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Digital Foundry: The Witcher 3 patch 1.03 performance analysis (PS4/XB1)

Really?? More NPCs walking around on PC?

Link please? This is actually big, I'd like to see how "full" this game can be. I didn't think they'd cut that out of consoles, but it's nice to hear there are more on PC

Here is a screen of the opening to the bridge where people are coming out of the rain.



Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
What amazes me if the people attitude of "should be 900p".
No, this is the easy way for developers and could set a precedent, when developers choose lowering the resolution instead of work on optimization.

And for what? It is 30fps most of the time. Cutscenes, who cares.And as much as the Sean guy wants the narrative to be, the swamps in the rain is not representative of the game. So if you spend 97% of gameplay at 30fps and 1080p, what would dropping the res do besides make the 100% of the game blurry? They can spend a little time finding the bottleneck int those few areas that have substantial drops. Just like with GTAV, Borderlands and Dying Light; the game was done enough for the publisher but clearly they had work left that got performance and IQ with the same hardware. Maybe if Sony had the marketing agreement it would have been finished, lol.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
They all ran really poorly to be honest. So probably.
Yeah, that's the thing, Witcher 3 on console runs better than ALL of those games. Compare it to any Bethesda title from last gen and there is a huge difference. W3 could be better but it's still a leap over similar last gen games.


*Interesting* DF conclusion. PS4 has more drops in cutcenes but Xbone dropped more in gameplay. Yet the Xbone version is better?


To be honest, I after upgraded to a new motherboard/i5-4690k/780 last summer I spent more time playing with graphic settings and drivers and watching framerate counters than actually playing and enjoying the games. Thats the main reason I went back to the ps4.

Thats the definition of a typical Hardcore PC Gamer these days..


Thats the definition of a typical Hardcore PC Gamer these days..
That's a very strange statement.

Games have a lot fewer settings overall, and it is far (far) easier to run them well, on PC "these days" than in the 00s (never mind the 90s!).


Neo Member
*Interesting* DF conclusion. PS4 has more drops in cutcenes but Xbone dropped more in gameplay. Yet the Xbone version is better?

WTF? DF doesn´t say that.

About gameplay:
In terms of direct platform-to-platform comparisons on patch 1.03, PS4 and Xbox One are both capped to 30fps now, but Microsoft's console does hold a steadier line on balance. In almost every segment of gameplay tested, the performance overhead on Xbox One prior to the patch now translates to a confident 30fps cap - and with far fewer stutters below. It's possible further optimisation on the Sony release could bring it up to speed, but for now Xbox One enjoys a noticeable advantage in terms of overall consistency.

About cut-scenes:

It's an advantage also seen in The Witcher 3's in-engine cut-scenes. As before, PS4 automatically locks to the 20fps line at any sign of dropping below 30fps. By comparison Xbox One lurks at the 25fps mid-point, freely updating with frames as and when they become available. The net result is that PS4 typically runs at a slower, more sluggish rate in every scene tested. Where performance goes below 30fps on Xbox One, the read-out is also identical to its results before patch 1.03 - meaning no performance boost is apparently made to these stress-points. The only difference here is that it now hits a 30fps ceiling.

In summary:
Though it struggles to match the clarity of PS4's native 1920x1080 output, the 30fps cap is better adjusted for Microsoft's platform in practice, with fewer stutters during play giving it a tangible performance advantage.

You should read the article again: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/d...e-witcher-3-patch-103-fix-console-performance
But are they referring to the PS4 version at all? What about the data streaming issues in the PS4?

First-world problems and all that but I am getting a bit tired of putting off playing this game cause there always seems to be patch around the corner.

That being said, I DO love that they're constantly optimizing (^_____^)


That's a very strange statement.

Games have a lot fewer settings overall, and it is far (far) easier to run them well, on PC "these days" than in the 00s (never mind the 90s!).

Thats what i see on dedicated PC forums, they just care for framerate, fps bench's etc. Here we have separated topics for performance and OT's but in other places where there's only one topic the benchs keep on going above anything.

Im playing this on PC and didnt spend 5 minutes looking at how many fps i get cause the game runs fine and that´s all i care.
Perhaps the PS4 is not the beast many like to pretend it is and the differences between the systems off paper and in the real are panning out to not be all that significant.

neither of these systems are beasts, that's the problem :/

I ADORE my XB1/PS4, but can't deny that's it's frustrating that they seem to be hitting the ceiling already so early in their lifespans.
Oh well, that's what I get for jumping out of PC gaming :)


WTF? DF doesn´t say that.


Maybe you should read my post and DF article again? Xbone version drops more during fights and it dropped to a slightly lower frame in the city so how does that translate into

the 30fps cap is better adjusted for Microsoft's platform in practice, with fewer stutters during play giving it a tangible performance advantage.

Unless play means cutcene playbacks but gameplay should be above cutscene in terms of importance.


If CD Project can't make it stable 30fps on PS4 then they should just add dynamic resolution ala XB1.


Neo Member
Maybe you should read my post and DF article again? Xbone version drops more during fights and it dropped to a slightly lower frame in the city so how does that translate into

Unless play means cutcene playbacks but gameplay should be above cutscene in terms of importance.

Could you please quote that part of the article? I can't find it. And oh, take a look at this:



Definitely, Xbone version drops more during gameplay and fights xD.


Could you please quote that part of the article? I can't find it. And oh, take a look at this:

Definitely, Xbone version drops more during gameplay and fights xD.

It's called using your eyes.

edit: and what does those gamersyde videos show and has to do with DF's artcle? Both versions looked like shit in the Gamersyde videos and the graphics scenario is not exactly the same. The Xbone is so dark and I can't see any of the performance killing swamp gas in that version while PS4 video is filled with them.
Didn't mind the performance other than pop-ins and eventual memory leak crashes.

Already got my platinum, so I won't be seeing future performance boosts.
PS4 version has been mostly fine so far for me, but no question it really struggles when its raining. I've noticed the occasional drop here and there and it doesn't bother me so much, I think it's a gorgeous looking game. Anyways, I galloped through an area I've been through several times in Velen and it's not a very "busy" area compared to other parts of the game, but it was raining and the framerate dropped well below 30 for an extended stretch. Unfortunate for sure, but nothing I can't live with.
Let me put it this way. What I see and feel when playing on each system has been so similar that I would feel like a madman were I to stop and split hairs over it. 900p vs 1080p to me does not amount to a hill of beans and sometimes the PS4 even suffers for trying to push it further. As we are seeing here.

No that is just your assumption and poor eyesight.
Yeah, screw optimisation! Let's just reduce everything!

They've been doing that ever since this gen started. Effectively The Order's resolution was reduced given it's black bars. The Evil Within, same thing. AC:Unity never got the popin LOD issues of the NPCs fixed. Watch Dogs got downgraded heavily.. etc.. etc.. list goes on and on.
I agree with the comment made earlier in this thread that CDPR bit off more than they could chew with this game...specifically, doing a simultaneous release on both consoles and PC for a game of this scope. They would have been better off staggering the releases...PC version in May, PS4/XB1 versions in August/September/October. I think all three versions would have been more optimized at launch had they gone this route. Not bug-free (that's just about impossible), but definitely more polished and better-performing than what we got. I also think that a closed beta testing period could've been beneficial for this game.

But they made their bed by doing the simultaneous release, now they have to lie in it, bear down and get shit fixed. At least for consoles, The Witcher 3 has been the worst release for a high-profile AAA game since Assassin's Creed: Unity, and CDPR has nobody to blame but themselves. The game clearly wasn't ready for a May launch and needed several more months of testing, especially on consoles. They could've bit the bullet and announced yet another delay of 3-5 months, but I understand why they felt compelled to get it out in May...it's an expensive project, they needed to start getting a return on their investment, and they have already taken some heat from both forums and the gaming media for their existing delays.

The PS4 version being double-buffered is really bizarre. Triple-buffering should be a standard in all console games these days.

I am confident that CDPR will improve performance to a point where it's good on all versions. Their post-release support is among the best in the industry. They just need to get better at delivering an optimized product at launch, preferably without a day 1 patch.

As for Geralt's movement feeling weird and janky, I suspect that's due to CDPR's PC roots...they're accustomed to binary-type movement with KB/M. (TW3's movement is better than TW2, but still far from great.) Which is why I have little hope in that being improved. Character movement isn't exactly great in Bioware's games either...although not as bad as TW3. I think a lot of these European and American developers, including CDPR, need to play more Japanese action games...action RPGs like Dragon's Dogma, hack-n-slashes like Ninja Gaiden Black and Bayonetta, platformers such as Mario and other games like Zelda, Dark Souls and Bloodborne. Or even western games like God of War and Uncharted. And pay close attention to their basic core mechanics for movement, turning and so on. Despite the drastically varied controls and combat systems, all of those games feel good in basic gameplay stuff such as movement, turning, jumping, etc.
You wouldn't take reduced LOD and better performance? It's trying to squeeze blood from a stone at some point.

Sorry if some of us don't believe that CDPR has done all they can to tweak performance before making massive cuts.

The amount of patches they are pushing suggests there is much unfinished business.

Don't see how any one could say think this game is polished.


Asset and texture pop in is way worst in 1.03 patch so much so my friend who doesn't comment much on these things asked me if I saw it too

Is that on the PS4 version? I just updated the Xbox One version and I am not noticing this, but a few of my friends that have the PS4 version are saying this is happening. I am going to be able to test around with the PS4 version later today as a friend is going out of town and he is letting me borrow his copy.


Gold Member
The reality is that this game is heavily taxing.

The foliage alone causes a substantial hit.

No, it doesn't, from my experience. Dense, detailed forests are rendered basically without a hitch on the PS4, AS LONG AS there aren't many alpha and particle effects on screen. As soon as there's some rain, fire, mist, etc (or, heaven forbid, several of them at once), that's when performance goes to hell. Even in a small interior with little going on, a couple of these effects will bring the 20 fps goodness, while vastly more detailed outdoor environments will run practically at a locked 30 (the occasional stutter notwithstanding) in good conditions (no rain, fire, etc). So geometry complexity isn't this game's issue at all IMO, alpha effects are. Hopefully they can do some optimization there.


Differing opinions and all then. 4 patches so far in less than 2 weeks with more surely to come.

I am starting to feel that CDPR are trying too hard to get patches out quickly and they are doing things to make a "quick fix" to appease people. While I think them working hard is great and I truly think they want to fix as many things as possible I also think having to reduce things, LOD changes etc. are "quick fixes" instead of working with the code to optimize the performance. Being that the game seems to selling well, I am sure they want to do as many quick/cut corner fixes they can to make it better, but long term having NPC's disappearing in order to improve frame rates is not optimizing for performance. I mean, they can cut down the wind dynamics have trees/shrubs move less in the wind to pick up a few points of performance if they wanted too.

To your point, 4 patches in 2 weeks is a lot and it is also admirable but part of me feels like some of this stuff is quick fix and we are going to make cut backs until we can get some better optimization.


Does the Ps4 have some sort of requirement for games to run in 1080p?

From the video the gameplay looks decent enough but the system clearly can't handle the cutscenes. Why not use some sort of dynamic resolution and lower it to 720p during cutcenes to see if it helps?. It can't even handle the "cinematic" 24 fps


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Xbox One performs better. But PS4 runs on higher resolution. I am not surprised. Both consoles got weak point.
Xbox One performs better. But PS4 runs on higher resolution. I am not surprised. Both consoles got weak point.

I am. I am just about certain Batman Arkham Knight will look and run better on PS4. We already know MGSV will be the same. Mortal Kombat X was as expected.Same for Dying Light. The Witcher 3 is the only major release so far this year with that distinction.


Does the Ps4 have some sort of requirement for games to run in 1080p?

From the video the gameplay looks decent enough but the system clearly can't handle the cutscenes. Why not use some sort of dynamic resolution and lower it to 720p during cutcenes to see if it helps?. It can't even handle the "cinematic" 24 fps

Not that I am aware of. Battlefield 4 and Hardlines are not at 1080p, so I don't think they have a requirement.

I personally think the scope of the game on consoles was a bit too much. As others have stated, with CDPR focusing on 3 platforms and this being their first game on XB1/PS4 it is just my opinion that all the things they wanted in the game they pushed through and it was just too much. In speaking specifically of the PS4 version, even with faster memory/better GPU, it still seems a bit too much for it to handle with a locked 30fps and all those effects and LOD being not as intrusive as it is now with the lades patch.

It would be interesting to see what would happen if the PS4 version was 900p. What would the frame rate be then? With the lower overhead of 900p could they push other things and have a 100% locked 30fps?
Looks like PS4 has much worse pop in.


At 2:41 the bridge on ps4 doesn't even appear at all lol until the guy probably gets past it, and then the red priest guy pops out of nowhere around the same time when the player is almost right on top of him. The pop in is there on the xbox one but doesn't seem to be nearly as bad.


I am. I am just about certain Batman Arkham Knight will look and run better on PS4. We already know MGSV will be the same. Mortal Kombat X was as expected.Same for Dying Light. The Witcher 3 is the only major release so far this year with that distinction.

You forgot Project Cars, which has higher resolution and double digit framerate advantage on PS4. It's good that BeforeU has identified PS4's weak point, so he can attack it for massive damage...


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Its kind of disingenuous to claim that just because PS4 has more GPU and the same CPU that the game should perform better.

There's plenty of reasons why it would be the case that the PS4 is weaker on this game FPS wise, even just down to CDPR implementing the code of their game in a different manner on both platforms.

From what we understand, the game isnt CPU limited, thus being a GPU bound game, so it obviously doesn't mean that its specifically a HW issue that causes the difference.

Do i think CDPR should have sorted these issues out before launch including the double buffering to get a decent level of performance? Yes, but it don't think its as simple as some are suggesting


I'd be in the dick
Yeah, that's the thing, Witcher 3 on console runs better than ALL of those games. Compare it to any Bethesda title from last gen and there is a huge difference. W3 could be better but it's still a leap over similar last gen games.
Yeah, lots of people seem to be forgetting what performance last gen was like in large scale titles. The bog is awful but I'm generally satisfied with performance everywhere else.
Definitely grabbing this on Xbox One in the next month or so, but I have too much in my backlog right now to justify adding yet another game that I probably won't get to immediately.


so, looking at the tech here is the best way to play witcher 3

1. pc (obviously)

2. xbox one - better frame-rate, smoother graphics and better couch experience

3. ps4 - better resolution, but frame-rate is very poor and game often crashes
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