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Detroit Seems Very White and That's Kind of Deal Breaker for Me


If your expecting anything less than a badly acted cheese
fest your probably setting your self up for disappointment.
lol, this is some mental gymnastics right here. Like what? Genocide?
Heavy re-industrialisation? City turning into the next big Silicon Valley of some sorts? Gentrification of downtown?

Why wouldn't there be black people involved in the android industry, policing or downtown commerce in Detroit though?
The reveal trailer showed there are? Black androids, black humans, black police offers. This trailer showed a white family who also happened to have a white Android. And one of your protagonists also happens to be white. Not too outrageous. Some of the cops were black too


Those of you who aren't from the Detroit area or who have never been there - it's absurd how white the trailers are compared to the actual city. It's like the white flight from the postwar period never happened.

If someone made that next medieval dragon game mostly black, the internet would throw a hissy fit about "forced diversity" and "historical inaccuracy", yet turning a mostly black city white is fine?

I live in detroit, have for most my life. There are a lot of whites, walk around downtown during the lunch hour rush and you'll see. Showing an android agent/hostage negotiator and a captain of some type as well as a few officers, a hostage, and a kidnapper as white isn't farfetched.


People come up with the worst excuses to justify their racism. Christ I wasn't expecting to read some of the things I have in this thread. Just gotta find any reason to keep video games as white as possible huh? Always crying about "forced diversity" when people of color have very little representation in video games and now one set in Detroit which is known for its large black community would just be "forcing diversity".

God, imagine having a game feature more people of color. Blasphemy! This must be stopped! /s

It's absolutely insane how people seem to bothered and annoyed that others would like more diversity in their gameplay.


Do you honestly believe this is an inaccurate portrayal of downtown in 20+ years? You even mentioned it's in the early stages of gentrification.

It is going down, and in 20 years this game is likely going to be a fairly accurate portrayal of downtown.

20+ I can totally see it happening, still even with it happening you shouldn't just see all the non white faces subside because even now there still a good amount of non whites who work and live in that area.


In movies it's a rather large debate. Along with the drop-off in actresses careers after they hit their upper-30s. People do identify with their skin color and gender since it is a part of their identity.

And, diversity makes a world seem more real for many people since they live in a diverse world.

There you see, I don't really follow movies (or books :) ). Didn't know about this being such an issue even there.

But you are right, in certain contexts diversity can make a world seem more real (i.e. having lots of Caucasians in an Asia-based game in the 18th century would feel odd). For this title, it definitely would work as it would play in the future. Yet, I still believe that it's not really detrimental to the quality of a game or a story when there's only limited diversity in that sense. I would be fine with a game only featuring black or Asian people, I am also fine with a game featuring only females. To not be racist or discriminatory, that's absolutely necessary. Based on some comments I am reading on here, the lack of diversity still seems to be a bigger issue in some societies than others.

An extreme example would be a game with the same character copy-pasted infinitely, with no diversity at all. That obviously would only work if it was for some story-related purpose. But how would you deal with claims for diversity in such a situation?

Oh, good. I don't need to regard a single stupid thing you're saying. Fantastic.

Come on. If you want to discuss his opinion, that's fine, but is that kind of post really necessary?

Ironically, I think white androids is actually an excellent argument for the need for increased diversity and probably goes further towards that argument than other raced (can androids be races?) androids. Do people really expect androids to be non-white? Who do you think is creating androids? Upper-class white male scientists. In their image.

Now I imagine some racist idiots wanting some real-life black androids. That's sadly gonna happen.
Cage said the story is about humanity, but all playable characters are Android.
That's not even problematic , since all the androids are showing human symptoms and that's the plot of the game.

He himself said that it's a different point of view on humanity told from the eyes of non-humans.

Basicly , Everything is in order.
They even had the black woman + white male android servant combination in the reveal trailer. I think it will be fine

Are you Connor? You'd make a fine detective
20+ I can totally see it happening, still even with it happening you shouldn't just see all the non white faces subside because even now there still a good amount of non whites who work and live in that area.
Yep and the reveal trailer showed them. Probably between 30-50% even. It's just not 80% anymore or whatever number people throw around, but there are very plausible reasons for that drop as already outlined


First off fuck your first paragraph cause that's some MRA shit, and what's worse is your somehow self aware that's it's a shitty attitude which is the fucking epitome of the privilege of having nearly all types looking toward you.

That said....

Could we elevate this conversation a little beyond "fuck you, fuck your argument"
Yep and the reveal trailer showed them. Probably between 30-50% even. It's just not 80% anymore or whatever number people throw around, but there are very plausible reasons for that drop as already outlined

Anything is plausible to put more white people in.

Detroit is over 80 percent black. White people are only 10 percent of the city. To put that into perspective, there are more black people in America relative to the whole population, than there are white people relative to the population in Detroit.
Perhaps more ironic, the inclusion of White characters front and center in a game set in Detroit (of all places) isn't seen as being forced. Reinforcing the notion that White characters rarely, if ever, have to have their presence justified. The rhetoric only comes up in regards to minorities.

It's actually pretty amazing.


Anything is plausible to put more white people in.

Detroit is over 80 percent black. White people are only 10 percent of the city. To put that into perspective, there are more black people in America relative to the whole population, than there are white people relative to the population in Detroit.

It's so obvious with some folks, isn't it?


20+ I can totally see it happening, still even with it happening you shouldn't just see all the non white faces subside because even now there still a good amount of non whites who work and live in that area.

No you shouldn't, and you won't, as this game is not portraying that (nor will real life: gentrification isn't only about whites vs blacks, it's about wealth and social class. The wealthier that will be downtown will still include people of color).

Seriously, OP must have just watched the gameplay demo, the ONLY gameplay demo we've seen of a game where you'll likely explore the android/human relationship from the perspective of several androids, and determined there were no black people in this game because this single incident in the demo starred three white characters.

If they watched the reveal trailer again before posting, this thread likely wouldn't even exist.

Anything is plausible to put more white people in.

Detroit is over 80 percent black. White people are only 10 percent of the city. To put that into perspective, there are more black people in America relative to the whole population, than there are white people relative to the population in Detroit.

This takes place in the city downtown. Downtown is not 80 percent black. It also isn't typically full of people who actually live in Detroit. It never is.

Ran rp

i find it funny that it's okay for detroit of the future to be white because it "mirrors a future reality" but no one bats an eye at 100% passable androids fully integrated into society in the near future.

cage and co. clearly need to go back to the drawing board because that's just not realistic.
Bleh, I understand why people could feel strongly about this kind of stuff but I really don't. Lack of diversity in games doesn't lessen my enjoyment of a game nor do I think about it when playing it. It shouldn't be a hard thing for people to implement into their game though.


I'm pretty sure reverse racism is a thing, especially in my community. Perhaps not so much in yours. But anyone is capable of racism and I want to be clear, it should not be tolerated in any form what so ever.

Don't call it reverse racism. It's just racism. It just isn't the type of racism we usually hear about.

Oh, good. I don't need to regard a single stupid thing you're saying. Fantastic.

Really productive attitude to have. Look up "ad hominem". Which leads me to:

A white writer may be more comfortable making white characters. It's a minefield out there -- you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you attempt a character of a different ethnicity and get something wrong - say, in their culture, or their dialog -- or even something 'right' that happens to be considered a negative stereotype, or overdo something accidentally into a stereotype -- you open yourself up to massive allegations. Even if you do everything right but their role is wrong [say, they're 'evil'] you're potentially in the spotlight. I'm not saying a writer of one ethnicity can never write another ethnicity -- some obviously can. I'm saying not all can, and even those that think they can may accidentally step on one of those mines.

The bolded... I remember being scolded in a Star Wars topic on the OT side a few months ago because I agreed with the notion that turning Rey evil (at least temporarily) could be an interesting path to go down. Apparently this would be highly damaging to females in some way, and as a man I wasn't qualified to comment on it.

But yeah, it really can be a catch 22 sometimes.

God, imagine having a game feature more people of color. Blasphemy! This must be stopped! /s

It's absolutely insane how people seem to bothered and annoyed that others would like more diversity in their gameplay.

Having read through this thread, this strikes me as a pretty blatant straw man.


Far too early to judge yet, but couldn't it also be a commentary on the world of Detroit, I mean they are struggling to accept android humans it seems of course they would be largely white androids. It could be a big play on the whole tone and mind set of the people of the city.


Even if it's only Downtown Detroit, It's demographics are 64% Black and 28% White.
People will go through all the hoops to justify why there's a shit ton of white people. And even if there are quite a few black people present in the game as we should be, I feel like they won't be written well seeing as it's a QD game and all


PSY・S;207343253 said:
i find it funny that it's okay for detroit of the future to be white because it "mirrors a future reality" but no one bats an eye at 100% passable androids fully integrated into society in the near future.

cage and co. clearly need to go back to the drawing board because that's just not realistic.

Nearly every piece of fiction relies on the viewer/player/reader embracing at least one "grand lie", near sci-fi generally relies on this suspension of disbelief more than other genres because its so close. The implicit contract between storyteller and audience being that once you accept the grand lie (usually the setting) that the rest of the story will remain internally self consistent. Or in short, no shit that fully humanoid androids arent realistic.


Even if it's only Downtown Detroit, It's demographics are 64% Black and 28% White.

I should further stress that on any given day or night when the city is full, I'd bet over 85% of the people you see do not live in Detroit. However over the next 20 years, a lot more of them will, as the poor are already being shoved out of the city via rent going through the roof, and new, more expensive living spaces are being erected all over the place.
You know sometimes I get a little sick and tired of these diversity for the sake of diversity threads. It gets annoying that every time I go on a forum you see people complain that there is a lack of something in a game so they're going to veto it. When people start making their decisions based around the sexuality, race or gender of a character, it's just as bad as racism for me because it's kind of a like a reverse racism, like people actually look at a title and think "Ugh, not enough black people in this game, I think I'll pass," or things like "Wow, nobody is gay here, think I'm going to leave it." This whole thing with the female Link like they're expecting Nintendo to drop a male character that has been established for years and suddenly adopt a Mass Effect type system allowing players to choose if Link is a male or female. Then do we choose whether he's black, white or Asian? Within the context of Asian, are we talking oriental or middle eastern? Can we choose whether he's gay or straight? Can we choose what gender he actual identifies as and if he is pansexual or a-sexual? It's like the whole Nadine thing in Uncharted all over again even though Kratos is a caucasian character that's had two black actors play him.

Needlessly to say right now people have probably read that and are outraged, but I'd ask before replying to my comment, you take a moment to read this next section.

I am a stereotypical male white (British if you want to know) person and I don't judge games based on any kind of the things we are discussing here and I want to stress that I agree with Shawn Layden who rightly said that we need to show a little more love to everyone right now, not just for the LGBT community after what happened in Orlando, but people being discriminated against for whatever reason the aggressors choose. I want to be clear that I do not discriminate unfairly against anyone because of their religion, age, sex, race or perceived gender.

I take a look at some of the games I really love and I see that there is already diversity within that space. I'm currently playing through Primal on PlayStation 4 which is a PlayStation 2 title from 2003 that has a female lead character and is very much about a feminine heroine. The best Grand Theft Auto game I ever played was San Andreas and I loved CJ and the whole Grove crew. (I live in a place called Rose Grove and the dick head chavs here identify as the Grove crew so that hit close to home.) I could relate to him as a character, I rooted for him and I thought he made a great lead character for that story. I also preferred Lamar and Franklin to Michael and Trevor in Grand Theft Auto V which might come as a surprise to some.

I played Mortal Kombat X when it came out and I was surprised to learn that Kung Jin was gay. I didn't suddenly hate him as a character but I thought it was an interesting development that fleshed out his character and gave more reason as to why he passed on joining the monks of the Wu Shi academy. When I played Starhawk, I had a great time and never for a moment thought that I wanted Emmett to be anything other than who he is. Infact one of my favourite games of all time is Shadow Man and that's a title about a black super hero protagonist based on a Valiant comic. I take a look at Horizon Zero Dawn and I'm all down for that because I love the look of the game and I think Aloy is a great character, the same way I love Kat in Gravity Rush. Okay, Kat is from time to time over sexualised somewhat but it doesn't change the fact that she kicks ass and I really enjoying playing as her.

Prototype 2 and The Walking Dead are two more examples of games with black protagonists that I really enjoyed playing. I played a lot of Tomb Raider and Blood Rayne throughout my life because they had really strong female leads which I very much enjoyed. Aveline in Assassins Creed on Vita was a black female character which again, was a great game that I enjoyed.

I'm the stereotype that people tend to associate with the reason why there isn't diversity in games. I would argue that there is diversity in games and it is growing. We can see more games about black people, asian people, gay people or people from all walks of life. I'm going to love them and enjoy them no matter what. While I feel there is a responsibility on the developers side to be creating these games, I think people can be too vocal or judgmental about games where they don't have the level of diversity that they want and some times it ruins the fun of games for me. Too many times we've squabbled over these topics and ignored all the good stuff in front of us.

If you really consider this game to be another white washed project with nothing to offer you based on the colour of people alone, then fine. I'd argue you're going to potentially miss out on what looks like a great game because you have personally made colour an issue. If that is your mantra or your feelings then fair enough, we can agree to disagree. But I put it to you that if Kara was a black female protagonist who was a Lesbian I would still love the game because those details don't affect my opinion like that. I want to experience a great game with great characters and great game play. I'm happy to criticise a character for their flaws, I'm happy to say when a character is literally just a bad character. Like the stereotypical black woman in Deus Ex Human Revolution, that seemed to me like a bad character made in poor taste. However, I'm not about to write a game off because it's too 'white.' I feel that it's almost a little racist to imply that you're going to miss this game because the characters are white. Racism goes all ways, and it's not just against black people or asian people.

All I'm saying, if anything, is that I fit a stereotype that I don't feel that I am a part of. I'm going to give this game a chance and allow myself the opportunity to have a great time or be disappointed. I admit my opinion might not count for much because I haven't personally been to Detroit or the USA, but I don't feel that should stop me having an opinion on this game or feel as though it is too white, black, asian or what ever to enjoy. Let's spread some love people. Peace.

I don't remember people complaining too much about Martin Lawrence in Black Knight. Just saying.
You know it'd be easier if you had just said "please stop talking about this stuff" instead of going for a long winded response about how gaming is so good now with a handful of examples and how we're all the real racists.


Don't call it reverse racism. It's just racism. It just isn't the type of racism we usually hear about.

Really productive attitude to have. Look up "ad hominem". Which leads me to:

The bolded... I remember being scolded in a Star Wars topic on the OT side a few months ago because I agreed with the notion that turning Rey evil (at least temporarily) could be an interesting path to go down. Apparently this would be highly damaging to females in some way, and as a man I wasn't qualified to comment on it.

But yeah, it really can be a catch 22 sometimes.

Having read through this thread, this strikes me as a pretty blatant straw man.

I was mainly referring to WraithBringer, but I was also talking about the Guardian thread here.


This is reminding me of when people were saying it wouldn't be realistic for us to be in The Order because there were no black people in that area back then, even though that was false...

Plus people could accept werewolves but at the thought of including blacks or hispanics turned ugly and acted like we didn't exist
So WraithBringer says that he "just wants good characters, I don't care what race they are" while already having his cake. It's disingenuous to pair that with reverse racism, forced quotas, or "for sakes of sake". You already have your cake and so you're not bothered, but you wanna tell others to be cool and pipe down.

But that said, I don't think that I've seen enough to really comment.
You know sometimes I get a little sick and tired of these diversity for the sake of diversity threads. It gets annoying that every time I go on a forum you see people complain that there is a lack of something in a game so they're going to veto it. When people start making their decisions based around the sexuality, race or gender of a character, it's just as bad as racism for me because it's kind of a like a reverse racism, like people actually look at a title and think "Ugh, not enough black people in this game, I think I'll pass," or things like "Wow, nobody is gay here, think I'm going to leave it." This whole thing with the female Link like they're expecting Nintendo to drop a male character that has been established for years and suddenly adopt a Mass Effect type system allowing players to choose if Link is a male or female. Then do we choose whether he's black, white or Asian? Within the context of Asian, are we talking oriental or middle eastern? Can we choose whether he's gay or straight? Can we choose what gender he actual identifies as and if he is pansexual or a-sexual? It's like the whole Nadine thing in Uncharted all over again even though Kratos is a caucasian character that's had two black actors play him.

Needlessly to say right now people have probably read that and are outraged, but I'd ask before replying to my comment, you take a moment to read this next section.

I am a stereotypical male white (British if you want to know) person and I don't judge games based on any kind of the things we are discussing here and I want to stress that I agree with Shawn Layden who rightly said that we need to show a little more love to everyone right now, not just for the LGBT community after what happened in Orlando, but people being discriminated against for whatever reason the aggressors choose. I want to be clear that I do not discriminate unfairly against anyone because of their religion, age, sex, race or perceived gender.

I take a look at some of the games I really love and I see that there is already diversity within that space. I'm currently playing through Primal on PlayStation 4 which is a PlayStation 2 title from 2003 that has a female lead character and is very much about a feminine heroine. The best Grand Theft Auto game I ever played was San Andreas and I loved CJ and the whole Grove crew. (I live in a place called Rose Grove and the dick head chavs here identify as the Grove crew so that hit close to home.) I could relate to him as a character, I rooted for him and I thought he made a great lead character for that story. I also preferred Lamar and Franklin to Michael and Trevor in Grand Theft Auto V which might come as a surprise to some.

I played Mortal Kombat X when it came out and I was surprised to learn that Kung Jin was gay. I didn't suddenly hate him as a character but I thought it was an interesting development that fleshed out his character and gave more reason as to why he passed on joining the monks of the Wu Shi academy. When I played Starhawk, I had a great time and never for a moment thought that I wanted Emmett to be anything other than who he is. Infact one of my favourite games of all time is Shadow Man and that's a title about a black super hero protagonist based on a Valiant comic. I take a look at Horizon Zero Dawn and I'm all down for that because I love the look of the game and I think Aloy is a great character, the same way I love Kat in Gravity Rush. Okay, Kat is from time to time over sexualised somewhat but it doesn't change the fact that she kicks ass and I really enjoying playing as her.

Prototype 2 and The Walking Dead are two more examples of games with black protagonists that I really enjoyed playing. I played a lot of Tomb Raider and Blood Rayne throughout my life because they had really strong female leads which I very much enjoyed. Aveline in Assassins Creed on Vita was a black female character which again, was a great game that I enjoyed.

I'm the stereotype that people tend to associate with the reason why there isn't diversity in games. I would argue that there is diversity in games and it is growing. We can see more games about black people, asian people, gay people or people from all walks of life. I'm going to love them and enjoy them no matter what. While I feel there is a responsibility on the developers side to be creating these games, I think people can be too vocal or judgmental about games where they don't have the level of diversity that they want and some times it ruins the fun of games for me. Too many times we've squabbled over these topics and ignored all the good stuff in front of us.

If you really consider this game to be another white washed project with nothing to offer you based on the colour of people alone, then fine. I'd argue you're going to potentially miss out on what looks like a great game because you have personally made colour an issue. If that is your mantra or your feelings then fair enough, we can agree to disagree. But I put it to you that if Kara was a black female protagonist who was a Lesbian I would still love the game because those details don't affect my opinion like that. I want to experience a great game with great characters and great game play. I'm happy to criticise a character for their flaws, I'm happy to say when a character is literally just a bad character. Like the stereotypical black woman in Deus Ex Human Revolution, that seemed to me like a bad character made in poor taste. However, I'm not about to write a game off because it's too 'white.' I feel that it's almost a little racist to imply that you're going to miss this game because the characters are white. Racism goes all ways, and it's not just against black people or asian people.

All I'm saying, if anything, is that I fit a stereotype that I don't feel that I am a part of. I'm going to give this game a chance and allow myself the opportunity to have a great time or be disappointed. I admit my opinion might not count for much because I haven't personally been to Detroit or the USA, but I don't feel that should stop me having an opinion on this game or feel as though it is too white, black, asian or what ever to enjoy. Let's spread some love people. Peace.

I don't remember people complaining too much about Martin Lawrence in Black Knight. Just saying.
You are done.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Do people identify that much with their own skin colour?

I might have lived long enough in an environment where I am a minority, so that I do not really care about the sexual orientation, gender, or skin colour. I believe diversity is definitely a need and everyone should be respectful of that. Yet I very much think that not everything needs a quota, in particular not fictional works.

I can't believe you are seriously asking that question.


So WraithBringer says that he "just wants good characters, I don't care what race they are" while already having his cake. It's disingenuous to pair that with reverse racism, forced quotas, or "for sakes of sake". You already have your cake, so you're not invested, but you wanna tell others to be cool and pipe down.

But that said, I don't think that I've seen enough to really comment.

That's kind of mean to say and not his statement. So he is not allowed to say "I don't care about the gender or skin colour of the character" because he's white?

I can't believe you are seriously asking that question.
I find it more sad when most people would answer with "yes". Why would I feel better for having a certain gender or skin color? Simply sounds odd to me.


Paper or plastic?
This is reminding me of when people were saying it wouldn't be realistic for us to be in The Order because there were no black people in that area back then, even though that was false...

Plus people could accept werewolves but at the thought of including blacks or hispanics turned ugly and acted like we didn't exist
Not to stray too far off topic, but this reminds me of the movie Fly Boys that came out a few years back. It featured a Black WWI fighter pilot, and some of the forums I frequented at the time were so incredulous at the notion of a Black American being featured in a WWI aviation epic. Cries of political correctness being injected to the detriment of the film and such. Imagine the shock and feet in mouths when they found out the character was based on an actual historical figure that flew for the French Airforce in WWI.
I should further stress that on any given day or night when the city is full, I'd bet over 85% of the people you see do not live in Detroit. However over the next 20 years, a lot more of them will, as the poor are already being shoved out of the city via rent going through the roof, and new, more expensive living spaces are being erected all over the place.

You'd bet a random number you pulled out your ass with no statistical data about how many people are in Detroit but don't live in Detroit. And yet David Cage says:
"[Detroit] has its own history; there are people living there. They love their city," he said. "You need to pay attention to that and be respectful and not just use what you want to use for a game."
While I agree it should be more diverse, is it fair to not play a game because most of the cast is white? It wouldn't be fair to not play a game if most of the cast were black.


You'd bet a random number you pulled out your ass with no statistical data about how many people are in Detroit but don't live in Detroit. And yet David Cage says:

David Cage probably walked around downtown a bunch during the day and definitely did not see even 64% of people being black. He likely saw no one when wandering through famous abandoned buildings.

I don't have statistical data about how many people work in Detroit but don't live there (although I'm sure it exists) and there likely are not statistics about how many people visit in the evening from outside the city. However census data does not portray an accurate picture of the diversity you actually see downtown, due to most of them not living downtown. I know this because I have eyes and go downtown quite often.


I was mainly referring to WraithBringer, but I was also talking about the Guardian thread here.

Well the guy you were quoting said he "couldn't believe some of the things he was reading in this thread", and I didn't remember anybody here say anything close to, "fuck diversity, white power!". Even in the other thread I don't remember anything close to that. Well except for the guy who made a joke about participating in a white power meeting in which he conspired to make E3 as white as possible (he then got banned I believe).


There should be more tampons in gaming
...and he also had Cole in Beyond: Two Souls.


Pretty much the opposite of the black character in Heavy Rain. Not to mention the only likable and good person in that game.

I advice to wait before judging.

Isn't that Kareem Hardison aka Dewayne Wayne of A Different World fame?
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