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Dragon Age: Inquisition PC performance thread


Your mouse won't smoothly move from the top/bottom corners into the next screen correctly and will snag on the original monitor. It's not a huge issue but I do find myself getting annoyed with it since I trace the borders of my monitors as an OCD sort of thing.

That's a "feature". But you can disable it with certain registry keys


Cant find the other thread to post this on but I recall a thread saying that a crack for this game was made. I wanted to know whether the claims of a performance increase after removing that DRM were valid ?


I think the problem I'm having is due to the fact that my GPU is OC'd. I just think it weird since I've played the first 30 hours of this game and haven't had an issue with DirectX11 no longer responding up until now.

Anyone find a fix for DX11 errors other than putting their GPU to stock clock speed?
Does everyone have extremely long load times after the recent patch? I'm talking like a good few minutes to load the game?

I'm running off a mechanical HD (dont have an SSD), but I've never experienced loads this long.


Does everyone have extremely long load times after the recent patch? I'm talking like a good few minutes to load the game?

I'm running off a mechanical HD (dont have an SSD), but I've never experienced loads this long.

For some reason loading Skyhold slowed down significantly when I maxed out the amount of saves to game could handle (250 btw).


Does everyone have extremely long load times after the recent patch? I'm talking like a good few minutes to load the game?

I'm running off a mechanical HD (dont have an SSD), but I've never experienced loads this long.

No, same as before for me. Are you capping your frames by chance? Frostbite doesn't play nice with that. It doubles the loading times.


Neo Member
I was looking through the profileOptions_profile file in my save directory and saw this line: GstRender.AnisotropicFilter 4

Does that mean I'm running 16X AF?
Just saw this in the release notes for the new Nivida beta drivers 347.09 under known issues with windows 7.

--Dragon Age Inquisition runs poorly (stutters) on NVIDIA hardware. [1588023]

So looks like Windows 7 performance is a driver issue, that's probably why windows 8.1 performs so much better, as I didn't see the same thing listed under it's heading.

Ever since Patch 2 the stuttering is insane for me with my single 970. Before Patch 2, the game ran fine, mostly at 60 and the occasional drop into the 50s. Post Patch 2 the game will be running fine at 60 and then it'll drop to sub 30 and sometimes just stop alltogether for a second here or there. Its incredibly distracting and frustrating.

I downloaded 347.09 hoping it might fix that but nope. I don't know what the hell the issue is whether its on BioWare or Nvidia's end but its really obnoxious. BioWare needs to get their shit together on the PC version, its a shame.
Running fine on my laptop on high for SP, ultra for MP.

Have a 780m
And I7 2.8-3.8ghz

Edit: consistant 40+ FPS, few dips to 30s in SP, and no issues besides host migrations in MP.


Ever since Patch 2 the stuttering is insane for me with my single 970. Before Patch 2, the game ran fine, mostly at 60 and the occasional drop into the 50s. Post Patch 2 the game will be running fine at 60 and then it'll drop to sub 30 and sometimes just stop alltogether for a second here or there. Its incredibly distracting and frustrating.

I downloaded 347.09 hoping it might fix that but nope. I don't know what the hell the issue is whether its on BioWare or Nvidia's end but its really obnoxious. BioWare needs to get their shit together on the PC version, its a shame.

I'm on a single 980 and no major stuttering here, in 70+ hours of play

It doesn't happen to every person. PC software engineering is very hard, with all the random stuff that can occur
I'm on a single 980 and no major stuttering here, in 70+ hours of play

It doesn't happen to every person. PC software engineering is very hard, with all the random stuff that can occur

For what its worth, by putting in a user.cfg in the game directory containing:

gametime.maxvariablefps 60
WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurRadialBlurMax 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurQuality 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurMaxSampleCount 0

has helped reduce the frequency of sub 20 fps stuttering quite a bit. Its not a perfect fix as the stuttering still happens but it happens much less frequently than before.


I can't believe there still isn't a fix for the Crestwood bug. I'm on my second play through very close to the end, I'm racing through areas trying to finish quests and Crestwood still has the damn bug where you can't fast travel or leave. A month on from release, and this is still here!

A potential fix is to kick Sera out of the Inquisition, since it seems to be related to her Verchiel mission (where you meet up with someone, get ambushed, then hear someone talking only to find nobody or nothing and the quest never ends). I'm not doing that, so I said I'd wait for the patch. The patch came and went, the hotfix apparently came and went (I don't remember any such small download - after the big patch came out, when the hotfix was released my game just seemed to download the main patch again, going by the file size) and this is still an issue.

Come the fuck on, Bioware.


I really wish I could get my Inquisitor's voice back. After the last patch I still have the same stupid English accent.

Also, I need them to fix it for ultra-widescreen displays so I can see the behaviors screen. Part of it is cut off, I can't change any of the settings until they do.


After the newest patch, the game freezes every damn 3 seconds and CPU usage is at 100%. What the fuck? Before that, I had stable 55-60fps on ultra.


For what its worth, by putting in a user.cfg in the game directory containing:

gametime.maxvariablefps 60
WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurRadialBlurMax 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurQuality 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurMaxSampleCount 0

has helped reduce the frequency of sub 20 fps stuttering quite a bit. Its not a perfect fix as the stuttering still happens but it happens much less frequently than before.

I tried using your settings but it quadrupled my load times plus it didn't see any performance increase.


I tried using your settings but it quadrupled my load times plus it didn't see any performance increase.

I believe this:

gametime.maxvariablefps 60

needs to be set to 200 for proper loading times. The game runs at a high FPS in loading screens (with the cards) but then caps itself to the number set in this command (in this case 60) for the black loading screens that follow. The same thing happens if you limit the frames using an external program but this makes the whole process even longer because it limits everything.

Using vsync however will drop it back down to 60fps once the game is completely done loading so if the goal is to limit the frames to 60, this is the best method because it doesn't double+ the loading times.


Not only some quests are still bugged but they have yet to fix that smoke/fog graphical bug on Nvidia cards. As for performance, hasn't changed at all for since launch.

I'm close to the end and almost did every quest out there except for the ones where the NPC just disappeared... First few hours were ok but the gameplay mechanics became so dull, the world doesn't pull me in like the first one did, perhaps it's the story but doesn't feel like Dragon Age anymore.

Can't ever imagine going through this game a second time :/


I had some serious framerate issues even on Low settings, but slapping these into a user.cfg file in the game install directory seems to have helped.
RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 0
RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable 0
RenderDevice.VsyncEnable 0
PostProcess.DynamicAOEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurForceOn 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurFixedShutterTime 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurMax 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurQuality 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurMaxSampleCount 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapEnable 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapResolution 256
WorldRender.TransparencyShadowmapsEnable 0
WorldRender.LightTileCsPathEnable 0
And it seems the game really, really hates alt-tabbing, windowing, having any kind of overlay, skype etc. on at the same time. My FPS drops by about half if I alt-tab out of the game at any point.

There are.. Lots of problems with the performance, didn't really expect it to have this many to be honest.


Plane Escape Torment
A fucking rpg where 99% of the story is relayed in cut scenes and a month after release those cut scenes are still a stuttery mess. Good job bioware.


i5 2500k at 4.3GHZ

On Windows 8.1

I know you have the same GPU setup as me, what performance are you getting?

I'm not even using MSAA.

The benchmark is more demanding than I remember, but I'm still seemingly at least hitting a minimum of 60fps - average of 78fps, 1080p, 2xMSSA - dipping to a minimum of 56fps on 4xMSAA. All Ultra settings.

I play it at 2xMSAA so these are my results:


I forgot how demanding the benchmark was primarily because I don't really get this sort of performance anywhere except Redcliffe. Most areas of the game I'm usually around 80 - 120fps.

The discrepency in performance may be explained by the difference in CPU, but I'm not sure by how much:

i7 4770K @ 4.5Ghz
I was going to start playing this over some of my time off for the Holidays. It's disappointing to hear that the stuttering issues are still apparently prevalent.
The benchmark is more demanding than I remember, but I'm still seemingly at least hitting a minimum of 60fps - average of 78fps, 1080p, 2xMSSA - dipping to a minimum of 56fps on 4xMSAA. All Ultra settings.

I play it at 2xMSAA so these are my results:


I forgot how demanding the benchmark was primarily because I don't really get this sort of performance anywhere except Redcliffe. Most areas of the game I'm usually around 80 - 120fps.

The discrepency in performance may be explained by the difference in CPU, but I'm not sure by how much:

i7 4770K @ 4.5Ghz

Huh, CPU shouldn't be making that much of a difference.

Might it be because I'm using MSI Afterburner?


I'm also using MSI afterburner (in fact I took that screenshot with it). I have the Origin in-game overlay disabled though, but I'm not sure if that makes any difference.


Huh, CPU shouldn't be making that much of a difference.

Might it be because I'm using MSI Afterburner?

I've found Afterburners RivaTunerStatisticsServer overlay to conflict with Origin's overlay. It made my game a stuttery mess in Battlefield 4. I'd turn that off and try again. I have Origin's overlay disabled now.
I've found Afterburners RivaTunerStatisticsServer overlay to conflict with Origin's overlay. It made my game a stuttery mess in Battlefield 4. I'd turn that off and try again. I have Origin's overlay disabled now.

Yeah I've turned off RTSS because of the stupid loading times. Also turned off Origin overlay.


I am having an impossible time getting this game to run on my new rig at a stable framerate. I have no idea what I am doing wrong.

Here is my set up:

Windows 8.1 - up to date as far as I know
I5 4690k
R9 280x - 3GB with latest drivers
8GB Ram

Windows is running on my SSD but my origin folder is on a 1TB HDD. I had zero problems with this HDD set up on my last PC. I have very little running in the background as this is a fresh install.

Regardless of the game settings. I get the same 20-26 FPS in the bench mark, and like single digit framerate during the character creation part. It also takes about 5 minutes for the game to load. I haven't actually proceeded past character creation since it is unplayable. I also can't get the game to connect to the origin servers.
I had some serious framerate issues even on Low settings, but slapping these into a user.cfg file in the game install directory seems to have helped.

And it seems the game really, really hates alt-tabbing, windowing, having any kind of overlay, skype etc. on at the same time. My FPS drops by about half if I alt-tab out of the game at any point.

There are.. Lots of problems with the performance, didn't really expect it to have this many to be honest.
I play windowed borderless and this is the best game i have ever played for alt+tabbing out and back in? Its amazing how easily i can switch in and out of the game with no loads or hickups or slowdowns or anything.


I play windowed borderless and this is the best game i have ever played for alt+tabbing out and back in? Its amazing how easily i can switch in and out of the game with no loads or hickups or slowdowns or anything.

I tried borderless before I modded the user.cfg. Thought using it was one of the reasons it ran slow, gonna switch back and see if it affects anything. If it runs fine, I'll use it since alt+tabbing was really easy with it on.


Getting an almost perfect 60fps so far with everything on max (no MSAA) running at 2804x1183 downscaled to 2560x1080.

Anyone found a trick that stops forcing 16:9 aspect ratio during cutscenes? I play on a 21:9 monitor but the cutscenes are forced in 16:9 so it'll end up looking like this.

Also the built-in benchmark seems glitched, for some reason it plays at an extremely fast speed and completes within a few seconds.

i7 4790k stock speed
16GB ddr3
GTX 980 1350Mhz - 7.2Ghz


Any fix for the pop in that happens? From foliage to shadows to ground tessellation I notice them a lot.

Is it purely a frostbite problem or does the game lack any kind of LOD setting?

Salty Hippo

Holy shit, has anyone tested the new Nvidia driver that came out today? It completely fixed all my performance issues, game is running flawless (very few dips) with everything on Ultra and MSAAx2. Even on x4 it's pretty damn acceptable. Yesterday I was getting 40-60 with a mix of High/Ultra, AA off and 1600x900. What the actual fuck?

GTX970 here.

leng jai

Holy shit, has anyone tested the new Nvidia driver that came out today? It completely fixed all my performance issues, game is running flawless (very few dips) with everything on Ultra and MSAAx2. Even on x4 it's pretty damn acceptable. Yesterday I was getting 40-60 with a mix of High/Ultra, AA off and 1600x900. What the actual fuck?

GTX970 here.

They're basically the same as the beta version which was released about a week ago. That driver did improve DA's performance for a lot of people.


playing at 1440, im getting around 48fps with sli 970s on ultra, is that normal?

I'd say no.

I have SLI 980's at 1440p and I'm always around 80+ fps. Max settings, no MSAA though. If you have MSAA enabled then yeah, that FPS sounds about right.

What's your processor/overclock?

Salty Hippo

They're basically the same as the beta version which was released about a week ago. That driver did improve DA's performance for a lot of people.

Weird. Did you test the game on today's driver? Something happened for me, maybe it was just my progress in the game? Doesn't seem likely, every place I revisit now feels completely different. Skyhold was a mess yesterday, today is butter smooth. It's crazy.
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