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Destiny |OT40| Killed by the Architects

Love the title.

Congrats on the grimiores Vaal, Grave and Mehr!

Replying to Weteha from previous OT

Ruthles, teach me how to kick people off of platforms with shoulder charge! I fail too often :S

It can't be taught in a day, takes weeks to perfect.

Your first lesson: Go to cosmodrome and practice shoulder charging on teleporting fallen captains.

Pro tip: increasing your agility will help.

I mean literally WTF. How the hell did that happen?

Umm, cause you posted that imago loop picture a million times? :p


I saved a lost sheep in MGSV. Gonna sleep like a baby tonight after that ordeal.

I don't do nightfalls for any other reason than they're someone to do. Don't expect good loot, but holy geez what a terrible week for T-44 and I. I got 2 ghosts and a shitty pair of sidearm ammo boots. T got two ghosts and a Fall emote. Seriously.


Just got done with the Vidoc, which was fantastic. Great piece - loved seeing the various actors in all the different roles. The guy playing Xur was amazing. Glad they're still doing these, and I hope they produce some on other aspects of the game.

"Sometimes you don't know what you are building until you've built it," someone said. I think that applies to what Bungie has done with Destiny. They're still building it.


I think this whole concept is still a new genre that they're developing and I'm glad the Division is here as well. The concept of a shooter with a persistently online world woth RPG elements was risky and may still is, but so far the gamers response for both of these have been positive.

Lets hope they build on these and continue to improve.
EDIT: Just realized I was #4 with 500 something posts in the last OT, geez. I didn't feel like I posted THAT much :X

For some reason, I can never view the the wall of shame on my phone. Probably my work's wifi, though.

Just got done with the Vidoc, which was fantastic. Great piece - loved seeing the various actors in all the different roles. The guy playing Xur was amazing. Glad they're still doing these, and I hope they produce some on other aspects of the game.

"Sometimes you don't know what you are building until you've built it," someone said. I think that applies to what Bungie has done with Destiny. They're still building it.

The fact that they still haven't said a single thing for Spring update leads me to believe you're 100% correct. They know they want increase of light, but that's pretty much all we're given even though it should be releasing within a couple of months. I know technically summer begins June 20th, but I'd hope we don't have to wait until June. I'd be perfectly fine with May. I just want to know any eta and any information asap. It's a tough situation though. Some people get upset when a game doesn't meet original eta, even if it's just a 2 week delay. But I'd rather have some information than none.

But even with stuff I've developed, sometimes I can't give an accurate estimate of completion at all until I'm deep in it. So with something of this magnitude, I can understand.


Hey guys!

Just came back after a looong pause (content drought + poor state of pvp) and i must say... the OT title is one of the best and most fitting ever! <3

PS: Division is reaaaaaly addictive :D


An Insurmountable Skullfort
Achylophage Symbiote
Heart of the Praxic Fire
Helmet Engram
Legacy Helmet Engram


Don't have Heart of the Praxic Fire, so I'll be getting that. Handy timing as I've just started to level up my Sunsinger.


God damn it Xur I need a special weapon legacy engram, none of that top hat shit.

Still farming for Crux every week. I've seen almost all of my clan mates get it by now. Not me.


Man, the vidoc is making me nostalgic to TTK early days. What an awesome time that was.

Spring update pls be good.
Popped over to The Division thread and see that even my Zone Control bro Darknyss has jumped in, my resistance is at its lowest level. Its only the thought of having to grind up to max level again/fighting under levelled (despite how fun it will be) thats stopping me
We might not be on the same list, but we are on lists located in the same solid state drive. So we are like brothers in a way. &#128524;

going to add you on XBL; I don't run raids but would like to.

Quoting both of you really - in the OT there is a link to a list of Xbox players, and also an xbox-based "the100" group.

the100.io is a great little website for setting up gaming sessions within a specific group of up to 100 people. There is Gaf group, as linked, but you can also go into other groups or public groups.

If you team up for a raid with people and they turn out to be idiots (fairly rare but it can happen) then don't let it put you off but try again.

A raid with a good/fun team is absolutely brilliant. A raid with a bad team of people being horrible over the mic is just terrible.

I'm afraid an awful lot of people on here (and more generally) have stopped playing.

One other option is to try reddit/fireteams. I've probably played with 50/60 people from there and almost all of them have been decent.
Popped over to The Division thread and see that even my Zone Control bro Darknyss has jumped in, my resistance is at its lowest level. Its only the thought of having to grind up to max level again/fighting under levelled (despite how fun it will be) thats stopping me
Nope... I haven't jumped ship yet. Maybe it was someone with a similar name?

I was close to buying it after watching Goth's stream of the daily challenge. It looked like fun (especially when they beat one timed section with like .002 seconds to spare).

I believe it ended up taking them almost 3 hours to finish with lots of wipes. It did seem punishing but probably has a lot to do with them being under-geared. I remember how tough nightfalls/weeklies were in the beginning.

The grind doesn't scare me too much. It feels like Destiny is on cruise control until the sequel. I have pretty low expectations for both the spring and fall updates. If they keep the same RNG light level system, it would probably turn me away entirely.
Nope... I haven't jumped ship yet. Maybe it was someone with a similar name?

I was close to buying it after watching Goth's stream of the daily challenge. It looked like fun (especially when they beat one timed section with like .002 seconds to spare).

I believe it ended up taking them almost 3 hours to finish with lots of wipes. It did seem punishing but probably has a lot to do with them being under-geared. I remember how tough nightfalls/weeklies were in the beginning.

The grind doesn't scare me too much. It feels like Destiny is on cruise control until the sequel. I have pretty low expectations for both the spring and fall updates. If they keep the same RNG light level system, it would probably turn me away entirely.

Fucking Ocean http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=198130979 a little part of me died when I saw that. I'll be on in a couple of hrs for a bit if you're around, then dinner and trials if Biggy has time to run with us mere mortals now he's playing with the big dogs

Deku Tree

Thanks! The links to the100.io in Hawkian's post don't work on my phone and hadn't remembered to go back from a computer. The XBL list was new to me.

The GAF the100.io group is dead in PS4. No idea about X1. There are a huge number of really good the100 groups in the middle of a massive number of dead or low activity ones. If you want to raid then it would help a lot of put the effort in to find a good group on the100. Or look for a group here, but this place is pretty dead especially on X1.
Fucking Ocean http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=198130979 a little part of me died when I saw that. I'll be on in a couple of hrs for a bit if you're around, then dinner and trials if Biggy has time to run with us mere mortals now he's playing with the big dogs
LMAO, def wasn't me. I should be around later. If not message me when you're on.

Btw, I finally finished the crucible weekly quest line yesterday and picked up 'The True Meaning of War'. It auto-completed on 2 out of 3 characters with the third sitting at 4/5 without even doing a single Shaxx bounty. I'm not sure what gave me credit.

I have lot of completed IB bounties on each (2 weeklies with 4+ dailies) so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. But the character that didn't auto-complete had the most (2 weekly + 8 daily). Weird.
but this place is pretty dead especially on X1.

I have noticed-- I have been subscribed to all the threads since TTK.

No real rush on raiding; find the core game fun enough, but would like to have enough people for a group for the next raid or IB Rift or even ToO-- the three other people I play with now are very casual.

Had really hoped I would enjoy the Division beta since it has taken over my XBL friends list.


LMAO, def wasn't me. I should be around later. If not message me when you're on.

Btw, I finally finished the crucible weekly quest line yesterday and picked up 'The True Meaning of War'. It auto-completed on 2 out of 3 characters with the third sitting at 4/5 without even doing a single Shaxx bounty. I'm not sure what gave me credit.

I have lot of completed IB bounties on each (2 weeklies with 4+ dailies) so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. But the character that didn't auto-complete had the most (2 weekly + 8 daily). Weird.

I'm pretty sure the IB bounties did count towards the Shaxx weekly. I turned a few in and was surprised to see it pop up as being done.


Love the title.
Pro tip: increasing your agility will help.
Good call. I was still running max armor from last weekend because we kept facing double tripmine gunslingers in trials :O
Umm, cause you posted that imago loop picture a million times? :p
I feel like about 600 of those post contained an image of a certain imago loop drop :p

"See, you and I have always been like..."

Edit: I just was thiiiiiiis close to picking up the division. Already held the gold edition in my hands, but I have to remain strong :S


After last night not sure how much more I'm going to play the Division. I came real close to rage quitting last night because of the stupid controls. I have no idea why in the hell they would make vault/jump O and cover X. They should be reverse and there is no option in game to do so. I'm sure Kreep and Jaf were tired of me dying because I kept getting the buttons mixed up.

Good call. I was still running max armor from last weekend because we kept facing double tripmine gunslingers in trials :O

"See, you and I have always been like..."

Edit: I just was thiiiiiiis close to picking up the division. Already held the gold edition in my hands, but I have to remain strong :S

I see how it is. I mean, I posted it a few times, but not 600.



dresses business casual
The GAF the100.io group is dead in PS4. No idea about X1. There are a huge number of really good the100 groups in the middle of a massive number of dead or low activity ones. If you want to raid then it would help a lot of put the effort in to find a good group on the100. Or look for a group here, but this place is pretty dead especially on X1.

I disagree with this quite a bit. There have been/are a large number of XB1 players here. Of course PS4 was more and the Destiny threads were also largely PS4 LFG that turned off a lot of XB1 players from posting regularly. Just because you don't see them post doesn't mean they aren't around.

I would also add that LFG for XB1 is great. I'd say my raid completion percentage if roughly 95%, and I've never ever run with the same group ever (been running raids regularly since VoG back in October of 2014).


Damnit, Xur! I need exotic gauntlets engram! Have too many helmets saved up already!

Went from Level 10 to 15 today in The Division. While it's still pretty fun, it's already getting fairly repetitive. The ai is pretty stupid and it's pretty much just cover fire. I'll definitely do some Trials this weekend to get my PvP urge fulfilled. All the customization though is really cool.

That Vidoc got me hyped for Destiny lol. I think I just mainly turned into a PvP person lately and enjoy that the most, in Destiny.
Got to level 19. These missions are getting fucking hard on hard.

Most likely because I keep getting matched with folks either two levels higher or lower than my own. Freaking enemies level are the same as the highest leveled player on the team. -___-

"oh, you're teammate is 21 while you're just 18? Let me throw level 21 yellow bars at your ass. Bet you wish you bought that legendary submachine gun earlier for more dps huh?"
Happy Friday DGAF. Fantastic job as always on the OT Drizzay. DGAF keeps on truckin to OT 40 and beyond. By the way, anyone see this film and is it worth watching?

We're overdue for Wipe's Imago Loop image

Not sure Wipe was enthused about being #1 on Wall of Shame. Expect his post count to drop dramatically this OT. All you may see is Imago Loop image posts from him going forward.


Hey guys, why are there 2 different types of random helmets from Xur? Why would I want to pay 31 sc for a legacy vs 19 for a regular?
Hey guys, why are there 2 different types of random helmets from Xur? Why would I want to pay 31 sc for a legacy vs 19 for a regular?

Legacy will decrypt to Y1 exotics which are lower level. Regular ones decrypt to Y2. Good if you want to get an exotic you missed in Y1 that isn't in Y2.


Hey guys, why are there 2 different types of random helmets from Xur? Why would I want to pay 31 sc for a legacy vs 19 for a regular?

Legacy engrams contain year 1 items. They are there to complete year 1 collections. They are also highly likely to contain an item you don't have, so it's easy to finish your collection. When you have the Y1 item, you can buy the Y2 version from the kiosk

After last night not sure how much more I'm going to play the Division. I came real close to rage quitting last night because of the stupid controls. I have no idea why in the hell they would make vault/jump O and cover X. They should be reverse and there is no option in game to do so. I'm sure Kreep and Jaf were tired of me dying because I kept getting the buttons mixed up.

You can reassign your buttons on PS4 in the OS. Just switch O and X. But I think you have to change it back everytime you switch the game.


Hey guys, why are there 2 different types of random helmets from Xur? Why would I want to pay 31 sc for a legacy vs 19 for a regular?

It does seem sort of dumb, but I suppose that because many year 1 exotics have a year 2 version, if they made the legacy engram cheaper, people would just get their year 2 exotics that way (i.e. buying from the kiosk). Also, for stuff that isn't available in year 2, it's the "antique" idea - you're paying more for something that's rare and no longer available anywhere else. Plus, they're weighted toward items you don't have, so you're paying for the "privilege" of getting an almost guaranteed new drop.
You can reassign your buttons on PS4 in the OS. Just switch O and X. But I think you have to change it back everytime you switch the game.

You can just turn the custom button assignments off and on instead of switching them back, assuming that's the only game where you use them. A little bit easier that way.

Happy Friday DGAF. Fantastic job as always on the OT Drizzay. DGAF keeps on truckin to OT 40 and beyond. By the way, anyone see this film and is it worth watching?.

Thanks! :p As for the movie, it's decent if you like Apatow's other movies. Pretty similar style, etc. Plus it's got Meghan Fox in a bikini so there's that. Worth watching sometime if you're so inclined.

E92 M3

Happy Friday DGAF. Fantastic job as always on the OT Drizzay. DGAF keeps on truckin to OT 40 and beyond. By the way, anyone see this film and is it worth watching?

Not sure Wipe was enthused about being #1 on Wall of Shame. Expect his post count to drop dramatically this OT. All you may see is Imago Loop image posts from him going forward.

He secretly loves it ;)
Thanks! :p As for the movie, it's decent if you like Apatow's other movies. Pretty similar style, etc. Plus it's got Meghan Fox in a bikini so there's that. Worth watching sometime if you're so inclined.

Yeah i like Apatow's stuff. Been meaning to check out that new show he produced on Netflix, I think its called "Love"? Didn't realize Megan Fox is in This is 40. May need to watch it now because reasons.
I knew wouldn't forget us

Are you up for some 3v3s over the weekend a few of us have been doing it and it's a world of fun, it might even bring John fully back into the fold, again

I might only have time for Trials this weekend. I have Plans Saturday evening and I am going to see Chvrches on Sunday - super stoked to finally get to see them live.

You can always drop me a message when you see me on.

Johns all in. He knows it.


After last night not sure how much more I'm going to play the Division. I came real close to rage quitting last night because of the stupid controls. I have no idea why in the hell they would make vault/jump O and cover X. They should be reverse and there is no option in game to do so. I'm sure Kreep and Jaf were tired of me dying because I kept getting the buttons mixed up.

I see how it is. I mean, I posted it a few times, but not 600.

It's all good friend. Concering Destiny I'm getting tired of xur and his curios. Where is the No Land Beyond damnit!?
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