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Doctor Who Series 2011 |OT| Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff

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Dat Angel...



I wouldn't read much into that, even if it is. Be like wondering if it was always the same rock quarry they were visiting in the 80s.

Haha, exactly. They've used that place a couple of times already: Doomsday, Journey's End, Time of the Angels, and Flesh and Stone.
But what does that mean? Why? Simply because of bad financial times? Isn't the show bringing in more revenue worldwide? I think I remember Moffet grumbling about that in the past-that the show always got the same slice of the pie, even when the merchandising and licensing money it was generating was increasing year after the year.

The BBC is not a commercial channel, it's priorities are not to make money.
No matter how much cash Who and Top Gear rake in for the BBC World Wide division, the BBC can't justify spending tax payers money on those over other shows in the eyes of the BBC Board of Governors.
It's annual budget of 350 million is set by the Government, a Conservative Government that's never been shy of his distaste for the BBC. That budget has to serve everything and everyone at the BBC for the whole year.
With the license fee being frozen for the foreseeable future, that budget will be a tighter restraint for all going forward in the next few years. Something the Tories will revel in.
The BBC is not a commercial channel, it's priorities are not to make money.
No matter how much cash Who and Top Gear rake in for the BBC World Wide division, the BBC can't justify spending tax payers money on those over other shows in the eyes of the BBC Board of Governors.
It's annual budget of 350 million is set by the Government, a Conservative Government that's never been shy of his distaste for the BBC. That budget has to serve everything and everyone at the BBC for the whole year.
With the license fee being frozen for the foreseeable future, that budget will be a tighter restraint for all going forward in the next few years. Something the Tories will revel in.

Thanks for the explanation! I wonder if BBC America helps pay for some of the budget as well?
Thanks for the explanation! I wonder if BBC America helps pay for some of the budget as well?

Yeah, I'd imagine the BBCA, along with DVD sales and it's other worldwide divisions, are helping the BBC now more than ever, especially in a time when public spending is tight, and the government is convinced the BBC consists entirely of Tory-hating communists.


napkin dispenser
Noticeable: The new paradigm Daleks have been given a makeover.

Even more noticeable: They're buried under a metric fucktonne of Proper Daleks. :D

Yup. Wouldn't surprise me if the Doctor ended up siding with the classis Daleks we've had since Nine. He's always been about redemption, and they're probably being slaughtered by the new ones...


I'd like the angels to be left alone... each new episode featuring them makes them lose their impact.

Considering what we know about the episode they are in, it sounds like they mean business with the Weeping Angels this time, lol.


Ace trailer - nice to see proper daleks. Was anyone else prompted for 3D with that trailer? Is the whole series going to be broadcast that way.

No way I can watch youtube 3D on a 3DS is there?


I apologize to the classic Who fans or the fans who hate Moffat or whomever really hates the Matt era (no I don't really, eff you), but I'm going to seriously hate losing Amy and Rory. They've become one of my favorite duos of all time.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I apologize to the classic Who fans or the fans who hate Moffat or whomever really hates the Matt era (no I don't really, eff you), but I'm going to seriously hate losing Amy and Rory. They've become one of my favorite duos of all time.

Amy and Rory as a duo are awesome. Amy by herself....ehhhhhh


Amy and Rory as a duo are awesome. Amy by herself....ehhhhhh

Nah, I dig the relationship with the Doctor. Apologies (for real this time) for Donna fans, but Amy and 10 have a better "best friend" relationship. They're the type of best friends who become family after a while and I dig it. They remind me of myself and a female best friend of my own.
I don't get how people can be annoyed that River is showing up at all because she "comes back too much" but are ok with Amy sticking around for what seems like a fucking eternity.
I don't get how people can be annoyed that River is showing up at all because she "comes back too much" but are ok with Amy sticking around for what seems like a fucking eternity.

Amy is just a plot device for the Doctor's adventures.

River Song is a scenery-chewing amalgam of what the writers thing is "edgy" and "cool".

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
i too think the angels need a break from tv for a season

Time of Angels really did feel like inept fan service, it was like they said "man, everyone loves Blink, lets bring back the angels" without putting much thought into what exactly it was people loved. (or at least what I loved... *sulk*)
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