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EDGE: "Power struggle: the real differences between PS4 and Xbox One performance"


The difference between PS4 and Xbone is nowhere near the difference between PC and consoles though. It's unlikely they'll have different targets in that they'll be able to implement more features on PS4, they'll likely just focus on enhancing the image quality on PS4 compared to Xbone.

Why are you assuming there's an arbitrary power difference below which devs don't bother to change their targets? Developers nowadays are handling multimillion dollar projects and you're treating them like amateurs, as if a 50% difference is too small for them to exploit or something. They adjust their targets according to the strengths of each platform, they've done it for PC games that weren't even their main focus so I imagine they'll certainly do it for a very -if not the most- popular next-gen console.


The PS4 also has a separate audio processor. Sony just hasn't bothered detailing it as a marketing bullet point. Given that Sony invented the CD AND the Super Audio CD AND Blu-Ray (along with their associated chips and codecs) invented the sound processor in the SNES, and had the PS2 capable of DTS 5.1 in game before anyone else in 2000, i don't even know why anyone bothers to even bring up "microsoft is better at audio". They aren't.

The PSEYE is an accessory and not a requirement. Since it's not "always on" and resources aren't always going to it (as they are with the Xbone due to media functions and voice navigation) the PSEYE isn't relevant. Kinect needing resources always dedicated to it IS, however.

the difference here is the same as two videocards with the same architecture, one just running faster than the other. The PS4 will *always* outperform the 360 for multiplatform efforts, especially since its easier for devs to take advantage of its strengths.

I did not say better audio only we know Microsoft intend to use their own custom audio hardware which seems impressive and much more advanced that what was on offer last gen, last gen the audio tech only decoded compressed audio formats which may be what the PS4 has we do not know, we do know Mark Cerny talked about doing audio work on the GPU because it was suitable. It was an example that may play out to be true and we do not know to what extent the plan was for developers to use this for other functions, in Marks own words the GPU is not balanced, its loaded for GPGPU work.

PSEYE is relevant as if the developers give folks the option of using it for some things in a game the power required to do that will be subtracted from the game for all players regardless of that players choice to use the pseye or not, they will not have two modes for the game. Kinect has its dedicated resources locked away but we don't know about Sony's plans yet but relying on their GPGPU would be a perfect strategy.

I don't doubt the PS4 will trounce the 360 that was never in doubt ;)

Ploid 3.0


I just imagined GTA6 looking like that, and now I'm all full of ffffffffffffff.


I cant imagine having a gap so large it makes it necessary for 900p and 20fps. I just can't seeing it happen. Maybe 900p or terribad framerate but both? Ill wait and see.
We won't see as drastic a difference mid to end Gen this time around as time passes. There is really only so much more graphically consoles can do. The difference won't be as drastic this time around.

The jump from this Gen to the following isn't as big as it was from pass gens.

Cerny disagrees with you.

"It's a supercharged PC architecture, so you can use it as if it were a PC with unified memory," Cerny said. "Much of what we're seeing with the launch titles is that usage; it's very, very quick to get up to speed if that's how you use it. But at the same time, then you're not taking advantage of all the customization that we did in the GPU. I think that really will play into the graphical quality and the level of interaction in the worlds in, say, year three or year four of the console."

Not sure why this matters. The most powerful console usually doesn't sell the best.

and I don't believe the most powerful console has ever been $100 cheaper. So we have a very unique situation on our hands here.

You've got a choice. Kinect and an HDMI input, or a substantially more powerful game console for $100 less. That is the choice Microsoft has given us.
Some people have them at home to test firmware etc. (mostly Sony and MS employees obviously). Anyway, you need to ask the person who threw the argument about not everyone having a capable PC what was his point.

My point is that there are a shit load of 'console only' gamers that are really impressed by what Evolution is doing with DriveClub, and rightfully so. The tired, snobby-ass "Saw better than this on my PC years ago" comments don't add shit to the conversation other than, what I assume, is an attempt by the poster to look 'elite'.

"PC MASTER RACE" meme taken to obnoxious levels.
So, like I told the guy: congratulations. You apparently have a badass gaming PC. A lot of people don't... and are primarily console gamers. Nothing wrong with being impressed by a gif of a fantastic looking (next-gen) console game.


That's what I've been saying in threads where Penello brings up the specs. I just don't see how this helps MS at all; they should be trumpeting their exclusives, showing off OS features, trying to figure out some way to make Kinect relevant to the hardcore crowd, all sorts of things to move the Xbone into a positive light. Dwelling on hardware differences does them no favors, and bringing that conversation front-and-center, directly to forums, does them no good.

Sometimes I think NeoGAF should be doing the PR for them, they just don't have a clue so far. You post is spot on. Exclusives, UI demos etc

I cant imagine having a gap so large it makes it necessary for 900p and 20fps. I just can't seeing it happen. Maybe 900p or terribad framerate but both? Ill wait and see.

That quote was regarding both systems unoptimized.


I couldn't agree more with this post on the Edge article's comment section.
Please let us know what source said they would "“castrate” the PS4 version" I would like to avoid purchasing any title from them. They are not "castrating" the PC version to be on par with the consoles so there is no reason to limit the PS4 because of a weaker XB1.
Premature article is premature

It is, of course, but it's the usual snapshot in time for people to argue about. I mean, we all read lots of news similar to this in the early going with the last few generations of console development, but it tends to settle down by the time games start rolling in with second and third year understanding and maturity of development. It's only annoying how some people want pre-release talk and early gen software woes to remain an issue throughout the entirety of the generation...which has basically never happened before as long as the system lived long enough to see a few software gens of advancement and greater understanding. If it did, PS3 would never have found its stride, nor would the PS2, or other systems that had relatively significant weaknesses and early developmental shortcomings. It's all forum console war fodder for now...which is both funny and frustrating in equal parts.


if i was running driveclub at that level of IQ/framerate, my first thoughts would be: "this game has some nice tech, but i really need to upgrade my GPU".
You get what you pay for. I'm guessing you ain't rocking a £400 PC.

Not sure why this matters. The most powerful console usually doesn't sell the best.
The only reason I want the PS4 to come out on top is to kill this stupid 'argument'.


Not sure why this matters. The most powerful console usually doesn't sell the best.

I'm so frustrated by this power thing. The PS2 came out more than 18 months before the Xbox. The console gen was decided before the Xbox was released; it could have been weaker than the PS2 and it would not have mattered. The whole conversation is meaningless; it does not reveal anything about consumer choices or consumer tastes.

However, if you examine the PS2 in the context in which it was released, you would surely realize that power was a key component of how the system was marketed to consumers. You would know:

  • That the hardware components were given humanizing marketing names like "Emotion Engine" and "Graphics Synthesizer"
  • That the PS2 was reported on in the media as being a supercomputer ("Sadaam Hussein is importing them TO LAUNCH MISSILES!")
  • That the famous "PS9" ad linked the PS2 to a chain of consoles so powerful it became part of your mind
  • That Kutaragi spoke about the PS2 as having "Toy Story like graphics" and that players would "jack into the matrix"

Stop being so intellectually dishonest. The PS2 was a monster when it came out. That power mattered.

Yes, it's true that, "The most powerful console has never won the generation!!!!111" But such an observation is facile and meaningless. The SNES and Genesis went head to head on power. The early days of the PS1 vs. Saturn was nothing but a 3d pissing match. The N64 was all about power and it debuted with a paradigm-shifting 3D title. The Dreamcast was a powerful machine ("it's thinking") and the PS2 came out and blew it away.

Am I saying the most powerful machine wins? No. Am I saying power is very important? Absolutely. Even this generation more consumers chose HD gaming machines than non-HD gaming machines and there is the possibility that the PS3 will close out the gen in first place.

So stahp.


Premature article is premature

But hey... let's take an article two months prior to launch and assume it to be a fact for the next five years!

So you're suggesting all the PS4's and Xbones that have been manufacturered and are sitting in a warehouse are going to magically get hardware upgrades if Sony or MS decide at the last minute to change something?


Why are you assuming there's an arbitrary power difference below which devs don't bother to change their targets? Developers nowadays are handling multimillion dollar projects and you're treating them like amateurs, as if a 50% difference is too small for them to exploit or something. They adjust their targets according to the strengths of each platform, they've done it for PC games that weren't even their main focus so I imagine they'll certainly do it for a very -if not the most- popular next-gen console.
I don't treat them like amateurs, I just don't see what they could possibly do with the 40% difference (especially given the same CPU). Image quality enhancements can easily gobble up such small difference. Devs only started giving PC extra features when the average PC became several times more powerful than PS360.
It matters to those who know, who think independently, but a big advertising campaign can work wonders for Microsoft. I think Sony needs to play up the difference in their ads and then mention being 100 dollars cheaper.

I honestly think they'll need to rethink whatever advertisement push they're planning for Xbox One, at least if the response to their NFL ad on Youtube is any measure of gauge.


Knowing that I'll be getting best multiplat + amazing exclusives with PS4 is assuring.

No need for me at all to even look at Xbox 1


Not sure why this matters. The most powerful console usually doesn't sell the best.

So sales are the only thing that matters to you? Lol

Also a console being more powerful doesn't hurt sales. Why would it? It just so happens that other factors (price, release date) impacted sales of more powerful systems. Now Sony has a systems that's more powerful, $100 cheaper, and releasing earlier in most places than the Bone. THOSE factors will make the difference.
and I don't believe the most powerful console has ever been $100 cheaper. So we have a very unique situation on our hands here.

PS4 isn't $100 cheaper, it's the exact same price. It's Kinect that costs the extra $100.

Sorry, callback to Gillian Seed earlier in thread. Shit was GOLD! :D
Knowing that I'll be getting best multiplat + amazing exclusives with PS4 is assuring.

No need for me at all to even look at Xbox 1

Ahhhh good old pre-launch posturing. It only lasts until there is an exclusive on the other console people want and happens so much I'm not even sure why people make statements like this any more.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Knowing that I'll be getting best multiplat + amazing exclusives with PS4 is assuring.

No need for me at all to even look at Xbox 1
This is the absolute killer for me. I'm not even really interested in Sony's first party stuff outside of Naughty Dog, but knowing that most of the amazing games I played this generation were multiplatforms, and that there's literally zero reason for PS4 to have worse multiplatforms, the decision is easy. And I imagine a lot of people with no platform preference will think the same thing.

Xbone might be worth buying in 7 years time, cheaply, to catch up with MS's first party stuff, like the PS3. Assuming the Xbox platform even still exists in 7 years.



If I really cared about a few extra pixels or random effects, I'd buy a PC. It's not like games on the X1 (that we've seen) look bad in any case.
Not sure why this matters. The most powerful console usually doesn't sell the best.

This reflects a poor understanding of industry history. Let me take you on a journey.

SNES vs. Genesis the SNES won outright and was the stronger console (though the genny was faster and cheaper, and had a definitive advantage in certain genres.)

in 1994 the PS1 launched, and when it did so it was far and away the most powerful 3D gaming platform in existance. It rendered irrelevant the jaguar and 3d0 immediately, and sega was sent back to the drawing board in an attempt to match it. They didn't and got blown out. We didn't see a console that matched it again until nintendo launched in 1996, two years later. By then Sony wasn't a newcomer but an established player with a loyal audience and recognizable brand names.

in 2000, sheer hype for the power of the PS2 obliterated the DC so badly most gamers forget it was even part of that generation. There were other advantages (DVD playback, for instance) but games like MGS2 (the trailer was widely circulated well before release) were simply untouchable. The DC couldn't match PS2 sales even when being literally given away for free after rebate. By the time the Xbox and GC launched a year in, the PS2's sales lead was insurmountable.
edit: and speaking of the Xbox, the only reason it sold the 24 million or so that it did (more than nintendo, FYI) was because of the focus on it's power relative to the other two.

so yes, power matters. it's not ALL that matters. price point, release date, ease of programming, system library, and industry reputation ALSO matter. unfortunately the PS4 has an advantage in every single one of these areas.


That's not a terribly effective response, chap. I know I scratch-built a gaming PC on a budget a couple of years back and if it wasn't for a friend doing me a solid on a 5850 I'd never have scraped under £400. I'm guessing your PC is pretty damned tasty compared to mine (as I'm impressed by Drive Club) so I'm doubtful it was notably cheaper.
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