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Eurogamer Hands-on Sheds Light on RE5's Treatment of Race

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badcrumble said:
I'm not saying it's acceptable, I'm saying that race is a HUGE issue in Europe and to act like it's the Enlightened Continent and there's no nationalism or ethnocentrism there is vastly ignorant.

Ha! I've gotten in a few arguments about this, since Europe's racial issues aren't as 'black and white' (pun intended) as the US, a few of my hard headed European friends try to make it seem like its more of an issue of 'difference in culture'.

I guess those French riots that flare up every few years are just minor 'differences in culture' :p


well this is an awesome thread. full of fear, and repressed anger and hatred.

I had this whole thing written up and decided against it, I will report back once I have played the game.
Hesemonni said:
That's a tricky one really. If you tell the truth you're bound to be called racist and if you don't your chances of getting back your stolen wallet are slim.

So either way you're screwed in this politically correct society of ours.
You're not going to be called racist for describing the pertinent skin color of a criminal to the police. If you don't mention skin color they are going to ask you.

EDIT: If you're being facetious, well-played. This thread has broken my irony radar.
Videogames finally has its The Birth of a Nation?

M.J. Doja said:
Racism's still alive
They just be concealing it

~Kanye West
Kanye West? Of all the advocates, scholars, and artists who have been deeply involved in civil rights throughout the years, you couldn't find someone better than Kanye West?


Ranger X

The real problem is people seeing what they want to see. I will so play that game if only to go check if Eurogamer's comment are bullshit or not.

We are now at the point where we are trying to tell if they are valid zombies or not in order to claim it's racist or not? LOLOLOLOLOL

Don't people have something else to do? What's so wrong in there? What if they wanted to give a barbaric sense/style to the village while it's in Africa? Can you tell me how am I suppose to pull off that fiction? No black people? They should run around all happy dressed and some intellectual looking business men? LOL

I'm quite sure this is reaching and most the controversy this game will create will probably be unwarranted. This game is racist only if you can tell a hierarchy between the people, that the game tells black people (or whoever) is inferior being to another "race". Anything else would fall ints stereotypes and you should live with it.

Eurogamer's argument of african's past is really making me laugh. This is never a good reason. If you people aren't changing your mentality and forgive the past, start anew, then there will always be racism. You need to start to work on yourself. The life of your grand fathers and my grand fathers isn't our business and that's all. Live in the fucking present time.

Hesemonni said:
That's a tricky one really. If you tell the truth you're bound to be called racist and if you don't your chances of getting back your stolen wallet are slim.

So either way you're screwed in this politically correct society of ours.
...The hypothetical black guy in Duck Amuck's scenario wasn't described as stealing anything.
Ranger X said:
Eurogamer's argument of african's past is really making me laugh. This is never a good reason. If you people aren't changing your mentality and forgive the past, start anew, then there will always be racism. You need to start to work on yourself. The life of your grand fathers and my grand fathers isn't our business and that's all. Live in the fucking present time.


"People, this is supposed to be a HAPPY occasion! Let's not bicker and argue over 'who killed who'.."


I'm not sure who's more worthy of being held in contempt. Is it the low-culture-loving geek who suddenly becomes a political and cultural historian and would-be film critic sophisticate whenever this game is mentioned (which, of course, includes Croal, Whitehead, and the Shacknews/Idle Thumbs dunce), or is it the poster who considers shortsighted grievance-mongering his sacred duty?

I think that latest Idle Thumbs put me over the edge on that question. Nick spent 25 minutes talking about how every aspect of the game was a failure, but, when considering why the game wasn't scary, deduces that it's because Capcom intended the unnamed African ethnicity of the villagers to induce fright. NO. IT'S BECAUSE IN THE PROCESS OF FAILING TO EVOLVE THE CORE GAMEPLAY (you say), THEY ALSO FAILED TO CREATE A SCARY ENVIRONMENT. INCOMPETENCE IS THE ANSWER.


I'm still going to stick with my 'It's not racist, simply culturally insensitive' answer, like people have previously said, Capcom is simply clueless. An American studio would not have made this game nor would any Japanese studio make something that's culturally offensive to their own. Would Capcom ever make a game about a zombie uprising following the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki? I'm willing to bet they wouldn't. It was stupid of Capcom to not fully research the situation, especially considering the fact that their target audience (Western gamers) has a fairly sizable Black demographic.


This is actually something that could kill my enjoyment of the game. Not because it's true, but because it will always be in the back of my head now (which wasn't the case for Barret)

Despite that though I want to be the judge on the situations the article may be talking about so now I am curious.


Worships the porcelain goddess
GhaleonQ said:
I'm not sure who's more worthy of being held in contempt. Is it the low-culture-loving geek who suddenly becomes a political and cultural historian and would-be film critic sophisticate whenever this game is mentioned (which, of course, includes Croal, Whitehead, and the Shacknews/Idle Thumbs dunce), or is it the poster who considers shortsighted grievance-mongering his sacred duty?

I think that latest Idle Thumbs put me over the edge on that question. Nick spent 25 minutes talking about how every aspect of the game was a failure, but, when considering why the game wasn't scary, deduces that it's because Capcom intended the unnamed African ethnicity of the villagers to induce fright. NO. IT'S BECAUSE IN THE PROCESS OF FAILING TO EVOLVE THE CORE GAMEPLAY (you say), THEY ALSO FAILED TO CREATE A SCARY ENVIRONMENT. INCOMPETENCE IS THE ANSWER.

Not to mention that Resident Evil hasn't been "scary" since the first. Asking that question, at all, is just silly. Stop asking that damned question people.
Shame that they had to go this route, I won't be getting the game now.

I started thinking, though, and what makes this different from Uncharted, where you (as a white guy with a white partner) kill tons and tons of enemies that are all another race? I'm not saying it's the same, because I don't think it is. RE feels much worse. I just can't put my finger on why.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
ConsumerSquare said:
Videogames finally has its The Birth of a Nation?

Kanye West? Of all the advocates, scholars, and artists who have been deeply involved in civil rights throughout the years, you couldn't find someone better than Kanye West?


Please. Birth of a Nation was the most influence movie of all time technically, and the problems it caused were far greater than internet forum bickering. Not even in the same galaxy


Hmmmm Ok I read the first 6 or 7 pages of the thread.. and the denial by some people is alarming.. I understand that some of you think that the outrage is overblown.. and yes I think to an extent it is.. but to deny that there are NO racial overtones at all is crazy..

I'm not sure if its in the game but i read some people are talking about a group of Black zombies dragging a blonde girl away kicking and screaming?? Not racial AT ALL?? Do you know how many black folk have died just for even looking at white ladies the wrong way?

Where did this white lady come from? She just HAPPENS to be in the region? just HAPPENS to not be infected... and JUST HAPPENS to be white.. and just HAPPENS to be taken by the black people?

hmmmm IMHO To say that there are NO racial themes in that picture is more disturbing than the image itself.

It seems like this is the GAF standard reaction
Person one: Hey ... Capcom better watch out .. that video could be taken as pretty racist..
GAF person: WTF DUDE YOU ARE RACIST for suggesting they are racist.. Its People like you who perpetuate Racism today you racist.

Person one: Hey man i was just saying it could DEFINITELY be taken as racist and this is because point 1 point 2 point 3..
Gaf person: its definitely NOT racist dude.. There are Definitely things like this happening in real life.. Africans DO live like that in certain places and hence NOT racist. You therefore are a racist for even purporting that idea.


I bet everyone in this thread is white as fuck.

Good job defending the poor black man, becase he sure can't do it himself, right?



Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Truant said:
I bet everyone in this thread is white as fuck.

Good job defending the poor black man, becase he sure can't do it himself, right?


Well thats a nice generalization. Sure helping a lot
Truant said:
I bet everyone in this thread is white as fuck.

Good job defending the poor black man, becase he sure can't do it himself, right?

"People opposed to racism are the REAL racists!"
Truant said:
I bet everyone in this thread is white as fuck.

Good job defending the poor black man, becase he sure can't do it himself, right?


Seriously I can't fit enough question marks into the character limit to respond to this


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Wow. People really are brainwashed in the US to be hyper sensitive about race to an unreasonable and debilitating degree. Shake free people. A realistic depiction of a virus run rampant in Africa doesn't require your pious guilt so you can get a pat on the head from Al Sharpton.

Anyway, whenever this discussion comes up it makes me nervous. I want preorder and get my copy ASAP before some government sponsored thought police infringe on my rights.


Truant said:
I bet everyone in this thread is white as fuck.

Good job defending the poor black man, becase he sure can't do it himself, right?


I'm a mutt, I cover 3 continents with my bloodline :lol

Black, Spanish, Japanese
I never found anything that's been shown to the public to be at racist, but I'm very intrigued by the moments that Eurogamer has pointed out. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, and watch if Fox gets any more specialists to take a look at it :/


The physical form of blasphemy
So wow...people still can't be assed to read the article. It's not even a debate one can have feelings on, since the journalist couldn't post what they really wanted to talk about, due to embargo. People should wait to actually see what they are talking about, before they get up in arms.

I also don't understand why people keep bringing up RE4 and past shit. So something was or wasn't done in one game, that makes it cool? Besides, like I said, RE4 was way more subtle about how it handled the ganado, other than CUTSCENE! LOOK AT HOW MEAN THEY ARE!

Pretty sure that not all of the ganado had red eyes, only the ones that had the fully matured plagas in them. That's irrelevant though.

And anybody spouting that whole, if you don't bring it up it doesn't exist, nonsense is just as bad as the ones jumping the gun being overly PC about shit. Neither side has all of the info needed. :/

Y2Kev said:
The Idlethumbs podcast has my hype for this down to zero now. :(

It really does take a tole on the hype, doesn't it? Normally I wouldn't even bother listening to people about stuff like this, but they seemed like fans of RE4 and knew it pretty damned well. The fact that they practically mirrored my feelings on why RE4 was awesome hit even harder. Tis a really damned shame.


I'm pretty sure that if this took place in Asia instead of Africa, no one would give a flying fuck how they represent the ZOMBIES in this GAME in the depicted SETTING.



Ryn said:
I'm pretty sure that if this took place in Asia instead of Africa, no one would give a flying fuck how they represent the ZOMBIES in this GAME in the depicted SETTING.

Yes, I agree that if they removed the stereotypes people are complaining about it would lead to people complaining less about the stereotypes which were removed.


People are making way to big a deal of this, I'm black and not even remotely offended by this. Stereotypes are part of our daily lives, and for the world to come together we need to stop letting weak shit like this get to us to the point were everyone here is in rage. Its not that deep, and there are way bigger problems with the world for us to be fighting over this.


Oldschoolgamer said:
It really does take a tole on the hype, doesn't it? Normally I wouldn't even bother listening to people about stuff like this, but they seemed like fans of RE4 and knew it pretty damned well. The fact that they practically mirrored my feelings on why RE4 was awesome hit even harder. Tis a really damned shame.
They know the game? Yet don't know el gigantes name?


Ryn said:
I'm pretty sure that if this took place in Asia instead of Africa, no one would give a flying fuck how they represent the ZOMBIES in this GAME in the depicted SETTING.


Pretty sure if it took place in Asia you would see big cities, rice patties, temples, Great wall maybe... Castles... Some remnants of a civilization...

If it took place in Asia you can probably bet that the entire game wouldn't be confined to rural shanty towns and Stone age dwellings.


CreatureX3 said:
Looks like original Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami, who no longer works at Capcom, is going to be angry over what they've done to the series.


Congratulations, you posted an ancient story about a misquote that has zero bearing on this debate.

If it took place in Asia you can probably bet that the entire game wouldn't be confined to rural shanty towns and Stone age dwellings.

??? Neither is re5. What games are you people talking about?

M.J. Doja

sorry for quoting kanye west. meanwhile we have a "token black guy" argument and a "token black guy" actually showing up to downplay the issue at hand. Malcolm X avatar, anecdotes, your race questioned so you talk about "getting a coochie wet", then equate prejudice towards a white person as the same as ... well. I'll stop, i'd say you should too but im afraid youre not trolling :(

the commentary is taking the tone of "im from outside of the USA and we have our own racism".. dont turn a blind eye to USA history and i'll take your civil wars into account.

I was never into playing RE games due to the gameplay(backtracking) and controls, however i did enjoy watching a friend play them in the same room.
Oldschoolgamer said:
It really does take a tole on the hype, doesn't it? Normally I wouldn't even bother listening to people about stuff like this, but they seemed like fans of RE4 and knew it pretty damned well. The fact that they practically mirrored my feelings on why RE4 was awesome hit even harder. Tis a really damned shame.
This podcast should be mandatory listening for anyone posting in any RE5 thread. Yikes, if ever there was an enthusiasm-killer for a game... this is it.

Really, the only camps that can stand to be excited for RE5 now are those who only wanted a hi-def bastardized rehash of RE4 (albeit one with worse gameplay)... and diehard co-op fans.

M.J. Doja

Ryn said:
I'm pretty sure that if this took place in Asia instead of Africa, no one would give a flying fuck how they represent the ZOMBIES in this GAME in the depicted SETTING.


last i heard its not set in asia, and theyre not zombies.

GAME looks like movie
SETTING is based in reality

Prejudice based on stereotypes also exists if you like it or not, this is an issue for a game who is only trying to sell lots of copies and not actually have any socio-politically charged views or conflicts, IMO.


Damn, I sure hope this is another case of "gaming journalism" but Capcom is really stretching it with those tribal shields and stuff.


The physical form of blasphemy
ShinAmano said:
They know the game? Yet don't know el gigantes name?

I can't remember everything about RE4, and I've beaten way to many times. I dunno. LOL. That IS a big slip, but you can tell in tone of their voice that they thought the shit was awesome. :lol


Oldschoolgamer said:
I can't remember everything about RE4, and I've beaten way to many times. I dunno. LOL. That IS a big slip, but you can tell in tone of their voice that they thought the shit was awesome. :lol
After listening more to them they have no clue...all their complaints are all things from part 'fouuuur'...
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