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Fallout New Vegas |OT| Obsidian does what Bethesdon't


So i lost a companion. I left Cassidy in the Lucky 38, and when i went back after
killing Mr. House,
she vanished. She's not back at the outpost either.

Ugh, i hate this! I had her carrying some items for me.


bhlaab said:
Just keep in mind that every endgame choice has its good and bad points. Even if you side with the legion there's not going to be an ending like "You fucked up, everything is terrible and you died in a fire, horribly!" you're always going to get a good ending... well, as "good" as an ending in Fallout can be.
Well... the Legion ending was as negative as it got. Pretty much the only "good" thing that happens is that
Caesar gives the Courier some cash as a reward. :lol
Just got my
pimp-boy 3 billion
:lol I wasn't expecting to run into anything like that until my Wild Wasteland playthrough.

But, damn, these companion bugs are really getting on my nerves. I basically have to check if they're still following me before I leave an area, and then it's just trial and error getting them to follow me again if they get hung up on anything. Also, I sent Rex back to the Lucky 38 and returned to find he wasn't there. After retracing my steps and not finding him, I had the notion that he might've returned to King instead. And I was right. wtf?


Lol wtf happened with No-bark Noonan voice acting. All of a sudden you hear like someone is talking through a PC mic, oh Obsidian.


RobertM said:
Lol wtf happened with No-bark Noonan voice acting. All of a sudden you hear like someone is talking through a PC mic, oh Obsidian.

Exact opposite happened to me with ED-E, i was hearing an audio log or something and all of the sudden it sounded like the guy was standing right in front of me.


ezekial45 said:
So i lost a companion. I left Cassidy in the Lucky 38, and when i went back after
killing Mr. House,
she vanished. She's not back at the outpost either.

Ugh, i hate this! I had her carrying some items for me.

Are you playing on PC? If so you can probably use the console to spawn her in front of you.
So I beat the game.

I think Mr. House is the definition of good writing. I was all gung ho to treat him in a certain manner. I had him pegged completely one way. I think he's evil. However he starts talking about
his plans for the future. His visions for mankind reaching the stars. How it's not democracy or monarchy but autocracy. I sat there and said, ya know, mankind could really use that.
he completely changed my point of view. I've never had that happen in a game before. I usually have my goals set on how I want to play the game and I do it. I mean sure it fucking blew when he told me to
kill the brotherhood, especially since I had Veronica with me and I'm like in love with her
but I knew it was for the greater good.

Damn good writing.



The whole "Mark Of Caesar" thing fucked up on me. So instead of
letting me in and takin to caesar they just attack on sight. so i go in guns blazing and kill everyone and get the chip from caesar and give it to Mr House. He says to go to his fort under the hill or w/e to do shit... so I go back fight thru more people... get there. Get to a terminal "It has a small opening, about the size of a poker chip".... I DON'T HAVE THE CHIP ANY MORE WHAT THE FUCK MR HOUSE?!

Do I console command in another chip, and 'break the seal' on console command cheats :lol or just load a save before I gave the chip to Mr House? blehg

PepsimanVsJoe said:
It should come fairly naturally.
Some dude from NCR and some dude from Legion should show up when you're leaving the Lucky 38 at some point.

Basically it works something like this:
-Work with Mr House
-Work with NCR
-Work with Legion

Also the game warns you at a certain point that if you continue to do end-game quests for a particular faction the others won't talk to you anymore.

Oh what the hell.... I don't have any quests with the NCR... I thought NCR and Mr House were in Cahoots.

I hate this game so much.... :lol


there is joy in sucking dick
12.7mm Pistol + Silencer + Sneak + Better Criticals = All Humanoids die in silence

I took out both Van Graffs and their henchmen without any of them fighting back


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Yes, this game is buggy mess. I should have waited for got. I had game breaking bug when I couldn't enter Caesar tent because my companion dog has dissapeqred somewhere and I wasn't able to tell it to wait here. Also Cass disappeared after my visit to Lucky 38. Gomorrah quest not working, because npc doesn't want to spawn.

But other than that it's fantastic.
I've had so many bad glitches :-/

EDE disappearing randomly and being gone forever, one of my followers didn't show up at the 38, Cass dropping the all-american and other rifles for no reason, etc
Wallach said:
My next character is going to be a psycho melee/unarmed. Probably model it after a Rifts juicer. Massive chem overload! SMOKE JET 'ERRYDAY.

That's basically my character. I just kill everyone I see. Only level 6 and already killed over 200 people. Wiped out Goodsprings, Primm, NCR outpost, Nipton and Novac, then went up Black Mountain and
killed Tabitha and picked up Raul as a pack mule/ meat shield. Tabitha dropped a super sledge. :D :D :D
Any unarmed or melee weapon characters kill any deathclaws? thinking about starting a fully melee oriented character and I want to do insane melee damage.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
GhostRidah said:
Any unarmed or melee weapon characters kill any deathclaws? thinking about starting a fully melee oriented character and I want to do insane melee damage.

There's a certain melée weapon that can kill everything pretty easily. But you should find it first.
GhostRidah said:
Any unarmed or melee weapon characters kill any deathclaws? thinking about starting a fully melee oriented character and I want to do insane melee damage.
Depends on the difficulty level you're playing. On Very Hard, deathclaws will 2 shot your courier even with the best gear and HP. Most deathclaws are found in groups. Rushing a bunch of deathclaws with a melee weapon instead of sneak sniping them will probably get you killed. Assuming you're only fighting one of them at a time (not likely), you'll want a perk like paralyzing palm or super slam to stun them as they will kill you faster than you can kill them even if you land a bunch of crits.

The whole "Mark Of Caesar"
Did you have Boone or an anti-legion companion with you? That will cause legion to be hostile even if you have the mark.
duckroll said:
According to Steam's achievement stats, "No Gods No Masters" is the most common ending path taken by most players.
Probably because it's the easiest one to complete, and the only one you can't fail even if you piss off everyone else.


subversus said:
There's a certain melée weapon that can kill everything pretty easily. But you should find it first.

What weapon is that? I just started a melee/unarmed play through and keep getting wasted at the
BoS bunker,
and could definitely use such a weapon.

jax (old)

re: HOUSE + ending. + Other factions

The writing on this really makes him an unlikable autocratic asshole and no matter if he is a saviour or not, but the speech options with him are always EXTREMELY limitied and he won't listen to most things outside of what he will have you do. Example. Give me the platinum chip or else. If you choose not to, you can't initiate out of that conversation without combat. Also, later when you try to save the BOS, as someone said. With 100 speech, you can't talk him into save what is essentially a tiny enclave of decent people - almost every step of the quests with HOUSE, you are made to feel like you have no other choice - but should you choose to kill, this saviour of VEGAS, the poster on this page is right, you end up being tagged in the ending as a villian of somesort. The weaponry upgrade for the securitron sequence made me think "wtf did I just do for this clown". This is bad... Fact remains, he asked you to assist him in powering up his army but he didn't let you in til after. Again, all of it sort of unpleasant.

surprised that flarkminator thinks that House is a good guy. Anyone talking about the reaching of the stars for mankind and utilising super armed robots against humans to do so, is a despotic mad fuck imo. THought a lot of his spiel was like the ravings of a psychotic egomaniac.

obviously, the NCR is very militaristic and in this one, they are absolutely the biggest faction to the game and unavoidable. I played NCR/HOUSE both ways, and then obviously at the end game, you have to pick 1 side from this... as the NCR game/quest has "Don't mess with the bear". Which suddenly pops up, and you become their enemy if you don't do what they want.... I found NCR to be an alright faction til the end when that commander bitchface at Hooverdam, demanded you kill the Khans..etc and do things you as a character really don't want to be doing

When the 2 biggest factions are somewhat
villianous and contemptous in how they present themselves near the end, it makes for a difficult choice and makes the latter part of the game really bad. The game could well have given courier an oppourtunity to talk to the NCR president but here we didnt'. The biggest point/arc to that story line and you're keep on the sidelines. Well, I was unwhelmed and I didn't enjoy what i was hearing for my ending. Not being able to side/help the BOS rise to the top of the mojave wasteland, is a sadly missed oppourtunity here.The way it is written and from the discussion with the people, I liked the Great Khans and BOS in this. But either way, you had to wipe out these 2 settlements to get to the end.

The ending was sort of hollow compared to the water/father quest in FO3

re: DLC + World locales.

found an obvious spot on the map where DLC is going to take place
Northern passage up near the top of the map
Its a blocked off passage with nothing of interest and it was a marker point.

a lot of the world locales you find via the explorer perk = not much really. A few bedsprings/rolls on the ground. some garbage.. and its a "map marker". Been running around with the explorer perk going from A---B and there's not much to see/do outside of the few major game locales in this one. Really kind of disappointing.

re: gun perk bugs. really all of them are broken?! I knew that GRsprint is broke but I haven't paid enough attention to my use of Sniper to know if it works or not. FONV really is extremely buggy.

jax (old)


The whole "Mark Of Caesar" thing fucked up on me. So instead of
letting me in and takin to caesar they just attack on sight. so i go in guns blazing and kill everyone and get the chip from caesar and give it to Mr House. He says to go to his fort under the hill or w/e to do shit... so I go back fight thru more people... get there. Get to a terminal "It has a small opening, about the size of a poker chip".... I DON'T HAVE THE CHIP ANY MORE WHAT THE FUCK MR HOUSE?!

you need to console in the missing item. You got to where I did as well in the quest line.. It is compeletely game breaking so whats happening is you're basically hacking the game to unbreak it. Had the same thing happen and it was ruinous. I was disgusted and amazingly pissed off when that happened last week. I can only imagine if you were playing this on consoles because I don't think you can console it in.

My post on their forum and solution here: http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1129632-game-breaking-bug/

julls said:
Wondering if someone can help me. I'm early on and doing the quest "That Lucky Old Sun". I'm inside the
building where i need to repair the generator to route power to the mainframe. There's the repair robot Python in there, which I've activated, he's firing electricity at a pile of wire on the ground but nothing seems to be happening. The option to Talk to him comes up if i face him, but nothing happens when I try it. I've got 50 Science, only 34 Repair (though I figured that's what the robot is for - he'll repair the generator instead of me), and I also have a Poseidon Energy employee I.D. Any ideas? Has the game glitched out or am I missing something really obvious? Thanks.

The robot is
sparking electricity and not really repairing the generator. I think he was powering it (go figure) but I manually fixed/enabled it with him there and that's how you need to do it.


Jax said:
re: HOUSE + ending. + Other factions

No Gods, No Masters was the choice I picked, because of the reasons you laid out. If I have to pick out a ruler from the choices present, let it be the one who's done the most legwork. Also, the dialogue just before the end is gold on that path.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
GDGF said:
Dammit NaNoWriMo is keeping me from finishing my game :(

I'll come back to it in a month or so.
Good luck on that! Trying my hand at writing a novel and it is awesome but rough at times.. Ever feel gulity about reading another book when you should be writing..
my god the Ballistic Fist is so OP, lol I am not even specced for unarmed and I am just practically 1 shotting everything with it, its like Fist of the Northstar over here :lol


ZombieSupaStar said:
my god the Ballistic Fist is so OP, lol I am not even specced for unarmed and I am just practically 1 shotting everything with it, its like Fist of the Northstar over here :lol

I gave it to Veronica and she destroyed everything that came in her way. I was so pissed off when her inventory was wiped during the White Society Casino quest. She lost everything except the clothes she was wearing.

SalsaShark said:
:lol :lol

"fuck her, i want my items!"

Yeah, i kinda feel that way at the moment. Even her quests are glitched. I just found evidence from the Van Gruffs, and it didn't register.


Blackace said:
Good luck on that! Trying my hand at writing a novel and it is awesome but rough at times.. Ever feel gulity about reading another book when you should be writing..

:lol All the time. I have a problem with over preparing. I'll read a "How to Write a Better Novel" book just so I can procrastinate.

Thanks for the good luck wishes!


So much running back and forth in Freeside, now that I'm there after 30 hours. I haven't fought much of anything in a few hours.


So will I ever see the
Space ghouls
I even re-calibrated their rocket to fire them closer

Also I just got Boone. I've been struggling the whole game trying to kill stuff (put all my points in INT/CHA/LUCK). Now the game just got infinitely easier.


Derp, wrong thread. On topic though, yeah the Ballistic Fist is crazy, but really it feels like melee/unarmed in general is just kind of crazy. Perks make builds leaning in that direction ridiculously powerful.


I love the Ballistic Fist after I gave it to Veronica, though sadly she didn't get it until
The battle at Hoover Dam

Made for an epic scenario though, as she ran towards one of the Legionaries that had it, they both did the punch animation, big blast and both Veronica and the Legionnaire skidded backward, until she ran at him again and finished him.

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Unconfirmed Member
Wallach said:
Derp, wrong thread. On topic though, yeah the Ballistic Fist is crazy, but really it feels like melee/unarmed in general is just kind of crazy. Perks make builds leaning in that direction ridiculously powerful.

FO3 was like that too - my Bessie run (I call her Bessie, she is 100% unarmed and never uses anything) ended up with her being able to bathe in laser fire and not feel anything as long as the sun was up. It was also really awesome. Currently doing a Bessie run in NV as well. She's a hoss at level 10...I fear for her enemies at level 30!


Sunflower said:
FO3 was like that too - my Bessie run (I call her Bessie, she is 100% unarmed and never uses anything) ended up with her being able to bathe in laser fire and not feel anything as long as the sun was up. It was also really awesome. Currently doing a Bessie run in NV as well. She's a hoss at level 10...I fear for her enemies at level 30!

Well, to be fair basically everything was overpowered in Fallout 3. :lol

Compared to the other weapon types just within the New Vegas mechanics, melee/unarmed kind of makes you feel like a super hero.


Wallach said:
Derp, wrong thread. On topic though, yeah the Ballistic Fist is crazy, but really it feels like melee/unarmed in general is just kind of crazy. Perks make builds leaning in that direction ridiculously powerful.

Especially since they actually work.

jax (old)

Just finished my whatever the fck female run.
the end game this time was surprisingly kinectic and fun. Boone's allegiance I think is turned off for the end battle and he was killing NCR left right... :lol :lol :lol

This was the No Gods/No Masters run and I loved the ending this came with. It had outcomes that I liked, with some amusing bits in there (helped the powder gangers, wiped out the khans, suprising BOS outcome they used the chance during the battle to overtake HELIOS. The biggest thing here is I didn't just let the dam power the securitrons, I blew it up :lol :lol Also as I had the blackwidow perk, I was able to use my breasts to do the talking with oliver
/ thumbsup) and the voice overs were suitably anarchistic.

Much better outcome/read than the HOUSE run I thought.

Don't know if I can play this more. 80 hours+ all up now? Evil ass run where I wipe everyone out might be fun :)
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