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DmC - Devil May Cry announced (Capcom X Ninja Theory) - [Update: Unreal Engine 3]

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FreedomFrisbee said:
What. Is. This. Shit.

Why was this necessary? A complete fucking reboot? This isnt even Devil May Cry anymore! What happened to needing a white haired protagonist so much that he had white hair and looked like Dante for no reason? Now Dante looks like a fucking Twilight vampire!

Someone said that if the gameplay was good, we'd by this. No, no we won't. This would have to be the greatest game ever made and nothing less for me to buy this with a peice of shit Dante. You know why? cause I've got Bayonetta now! If Devil May Cry is gonna be something I don't like from now on, I've got alternatives.

Fuckin emo hipster bullshit. At least make his hair fucking white. Might as well be some generic hack and slash as far as I'm concerned.
Kimosabae said:
New character is cool as fuck. The bitching is expected.

Never liked Dante's design since the first game. Hopefully NT does the series justice.
Coming from someone who likes the hipster scott pilgrim :lol

Hipsters die please!
Dandy said:
This. Watched the trailer again and I'm pretty hyped.

People don't know goodness when they see it. This is going to be fucking amazing. Mark me words: this will be better than the last DMC that Capcom released, with or without character/art design change.

GhostRidah said:
Coming from someone who likes the hipster scott pilgrim :lol

Hipsters die please!

A little too personal of an attack there?


Himuro said:
What is with Devil May Cry fanbase and Dante obsession? Almost reminds me of Sonic fanbase and that ain't nothing anyone wants to be compared to.

Wouldn't mind if they changed the design into something other than a skinny hipster.
AndyMoogle said:
Btw this is what old Dante really looks like, so stop posting artwork.

There are 4 old Dante designs. Other than the red/black clothing and white hair his design has never been that consistent.

Anyway, I'm kinda hoping this game will still be good; even though I'm on the negative feelings side of the fence.
Why the hell is the "m" not an "M". Probably pisses me off more than anything :lol
Becuase I hated DMC4 and this franchise needs a major overhaul anyways


shagg_187 said:

People don't know goodness when they see it. This is going to be fucking amazing. Mark me words: this will be better than the last DMC that Capcom released, with or without character/art design change.
Setting the bar nice and low there, and they still won't clear it.


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
Now I know what Castlevania fans felt like when they saw Lords of Shadow. Except at least they can always play new handheld sequels if it sucks. We DMC fans are stuck with this garbage and nothing else to look forward to in the franchise.


FreedomFrisbee said:
What. Is. This. Shit.

Why was this necessary? A complete fucking reboot? This isnt even Devil May Cry anymore! What happened to needing a white haired protagonist so much that he had white hair and looked like Dante for no reason? Now Dante looks like a fucking Twilight vampire!

Someone said that if the gameplay was good, we'd by this. No, no we won't. This would have to be the greatest game ever made and nothing less for me to buy this with a peice of shit Dante. You know why? cause I've got Bayonetta now! If Devil May Cry is gonna be something I don't like from now on, I've got alternatives.

Fuckin emo hipster bullshit. At least make his hair fucking white. Might as well be some generic hack and slash as far as I'm concerned.
Pretty much this. The main reason I was looking forward to a DMC5 wasn't for the combat (imo Bayonetta's is more fun) but for the character of Dante and his crazy, over the top adventures where he's a wise cracking bad ass having a good time killing hordes of demon's. I liked DMC4 (although Dante's half could have been a lot better than a backtrack through bosses I've already beat), and I liked Nero so I am open to change in the DMC formula. What I'm not open to is a reboot or Dante's character. We had an AWESOME prequel already. He was in his early 20s or something in 3 right? If this is canon and in the same timeline or whatever and not a reboot how old must this guy be? Late teens? Trying to appeal to angsty teenages? I dunno. All I know is he looks like an even angstier Movie Harry Potter.


shagg_187 said:

People don't know goodness when they see it.

I am glad to see I am not alone on this boat. Showed the trailer to a friend and he flipped out saying "That is not what Dante looks like!!!!!111!!1!!!".

I do think that DMC as the title is kida lame


StuBurns said:
Setting the bar nice and low there, and they still won't clear it.

The only main problem DMC4 has is in the campaign design(and the repetition of it), to be honest. The core combat system is far away from the grasp of Ninja Theory.

Also, 30fps lol.


Lakitu said:
Wouldn't mind if they changed the design into something other than a skinny hipster.

How bout they take off his shirt and comb the hairs even further over the eyes?



GhostRidah said:
Coming from someone who likes the hipster scott pilgrim :lol

Hipsters die please!

WTF is a "hipster"?

Seriously, GTFO with that shit. There's no such thing. Empty distinction is empty.

Yeah, he looks a little like Edward Cullen, but I still think he looks dope. This is coming from someone who went on crusades to harass women/girls I caught reading Twilight books when the movies started to drop.


The retarded bullshit redesign isn't even the worst part about this news. We just found out about it today.

The reason people were cringing about the possibility of a Ninja Theory DMC is because they have proven to be mediocre developers when it comes to action games. You know, that genre in which DMC kind of excelled at during the ps2 era?

So character abortions aside, it is now absolutely 100% certain that this game WILL NOT play as well as previous entries in the franchise.

Some people will appreciate the downgrade, I'm sure, but Devil May Cry this is not. Not anymore.


I AM JOHN! said:
Based on what? A CG sizzle real and an admittedly baffling redesign?
Based on my experience with the team's previous efforts. As poor as DMC4 is, it's immeasurably superior to HS.
Twist: The main character is not Dante, but a "perfect" clone called D9999, who was raised to believe he was the son of Sparda.

I refused to believe that's Dante! :(
Himuro said:
What is with Devil May Cry fanbase and Dante obsession? Almost reminds me of Sonic fanbase and that ain't nothing anyone wants to be compared to.
SHeNMuE, developed by Kalypso, featuring Ryo Hazuki, a short Irishman with fiery red hair, on his quest to find the murderer of his father by exploring the countryside of Avonlea.


WOW I vomited in my mouth a little, this is the first time never that I am cringing over a game. Goddamn, just goddamn Dante been hit with the ugly stick.


Are you guys new to the series or something? Dante has been somewhat of a hipster, especially in DMC3. I dont have any problems with the new direction and the trailer looks pretty cool. Buncha ppl in here who've already made up their mind when the Ninja Theory rumor came out and there was no way (no matter what NT did) that they would like anything that they showed.

With that said, I think it's his hairstyle and shirt thats kind of off putting but no biggie.

DMC4 was an abomination and that's WITH Capcom developing it. Hell, even DMC2 sucked. I'll give it a chance =]
So he's British now, WTF with the union jack on his jacket. NT is full of fail and as for Capcom go fuck yourself in your externally outsourced ass. Capcom is now officially the new Sega. So much promise yet they deliver so much fail.


Segata Sanshiro said:
SHeNMuE, developed by Kalypso, featuring Ryo Hazuki, a short Irishman with fiery red hair, on his quest to find the murderer of his father by exploring the countryside of Avonlea.

See this is a good example. Anything is better than "I see" Hazuki.


trejo said:
The retarded bullshit redesign isn't even the worst part about this news. We just found out about it today.

The reason people were cringing about the possibility of a Ninja Theory DMC is because they have proven to be mediocre developers when it comes to action games. You know, that genre in which DMC kind of excelled at during the ps2 era?

So character abortions aside, it is now absolutely 100% certain that this game WILL NOT play as well as previous entries in the franchise.

Some people will appreciate the downgrade, I'm sure, but Devil May Cry this is not. Not anymore.

But isn't Capcom working closely with them? Ala Dead Rising 2?
StuBurns said:
Based on my experience with the team's previous efforts. As poor as DMC4 is, it's immeasurably superior to HS.
And again, a studio who makes baseball games for 2K can't make a Dead Rising game.

I'm all for being jaded as fuck about everything, but some of the direction this thread is going in (e.g., all the 30FPS nonsense) is just baffling as all fuck. Maybe they'll make something cool; maybe they won't. Either way, based on the fact that Dead Rising 2 was the same damn thing and that game is probably going to be awesome (and the fact that I don't really care about DMC since the last one I played was the first), I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Also am I the only one not impressed by the gameplay in the trailer? I mean it's the same old stuff by the looks of it that has been in every DMC. Only new thing that looks interesting is whiping cars (and I assume enemies) into stuff. We could grab stuff in 4 with the Devil Arm thing so it's kind of an evolution of that and that was cool.
I'm personally not going to buy it unless they reveal this terrible 'Dante' is like a bad dream or something of proper Dante and the rest of the game has good Dante. I do like the enemy designs, like mannequin robots or something, so at least consistent with DMC monsters (like the puppet demon things in 1)


I like the new design and it looks like the gameplay might be improved. Sorry but the old look wasn't doing it for me. TBH it looks like its a much better game then DMC 4. Gameplay, graphics, and design are all much better.

Hari Seldon

I don't like the original Dante and I don't like this Dante. Just go for a female lead for this type of game, it works much better.


Zomba13 said:
Pretty much this. The main reason I was looking forward to a DMC5 wasn't for the combat (imo Bayonetta's is more fun) but for the character of Dante and his crazy, over the top adventures where he's a wise cracking bad ass having a good time killing hordes of demon's. I liked DMC4 (although Dante's half could have been a lot better than a backtrack through bosses I've already beat), and I liked Nero so I am open to change in the DMC formula. What I'm not open to is a reboot or Dante's character. We had an AWESOME prequel already. He was in his early 20s or something in 3 right? If this is canon and in the same timeline or whatever and not a reboot how old must this guy be? Late teens? Trying to appeal to angsty teenages? I dunno. All I know is he looks like an even angstier Movie Harry Potter.
So you werent excited for the actual GAME then? Go watch an anime or read a DMC comic or something. This is sounding like a Sonic thread. You people are crazy.
Segata Sanshiro said:
SHeNMuE, developed by Kalypso, featuring Ryo Hazuki, a short Irishman with fiery red hair, on his quest to find the murderer of his father by exploring the countryside of Avonlea.

Don't give sega any ideas. Today has been crazy enough.
mr_nothin said:
So you werent excited for the actual GAME then? Go watch an anime or read a DMC comic or something. This is sounding like a Sonic thread. You people are crazy.
I said it before and I'll say it again:
"To the bitter tears: buy Marvel vs Capcom 3! Dante will gladly welcome you!!"


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Himuro said:
What is with Devil May Cry fanbase and Dante obsession? Almost reminds me of Sonic fanbase and that ain't nothing anyone wants to be compared to.

Dante's iconinc for the series. He's been the same looking for 4 games now.

While this game looks interesting, I do have to agree that changing Dante's look is kinda like "New Cole" in inFAMOUS. It's like "Uh... what? That's not Dante. :/"
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