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Dead Space Extraction coming to XBLA/PSN?


AceBandage said:
Well, sorry for having an opinion on a message board. I forgot that they were taboo.

Look, I'm hardly always whining, it's mostly just when third parties or journalists act like idiots, which happens to be constantly.

And if you really find me that annoying, you are more than free to ignore me and not respond to me anymore, I certainly won't lose any sleep over it.
Er, they're not idiots for not following what you want to happen.
it's an acebandage posting time for posts!!!!

oh sheeeeit, just bought this at the EA Employee Store for $20 last week. Had I gotten a mere sniff of this rumor I woulda held off for the HD version and used those funds on something like Army of 2 instead....
Firestorm said:
Er, they're not idiots for not following what you want to happen.

They are, however, idiots for thinking that treating a fanbase like crap is the way to sell games.

Saying that cheaply made light gun shooters are "what hardcore gamers want" is just laughable.
Thinking that a Point and Click adventure that you didn't even try to get stores to carry is what hardcore gamers want is insane.
Saying that a black and white beat em up should have sold 4 million copies just makes me face palm.


formerly cjelly
grandjedi6 said:
RE4 Wii does not apply anymore. That train has departed. The users who bought RE4 have long since bailed for greener pastures or were never going to buy additional games anyway. Indeed, it seems to be a trend on the Wii for the userbase to ignore sequels to games as they've gone ahead and 'gotten their fill' from just the first one or two games. Hence the gradual death of the minigame genre and now, apparently, the lightgun genre. A RE4-2/6/whatever would probably never reach the sales of RE4 wii, let alone a Dead Space styled one.

Holy assumptions batman! :lol

At least quote an analyst or something.


AceBandage said:
They are, however, idiots for thinking that treating a fanbase like crap is the way to sell games.

Saying that cheaply made light gun shooters are "what hardcore gamers want" is just laughable.
Thinking that a Point and Click adventure that you didn't even try to get stores to carry is what hardcore gamers want is insane.
Saying that a black and white beat em up should have sold 4 million copies just makes me face palm.
Still not sure why making games for "hardcore gamers" is what they should be doing on Wii.
Firestorm said:
Still not sure why making games for "hardcore gamers" is what they should be doing on Wii.

They probably shouldn't honestly.
At least, not the way they have been doing it (by thinking hardcore gamers would want scraps).


I'd be pretty down with this - was hoping we'd see these come to nextgen, but didn't expect it to be as downloadable games.

Hell, while $15 is nice, at least on PS3 I think I'd be OK with $20 to get a full Platinum set of Trophies.


Unconfirmed Member
Firestorm said:
Still not sure why making games for "hardcore gamers" is what they should be doing on Wii.
Why not? After all, the EA has mostly failed on their casual affairs.


Lonely1 said:
Why not? After all, the EA has mostly failed on their casual affairs.
EA Active has been huge for them as has Tiger Woods. I'd say putting their games on PS3 and the easy to port to 360 + PC are probably a better use of resources as far as potential userbase is concerned. Of course there's development costs to think about too, but if you split it up as:

360 + PS3 + PC

Even 360 + PS3 probably has more potential customers for a "hardcore" game as a Wii title.

Anyway, if this title has some sort of way to make the controls not suck, I'd be interested once I'm done Dead Space.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Mohonky said:
As much as the Wii has become a lightgun shooter platform, it pisses me off using the Wii-mote to aim due to the way the technology works unlike the old lightgun games with a CRT screen.

I'd buy a HD Extraction on XBLA, would love it.

You didn't play Extraction, did you?
It's not a lightgun game, it wouldn't work that way: it needs a small HUD/cursor on the screen all the time (unlike every Wii "lightgun" game there wasn't even the option to turn it off), it needs quite a bit of buttons too... but the point remains that it doesn't feel (and doesn't want to be) a lightgun shooter at all.


Neo Member
EA were stupid to think that "hardcore" gamers in general, on any system, would run out and buy a light-gun-style shooter. That's just not the kind of game that will sell to that audience. Period. Christ almighty, my Super Scope/old tv make for a better and more accurate light-gun experience than the Wiimote ever could anyways.

It's a sad situation, because I've heard that the game is good. The "casuals" aren't wanting Dead Space, the "hardcore" don't want a simple rail shooter, and it would control like handicapped ass with a traditional controller on a different system.

It just.....shouldn't exist.


Unconfirmed Member
Firestorm said:
EA Active has been huge for them as has Tiger Woods. I'd say putting their games on PS3 and the easy to port to 360 + PC are probably a better use of resources as far as potential userbase is concerned. Of course there's development costs to think about too, but if you split it up as:

360 + PS3 + PC

Even 360 + PS3 probably has more potential customers for a "hardcore" game as a Wii title.
Why not Ps3/PC/360 and Wii?


Master of the Google Search
AceBandage said:
And if you really find me that annoying, you are more than free to ignore me and not respond to me anymore, I certainly won't lose any sleep over it.
I'm not one for ignoring problems on hand.

AceBandage said:
They probably shouldn't honestly.
At least, not the way they have been doing it (by thinking hardcore gamers would want scraps).
You know, you'd make a good PR guy for a video game company.

mugurumakensei said:
Didn't Capcom state there would be hardcore titles for the Wii if they passed the "test"(bought umbrella chronicles) which only led to a second rail-shooter rather than what most where clamoring for?
Oh don't get me wrong, Capcom's "test" argument is still stupid.

Rush2thestart said:
Holy assumptions batman! :lol

At least quote an analyst or something.
Somehow I don't think an appeal to authority would help much here, let alone one involving some random "video game analyst".

Lonely1 said:
Why not? After all, the EA has mostly failed on their casual affairs.
EA's done pretty damn well with their casual efforts. They got the iphone market locked down, Sims 3 has been selling really well, EA sports active was a huge seller, etc. They seem to be the publisher closest to Nintendo in effectively selling to the Wii's casual crowd.


So a title being released for less on a digital download service is somehow PROOF that it shouldn't have been a full priced game on the Wii?


Never change GAF...


Unconfirmed Member
grandjedi6 said:
EA's done pretty damn well with their casual efforts. They got the iphone market locked down, Sims 3 has been selling really well, EA sports active was a huge seller, etc. They seem to be the publisher closest to Nintendo in effectively selling to the Wii's casual crowd.
EA active, yes. But stuff like Family Madden, etc. Bombed hard. About the Sims and iPhone, I though we were talking mostly about the Wii here.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Thanks for giving us what amounted to an XBLA game, EA! It's not like we wanted a real game, or anything.

still really damn bitter


Unconfirmed Member
Firestorm said:
I don't believe Wii could share the same assets as the PS3/PC/360 version. It needs its own dedicated team.
It worked for Activision with WaW, Reflex and Guitar Hero.


Unconfirmed Member
saunderez said:
Yeah they definitely didn't use the same assets for the Wii versions of those games.
Im saying that having a dedicated team for the Wii version of big games worked much better than developing spin-offs none wanted like DS:E and NFS:N.


saunderez said:
So a title being released for less on a digital download service is somehow PROOF that it shouldn't have been a full priced game on the Wii?


Never change GAF...
I think it is pretty damn good evidence.
Firestorm said:
EA Active has been huge for them as has Tiger Woods. I'd say putting their games on PS3 and the easy to port to 360 + PC are probably a better use of resources as far as potential userbase is concerned. Of course there's development costs to think about too, but if you split it up as:

360 + PS3 + PC

Even 360 + PS3 probably has more potential customers for a "hardcore" game as a Wii title.
There might be logic to this, considering there's apparently no PC version of Dead Space 2, so any attempt to cultivate a fanbase there is dead.


Lonely1 said:
Why not Ps3/PC/360 and Wii?
because HD games like COD4 are simply impossible on the wii

Night_Trekker said:
I wanted it. But not for full price.

i believe you can get the game for dirt cheap now.. i bought it at 17 euros or something (last year)


ShockingAlberto said:
There might be logic to this, considering there's apparently no PC version of Dead Space 2, so any attempt to cultivate a fanbase there is dead.

That has got to be a typo, because after last year rained bombs down on the PSP there's no way in hell Dead Space 2 is going to handhelds and not to PC.


Unconfirmed Member
evangd007 said:
That has got to be a typo, because after last year rained bombs down on the PSP there's no way in hell Dead Space 2 is going to handhelds and not to PC.
It could be the iPhone/iPad... :D


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
farnham said:
how much did time crisis (the biggest on rails shooter on HD consoles i believe) sell..?

Abysmally. Schuelma has the hard numbers, but it did much worse than Extraction.
If DSE hits PSN, I'd definitely buy it. I really wanted to play it, but I don't have a Wii. Not enough games on it that interest me. It's just too bad that I read the plotline to find out what happened... it might not be a surprise, but I'll still pick it up.
It doesn't even really need to be HD, its pretty as it is. I got it last year from Gamefly and I absolutely loved it. Wayforward should really consider a digital release.
Glad to know that they think that Wii owners are suckers and are willing to buy the game at a full price of $50, while PS3/360 owners are entitled to get it at budget price.

This game will bomb on the PSN and XBLA. Not only are most people not going to be interested but it will also almost certainly require the motion controllers, which almost nobody is going to own.
That's cool, the more people that play Dead Space: Extraction the better. Fucking sweet game right there. Goddamn coolest use of the nunchuck ever too.

Interesting opinion on the guided first-person thing here too:


But seriously, did all the people saying it was half-assed and stuff play it? It's really not, it does some pretty unique and clever things. Visceral Games just can't catch a break I suppose.


Rovert40 said:
EA were stupid to think that "hardcore" gamers in general, on any system, would run out and buy a light-gun-style shooter. That's just not the kind of game that will sell to that audience. Period. Christ almighty, my Super Scope/old tv make for a better and more accurate light-gun experience than the Wiimote ever could anyways.
It's a sad situation, because I've heard that the game is good. The "casuals" aren't wanting Dead Space, the "hardcore" don't want a simple rail shooter, and it would control like handicapped ass with a traditional controller on a different system.

It just.....shouldn't exist.

I think you said it best (except for the bold), looking at it only from a marketing perspective and not from the perspective of that niche market who actually purchased it.

The most easy way to prove this is to ask people which would they rather get, if they had fifty bucks: a guided first person shooter (ala DS:E) or a third person shooter (ala Dead Space), assuming that it played and looked like RE:4 which we know is technically possible on Wii.
Nuclear Muffin said:
Glad to know that they think that Wii owners are suckers and are willing to buy the game at a full price of $50, while PS3/360 owners are entitled to get it at budget price.

This game will bomb on the PSN and XBLA. Not only are most people not going to be interested but it will also almost certainly require the motion controllers, which almost nobody is going to own.

Why are people saying it's $50?. I swear people are just dong a Copy & Paste of other peoples wrong posts.

It's fucking $29.99 in Gamestop and amazon.com, new.
Vdragoon said:
People who think this shit is going to sell are delusional.
It probably won't do amazing numbers, but it'll probably be better positioned as a budget title on systems where EA actually laid proper groundwork with the original Dead Space. Extraction on Wii got a cold start at full price in a genre people were already starting to identify with publisher ambivalence and cynicism.

MarkMclovin said:
Why are people saying it's $50?. I swear people are just dong a Copy & Paste of other peoples wrong posts.

It's fucking $29.99 in Gamestop and amazon.com, new.
There's no getting around the fact that the game is sleeping in the bed EA made for it. A price drop helps, but the game already has a stigma attached to it based on how badly positioned it was from the get-go.


If this is actually happens and it's $15.00 with Arc/Natal support, I'm there day one.

I never understood the decision to spin the Dead Space series off onto the Wii and away from its fanbase.
I personally don't like the wii, and am glad that most publishers/developers are not putting lots of effort into wii games.

I hate waggle, and never understood how shaking a wiimote was better than pressing a button.

I have a wii thats been sitting in the corner for over a year, and the only feeling I have for it is that I am sorry I wasted money on it.

With that, I don't really think any AAA dev will really want to put their game on a gimped system. It's the exact same reason you don't see AAA devs making anymore ps2 games - they want to move onto bigger and better, and seems like they think like me - that the wii is not any better than last gen, and they cannot make the games they want on it.
Fine by me, and the only thing I can recommend wii owners to do is buy a current gen console, and stop wishing for whats available on the other consoles.


Lonely1 said:
It could be the iPhone/iPad... :D

If that is true then I will have my very first GAF meltdown. But I'll keep hope for now. I mean, EA is dumb, but they can't possibly be THAT dumb. Right?

israeli redneck said:
I personally don't like the wii, and am glad that most publishers/developers are not putting lots of effort into wii games.

I hate waggle, and never understood how shaking a wiimote was better than pressing a button.

I have a wii thats been sitting in the corner for over a year, and the only feeling I have for it is that I am sorry I wasted money on it.

With that, I don't really think any AAA dev will really want to put their game on a gimped system. It's the exact same reason you don't see AAA devs making anymore ps2 games - they want to move onto bigger and better, and seems like they think like me - that the wii is not any better than last gen, and they cannot make the games they want on it.
Fine by me, and the only thing I can recommend wii owners to do is buy a current gen console, and stop wishing for whats available on the other consoles.

Wow, it's like he was going down the official trolling the Wii checklist when he wrote that post.

About the bolded, what you and many others don't understand is that what's on other consoles is not what Wii owners want either. When someone asks for "Dead Space with pointer controls" that second is also important to them. But since you can't see past 'waggle lol' with regards to Wii controls, you can't appreciate that perspective.
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