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E3 Hype Begins.... Who Really Needs to Bring It Hard This E3?

wait wait so your bragging that Sony is invested so invested in New IPs when the last major new IP will release over THREE YEARS after the last one? and then your listing a bunch of games that have NO RELEASE date. Do you know how many years Last Guardian has been on that list.

The 360 is going into it's 8th YEAR and the new console is being shown a month after Last of Us comes out.

Umm yeah, it REALLY makes sense to release another multi-million AAA game when Halo 4 is only a couple of months old, the Gears prequel jwill release in March and your doing a countdown to E3 to show your new console and NEW IPS.

you're aware that sony is launching at least two big new ips this year and is likely to show ps4 at or before e3, also with new ips?

edit: on topic, nintendo is pretty much the only one that has to "bring it". microsoft and sony are pretty much a lock for big games from 3rd party developers and i'm sure they'll have nice stuff to show from their 1st party studios since they've been quiet for so long.



this might seem weird considering the current state of things, but the majority of people buying these systems the first two years will be core gamers. MS is weak in that market because they lack exclusives, and what they do have(Halo, Fable, Gears) aren't the powerful brands they were two or three years ago. They need to come out with a strong showing of 1st party and 3rd party exclusives to get the early adopters excited. They have built a good amount of studios the past few years, but other than Black Tusk we don't know what any of them are doing.

Interesting perspective - and I love to agree, except I think MS might shoot for the casuals first (unfortunately).

I hope i'm wrong.
To the topic at hand, the only obvious answer is Nintendo.

They don't have a relevant console on the market (Wii is dead, Wii U appears to be doing really badly), whereas Sony and Microsoft still have relevant consoles with the PS3 and 360.

3DS has been doing well in Japan, but is struggling everywhere else.

Nintendo's entire future is in question at this point. E3 for them will be incredibly pivotal, far moreso than Microsoft or Sony, although both need to show strong platform vision for future products to replace the success of the PS3 and 360 in the market.


Membero Americo
Interesting perspective - and I love to agree, except I think MS might shoot for the casuals first (unfortunately).

I hope i'm wrong.

Isn't that what they were doing for the last 3 E3s?

Nintendo actually got the message the first time in 08...


They released a new IP back in November with Playstation All-Stars: Battle Royale, and released StarHawk earlier this year (which was basically a new IP given how radically different it was from WarHawk), also released Twisted Metal, which hadn't been released in over a decade before, so it breaks the "Uncharted, God of War, and MLB" mold. Sony has released a lot of games that haven't been just the same series over and over again. That doesn't even take into account titles like Heavy Rain, Mod Nation, bringing back Sly Cooper which releases soon, or LittleBigPlanet.

As for what's releasing this year from that list - The Last of Us has a release date, it's coming out in May. Beyond's leaked release date suggests it's coming out this year right after E3. Puppeteer is coming out in the fall.

The Last Guardian is the only question mark.

As for the question of what makes sense to "release another multi million AAA game with Halo 4 only a couple months old", they had plenty of time to do that throughout this entire generation but they really didn't. Alan Wake may be their only real new AAA project that they funded that didn't fit into the mold of "Gears, Forza, Halo, Fable, etc). The argument doesn't simply apply to this year, Microsoft's strategy has been going on for a LONG time and has put a bad taste in many gamer's mouths that want a bit more diversity.

Here is the original point.

If you are to pretend that MS has only released COD and a few franchises every two years when it is not true, then someone can make the same statement and say Sony has released COD, Uncharted and a few franchises every year.

Again by the time, Sony releases another major new Ip it'll be 3 years since Heavy Rain by the time the ONLY game on your list with a release date 'Last of Us' arrives in stores.

If Starhawk is a new IP by YOUR standards then so is Forza Horizon. Twited Metal isnt a new IP...period. And if you want to pretend that PS allstars is a new MAJOR IP on the level of 'Last of Us' then so is Fable: The Journey.

It's delusional to claiim that Micrssoft hasnt catered to their base by releasing sequels to the 360 biggest core franchises that take two to 3 years to develop arent catering to their CORe base, when Sony does the exact same thing.

It's delusional to claim that MS is the only company that releases casual games when BOTH Sony and Nintendo did the exact same thing.

Once again, the 360 is headed towards year 8 and is the oldest onsole this gen. Releasing franchises that your fanbases love while supporting the systems with stellar console exclusives like Witcher 2 and the ridiculously mega success of Minecraft on XBLA was clearly the no brainer best move at the end of this gen. You can scream new Ip all day, but MS isnt losing sleep on games like Starhawk and PS Allstars.

Again, MS has catered to it's fan base just like the other two and that success will carry over to the next console the same way it will for Nintendo and Sony



I'm a huge Nintendo fan, and I'm not even remotely a graphics/fidelity whore (gamecube era visuals were good enough to suit me) but I still don't see any software that would make me want to buy a Wii-U. I would be easy to convince and they still haven't given me the slightest reason.

They need to bring everything they've got to this E3. I want to see 3D Mario. I want to see at least a teaser for a new Zelda. And I want to see new IPs. If there is a Metroid in the works, I want to see Metroid. Everything.

And the fact that other next-gen consoles will be on display makes it even more important for them to bring out whatever big-guns they have.


Here is the original point.

If you are to pretend that MS has only released COD and a few franchises every two years when it is not true, then someone can make the same statement and say Sony has released COD, Uncharted and a few franchises every year.

Again by the time, Sony releases another major new Ip it'll be 3 years since Heavy Rain by the time the ONLY game on your list with a release date 'Last of Us' arrives in stores.

If Starhawk is a new IP by YOUR standards then so is Forza Horizon. Twited Metal isnt a new IP...period. And if you want to pretend that PS allstars is a new MAJOR IP on the level of 'Last of Us' then so is Fable: The Journey.

It's delusional to claiim that Micrssoft hasnt catered to their base by releasing sequels to the 360 biggest core franchises that take two to 3 years to develop arent catering to their CORe base, when Sony does the exact same thing.

It's delusional to claim that MS is the only company that releases casual games when BOTH Sony and Nintendo did the exact same thing.

Once again, the 360 is headed towards year 8 and is the oldest onsole this gen. Releasing franchises that your fanbases love while supporting the systems with stellar console exclusives like Witcher 2 and the ridiculously mega success of Minecraft on XBLA was clearly the no brainer best move at the end of this gen. You can scream new Ip all day, but MS isnt losing sleep on games like Starhawk and PS Allstars.

Again, MS has catered to it's fan base just like the other two and that success will carry over to the next console the same way it will for Nintendo and Sony
If Starhawk is a new IP by YOUR standards then so is Forza Horizon. Twited Metal isnt a new IP...period. And if you want to pretend that PS allstars is a new MAJOR IP on the level of 'Last of Us' then so is Fable: The Journey.

games that aren't new ips:
forza horizon
twisted metal
fable the journey

games that are new ips:
all stars
last of us

that's how it works, there's no two ways about it. btw, if you take all retail published games by microsoft and sony, filter only new ips introduced in ps3 or 360, remove move and kinect exclusive crap, remove 1 or 2 remaining casual games from either side, remove stuff like mass effect because it's also on ps3 lol, you're left with 17 new ips for sony and 12 new ips for microsoft.


games that aren't new ips:
forza horizon
twisted metal
fable the journey

games that are new ips:
all stars
last of us

that's how it works, there's no two ways about it. btw, if you take all retail published games by microsoft and sony, filter only new ips introduced in ps3 or 360, remove move and kinect exclusive crap, remove 1 or 2 remaining casual games from either side, remove stuff like mass effect because it's also on ps3 lol, you're left with 17 new ips for sony and 12 new ips for microsoft.

Don't simply quote me, I'm not the one who made up his own rules on whats a new IP and what's not. I just said by HIS rules if you going to make up this claim then let's flip it a make the same claim for MS.

Wait so you have to filter retail games and remove Kinect and remove your version of casual games and Mass Effect doesnt count because 5 years later it got ported to the PS3?

Don't simply quote me, I'm not the one who made up his own rules on whats a new IP and what's not. I just said by HIS rules if you going to make up this claim then let's flip it a make the same claim for MS.

Wait so you have to filter retail games and remove Kinect and remove your version of casual games and Mass Effect doesnt count because 5 years later it got ported to the PS3?


my definition of casual games is stuff like eyepet, scene it, kinect adventures, start the party, which are casual games by definition. if you want to count mass effect as a new ip, it's still 13 vs 17.
i'm not gonna go into xbla and psn obviously because microsoft publishes like what, 95% of those games, from exclusives to late multiplatforms. you can't really compare them.
i'm done here, i'm not gonna bother answering to people who actually types "lmfao", you're just trolling.


I would say Nintendo!

Next Gen is upon us and the Big N has to show us why there newest console with this gen graphics is worth investing.

Its all about games! and there arent a lot announcements yet.

Smash bro's trailer!
Zelda trailer!
Retro game!
Excite Truck 2
Monolift rpg
Pokemon mmorg

Just bring it! Show a shitload of games!


Junior Member
How funny would it be if Sony, MS and Nintendo are clashing at E3 and a 4th walks away with the prize. Like Valve with steambox or Apple with a gaming ready Apple TV.

Never going to happen. Nobody outside gaf or a low percentage of gamers know what Valve is.


Since I am Sony fan and plan on owning PS4 I want Sony to deliver big time. New IPs from Sony and 3rd party. that said I also want MS to deliver, keep Sony on their heels and honest so that they keep on delivering.


Never going to happen. Nobody outside gaf or a low percentage of gamers know what Valve is.

at least 50 millions of people, it's enough to develop a console for using pc hardware.

They already have a 50 millions userbase, they are not spending a lot on R&D and they won't need to sell a lot of consoles to be profitable, infact Valve won't be the only hardware producer.

See it as Android of Gaming, but likely way better

Miles X

games that aren't new ips:
forza horizon
twisted metal
fable the journey

games that are new ips:
all stars
last of us

that's how it works, there's no two ways about it. btw, if you take all retail published games by microsoft and sony, filter only new ips introduced in ps3 or 360, remove move and kinect exclusive crap, remove 1 or 2 remaining casual games from either side, remove stuff like mass effect because it's also on ps3 lol, you're left with 17 new ips for sony and 12 new ips for microsoft.

Yes, lets take away that, exclude that, not include that, then it works out for my favourite system ;-)

XBLA/PSN and Move/Kinect ips should not be ignored.


Junior Member
Have to agree. Steambox will most likely fail big time. It won't sell in EU and gamers that do game on steam, have and love PCs not consoles.

Exactly I haven't a notion what the target market this steambox is going for? Half Life 3? Xbox and Ps users are not going to leave their console eco system for an unproven console.


my definition of casual games is stuff like eyepet, scene it, kinect adventures, start the party, which are casual games by definition. if you want to count mass effect as a new ip, it's still 13 vs 17.
i'm not gonna go into xbla and psn obviously because microsoft publishes like what, 95% of those games, from exclusives to late multiplatforms. you can't really compare them.
i'm done here, i'm not gonna bother answering to people who actually types "lmfao", you're just trolling.

Nah, trolling is not typing LMFAO, you KNOW what trolling is. Its kind of like making your own math to count win a new IP war just to skew it to who you want to win.

But, either way, if you carry to the two, drop out games like Mass Effect to make your math even better your talking about a 5 game difference. Then it's all a wash anyways.

We all know that just having more games doesnt necessarily mean they are quality right? Just like the whole sales issue that people used to love to bring up.


Nintendo needs to confirm to early Wii U adopters that the system will be well-supported, and to give people who haven't purchased Wii Us yet the reasons to.

Sony needs to show that they can keep up with Microsoft in their next-gen technological arms race and give the Vita a strong showing.

I really don't think Microsoft needs to do anything other than what they have been doing: expanding the scope of the Xbox brand, while providing a shiny new spectacle. Accomplish that and the media will likely eat it up.
games that aren't new ips:
forza horizon
twisted metal
fable the journey

games that are new ips:
all stars
last of us

Why wouldn't Horizon be a new IP? It's nothing like Forza Motorsport, in style, presentation, gameplay, etc. Only the word Forza is really common between the two franchises.
Who Really Needs to Bring It Hard This E3?

Im going to with Nintendo. They have the most pressure on them to stand against 2 next gen systems launching soon.
All of the twigs in the breeze will be tossed when they show Zelda, Bayonetta 2, Monolith Soft RPG, Mario etc.

Really Microsoft and Sony just have to unveil the new consoles and they can already outshine Nintendo.

So its Nintendo that needs to bring it hard.



I actually view this as the opposite. Nintendo is passed the hard part, which is the system unveiling. They get to focus on the games now. They get to simply focus on the aspect that we as gamers love. Meanwhile Sony and MS have the hard task of trying to one up each other with new hardware.


i dont know if this is off topic but i have a question.

For the sake of argument what will happen at E3 if is very becomes clear that Xbox 720 is shown as a media device and is shown as being weaker then PS4 for all the gaming media to see while also confirming the rumors of always online and no used games turns out to be true?

can we expect a backlash from the gaming comunity ?

would spectaters boo them of stage?


i dont know if this is off topic but i have a question.

For the sake of argument what will happen at E3 if is very becomes clear that Xbox 720 is shown as a media device and is shown as being weaker then PS4 for all the gaming media to see while also confirming the rumors of always online and no used games turns out to be true?

can we expect a backlash from the gaming comunity ?

would spectaters boo them of stage?

1. I would expect some sort of a backlash, yes, a rather large one. If there's a large, understandable of course, backlash about always online games, I can't IMAGINE the backlash for a console. I'd be pissed too.

2. Honestly, I'd be genuinely surprised if people booed them off the stage.


Nintendo needs to bring it hard. Even if they only have a few games ready to show. They might have to do some killzone 2 (cg) style reveal.


Nintendo. No question. If they don't show Zelda then, then I don't know what to say.

They will show Zelda...Wind Waker HD and maybe Zelda 3DS.

They are going to show 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, most likely Retro's game, X, etc.

And hopefully more third party exclusives, revivals, and calibrations.


It keeps surprising me that Nintendo time and again have to prove themselves and all Microsoft and Sony have to do is reveal some specs that are better than Nintendo's specs, and they've already secured themselve an audience? We haven't even seen the PS3, we don't know anything about the next Xbox, but it's Nintendo that have to prove themselves?

Nintendo has to show they secured at least some interesting titles for the near future (not easy, but not impossible I think). Sony and MS on the other hand have a new console to unveil, and with a good price (or is a €599 console ok with people this time?), while at the same time show that there is enough software to make a purchase interesting enough.

I would say all three are going to have to prove themselves this E3, but Nintendo not more than Sony or MS.


Nintendo hasn't really taken advantage of that year headstart. They relied too much on brand recognition and ended up confusing the consumer base. So they need really compelling software THIS YEAR and really prove that they've got offerings from everyone.

I don't think what they need to do is a Price cut, but add more value to their systems. Nintendoland should be included with Both SKUs. Maybe go Physical with the Basic, Digital with the Deluxe, then add another game. Then price cut Nintendo land to $29.99.
Quick bucks, make more HD Remakes, I'm sure people would Die for some HD Re-releases of F-Zero GX, Mario Galaxies, Xenoblade, Zelda TP and Skyward Sword.
Add some more Functionality like Off TV Play for Wii Games, it's doable, the Gamepad does have a Sensor bar after all.


It keeps surprising me that Nintendo time and again have to prove themselves and all Microsoft and Sony have to do is reveal some specs that are better than Nintendo's specs, and they've already secured themselve an audience? We haven't even seen the PS3, we don't know anything about the next Xbox, but it's Nintendo that have to prove themselves?

Nintendo has to show they secured at least some interesting titles for the near future (not easy, but not impossible I think). Sony and MS on the other hand have a new console to unveil, and with a good price (or is a €599 console ok with people this time?), while at the same time show that there is enough software to make a purchase interesting enough.

I would say all three are going to have to prove themselves this E3, but Nintendo not more than Sony or MS.

I agree, they all have to prove them selves.

People think all Sony and Microsoft have to do is show off the specs with their new systems and automatically get a huge fan base really need to calm themselves down, they need to show the games to get people excited, specs will only do it for a small amount of people.

Nintendo has to really show off the games and tell consumers why the Wii U is the console to get for 8th gen.

But I'm not going to hope for what any of them do because I'm not getting excited for this E3, not like E3 2012.
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