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Far Cry 4's art is racist and the antagonist is (potentially) gay

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Gold Member
Look at those boots, he's not gay, looks more like a metrosexual guy. Looking at the pic he is probably the an antagonist; means he is not nice, probably treats people like shit, who would have guessed...


It sounds like you are asking for the "perfect" gay antagonist. There is no such person, gay or otherwise.

Also, I don't think game artists should have to use vanilla/plain/conformist content. I get to enjoy movies, books and music without issue. I would also like to keep games able to have creative freedoms as well.


Well he's clearly the villian, right?

I'm sure he probably is a racist, arms dealing, slave trader lording his rich, white privilege over the Himalayan natives... which is why you're not suppose to like him very much.

No! All my villains must have tumblr accounts! I demand it!

Look at those boots, he's not gay, looks more like a metrosexual guy. Looking at the pic he is probably the an antagonist; means he is not nice, probably treats people like shit, who would have guessed...

The clothes don't make the man. Out of all my gay friends, only one dresses in a way that could be considered similar to the man on the box art. If anything, it seems to me like they're going with the humorous approach for a villain. This guy looks like something I'd expect to see out of the lastest Austin Powers movie.


Showing different posturing or degrees of empowerment in art between characters with different racial backgrounds isn't inherently racist, and an antagonist being homosexual doesn't mean their orientation is part of the negative characterization. I'll be happy to react to how these elements are used in the resulting work. Otherwise I think these are vapid criticisms.
Seems like pure paranoia to me.

You see white dude in pink lording over someone not white and automatically assume Gay and Racist.

Seems like OP is jumping to conclusions for whatever reason * shrug *

But as others have said, this is likely the villain so ... bad guy and all doing bad things with bad opinions


Where do they see a white man?

Exactly, I see Asian features all over the suited guy. He's obviously not a natural blond either.

The people crying racism, are you looking for exaggerated eyes and giant buck teeth? Who's racist now?

We don't even know what the game is about. Save your controversy.


The "racist" bit is clearly intentional, and you are worrying about the character being gay based on his attire and haircut. Seems a bit premature to me.


Maybe racism is an actual topic in the game? This is assuming the character on the cover is the antagonist. The game is placing racism in a negative light.. what else do you want? Should games shy away from such topics completely? I don't think so.

And as others have said, there's nothing indicating this guy is gay. Flamboyant perhaps, but you don't need to be gay to be flamboyant.
Straight up, let's get a badass, horrifying antagonist. Isn't that really all we need? Does a person's sexuality really define their evilness? I mean, hell, he could be bisexual and just gets off on causing suffering.
Guys i just saw the poster for godzilla and i dont want to jump to conclusions but i think they are gonna make godzilla a lizard and i know someone who has a lizard who is gonna be real offended when that hate movie comes out and everyone starts thinking lizards do nothing but grow triple the size of buildings and destroy cities.

cmon man, youre jumping to conclusions. thats a massive oversimplication. we don't know ANYTHING about the game


Did anyone ever say: if theyre going to have a big fat nasty slug thats straight as a villain i just hope they do it right


This is ridiculous. Do people WANT to be offended? Sometimes I think these twitter folks are either trolling or just don't know the meaning of their words.


Don't think it's racist at all. The antagonist may be racist, and that's what the box art is clearly showing - him trampling and destroying native culture and artwork, having a soldier or guerrilla fighter under his thumb (literally), lording over a country which he most likely doesn't care about or understand.

None of that stuff indicates that he's racist.

Racism has a very clear definition but people keep trying to broaden it for some reason.

As a brown man who was raised in this region, this image is NOT racist at all. That is a Nepali Gurkha (basically Nepal's version of Navy Seals), he is tied and being held hostage by the evil dude. It is just symbolism, an evil man came to the region and now their elite commandos are kneeling before him. There is nothing racist about it.

I posted in this the original thread


Doesn't look like a white person to me. And if he is white and the other person isn't, that means the white person's act is based on racial differences? Wow, some people need to get a grip.
What do you some people?!

And it's good to see who the real racists are by declaring a white person racist because they are white.


Trying to figure out.where the racist part Comes in. Both dudes look Asian.

Dude is dressed fancy/ over the top. So what? See no foundational basis for the op. Wait until they show the game. Then you can criticize if it's a poor portrayal.
Get this shit out of here. You guys are getting so sensitive over a god damn box art. Jesus Christ don't you people have something better to do...

It's a god damn BOX ART. Get over it FFS


thread title change in 3. 2. 1

my 2 cents i love the art it grabs my attention and that guy on the cover is probably the bad guy which means he is probably racist, and greedy jerk, hopefully hes entertaining as well.


1) More gay characters in games is good -- whether or not they themselves are good or evil
2) Racism as a theme in games is fine. It's healthy; gets people talking.

Not saying FC4 will have writers that do it any justice, but the second we manufacture outrage because someone is *trying* is the second we effectively cripple creativity. Let people take risks -- you sometimes end up with great things (ex: one of my fav. characters in The Last of Us)
This OP is emblematic of everything that I hate with Twitter and journalism and people in general today. Faux outrage and offense over NOTHING. Grandstanding at the drop of a hat, without any understanding of context or pretty much anything.

"I see vaguely see something that might be a commentary on RACE! RACIST!"

"I spy with my little eye something that might be stretched and distorted and misconstrued as negative towards gay people! HOMOPHOBIC!"
Really??? wow. I must say that saying what you just said sounds kinda.....stereotypical. Just because of his hair cut and his clothing, it doesnt make him gay. Plus to be honest I think a gay antagonist would i actually be quite interesting. I really hope Ubi doesnt back down from this.

Saying that he is gay due to his apparel is quite shallow. It's like saying that because I shaved my head I have cancer. (No offense to any of those who do have cancer) I honestly don't understand the backlash against the racism either. Its honestly not as racist as Franklin's story in GTA V, yet there was not much backlash. Really stupid.

ALSO! On the poster, art, whatever, anyone else see the guy hanging under the arch in the middle right side? Thought that was interesting.


So this is already a thing then?

I think it's a bit more telling of the mindset and beliefs of the people that are making these kind of claims simply by looking at the box art.
i dunno. i immediately jumped to the conclusion that the antagonist was gay too. it looked like a flamboyant caricature.

i hope they don't make him some absurd farce and get harvey fierstein to voice him or something lol. exercise some subtlety ubisoft plz.


Wow... wait there! Talking about racism or prejudice in general, and just assuming the antagonist is gay because he wears pink and is blond? Thats not the right way to initiate this subject.

And even if he is, I cant see the big deal. We have inummerous straight antagonists on games over there, and in all possible ways and caracteristics.
Are we for real right now? The game just got announced, only thing showed is box art, and it needs baseless labels for people to be offended by already.
If the game is going to be some metaphor for imperialism or something, then let it be. That doesn't make it racist.

mr stroke

This OP is emblematic of everything that I hate with Twitter and journalism and people in general today. Faux outrage and offense over NOTHING. Grandstanding at the drop of a hat, without any understanding of context or pretty much anything.

"I see vaguely see something that might be a commentary on RACE! RACIST!"

"I spy with my little eye something that might be stretched and distorted and misconstrued as negative towards gay people! HOMOPHOBIC!"



This is ridiculous. Do people WANT to be offended? Sometimes I think these twitter folks are either trolling or just don't know the meaning of their words.

They're not trolling. They do want to be offended. They can get attention this way.


The fact you wrote all of that proves

1) You're over sensitive and read to much into things

2) The artwork achieved it's goal of being effective at getting people's attention and starting a conversation.

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