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E3 Hype Begins.... Who Really Needs to Bring It Hard This E3?


All of them do, but I think Sony needs it most.

Nintendo needs to man up and just announce all the games they've been working on.


For me I hope next gen consoles (new Xbox and PS4) go back to just focusing on the games. Making the games sell the system instead of a kinect, Move or some lame gimmick. Its nice to have those things as side projects to perhaps attract casual consumers but I dont want them to be a focus. Just make everything about the games like it was last gen.

Another thing that concerns me is that I dont want these things announced at E3. That doesnt give much time to showcase games if they're actually talking about the console itself the majority of the time. Just announce them at some event prior.

Every very successful system has spread to casuals with casual stuff at the end. Then on the next system still attempted a hardcore connection. You will pretty much see this. Games as well as the other stuff. Depending on the overall completion of particular aspects of the system and its abilities you will most likely get a 70-30 split.

Also it depends on how far some of the exclusive 3rd parties are, or at the very least those who have been asked to present on stage. So it could be a 60-40 split.



please sony dont do this dont please

oh wow lol


Gold Member

Microsoft needs to drop the kinect and catch up to sony with online subscriptions. I barely play my 360 now that I'm getting tons of games off PS+.

Sony needs to drop the whole Move crap and focus on getting out of the gates with the new playstation with flying colors.

Nintendo.. I have a feeling this year they are going to bomb e3. Unless they drop SSB, Zelda and Mario Kart, I doubt many will care about their showing.



As far as I know, their two biggest cash cows are Call of Duty and WoW. Both of these franchises are on a decline. They need to show a Call of Duty game that looks leaps and bounds better than Black Ops 2. New freaking engine for fucks sake. If Battlefield 4 on current gen looks similar to their next gen call of duty, they stand the risk of being overtaken as the number 1 FPS out there.

Also within the next 2 years they will need to show what the next MMO from Blizzard will be, because WoW is and will be steadily bleeding users. So if not this E3, next one for sure.
They all do. Microsoft and Sony need to show us why we need to buy new consoles. And Nintendo desperately needs to show people why buying a console on par with last generation consoles is more worthy of their money and attention than next gen consoles. Should be fun.

As far as I know, their two biggest cash cows are Call of Duty and WoW. Both of these franchises are on a decline. They need to show a Call of Duty game that looks leaps and bounds better than Black Ops 2. New freaking engine for fucks sake. If Battlefield 4 on current gen looks similar to their next gen call of duty, they stand the risk of being overtaken as the number 1 FPS out there.

Also within the next 2 years they will need to show what the next MMO from Blizzard will be, because WoW is and will be steadily bleeding users. So if not this E3, next one for sure.

There won't be anew engine until 2014, this years game will be cross generational, so they will need to keep the current engine.

And Activision has Destiny as their next big thing.


Can't help but think that if Microsoft do unveil Durango this year it will be another conference where they harp on about social networks and netflix and smart glass and then shoehorn in Halo 5 at the end


I think Microsoft needs to show GAMES.

For the past years, all seems to be about apps, films, kinect.. and the games all staying in the background.

For the start of the generation, with an expensive system, that kind of thing won't cut. They need to bring a lot of games, so the early adopters "jump in".


There won't be anew engine until 2014, this years game will be cross generational, so they will need to keep the current engine.

And Activision has Destiny as their next big thing.

If this is true, that would be very very disappointing and a missed opportunity on their part. With so many other studios already working and showing their next gen engines, you would think Activision would have the sensibility to do the same. Maybe they think they have such a strong grip on the CoD fanbase that they will buy CoD 10 even if it looks like ass compared to BF4.

Can't help but think that if Microsoft do unveil Durango this year it will be another conference where they harp on about social networks and netflix and smart glass and then shoehorn in Halo 5 at the end

I think Microsoft needs to show GAMES.

For the past years, all seems to be about apps, films, kinect.. and the games all staying in the background.

Honest question for you two ^ Where does this misconception come from? At the last E3, out of an 1 1/2 hour long conference, roughly ~30 minutes was used for apps and features while the remaining hour was entirely used for games.

So while I understand that perception and reality don't always match, I'm curious where you two (and many others at GAF) get this idea that we actually do see more about apps and features than we do about games?


Honest question for you two ^ Where does this misconception come from? At the last E3, out of an 1 1/2 hour long conference, roughly ~30 minutes was used for apps and features while the remaining hour was entirely used for games.

So while I understand that perception and reality don't always match, I'm curious where you two (and many others at GAF) get this idea that we actually do see more about apps and features than we do about games?

I think the extra layer here is expectation. The GAF audience and core gamer set expects games, so even 1 minute taken away seems to be too much time lost on something that "doesn't matter."

Unfortunately, our perceptions are skewed by what we define as appropriate content for a gaming trade show.


This year I'm attending E3 solo (friends aren't going this year). So I'm wide open to meet up with GAFfers. Who typically organizes the meet ups? Anyone know?


Nintendo and Sony.

Microsoft can power through anything by throwing money at it, so I'm not worried about them.

Nintendo need to come out with big sellers and fanbase fap material, or they might indeed be looking at the GameCube 2 with the Wii U (sales-wise), and Sony need to do something about the Vita, and do a better job making the PS4 a must-have system at the time of release than they did with the PS3.
I feel the best they can do is get 5 minutes of interest from the press by showing their core franchises. After that all coverage will go to Sony and MS. Console launches are big news (if you're not Nintendo)

Everyone really.
And honestly... I hope there are some surprises. The constant leakage for the past few years has been disappointing.
You obviously dont follow Nintendo :) Next to nothing leaked about Wii U for 18 months. Although, maybe that was because nothing was interesting.

Nintendo. I'm sure the others won't have any problems getting the gaming press drooling over pretty graphics. But Nintendo needs to hit it hard. They need to show they have an interesting software line-up, and the WiiU is not just Xbox360 1.0.1 with a tablet controller.
Yup, and even then I dunno if they can do anything to hold their own against two console reveals. By E3 they will have had a sad 1/2 year with little of value from them and almost none of the big third party games. They will seem less relevant to all but Nintendo fans.


I'm thinking Ubisoft will bring it, they're intent on being no 1 next gen. Watch Dogs at last E3 proved they can steal the show as well.


Honestly Watch Dogs and SW 1313 are enough to get me mega hyped and want a 720/PS4 day one.

This is another reason why I'm not hyped about E3 regarding the consoles. The bait and switch that gets pulled. Seeing these great games only to realize that I was excited about was PC code running on machines I can't even being to justify spending the money on.
Nintendo- They already have their console out so they need to prevent getting drowned by the other two.

Microsoft- Need a variety of exclusives badly. Halo is dead now and ruined. Gears seems on the way out.

Sony- Don't make the same mistakes,get online to be more intuitive and user friendly.


Nintendo has the most potential for hype and surprise. None of their major franchises have been shown/announced for Wii U except samey NSMBU and Pikmin (which only excites GAF). A Zelda game will have been in the cooker for a year and a half (not long, almost 0% chance of unveiling), a 3D Mario game has been in production for a long time, Retro Studios is working on SOMETHING, and there's gotta be potential for more.

A 3DS Zelda title is possible as well. However I wouldn't be surprised if somehow none of this was announced.

Oh and a Smash 4 teaser would be nice but highly unlikely.

Microsoft will be fine. They suck at E3 every year but it doesn't matter because they'll always sell better than Sony in America at this point and will forever be 100x more competent at firmware development than them.

Sony needs to do something insane to make sure they can stay in the game for next-gen. That new console better be shown, and there better be some killer app to go along with it, and it better be loaded with features from the get-go, and not be playing catchup to Microsoft it's entire lifespan while still never incorporating crucial 360 features. I could see it being a disaster and focusing on a bunch of lame Vita titles that nobody wants, and Beyond: Two Souls.

please sony dont do this dont please
Please Nintendo don't do this don't please

Seriously, E3 '12 was a surefire win for them, and they went forward by showing very little beyond the launch period, leaving me with very little to actively look forward to beyond that. Argh.

If they try to do that shit again when both Microsoft and Sony, presumably, will be showing off their new hardware, they're going to get creamed. Even if the IQ isn't as huge a leap as some assume it will be - I personally think we're hitting the point of diminishing returns - there's bound to be something of spectacle between the two new consoles that'll be cause for concern for Nintendo. I like Nintendo and would much rather not see them get creamed, but these days, it seems like the biggest obstacle Nintendo needs to clear with regards to that... is Nintendo itself. I don't think they can afford to be conservative this time.


I think the extra layer here is expectation. The GAF audience and core gamer set expects games, so even 1 minute taken away seems to be too much time lost on something that "doesn't matter."

Unfortunately, our perceptions are skewed by what we define as appropriate content for a gaming trade show.

Hey thanks for the logical response! lol I've asked that question a couple times now and haven't had an answer yet.

Unfortunately what you say makes sense, but it doesn't change the fact that these people are in fact wrong. Which has been my point. =p
As for Microsoft:


Don't do this.

Actually, they didn't really do this last year, so maybe they're clued in. Their presentation didn't really spark my imagination, though, but it'll probably be good enough for most people.


Reggie will bring it hard. He'll step onto the stage and say: "You didn't really think that was it, did you? Get real. (wan smile) We did focus on the controller for a reason. (turns away) Jack, Kaz, will you come onto the stage with me? (points at the audience) It's time to get ready. It's time for the Nintendo Sony Microsoft Entertainment System, or short: Megazord. (claps as Tretton and Hirai approach)"


I think the extra layer here is expectation. The GAF audience and core gamer set expects games, so even 1 minute taken away seems to be too much time lost on something that "doesn't matter."

Unfortunately, our perceptions are skewed by what we define as appropriate content for a gaming trade show.

The thing is, it's been done right before. Look at Nintendo's E3 2006 and 2010 conferences. Hard to criticize those shows. Should we expect announcements of that degree every year? No, that would be crazy. Should we expect it while Nintendo is trying to sell a brand new console to us? I think so!


The thing is, it's been done right before. Look at Nintendo's E3 2006 and 2010 conferences. Hard to criticize those shows. Should we expect announcements of that degree every year? No, that would be crazy. Should we expect it while Nintendo is trying to sell a brand new console to us? I think so!

I actually agree with KageMaru here. I think it is wrong for gamers to expect it, especially in 2013.

The world has changed dramatically since 2006 and maybe to a lesser degree 2010. But I personally expect more than games in 2013. I expect entertainment experiences.

Now how the big 3 decides to define an "entertainment experience" is up to them, but I do expect to see evolutions in home entertainment connectivity, online interfaces, and tech that enhances the gaming experiences. Just games is not enough anymore. Maybe in 2006, heck maybe in 2010 it was.

Anth0ny I do agree that a new console does need games, so for Nintendo's show this year I fully expect tons of games in addition to some fun new ideas/innovations that makes gaming better.
Nintendo needs to man up and just announce all the games they've been working on.

And then we can wait two years for them to come out, get overly hyped, and then say they suck.

Oooorrr Nintendo can announce the game when it's ready to be released, you know, the sensible option.


They pretty much all do, the numbers show that the current gen is dying, hell gaming in general is seriously changing. They all need to show why people should invest in new systems or at least show interest again in console gaming.
What needs to be done as E3 is to ignore the "core gamer" as much as possible.

E3 is a business conference. What needs to be focused on is their general business plan for the year. Show what they're going to do, how they're going to try it.

Don't try and make your presentation "entertainment" because it's not for a bunch of nerds on the internet. It's for real journalists and stockholders.
And then we can wait two years for them to come out, get overly hyped, and then say they suck.

Oooorrr Nintendo can announce the game when it's ready to be released, you know, the sensible option.
Yeah, it's really sensible to not show your hand to consumers, and help perpetuate a joke that your console has no games worthwhile coming out any time soon, just to avert hype backlash, when presumably your competition has no such qualms and goes balls-out promoting their new consoles with games that won't be hitting for over a year, making people opt for those out of interest of the titles on the horizon.


They pretty much all do, the numbers show that the current gen is dying, hell gaming in general is seriously changing. They all need to show why people should invest in new systems or at least show interest again in console gaming.

Very good point and pretty damn true.
Yeah, it's really sensible to not show your hand to consumers, and help perpetuate a joke that your console has no games worthwhile coming out any time soon, just to avert hype backlash, when presumably your competition has no such qualms and goes balls-out promoting their new consoles with games that won't be hitting for over a year, making people opt for those out of interest of the titles on the horizon.

Hahaha you think that any "jokes" on internet message boards effect anything.
They all three need to bring their A game at E3.

MS to prove they are more than Halo, Gears, and Kinect.

Sony to prove they are still a force and not washed up.

Nintendo to prove the WiiU is as fantastic as I know it is.


They all three need to bring their A game at E3.

MS to prove they are more than Halo, Gears, and Kinect.

Sony to prove they are still a force and not washed up.

Nintendo to prove the WiiU is as fantastic as I know it is.

Pretty much this. I want to see exclusives from MS, Sony's new ideas/hardware and Nintendo actually announce some megaton games for Wii U.


I suspect that people on this forum are going to be pretty disappointed with the next gen offerings, initially at least. I do not doubt that there will be some interesting new/rehashed titles designed with next gen hardware spec in mind but I also expect that the gaming industry has no illusion that Mario v3421 or Halo No.3434 is going to win any console wars (if such a thing actually exists).
As much as people despise the idea of E3 showing off the media and less gaming centric features like movies, music, content consumption etc I really think this is where next gen's first battles will be waged.
It seems clear to me from the recent sales figures that people are tired of gaming as it exists now and the front may have been moved from games to media consumption. Even anecdotal I would say that half of my friends on my friends list no longer game a significant amount of time on their boxes but rather use them to watch movies and TV and that sort of thing.
I think everyone does. It's a tough market out there these days, there are no guarantees. Sony and Microsoft are going to be showing brand new consoles most likely, so they should make sure that has some killer games, features , and tech. They gotta hit a good price point as well. Nintendo simply needs to show some big games to drum up some excitement. I hope they all can deliver.


Yes that's it.

Great way to show how serious they are with the WiiU. Show stuff they've done before on other systems.

Also, they just released a new Mario.

Makes sense, from a business point view. Nintendo showing off their core series makes the most sense, after all these are the games that have stupidly high lifetime sales and I think we all know that new Mario means new 3d Mario.


As in "Heathcliff"

I'm Thor in that Gif. Unfortunately, I already have hype for e3 ever since Oct when I realized that we could get new trailer for SSB4. However, I'm trying to keep my excitement contained and keep my hype low as I can. My expectation bar is very low at the moment.


I'm Thor in that Gif. Unfortunately, I already have hype for e3 ever since Oct when I realized that we could get new trailer for SSB4. However, I'm trying to keep my excitement contained and keep my hype low as I can. My expectation bar is very low at the moment.

Best way to go into any of these things for sure.
I am Ironman.
I suspect that people on this forum are going to be pretty disappointed with the next gen offerings, initially at least. I do not doubt that there will be some interesting new/rehashed titles designed with next gen hardware spec in mind but I also expect that the gaming industry has no illusion that Mario v3421 or Halo No.3434 is going to win any console wars (if such a thing actually exists).
As much as people despise the idea of E3 showing off the media and less gaming centric features like movies, music, content consumption etc I really think this is where next gen's first battles will be waged.
It seems clear to me from the recent sales figures that people are tired of gaming as it exists now and the front may have been moved from games to media consumption. Even anecdotal I would say that half of my friends on my friends list no longer game a significant amount of time on their boxes but rather use them to watch movies and TV and that sort of thing.

But what about all the high sales of Skyrim, a solely single-player completely gameplay oriented game. It's been 7 years since this gen started, so isn't it normal that these types of services are gaining ground. Note there are other games too like AC3 and Borderlands 2, both of which take gameplay as the base and cinematics as second imo.
Since I don't even try to guess what Nintendo is doing anymore, all I hope is that we get to see what Retro have been working on this year.
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