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Evangelical coalition releases anti-LGBT "Nashville Statement" manifesto


WaPo story
CBMW's Press Release

The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood outlined the views in what it called “The Nashville Statement,” and offered it as guidance to churches on how to address issues of sexuality. A group of evangelical leaders, scholars and pastors endorsed the statement Friday at a conference in Nashville. It was initially endorsed by more than 150 people.

The “manifesto,” which is composed of 14 beliefs, rejects the idea that “otherwise faithful Christians should agree to disagree” on gay, lesbian and transgender issues. The leaders refer to this mentality as “moral indifference.”

Among those who rebuked the declaration was Nashville’s mayor, Megan Barry. The “so-called ‘Nashville statement’ is poorly named and does not represent the inclusive values of the city & people of Nashville,” Barry wrote in a tweet Tuesday.

The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood was founded in 1987 to “to help the church defend against the accommodation of secular feminism,” according to its website. The council focuses on outlining the differences between male and female roles in the home and church. It supports the biblical teaching that men must be Christlike leaders at home and in the church, and upholds wives’ submission in marriage.

The manifesto was signed by a number of prominent evangelical figures, including at least two who are known to be among President Trump’s few dozen evangelical advisers — Jack Graham, a Southern Baptist pastor, and Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. For months, Perkins urged Trump to issue his declaration that transgender people would be banned from the military, the New York Times reported.

“Anyone who persistently rejects God’s revelation about sexual holiness and virtue is rejecting Christianity altogether,” Burk wrote, “even if they claim otherwise.”

Surprised there wasn't already a thread on this, given its prominence in the media over the last few days, but maybe my searching skills have failed me.
Catholicism has a lot worthy of criticism but everytime someone dumps us in the same deplorable pile as other Christian denominations like Evangelicals I shall point them in this direction.

Heat and incredibly backwards, sexist, transphobic, and homophobic piece of trash that was.


”Anyone who persistently rejects God's revelation about sexual holiness and virtue is rejecting Christianity altogether," Burk wrote, ”even if they claim otherwise."
Ah yes, the extremely selective application of biblical ideals while entirely ignoring the ones you dislike.
Don't forget income inequality! You know, Jesus' signature social issue.


The manifesto was signed by a number of prominent evangelical figures, including at least two who are known to be among President Trump’s few dozen evangelical advisers

of course. At this point it's safe to say anybody Trump surrounds himself with is a shit person.


Evangelicals have a lot of goddamn nerve to lecture on morals/decency/etc after backing the pussy-grabbing, disabled-mocking, thrice-married shitheel currently in the White House.

They need to sit the fuck down.
A Response:


As floodwaters still rise in Houston, many prominent Christian leaders released the Nashville Statement. This document released a flood of its own, only this time instead of homes flooded with water, it was hearts flooded with grief. Yet again, powerful people of means use the platform of the Church to demean the basic dignity of gay, bisexual, lesbian, trans, intersex, and queer people.

This isn’t new. “Biblical” morality has been used to justify slavery, resistance to interracial marriage, genocide, and war. The scope of the Bible’s narrative allows a broad interpretation of what is right and moral, and both the church and society at large have moved toward universal justice and acceptance on issues once thought to be “crystal clear.”

In regards to Christians across the spectrum of sexual orientations and gender identities, it’s past time to accept and affirm them as they are. In the same way that we no longer accept the morality of slavery based on its inclusion in our scriptures, we can no longer project first century notions of sex and sexuality on people today. The very notion of “orientation,” or even “heterosexual” would be completely foreign to the authors of both the old and new testaments in the Bible.

We believe that people of all sexual orientations and gender identities are fearfully and wonderfully made, holy before God, beloved and beautiful as they are.

We believe all people have full autonomy over their bodies, sexual orientations, and gender identities, and the diversity of identities reflects the creative power of a loving God.

We believe that God is love, and that ‘anyone who loves is born of God and knows God’. (I John 4:7) God is honored in any consenting and loving relationship between adults, and therefore, all such relationships deserve honor and recognition.

We believe that same-sex relationships and marriages are as holy before God as heterosexual marriages.

We stand in solidarity with LGBTQ folks, and commit to standing alongside them in the work of resisting those who persecute them.

We don't believe LGBTQ folks need our approval or affirmation–they are affirmed first and foremost by God. This statement acts as a concreted record of solidarity.

Funky Papa

The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood was founded in 1987 to “to help the church defend against the accommodation of secular feminism,” according to its website. The council focuses on outlining the differences between male and female roles in the home and church. It supports the biblical teaching that men must be Christlike leaders at home and in the church, and upholds wives’ submission in marriage.
Evangelicals have a lot of goddamn nerve to lecture on morals/decency/etc after backing the pussy-grabbing, disabled-mocking, thrice-divorced shitheel currently in the White House.

They need to sit the fuck down.

He's just been divorced twice! I mean it's a matter of time before he divorces for a third time but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Evangelicals are *just* backing a twice-divorced and thrice-married shitheel.



He's just been divorced twice! I mean it's a matter of une before he divorces for a third time but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Evangelicals are *just* backing a twice-divorced and thrice-married shitheel.

Yup! I caught myself and corrected..

Two times is much more morally palatable, lol..


"The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood was founded in 1987 to “to help the church defend against the accommodation of secular feminism,” according to its website. The council focuses on outlining the differences between male and female roles in the home and church. It supports the biblical teaching that men must be Christlike leaders at home and in the church, and upholds wives’ submission in marriage".

Lmao. What a crock of utter shite.


I avoid giving signal boosts to stupid Christian intramurals, but yo #NashvilleStatement is trending, so here's the initial signers on race:

John Frame, dabbling in racial IQ science argues that blacks may dumber than whites, but it's cool cause we can dunk https://frame-poythress.org/racisms-sexisms-and-other-isms/

Tony Perkins gave a speech to the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens and paid $82k for David Duke's mailing list

Richard Land argued blacks were "statistically more likely to do you harm" when Trayvon Martin got killed

In February Marvin Olasky heaped praise on Sheriff David Clarke's memoirs on, lmao, idk man, he's so bugged: https://world.wng.org/2017/02/democratic_discontent

Erick Erickson longs for the good ol days where you could boycott Asian food because of Pearl Harbor or whatever http://gawker.com/erick-erickson-s-mom-denies-son-s-story-about-boycottin-1747101450

David French, who has a BETTER record than the others, commending Jeff Sessions' crusade against affirmative action: http://www.nationalreview.com/artic...-admissions-investigate-racial-discrimination


Can God just hurry things along and take these people up to heaven so the rest of us can get on with our lives?


They do not worship god, they worship comfort. Driven by fear of change, they cling to god as a scapegoat, always finding the right bible verse to contort into something that fits their ideal.


Evangelism is super fucked up in Tennessee. Not surprisingly, it's also one of the most anti-Muslim regions, which is probably why the 9/11 memorials down there take on the aspect of reliquaries.
Can God just hurry things along and take these people up to heaven so the rest of us can get on with our lives?

You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.

These people take the name of God to justify their hatred.
If they honestly believe in the Bible, they should be aware that "heaven" is not the place they are heading.


The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, ”Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?" They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, ”Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."

I haven't been religious in years, but it cracks me up that the Gospels are literally a story about a rebellion against corruption and dogma running rampant in the Jewish community, yet it's been taken to create more corruption and dogmatic decrees.


What is their end goal here?

Do they just want it to be legal to discriminate against someone because of their sexuality?
It supports the biblical teaching that men must be Christlike leaders at home and in the church, and upholds wives’ submission in marriage

Hmm. I have hair like wool and eyes like fire..that's Christlike. Explains the submission..


Do these people really want to go down the rabbit hole of what the Bible also says about sex, marriage and the relationships between men and women? Get those "Ls" ready, bigots.
I wonder if it would be worthwhile to build a real estate model based off of future cheap real estate from the churches that signed this letter.


What is their end goal here?

Do they just want it to be legal to discriminate against someone because of their sexuality?

This is more about the internal struggle with church organizations across the US about who to allow as preachers and members of the delegation.

The Presbyterian church, for example, underwent a massive split several years ago, as many churches felt it was fine to allow gays and lesbians to become deacons and elders (basically the legislative branch of a Presbyterian church). They split into multiple organizations as a result.
If 2064 is any indication: cyborgs and human-animal hybrids.

Yes, well, while we use "catgirls for domestic ownership" as a meme-joke, they'll be using them as slaves.

Guarantee you that "Purity First" Human Revolution teaser trailer will be reality when augmentation starts happening. I've heard people bitching about prosthetic limbs being against God's will.
What is their end goal here?

Do they just want it to be legal to discriminate against someone because of their sexuality?

This is more about the internal struggle with church organizations across the US about who to allow as preachers and members of the delegation.

The Presbyterian church, for example, underwent a massive split several years ago, as many churches felt it was fine to allow gays and lesbians to become deacons and elders (basically the legislative branch of a Presbyterian church). They split into multiple organizations as a result.

Right. It's a combination of things:

1) Moral Superiority - being able to claim they are unashamed and standing for the truth. This causes the members in their churches to feel like they have leaders who are strong, courageous, and righteous.

2) Distancing - There a number of more progressive Christians that are a bit more in the mind of "agree to disagree" on LGBT issues. Basically, they might be progressive, but they are willing to set aside differences to work on justice, renewal, etc. projects together.

This (according to article 10) definitively says that LGBT is a make or break issue. They will not budge, leaders, volunteers or staff that feel differently "are not true Christians."

It's an attempt at tribalism, clear lines, and black and white in a world of gray. It works really well for increasing numbers. REALLY well.
Why are straight people so obsessed with gay people? I really just don't get it.

For heterosexual Christian extremists, one reason is believing that the faith/society/way of life ordained by God must be perpetuated at all costs. Gay people can't reproduce on their own and thus make more followers. Therefore any sexuality not conducive to reproduction is an affront to God.

Reinforce that notion with the general human tendency to find behaviors other than one's own "icky" and you have most of their disgust for homosexuality pegged.


Yes, well, while we use "catgirls for domestic ownership" as a meme-joke, they'll be using them as slaves.

Guarantee you that "Purity First" Human Revolution teaser trailer will be reality when augmentation starts happening. I've heard people bitching about prosthetic limbs being against God's will.

We still have those f-ing faith healers these days so I'm honestly not surprised. In many states you can not vaccinate your child because of your personal philosophy or religious beliefs.


“Anyone who persistently rejects God’s revelation about sexual holiness and virtue is rejecting Christianity altogether,” Burk wrote, “even if they claim otherwise.”

More Christian than you, you fucking piece of garbage.
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