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Death of Spider-Man? Pffft. Death of Superman: Die Harder

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Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
G-Fex said:
I'm pretty sure he quit when he reached Florida or Texas.

Question died? WTF?!?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO

He died in 52 :lol


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
animlboogy said:
You know, man, I've seen you post like this before, but I'm with you. I can't fucking believe Marvel and DC are resorting to insular 90's style trickery to get readers in the face of readers dropping off. People hearing about this dumb shut is why millions see the bullshit-free superheroes in the theaters yet nobody is buying comics, certainly not new readers.

Fuck this shit. Please dont buy into it. Buy good books, by good writers. Captain America and Batman got a pass because of the creatives on board; those were stories, even in their weaker moments. But plugging shit like this, it only serves to make this medium seem cheap.

This is the second time I'm saying this this week: maybe it's time a new generation takes over before the once-great 2000's creators completely lose the plot.

I'm with you.

I just hate that Amir0x is hating on everything across the board. He loves Grant Morrison's Animal Man, but refuses to like his Batman run? That just doesn't make sense to me. They're both fantastic.

I tend to stick to specific writers, and Morrison's Batman is just fantastic.


Isn't it like the bajillionth time though? Does this shit still sells comics? Don't people go "AGAIN?!" by now?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
G-Fex said:
I never read 52. I haven't read comics for years. :(

52 is fucking awesome. Rectify that shit.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
I am so sick of people getting their panties in a bunch. can we at least wait to see what the god damn story is about? is it possible?

edit: for all we know, maybe superman of our universe goes to an earth where Superman stayed dead or something. Christ on a stick, we've had stories like these for 40 to 50 years and IT HAS NOT AND WILL NOT KILL THE INDUSTRY!!!! WILL. NOT. KILL. THE. INDUSTRY.
So your typical reaction to a "DEATH OF [insert superhero]" teaser is "what a breath of fresh air"? People aren't lamenting the literal death of the comic industry so much as the way it repeatedly flings itself down the staircase of creative bankruptcy. I think outrage is a perfectly valid response to the latest iteration of a vapid theme.

Jesus, this is like an abusive relationship. "Well, Bob's home from the bar. Maybe he won't hit me this time."


love on your sleeve
Given all of their post-Death of Superman encounters, it's not really believable that Doomsday could even beat Clark in a fight much less kill him again.

Of course, there's always the random power up.
Today Marvel has responded to DC's "pffft" with a "pffft" of their own. Behold:

dude said:
Isn't it like the bajillionth time though? Does this shit still sells comics? Don't people go "AGAIN?!" by now?

Because it's the big event that all the comic book fans have to read. Even if they think it's stupid, they will buy it just to know what happens and bitch about it on the internet.
Monocle said:
So your typical reaction to a "DEATH OF [insert superhero]" teaser is "what a breath of fresh air"? People aren't lamenting the literal death of the comic industry so much as the way it repeatedly flings itself down the staircase of creative bankruptcy. I think outrage is a perfectly valid response to the latest iteration of a vapid theme.

Jesus, this is like an abusive relationship. "Well, Bob's home from the bar. Maybe he won't hit me this time."

my typical reaction? did you actually read what i said or do you love making assumptionsand pulling them out of your ass? and yes you have two (at least) people here saying how this is killing comic books.
you don't know what this entails and I sure as hell don't know what this story might be about so let's not fling accusations at creators without all the facts.
for all we really know, this could be DC poking fun at marvel for that "death of spider-man" tease they had yesterday, and marvel follows suit by poking fun back at Dc with "doopsday" they do it all the time.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
BenjaminBirdie said:
But it refutes the idea that superhero comics are worthless garbage. Especially when so many of them run circles around celebrated non-superhero books like The Walking Dead.

Kirkman's a terrible writer, so that's setting a pretty low standard.
all I always ask of a comic book is, keep track of your back story, and have a clear resolution. everything else that I need is just super people punching each other thru buildings and traveling thru time. anything else and it misses the point of super hero comics. if you want something else, guess what? there is!!!


Didn't superman died once and then he was like alive and they discover his body and there were 2 superman, one dead and one alive?

I kind of remember reading a comic like that a few years ago, but I have lost it it seems. Anyone knows which one is it and can tell me how it ended?


evil solrac v3.0 said:
my typical reaction? did you actually read what i said or do you love making assumptionsand pulling them out of your ass? and yes you have two (at least) people here saying how this is killing comic books.
you don't know what this entails and I sure as hell don't know what this story might be about so let's not fling accusations at creators without all the facts.
for all we really know, this could be DC poking fun at marvel for that "death of spider-man" tease they had yesterday, and marvel follows suit by poking fun back at Dc with "doopsday" they do it all the time.
Is it your hobby to misinterpret people's posts in the most obnoxious possible way? You're being overcautious at best and naively optimistic at worst if you believe that a negative reaction to an overplayed trope that very rarely produces a worthwhile story is unwarranted. The "wait-and-see" approach is unnecessary because everyone knows that "Death of..." stories are usually massive torrents of shit, and even when they're not, they tend to have minimal lasting impact on the universe in which they occur. Now, if this latest event turns out to be an exception to the rule (or something other than a "Death of..." story) then I'll be as pleased as the next guy, but don't pretend that that outcome is more likely than it is, or that it's some fantastic logical leap to make an inference based on the unfavorable track record of death as the central motif in comics.
Monocle said:
Is it your hobby to misinterpret people's posts in the most obnoxious possible way? You're being overcautious at best and naively optimistic at worst if you believe that a negative reaction to an overplayed trope that very rarely produces a worthwhile story is unwarranted. The "wait-and-see" approach is unnecessary because everyone knows that "Death of..." stories are usually massive torrents of shit, and even when they're not, they tend to have minimal lasting impact on the universe in which they occur. Now, if this latest event turns out to be an exception to the rule (or something other than a "Death of..." story) then I'll be as pleased as the next guy, but don't pretend that that outcome is more likely than it is, or that it's some fantastic logical leap to make an inference based on the unfavorable track record of death as the central motif in comics.

superman is not dying, DC is in the business like every one else in this country of selling things to make money. marketing thought this was a good idea (it isn't but that's another story)
that's the bottom line and that's why I say for some of you to be quiet and wait for the damn book to come out. maybe it'll be another storyline maybe it won't. your point is meaningless because it already assumes that it's a crap storyline based on one teaser ad.
killing a character off permanently doesn't advance a story, it pisses off fans. it assumes that the publisher has no more stories to tell.
I really doubt a middle of the pack sales wise superman is going to so severely impact the industry that old and new readers will recoil away in anger and disgust.
I'm glad Amirox has taken to shitting up comics threads to go along with his Wii ones. I was hoping to hear some more of his ideas on how things should be.
Anything even blank pages are better than JMS' shit run on Superman and his pointlessly terrible Earth One.

Bring on the bad guys.

Doomsday is coming back.

A few of you drew this conclusion from last week’s tease, and we’ll confirm here that the Kryptonian killing machine will return to Earth early next year - and you don’t need me to tell you that’s never a good sign for the heroes of the DCU.

Doomsday will first make his presence known this January in STEEL #1 - but I can promise you, he won’t be the only hero facing Doomsday’s wrath for long. The story will continue with:

Part 2: OUTSIDERS #37
Part 4: SUPERBOY #6
Part 5: … ????

“Doomsday is one of the most popular villains in Superman’s canon of foes,” says Editor-in-Chief Bob Harras, “He injects a feeling of dread and chaos into the DC Universe that few other characters can.”

In other news, one of the exciting pieces of news to come out of last week’s DC Digital Store launch is the launch of some amazing back list titles in digital format - including The Death and Return of Superman. And if you haven’t read those stories before, you might want to do it sooner rather than later. Y’know, just sayin’…
So they're literally doing the same story as before?

And there's a fucking Superboy comic? I'm so glad I quit reading comics around 12.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
The whole Death of Superman was a bad childhood memory. That was when I started getting into comics, and I decided to invest myself in that whole saga. So you have 4 weekly comics to get if you want to keep up. Looking back on it, the whole story of Doomsday was complete shit, he was a lazy deus ex machina that's only memorable because he looks kind of cool. The final fight was actually very cool, but Jurgens was a great writer/artist. The resulting 4 Supermen storylines were terrible, but they had good moments. But the whole doomsday story was just trash hype that kind of signified what happened to the industry.
Painraze said:
does DC even have a suitable Superman replacement?

why not just make superman go evil or something? have they done that yet?


The closest they've ever gotten. They can't THE superman to go evil, it would totally go against 50+ years of fucking boyscout superman plus expose the fatal flaw in Superman.....he's a boring ass character that's too fucking powerful to be worth reading outside of his exchange of words with people.

I mean for fucks sake the dude flew into the fucking sun and came out gold and shit.
Teh Hamburglar said:
Does anyone actually read threads anymore?

I saw the planned release schedule--this is basically the same as Death of Superman started. Doomsday showed up in a stupid green suit, went apeshit over the JLA, then supes flew in to save the day. It just looks like they're throwing in a bunch of new side-heroes this time.


Superman is a tough character to keep interesting in any case.

Since he's invincible and impeccable, you know full well he'll never die, ever, nor will he change the boy scout mentality. There's no depth or moral quandaries.

There's also the inherent ridiculousness of an invincible superman, since addressing the world's REAL problems would be too complex for what's basically a childhood fantasy.
jaxword said:
Superman is a tough character to keep interesting in any case.

Since he's invincible and impeccable, you know full well he'll never die, ever, nor will he change the boy scout mentality. There's no depth or moral quandaries.

There's also the inherent ridiculousness of an invincible superman, since addressing the world's REAL problems would be too complex for what's basically a childhood fantasy.

Pretty much how I feel about Supes, and why I like Batman.


Angelus Errare said:
Pretty much how I feel about Supes, and why I like Batman.

People always say that, but Superman has taken more damage and seen more failure than Batman ever has.


Angelus Errare said:
Pretty much how I feel about Supes, and why I like Batman.

Eh, I can't read any capes these days. I think I've outgrown them, in a way, as it's just getting harder and harder to suspend disbelief. Like Batman is never going to REALLY put his rogue's gallery in jail for more than a year, he's not going to REALLY die, Joker is never going to ACTUALLY be killed after killing 30 people this time, etc.

I liked the characters growing up, and I like seeing them in action, but serialized stories just don't do it for me.

Things like Red Son are interesting, though. Those are works of art. Or deconstructions like The Boys, which really takes Superman and friends' ridiculousness to their logical extreme in a real world.


The Cryptarch's Bane
jaxword said:
Superman is a tough character to keep interesting in any case.

Since he's invincible and impeccable, you know full well he'll never die, ever, nor will he change the boy scout mentality. There's no depth or moral quandaries.

Has anybody in this thread read All-star Superman? I hope it's not universally reviled... it's a one-shot, which granted allows a lot more freedom than a serial.

It has Superman becoming destined to inevitably die, becoming evil, multiple moral quandaries involving Lex Luthor, the Kents, multiple Supermen, telling Lois that he's both Clark and Superman. It even has Doomsday (but not in any way you'd expect). I thought it was fantastic.
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