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Digital Foundry Face-Off: Saint's Row 4

Fox Mulder

Looks like the game is pretty poor on both consoles. I kind of figured it would when I saw gameplay of the fast running and super high jumps. Glad I have access to a PC to play this

Pretty sad.

I've been moving and only recently heard about how shitty it runs on consoles. Guess I'll have to pass until I get a new PC sometime.


Honestly it's not as bad as people are making it out to be. The draw distance is pretty terrible but its about the same performance we saw with far cry 3 and you are moving around and leaping across the city which seems a lot more demanding than SR3. It's certainly playable but if you have access to a rental service I would do that and wait for a steam sale. The gameplay isn't anything to write home about so I'm not even sore why so many people are saying "lol will get on steam." Don't pay $50 for this.


High Voltage Software and Terminal Reality seem to share the same development methodology - cut the resolution by 25% and quincunx it.

For the record, the PS3 version of Ghostbusters is softer due to the 'quincunx' anti-aliasing filter and the fact we render at about 75% the resolution of the 360 version. So you cannot directly compare a screen shot of one to the other unless you scale them properly. The PS3 does have less available RAM than the 360 – but we managed to squeeze 3 out of 4 textures as full size on the PS3.

Ploid 3.0

Wow, so glad I had a gaming PC, the game looks beautiful for me. Too bad there's no next gen consoles version coming, though they had their hands full already I suppose.

The PC version isn't that well optimized for what it's showing on my screen, same as SR3 it's better than console versions but still lacking, in graphics and performance imo.

SR4 runs better on my PC than SR3 did. Nvidia

Though one of the reasons I was excited to move to pc was for open world games. SR2 and GTA4 ran not so well on console as well.
Tue - forgot that angle - but heck you'd just take current engine and produce another game with it then surely? I still can't fathom how they went backwards technically on PS3 - unless they put a bit more effort into 360 this time and managed to mess up PS3 version in the process (although I'd figure two code bases but who knows).

Doesn't matter in the end I guess - they managed to mess up the PS3 version vs 360 this time around.

The stink of THQ will forever be entrenched upon Jason Rubin


I'm convinced this is some sort of new meme most of us are missing out on. Or it's some forced attempt at a meme anyway.

Anyways I booted up SR2 again on PS3... it's pretty sad that I'm immediately impressed at how sharp and smooth it it after SR4, though admittedly FFXIV in between did not help.


So glad I went with PC version, wireless 360 controller hooked up + 60fps 1080p on Ultra settings worked out nicely.

Looking forward to the next gen consoles tho.


It does run like total shit, that doesn't stop it from being absolutely in-fucking incredible then
Agreed. I'm now about 20 hours in to the PS3 version. Couldn't stop playing it until the early hours, slept for about 4 hours and then got up and cracked on again. I haven't wanted to play a game this much since..... Saint's Row 3.

I am looking forward to replaying it on the PC at some point, and the missus is buying the 360 version, so I'm not too bothered by the iffy performance.

Edit: wrote that post whilst I was outside smoking. Went back in, unpaused SR4 and then got a hard lock whilst messing about in the menus. That's the third or fourth hard lock so far. Thank fuck the auto save is up to the job.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Even at 1080P 60fps (ultra settings) on my PC w/ GTX670 the game is not pretty.


"PS3 has 960x720 resolution with QAA resulting in a soft look"

Ouch! That's gonna leave some people blind.

And those trees, lol.
I got the game on PS3 from GameFly, and it is going back because of how absolutely horrid it looks. I will wait to play it on PC when it hits a massive sale or something. I would not wish the PS3 version of this game on anyone, as it is a blurry mess.
So the article talks about performance and frame rate etc but unless I missed it never mentions how the game randomly freezes for up to 5 seconds at a time while you're trying to play (360 version). DF is utterly useless.


Gold Member
this game runs poorly on my pc way worse than sr3. its still very playable.

happens when you look in certain directions i think the draw distance doesnt scale in this game or something.


I initially thought performance was on par with far cry 3 on console but to be honest with the frequency of auto save, the game actually straight up seems to lock up all of the time. Also pop in is really bad (exacerbated by the fact that you can basically just jump up and fly huge distances very quickly). The game is still very much playable though.
So the article talks about performance and frame rate etc but unless I missed it never mentions how the game randomly freezes for up to 5 seconds at a time while you're trying to play (360 version). DF is utterly useless.

I've noticed this only happens after you unlock an achievement. Doesn't happen otherwise.
Wow the PS3 version looks really muddy. I haven't seen it in motion but my friend says there's a ridiculous amount of screen tearing as well. Kind of surprised.

360 version looks rather nice I say. I'm not seeing a big jump between it and the PC.


You would of thought they would have at least some understanding on how to use the PS3 by now.

I have a feeling though GTA5 is still going to be superior on the 360, but by less of a degree RDR and GTA4 were.

It will be like MP3 but hopefully with a better framerate.

Gonna be so pissed if GTA5 is gimped in a not tiny way on PS3.

R* owe it to there PS3 owning fans.

Could not really care about SR4. the gameplay has no real substance or meaning.


An blind dancing ho
You would of thought they would have at least some understanding on how to use the PS3 by now.

I have a feeling though GTA5 is still going to be superior on the 360, but by less of a degree RDR and GTA4 were.

It will be like MP3 but hopefully with a better framerate.

Gonna be so pissed if GTA5 is gimped in a not tiny way on PS3.

R* owe it to there PS3 owning fans.

Could not really care about SR4. the gameplay has no real substance or meaning.

it's not like they don't know how program on PS3, see how SR3 was superior on PS3, it's just that they gave the PS3 port of SR4 to a shitty porting studio instead of doing it in-house.

the gameplay has no real substance or meaning.

Weird. It happens to me every time I play. It's the only game I have where it happens too.

Huh. I've had a pretty stable experience unless an achievement unlocks or when there's too much stuff going on screen. I installed to hard drive though, so that might be why I haven't encountered too many issues.
You would of thought they would have at least some understanding on how to use the PS3 by now.

I have a feeling though GTA5 is still going to be superior on the 360, but by less of a degree RDR and GTA4 were.

It will be like MP3 but hopefully with a better framerate.

Gonna be so pissed if GTA5 is gimped in a not tiny way on PS3.

R* owe it to there PS3 owning fans.

Could not really care about SR4. the gameplay has no real substance or meaning.

Yeah, my money is that if GTA5 runs/looks better on a console, it'll be the 360. But I'll also bet that if there is a difference, it'll be tiny.
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