah maybe she just wanted a message only thing or something just because we had a few things in common. Which I could've been cool with. just didn't know! I really was bemused she messaged me though. Bizarre, I wouldn't have even thought to contact her. So fuck it next time I pick these things up I'll message 10's left and right.


This girl I used to date messaged me asking to meet. We haven't spoken for like 6 months so I checked Facebook and see she recently entered into a relationship.

I took it that she only wanted to meet to show off so I plan to turn up and show her how many fucks I give. I tell her I'd love to meet and act super happy for her when she breaks the news.

I think she was turned on by how disinterested I was. She kept apologising for us not working out and she said I looked "amazing" about 5 times.

Then she asks "Is this wrong?" to which I reply no because I'm not thinking of you in that way. Lastly, she says let's get to know each other in the long term and see what happens.

Something about me really sets this girl off, the first night I met her she begged me to sleep in her bed. I'm not sure if I should see her again, I felt bad for her boyfriend.

Yeah, she was trying to make you jealous, using her "boyfriend" as a tool. At least, that's the impression I get.
Blah. So confused with the coworker, but!! It is fun, and I actually have a little friend group going. But a little recapish. She invited me out, told her maybe, and she replied letting me know they're open a little later since it's Saturday. Arrived, and sat in front of her and talked with her. About work and stuff, asked about a callus she had on her ankle, and she let me brush it and then the other one to compare. Talked about her tattoos; and kinda felt along the details as I looked and talked, even the one on her inner thigh. Laughed, drank, and ate strawberries. Never got further, but she's cute as fuck.

But I just can't tell if she's into me. And self defeating thoughts kinda make it so she isn't, either way. She's always the one who invites me out, and she never recoils at touch, but I don't know. She invites me out, then seems to be kinda bashful around me? Like doesn't make eye contact or holds a good conversation? But she does with other people? And I haven't really gotten a chance to be alone with her, yet- Monday we might up early before a group bowling and catch Pokemon. Which, would be fucking fantastic. Dunno GAF. But, I'm doing my best to actually try.
Hi again dating gaf.

I wanted to stop by and thank each and every one of you for all your advice and help, it's really helped to move things forward and to put my mind at ease on more than one occasion.

Things are progressing well, we spent most of yesterday watching Stranger Things and it was nice, to be with her and cuddle on the bed. She spent the night but nothing happened, we just cuddled. We're taking things slowly, she's still happy to go at my pace but I am worried that she might feel I'm taking too long or not moving at a fast enough pace as I know she wants certain things from her body language and I want to give her those things, but I don't know if I'm fully ready yet.

I'd also like to give special thanks to ZachieChan (hope he doesn't mind me singling him out), you've been of more help than you'll ever really know and if you're ever in town make sure to call me so we can grab a drink.

This is the best community someone could ever hope to stumble across, you're all amazing and kind people. Thank you all.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Went on a date with this guy last night. We seemed to hit it off really well. I'm keeping cautiously optimistic. We've been texting a lot the last few days. He seems into me. Thank you tinder!
But I just can't tell if she's into me. And self defeating thoughts kinda make it so she isn't, either way. She's always the one who invites me out, and she never recoils at touch, but I don't know. She invites me out, then seems to be kinda bashful around me? Like doesn't make eye contact or holds a good conversation? But she does with other people? And I haven't really gotten a chance to be alone with her, yet- Monday we might up early before a group bowling and catch Pokemon. Which, would be fucking fantastic. Dunno GAF. But, I'm doing my best to actually try.

She has you touching her ankles and inner thigh, invites you out, and acts bashful around you? Unless you're telling us the facts incorrectly, it sounds obvious that she likes you. Ask her out on a date. Or don't, because co-workers.

I'd also like to give special thanks to ZachieChan (hope he doesn't mind me singling him out), you've been of more help than you'll ever really know and if you're ever in town make sure to call me so we can grab a drink.

This is the best community someone could ever hope to stumble across, you're all amazing and kind people. Thank you all.
No problem, man. My pleasure.

Went on a date with this guy last night. We seemed to hit it off really well. I'm keeping cautiously optimistic. We've been texting a lot the last few days. He seems into me. Thank you tinder!

Good job. Keep messaging others in the meantime. Don't get too invested in one person after one date!

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Good job. Keep messaging others in the meantime. Don't get too invested in one person after one date!

Oh I am, don't you worry. He's the 3rd one I've been on a date with this week. And I don't even know how many others I'm talking to atm. Just clicked with him the most.


My main problem with Tinder is the algorithm. I've got like 10+ matches in an hour once but then I can go days without a match.

I wish they'd keep the profile showing more consistent as when I get a lot of matches at once I tend to just fuck about.

Oh well, I can't really blame tinder for my immaturity.


First post in this thread. Youngster here so it would be great if you pros could hear me out.

Every day has been a struggle so far this summer after my first year of college. I've been friends with this girl since September who I also had a crush on initially. She's nothing short of attractive and brilliant, vibrant personality and all. She never ceases to make me laugh, always there to lighten the mood whenever life just weighed me down. Unfortunately she has a boyfriend in another country, so I was naturally distant the first few months. But as the year went on we became closer and closer to the point that we hung out every single day. We would study together, eat together, watch movies together (she's into film as I am). Even our own friend circle wanted to find out if we were dating or not. We had so much in common, from music taste to our personal outlook on life. Having been an awkward shy guy throughout most of my adolescence I only kept a handful of friends and never even experienced a relationship as I was also a really cynical dude and thought everyone in my high school was either obnoxious or immature. When she came into my life I realized I had been missing out on so much and as a result I couldn't get enough of her.

So after we got closer I invited her to a concert one night and before you know it she starts holding my hand, rubbing my arm, and leaning on me. Mind you we both pre-gamed the event, but she was significantly more buzzed than I was. We went to another concert and what do you know it happened again. We slept on the same bed about three times throughout the year, cuddling and all, but mind you she was of course buzzed/drunk. It was so tempting to just kiss her right there, but never in my right mind would I take advantage of someone in that state and ruin a relationship.

A few days before we left for the summer we were studying late into the night in a quiet, dark lounge. She finally broke down and basically told me how she had barely anything in common with this guy and that if he was admitted into our college (he's a high school senior) she would have broken up with him. She also said he wants to take things further with her, yet couldn't possibly see a long term future with him. As the night went on she eventually fell asleep and yes, she leaned on me and held my hand again...perfectly sober this time. Deciding to finally go along with it, I tucked her in close, rubbed her leg, and felt her up. To my surprise she did not resist at all.

So here we are knee deep into summer and it's been two weeks since we last texted. After I sent her gifts and a handwritten card telling her how I felt I decided to cut her off and "have a break" since I respect her and I didn't want to get hurt anymore. She posted a picture just yesterday looking like she's having the time of her life with her bf. They've been dating for about a year now. She has been on my mind every single day since we last saw each other. The first couple of weeks we were apart were absolute fucking hell. I've been hitting the gym, running again, and just working on myself since then in order to mitigate this pain, but I still can't help but feel these outbursts of depression and anger and frustration. It's been slowly eating me alive. She hasn't even apologized or told me straight up that we should just be friends. Nothing.

I'm getting better each and every day but I know deep inside I'm still so torn and helpless. I don't know what else to do, I've done everything I could and she won't even fucking apologize for using me. I wouldn't want to lose her as a friend either as we have such fantastic chemistry together and truly enjoy each other's company.

Thanks for hearing me out GAF. Any comment would be great right now.



You are on the right track with cutting her out and working on yourself.

People will probably give me shit but you should have kissed her and took a chance. She gave you all the signals and opportunities. I personally don't see her type of relationshp is sacred and something that shouldn't be broached. She's what 18-19? This stuff doesn't last, it's college...you aren't a home wrecker. People are still figuring themselves out and how relationships work at that age.

Last thing, no girl is perfect. I totally understand she's the first girl to really give you attention and make you feel special so every feeling is amplified. As you get more experience with more women you'll see more that this girl has flaws and you were a bit foolish wasting all that time, but if you had fun, learned a bit, got some confidence, etc., then I think it was worth it.
You obviously can't be just friends with her. You need to find someone who is available, not someone with a boyfriend. You're putting this girl on such a high pedestal that you can't see that she's not good for you.

And you can't kiss someone when they're buzzed? You read too much NeoGAF.

Edit: I agree with Vern. If the girl is into you, kiss her. But now? Forget her.

I've been where you are. It's not a good place to be.


Yeah that girl needs to make up her own mind, you cant do it for her.

In the meantime try to occupy yourself. If she has any backbone and she was telling the truth about having no future with the bf then she should do the decent thing. Don't hold your breath though, these things can drag out for ages. Don't get sucked in until the coast is clear.


Can I just say I'm happy for all of you who are venturing out of their comfort zones and being brave enough to meet and talk to new people. I hope I can join your ranks someday too.


What's stopping you today?

That's a good question. I've been somewhat introverted for all my life and I recently moved across the country to a place where I have no family or friends. Well, the last part isn't true anymore - I have a couple friends through school now, but still, my daily social interactions with people are pretty limited and I'm a stranger to the concept of meeting complete strangers out of the blue in an unfamiliar place.

I'm starting to think I might need to try using a dating app to open up the opportunity to meet girls, but I don't know what to try. I've heard of tinder but I thought that was mostly a hook-up app, and honestly I'm looking for more of a connection than that.


That's a good question. I've been somewhat introverted for all my life and I recently moved across the country to a place where I have no family or friends. Well, the last part isn't true anymore - I have a couple friends through school now, but still, my daily social interactions with people are pretty limited and I'm a stranger to the concept of meeting complete strangers out of the blue in an unfamiliar place.

I'm starting to think I might need to try using a dating app to open up the opportunity to meet girls, but I don't know what to try. I've heard of tinder but I thought that was mostly a hook-up app, and honestly I'm looking for more of a connection than that.

Tinder is what you make it. Plenty of people in this thread met their SO of long time on Tinder, me included.


That's a good question. I've been somewhat introverted for all my life and I recently moved across the country to a place where I have no family or friends. Well, the last part isn't true anymore - I have a couple friends through school now, but still, my daily social interactions with people are pretty limited and I'm a stranger to the concept of meeting complete strangers out of the blue in an unfamiliar place.

I'm starting to think I might need to try using a dating app to open up the opportunity to meet girls, but I don't know what to try. I've heard of tinder but I thought that was mostly a hook-up app, and honestly I'm looking for more of a connection than that.

As someone who has moved across the country as well as to different countries multiple times I can confidently say that going to a new place and knowing nobody should make it easier. You can be anyone you want to be. Nobody knows you were a shy, introverted dude in your past life. And if you fuck up and embarrass yourself when you go and chat up some cute girl no one will care because no one knows you.

Your friend bob won't be like "hey jerry, heard you struck out with Suzy the other day... Sucks to be you!" Because your friend bob is still back in your hometown and you are off on your own now.

Tinder is fine for dating seriously, just put in your profile you aren't looking for casual sex or one night stand or however you want to word it. Also be have luck with other apps (ask zackiechan what works lol).. What country are you in? I always recommend tantan but I live in Asia, though I've had luck with it in Canada and USA. It's mostly Asian (mainland Chinese actually) girls but there are others. And if you are looking for serious dating they tend to be more serious in my experience.

Just put yourself out there. Only one stopping you is you.
Tinder, Bumble, Coffee Meets Bagel, OKCupid, POF

That'll get you started. Have good photos. Put yourself out there. Be proactive - even your post here shows that you're not. You need to change that. Grab life by the balls.

And don't write "no hookups" in your Tinder profile. Just write one interesting sentence about yourself.


Tinder, Bumble, Coffee Meets Bagel, OKCupid, POF

That'll get you started. Have good photos. Put yourself out there. Be proactive - even your post here shows that you're not. You need to change that. Grab life by the balls.

And don't write "no hookups" in your Tinder profile. Just write one interesting sentence about yourself.

Yea I agree writing "no hookups" is kind of lame and could look judgemental to some, but if he really is strictly looking for a proper relationship he could say something... But in general what you say doesn't really matter. People look at pics and then swipe left or right based on that primarily. Later they can learn that you don't wanna have sex
from the conversation, if it gets that far.
Yea I agree writing "no hookups" is kind of lame and could look judgemental to some, but if he really is strictly looking for a proper relationship he could say something... But in general what you say doesn't really matter. People look at pics and then swipe left or right based on that primarily. Later they can learn that you don't wanna have sex
from the conversation, if it gets that far.

Like people that are afraid to start lifting weights because they think they'll get "huge," Tinder hookups aren't just going to fall in their lap. It takes a smoothness that I feel the poster (and many of us) just doesn't have. Except Vern, of course
(and me on occasion)


Like people that are afraid to start lifting weights because they think they'll get "huge," Tinder hookups aren't just going to fall in their lap. It takes a smoothness that I feel the poster (and many of us) just doesn't have. Except Vern, of course
(and me on occasion)

It just happens. You can't explain it
you can, I'm handsome 😏


Appreciate the advice guys. I'm planning on remaining friends with her, just not to the degree it was last year. So that means no more time together every single day. I'm definitely gonna set boundaries this time around. Why settle as her backup or second place when I can just move on...

I'm also going to have a long talk with her in person about this whole thing if she doesn't end up texting me back this summer.


If you have romantic feelings for her and she is still dating her BF, you shouldn't be her friend. It's gonna just end up being the same shit over and over again, she's gonna use you as the nice guy to dump all her feelings about her BF on and give you mixed signals and blue balls.

College is a huge opportunity to meet women - probably the best you are going to have for a long time - don't waste it by pining over one unavailable girl.


Kino, if you are thinking of staying friends with a girl from college for whom you have feelings for, I suggest you dig up the MattyG saga in this very thread for a cautionary tale.


Can I just say I'm happy for all of you who are venturing out of their comfort zones and being brave enough to meet and talk to new people. I hope I can join your ranks someday too.

You should try Tinder. I'm not the most social person and spend my college years running away from girls instead of moving to them.

When I signed up I never actually though I'd meet up with someone but once you hit it off it just seems like a natural step.
Has anyone here ever have luck where a girl you dated a few times called it off, you gave it a couple of weeks, message her to try it again? Not that's what I'm thinking of doing, but I've had a a couple people I know, two girls and one guy, say I should message her for another shot.

Personally, it sounds cringe worthy and desperate? Also, it doesn't work like that in the movies you'd think.

On another note, went out with a girl Saturday night. Night went well and she invited me back to her place. She said I have a nice penis? I think it looks nice.

Met another girl Sunday night at a bar. Played darts and pool, and then randomly ordered food when we smelled how good the fajitas were. Gotta admit, it was reaally fun. We left, and she was holding onto me for a bit. Then we kissed. She said it went better than expected. Supposed to see her again this weekend.


Has anyone here ever have luck where a girl you dated a few times called it off, you gave it a couple of weeks, message her to try it again? Not that's what I'm thinking of doing, but I've had a a couple people I know, two girls and one guy, say I should message her for another shot.

Personally, it sounds cringe worthy and desperate? Also, it doesn't work like that in the movies you'd think.

Depends on the reason it didn't work out. If it isn't "fixed", what reason do you have for thinking this new attempt will be any different?


Trying to make things work is something you do in marriage/long term relationships, not with someone you went out twice. That is really thirsty/desperate.
Depends on the reason it didn't work out. If it isn't "fixed", what reason do you have for thinking this new attempt will be any different?

Well you can search for my thread a couple weeks ago.

In highsight, one of the Gaffers was right: it was cool her inviting me over, and even though her roommates were cool, I should've been more proactive in having the two of us go out alone.i think in long run it would've worked out better, like the first time we met in person.

But yeah I'm not going to do it. I tell the same people that suggest it: too cringeworthy.


Feeling like shit right now.

So I was on a third date on Saturday with an amazing girl from Tinder. Like seriously, I couldn't imagine a more perfect fit for me. So anyway, the date was going great and I asked her if she'd like to go on another date, but without alcohol involved. She agreed and made plans to go to the cinema on Wednesday.

Anyway, long story short the night progressed and we end up at her place. And as much as I tried I just couldn't get an erection - which of course spurred questions from her, such as 'Are you even attracted to me?', and 'Are you secretly gay'?. This has never happened to me before, and I have no idea what caused it. I don't think I've ever felt this demoralized before. I left in the morning and we talked a bit over whatsapp afterwards but not much.

Should I ask her about the cinema date? I don't want to give up, but at the same time I'm not sure I can face her anymore. Is the whole thing ruined?


Feeling like shit right now.

So I was on a third date on Saturday with an amazing girl from Tinder. Like seriously, I couldn't imagine a more perfect fit for me. So anyway, the date was going great and I asked her if she'd like to go on another date, but without alcohol involved. She agreed and made plans to go to the cinema on Wednesday.

Anyway, long story short the night progressed and we end up at her place. And as much as I tried I just couldn't get an erection - which of course spurred questions from her, such as 'Are you even attracted to me?', and 'Are you secretly gay'?. This has never happened to me before, and I have no idea what caused it. I don't think I've ever felt this demoralized before. I left in the morning and we talked a bit over whatsapp afterwards but not much.

Should I ask her about the cinema date? I don't want to give up, but at the same time I'm not sure I can face her anymore. Is the whole thing ruined?

Listen dude, I've been there so many times. While ideally the girl will be understanding of your problems and take it in stride, you nevertheless have a responsibility to assure her that there's nothing wrong with her. Some girls can definitively take it as a sign that you didn't like her as much with her clothes off and thereby (perhaps subconsciously) lose attraction for you even if you keep going on dates.

Since you normally don't have problems it might just be a one-off thing. Just tell her that you got nervous and that it's not a big deal for you, and that you definitely want to see her again. Then keep going as if it never happened. If it does happen again, I'm sure you can find other ways to pleasure her (emphasis on this, please please don't just stop the act because your things aren't working as they're supposed to). If it's nervosity it will most likely go away after a while.

These days I even mention just before the act that I often have problems in the beginning with a new girl (because I know there will be), and that it has nothing to do with her. My current GF said later it really calmed her on the whole situation, and we're doing fine now.

That gay comment was really weird though. Who even says that...
Feeling like shit right now.

So I was on a third date on Saturday with an amazing girl from Tinder. Like seriously, I couldn't imagine a more perfect fit for me. So anyway, the date was going great and I asked her if she'd like to go on another date, but without alcohol involved. She agreed and made plans to go to the cinema on Wednesday.

Anyway, long story short the night progressed and we end up at her place. And as much as I tried I just couldn't get an erection - which of course spurred questions from her, such as 'Are you even attracted to me?', and 'Are you secretly gay'?. This has never happened to me before, and I have no idea what caused it. I don't think I've ever felt this demoralized before. I left in the morning and we talked a bit over whatsapp afterwards but not much.

Should I ask her about the cinema date? I don't want to give up, but at the same time I'm not sure I can face her anymore. Is the whole thing ruined?

How old are you?

No Love

Feeling like shit right now.

So I was on a third date on Saturday with an amazing girl from Tinder. Like seriously, I couldn't imagine a more perfect fit for me. So anyway, the date was going great and I asked her if she'd like to go on another date, but without alcohol involved. She agreed and made plans to go to the cinema on Wednesday.

Anyway, long story short the night progressed and we end up at her place. And as much as I tried I just couldn't get an erection - which of course spurred questions from her, such as 'Are you even attracted to me?', and 'Are you secretly gay'?. This has never happened to me before, and I have no idea what caused it. I don't think I've ever felt this demoralized before. I left in the morning and we talked a bit over whatsapp afterwards but not much.

Should I ask her about the cinema date? I don't want to give up, but at the same time I'm not sure I can face her anymore. Is the whole thing ruined?

And you didn't finger her or eat that pussy? Nor did you ask for a blowjob to help you out?

Do you even fuck, bro? 😉


Nervous as heck about dating again. Ex cheated on me on vday weekend this year. I wish you all luck.

And you didn't finger her or eat that pussy? Nor did you ask for a blowjob to help you out?

Do you even fuck, bro? 😉

Yeah usually if i have trouble getting it up...feeling up the girl, massage her, working on foreplay helps activate my dick a bit.

I think the guy just had performance anxiety. Dont over think it. It happens.
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