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EG interview w/ Randy Pitchford - he's at it again

I used to not get the hate for this guy (and still think some of it was unwarranted and unfair) but this guy has absolutely lost his shit- if I may speak in scientific terms.

I guess this is what happens when an immature grown ass man becomes a game developer instead of a politician.
Wow. What a pompous ass.

Just admit that the final product looked different, because it did and everybody knows it. Also, there's no way to even place Aliens in 'good' category, where Borderlands is.

It saddens me that this is the guy behind one of my favourite series.
Sadly this is so true. He doesn't even give a damn about what he says because he knows people will buy borderlands anyway. It's like he thinks he is untouchable now and it's depressing because he basically is.

Boycotting a developer because he said some uncouth things is justifiable but if you were to look at it in plain context; the fact remains that the Borderlands franchise was generally received positively. And if the next game follows through with the same zest as its previous re-iterations, it would most likely garner the same support through and through.

Now having a bad A:CM moment with that franchise... that would no doubt turn give Randy a real wakeup call.


PC version is a perfectly average FPS, you might actually enjoy it.

Console versions are abominations, don't even bother.

Yes, I have played far worse games than Aliens: Colonial Marines on PC after it was patched. They got it to like, a 5/10 state.
What? Saying "I'm not at liberty to speak about that" would have been light years better than what he ended up going with. He doesn't get credit for merely responding to a question, when the answer he gave was grossly disingenuous.

"I'm not at liberty to speak about that"

Wow what a fucking prick. Instead of us giving a straight answer he's hiding behind that bullshit typical PR phrase. Never buying any of his games again. His entire 20+ years within the industry is now irrelevant! I hope Jom Starling makes a video on this just to re-iterate how I feel on a larger scale.


It's kind of amazing that people are still going about this over two years since the game launched, it must be driving him nuts.
"I'm not at liberty to speak about that"

Wow what a fucking prick. Instead of us giving a straight answering he's hiding behind that bullshit typical PR phrase. Never buying May of his games again. His entire 20+ years within the industry is now irrelevant! I hope Jom Starling makes a video on this just to re-iterate how I feel on a larger scale.
If you want to drag the last ten years of his career into this thread it won't end well. This is a classic argument from authority 'if only you knew the real story', 'well tell me', 'I can't tell you the real story but it totes exonerates me, trust me'.


Everyone is going to buy borderlands 3 so I'm sure he's not sweating repeat coverage of the same incident spread out over a few weeks. I hate borderlands so much lol.

Was going to post this.

People can hate as much as they want, but most will still buy his games, even in GAF.


I'm as aware and informed as you are, I'm just not a disgruntled fan.

If that disallows my perspective in your eyes, I truly don't mind.

One last point, if this subject was one of rationality rtather than high emotion, I strongly suspect I wouldn't be receiving so much hostility for mildly expressing an opinon.

Every reply to your posts has been measured and reasonable. Conflating disagreements and issues with your position with "so much hostility" is honestly pretty bizarre. Genuinely curious where you're getting that from.

OT: Randy comes off as a choad but as someone mentioned, he's generating a lot of publicity and BL3 sales will be monstrous regardless of his shenanigans. He knows and has acknowledged that he's perceived as the villain and is seemingly doubling down. Can almost respect the hustle.

Wow at that Gabe story though. Would've loved to see his supposed response.


"I'm not at liberty to speak about that"

Wow what a fucking prick. Instead of us giving a straight answer he's hiding behind that bullshit typical PR phrase. Never buying any of his games again. His entire 20+ years within the industry is now irrelevant! I hope Jom Starling makes a video on this just to re-iterate how I feel on a larger scale.
You disagree then. Ok.





The last one is mislabeled since the one without the HUD is the demo.
These really dont seem that dramatic to me. Like yea, obviously there were changes, but it's nothing I'm gonna shout for heads to roll over.
PR guy gives PR response that will save him from getting sued. If this really mattered, Gearbox would lose customers. We'll see if that's the case with their next big release. But I personally won't be doing any hating on a specific human for a situation we don't know nearly enough about. But these echo chambers are entertaining to look at every so often


These really dont seem that dramatic to me. Like yea, obviously there were changes, but it's nothing I'm gonna shout for heads to roll over.
Those low-res gifs don't show it very well. Look up the video when you get the chance. It's a pretty big difference.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Had a strong dislike for this guy and his company for a long time.

The first Borderlands was a good idea (Diablo FPS), but I don't think it's a terribly great game. A better studio should be able to execute the concept much better and without the dumb space redneck shit (subjective, I know).


Eurogamer: Yes! If we look at the E3 2011 gameplay demo for Aliens, there were certain graphical effects we didn't see in the launch version.

Randy Pitchford: We need a laptop. We can't do this.

Eurogamer: Oh come on. You must know what I'm talking about.

Randy Pitchford: I can't remember every effect. I can't possibly remember.




CliffyB's Cock Holster
Every reply to your posts has been measured and reasonable. Conflating disagreements and issues with your position with "so much hostility" is honestly pretty bizarre. Genuinely curious where you're getting that from.

Maybe hostility was the wrong word, but I felt somewhat irked by seemingly having to defend my right to hold/express an opinion when all I tried to do was be honest about where I'm coming from as someone who isn't aggrieved at the man.

It especially makes little sense as if you go back and look at my original post in this thread, it was specifically about what people who were moderate/neutral/late-to-the-discussion might think, based on the EG piece!


My lord. The constant complaints he has towards Eurogamer about some of their less specific questions then he says "Some guy emails me and says he likes the game. And another per"

You know that laptop you requested Randy? Lets watch the trailer then lets look ALL those emails & the complaining ones and collate them:)

In the end though I don't have any personal feelings towards the guy. He just needs to take a knee accept the loss and keep making games. Oh and quit talking about it. Its time for everyone to move on and see what the future holds.


These really dont seem that dramatic to me. Like yea, obviously there were changes, but it's nothing I'm gonna shout for heads to roll over.

That wasn't like two E3s before it came out, they were using that footage to promote the game all the way up until release. If you look at the videos instead of tiny gifs it almost looks like the stuff they were demoing had nothing to do with the game at all, as if they specifically created bullshit versions of those scenes to show off while some other people tried to make them for the real game.
He's not even digging, anymore, he's actually shoveling dirt on top of himself. He could replace himself with an effigy at this point and I don't think it would even make a noticeable difference.


How can you tell ANY detail from low resolution .gifs?
Because unless people are bitching over textures or lowered resolution, these GIF's should still do a decent enough job demonstrating how dramatic the downgrade actually was.

Other people are saying there's more to it, so maybe there is, but sorry if I dont feel these examples here are the best ones to convince me to be outraged.

From what I understand, the biggest problem isn't any downgrade in visuals(which happens all the time), it's that the game was simply not developed by who they said it was, and of course the game ending up being crap. These are the unforgiveable sins. Downgrades do not phase me like it does so many of you. And I'm probably far more interested in the technical details than most, but it doesn't mean I place such value in them like some do.

I'm not trying to let Randy off the hook here, but I'd like a *good* reason to give him the finger, not some weak slightly downgraded scenes.


Gold Member
Had a strong dislike for this guy and his company for a long time.

The first Borderlands was a good idea (Diablo FPS), but I don't think it's a terribly great game. A better studio should be able to execute the concept much better and without the dumb space redneck shit (subjective, I know).

I don't even mind the "space redneck shit", at least as it pertains to Scooter. Ellie and the clan war was a bit much. I'm in the minority in that I really didn't care for Borderlands 2 because, like you said, Borderlands was more akin to FPSRPG Diablo and Borderlands 2 really truncated a lot of the loot fun and manufacturer wonkiness to focus on story. Story is fine and all but I just found all the changes made for a a vastly less compelling game to play than the first despite having some genuinely hilarious characters (Tiny Tina, Torgue).

I don't even remember the amount of hours I put in Borderlands 1 between my two Siren builds, my Soldier, and my Hunter. I can say, without reservation, that I only put one-tenth the amount of time into Borderlands 2 and the Pre-sequel combined.

That's why I'm on the fence about Borderlands 3. Not to mention the other stinkers Gearbox dropped following BL2 like A:CM and Duke Nukem. I just don't have a lot of faith in the company and their outsourcing ways, and Pitchford doesn't help boost confidence.


Because unless people are bitching over textures or lowered resolution, these GIF's should still do a decent enough job demonstrating how dramatic the downgrade actually was.

Other people are saying there's more to it, so maybe there is, but sorry if I dont feel these examples here are the best ones to convince me to be outraged.

From what I understand, the biggest problem isn't any downgrade in visuals(which happens all the time), it's that the game was simply not developed by who they said it was, and of course the game ending up being crap. These are the unforgiveable sins. Downgrades do not phase me like it does so many of you. And I'm probably far more interested in the technical details than most, but it doesn't mean I place such value in them like some do.

I'm not trying to let Randy off the hook here, but I'd like a *good* reason to give him the finger, not some weak slightly downgraded scenes.
It's really not slightly.


Gold Member
Pitchford should probably just keep his mouth shut and let someone else more skilled at PR answer the questions. It does irk me a bit how he's trying to come off as the victim in this whole situation. I'm really glad EG really took it to him.
Pitchford should probably just keep his mouth shut and let someone else more skilled at PR answer the questions. It does irk me a bit how he's trying to come off as the victim in this whole situation. I'm really glad EG really took it to him.

Right? When EG asks for an interview, just fucking say: "I'm tied up with business administration, but [Designer A] would be more than happy to talk to you about [Game B], releasing on [Date C]." This is like the easiest part of being a CEO.

I can only assume the guy believes in his own mind that he's a Gabe Newell-like beloved public figure.


Because unless people are bitching over textures or lowered resolution, these GIF's should still do a decent enough job demonstrating how dramatic the downgrade actually was.
Does compression and reduced framerate not matter at all to you?
Because unless people are bitching over textures or lowered resolution, these GIF's should still do a decent enough job demonstrating how dramatic the downgrade actually was.

Maybe those gifs don't do enough for you (in which case there are videos available) but for me, even those small compressed gifs show more than enough reason to be upset. As has been stated, these were videos that were used to advertise the game up until it's release... Not something shown 2 years prior and hoping everyone forgot about them.

Hell the middle explosion one alone should show how massive of a visual downgrade... The explosion, the particles, the damage to the ship... Absolutely massive.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
This is one thing I dont like about "following the gaming culture" and reading news, being on GAF etc.

Yea...I think about this at times. Sometimes I wish I didnt know about console wars, sales, this stuff, etc. I honestly didnt know console wars existed until I joined here. This is the first gaming site I really joined and participated in. GameFaq was just for guides, cheats, etc. never really went to the forums there.

I'm reading all his replies in the voice of Claptrap.


He does eat a small slice of humble pie somewhere in the interview though:

We've already suffered and we continue to suffer. People will not trust us as much in the future. Do you think Fox is ever going to let me have another swing at Aliens? Come on.

At least he acknowledges this, that it's unlikely he'll get to work on a big license again. I thought this was an interesting snippet in an entire interview full of smoke, mirrors and denial.

Yea this is interesting. It seems like he isnt oblivious to all this with this statement. He can say that but cant say "we made some mistakes with A:CM that we will learn from going forward"?

Surprised he was willing to talk with those "shoddy journalists."

lol Exactly. I remember seeing this article recently. The dirt just comes flying out the word works about him.

He's not even digging, anymore, he's actually shoveling dirt on top of himself. He could replace himself with an effigy at this point and I don't think it would even make a noticeable difference.


One thing I do agree with that some have said...this isnt going to affect BL 3 sales. The general public just doesnt know about this type of stuff. Like I dont think many knew about the Apple vs Samsung lawsuits and Apple calling them copycats. That didnt hurt Samsung's phone sales. It didnt hurt Apples either if some claimed they are cry babies.

And news about the lawsuits made national headlines and was on the news. With this and other situations....all I can suggest is social media. Social media is so big these days, many people put so much emphasis on it, in it.


The craziest thing about all of this is that I'm starting to actually believe that Randy ... *gulp* actually likes A:CM. Like, legitimately. Oh, sure, maybe that's just what he wants us all to believe, but at this point, it really would be easier for him to just say, y'know, fuck it, the game's trash and was a complete mistake. Instead, it's doubling down every single time, and I think the only reason you'd be willing to put yourself through that kind of shit is if you really, truly, think the game is somehow good.

Which is completely fucked in and of itself, but in the interview he at least acknowledges that it's a completely illogical thing, lacking in any sense and objectivity towards it. Most devs can be objective, because it helps them make better games in the future -- Randy seems content with not having any of that, and is clearly willing to have a failure alongside each success as they go along.

So, I guess at this point, it's plainly stupid to be begging him to admit A:CM is shit, because I really am convinced he believes otherwise. It's still shit, and he should still admit it if he has a shred of objectivity in his body, but I kind of finally do believe he thinks the game is a gem. Whatever, he likes a shitty ass game he made, I'm officially bored with the attempts to make him say otherwise. I'm just willing to accept instead his admittance that he is completely illogical, has totally shit taste, and is a developer who is unwilling to look critically at the products he produces.

But I'll accept he likes that fucking horrible videogame.

edit: I'll also second what a poster said earlier: Duke Nukem is too good for Gearbox and should really be developed by some other company. And if you stop and think hard about the implication of that sentence, it'll make my opinion of Gearbox very clear for anyone who supposes the above is some kind of apologist schlock.


Yes, I have played far worse games than Aliens: Colonial Marines on PC after it was patched. They got it to like, a 5/10 state.

I would actually be even more generous. I genuinely enjoyed it - the bugs were fixed, graphics was significantly improved by the 8GB of patches, and the DLC Stasis Interrupted fixed up the plot holes. And I got it including the season pass for 5 bucks, which was nice. 8/10 for me, the multiplayer was really good and I enjoyed both campaigns.

Still, it has nothing on Alien Isolation though, that game is a masterpiece.
He uses a rhetorical fallacy common among pathological liars: when asked to respond to critics, he invents a weak criticism from "some guy" that has nothing to do with why people are actually mad, responds to this hypothetical criticism, and uses that "example" to absolve himself from all criticism.

Randy, you know full well that people aren't upset about the appearance of a few soldiers, or that the aliens don't strafe and take cover. They're not even upset about using PC footage to sell the console versions, or visual "downgrades". None of this false Hegelian dialect you invented is why people are upset.

They're upset because you hit the hype circuit with a blow horn about how CM was the true next installment of the movies AND used fabricated simulated game footage that looks NOTHING like the final game. We're not talking about Watch Dogs or Witcher 3, that showed actual gameplay that is in the final game, but which was graphically downgraded.

We're talking about rich, detailed environments in a demo compared to a final product where most of those assets are missing. A beautiful looking demo vs a piss ugly product. Promises of a compelling narrative vs a boring slog. Someone selling you a new BMW, but actually delivering a beat up old Acura.

Please, Gearbox Management, gag this guy so people can at least appreciate the good games you still make.


In the end, even if it looked like the original demo it still would have played poorly so there's not that much point bringing up the graphics.


I kinda find it admirable Randy is standing firmly beside this piece of shit.

With almost every other broken game launch always being followed by a meaningless apology, trying to convince the people who bought their game that they learned something, and that this story will have a happy ending (some try to win people back by giving stuff away, ex:ACU) its amazing to see someone who will not budge in his conviction that there is nothing wrong his clearly terrible game.

Also I find it strange this is the one people focus on the most, when they also made Duke Nukem Forever, which was also a colossal turd. Then again, more people probably care about Aliens than Duke Nukem. Perhaps this game was their small shred of hope for an excellent follow up to Aliens (because Alien3, Resurrection and Prometheus sure weren't).
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