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Final Fantasy 7 Demo Impressions & Info Thread


How Many Parts?

“When we started out planning the plot for the first game, it hit us again... at that point we decided we were going to focus first game on Midgar and what happens in Midgar. Unfortunately we can’t say anything more about the future games, because we don’t know ourselves." - Kitase (producer)


Whereas in the original game you’d see a few dialogue exchanges that were meant to broadly convey feelings—Jessie being flirty, Barret trying to convince Cloud that the environment is worth saving—here there are fleshed-out conversations, genuine personality, and dialogue with a surprising amount of warmth. Jessie, a member of Barret’s Avalanche eco-terrorist group, has more dialogue in the 30 minutes of footage I saw today than she does in all of Final Fantasy VII on PS1.


As a result of this system, it doesn’t feel like a hack-n-slash action game. It’s got a very, very different vibe than, say, Kingdom Hearts III. Just mashing the square button doesn’t seem like an effective strategy in Final Fantasy VII’s new combat system. The demo I played centered on Guard Scorpion, the boss of Mako Reactor 1. No longer is this boss fight over in 30 seconds of button-mashing and waiting; now, it’s an elaborate spectacle, complete with different phases and barriers.


Read more at Kotaku and post impressions/info from other sources! Still pretty hype, though I'm honestly more worried about the game taking 10 years to finish now than before. What happened to that "oh it'll be two parts" rumor?? Christ.
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The entire first game in Midgar? Yikes, this just doesn't appeal to me, I wanted some exploration in the outside world beyond Midgar at least somewhat. And they have no idea at all how many games going forward, so no real long term plan either. :/
How Many Parts?

“When we started out planning the plot for the first game, it hit us again... at that point we decided we were going to focus first game on Midgar and what happens in Midgar. Unfortunately we can’t say anything more about the future games, because we don’t know ourselves." - Kitase (producer)

This is just bad. A complete lack of direction and concern for overall pacing. Midgard is just the beginning of the game. If they've expanded Midgard that much and equal care is taken to all other parts of the story, then we'll have a ridiculous amount of episodes.


Whereas in the original game you’d see a few dialogue exchanges that were meant to broadly convey feelings—Jessie being flirty, Barret trying to convince Cloud that the environment is worth saving—here there are fleshed-out conversations, genuine personality, and dialogue with a surprising amount of warmth. Jessie, a member of Barret’s Avalanche eco-terrorist group, has more dialogue in the 30 minutes of footage I saw today than she does in all of Final Fantasy VII on PS1.

Screwing up characters and story they've made as well. FFVII always carried a balance between warmth, sadness and bitter coldness. Especially in the Midgard part. The two first missions has Cloud being a total asshole to everyone, being pretty much uninterested in conversation because he's just on a one time job. Totally changing Jessie's character, who was never someone who was openly flirty with Cloud, but who tried to show interest in various ways to Cloud, so much that she screwed up the second mission by making Cloud's ID different than the others, because that's how she wanted to show her affection for Cloud. Literally a lot of her dialogue is filled with "...." to show her hesitations and she consistently tries to show in her own way affection for Cloud, but gets shut down by "all work no play" Cloud.
The banter between Cloud and Barret seems way overdone considering how we know Cloud was at the time. He could be snarky, but he would rather piss off Barret with a line, rather than spend time on a back and forth banter. This feels like they're making the characters caricatures, rather than giving them more personality.

This is the problem with the "reimagining". If you're changing characters to be the opposite of what they were, then what's the point in those characters? If you're screwing up the pacing and the mystery aspects of the story, what good will the reimagining do?
This is the thing I was more wary of when it came to the remake, Nomura changing characters and story beats, instead of just expanding on what was established in FFVII. We know a lot of the cut dialogue and features from FFVII, so there's a lot to expand on, but the current direction just seems to go counter to the spirit of the original game.

“It's the life blood of this Planet.
But Shinra keeps suckin' the blood out
with these weird machines.”{END}
“I'm not here for a lecture.
Let's just do it.”{END}
“@#&^%$! From now on
you come with me.”{END}
Elevator Dialogue II
“Little by little the reactors'll drain out
Then that'll be that.”{END}
“The planet's dyin', {Cloud}!”{END}
“It's not my problem.”{END}
“The only thing I care about is finishin' this job
before security and the Roboguards come.”{END}


From what I saw up until now, it looks amazing - characters' (re)designs, battle system, expanded world, and of course, return of Advent Children japanese voice acting cast.

Haters will hate, lovers will love, but this isn't, and I don't want it to be just original FFVII with better graphics.

For anyone who don't like it, and there is/will be a lot of you, it isn't much of a consolation, but you will always have PS1 version to return to.
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classic square-enix project management skills at work. This is the main reason why I'm skeptical. You shouldn't start such a project without a clear vision of what you want to achieve when.
Exactly. This is gonna be interesting to say the least


LOL. Just like I said before, It's FF XV disaster all over again.

This is a series of games, not a single game broken into chunks. This is not the original FF7. So they can ended the episodes whenever they want if it's not sustainable or expect a decade until we get the final battle episode from the original.

It might be better if they change title of this game to be not misleading for newcomer and veteran alike.
"Final Fantasy VII episodes - MIDGAR" would be so much better than "Final Fantasy VII remake - part 1"

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
I gotta be honest, with how much time this has had in the oven you would think they would have at least a rough ball park of what episodes will cover what and where the end goal is... that isn’t very promising :(


Looking forward to Remake, but seriously, how the hell do they manage to have an entire game revolve around just Midgar?

Edit: If part 1 is just Midgar.
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Like I said in the other thread, this will be "finished" by a b-team in a rushed and incomplete way.

No way Nomura will be working on this for 15+ years.

Also, watch sales drop significantly after episode one.


New impressions on the Final Fantasy VII Remake Demo from E3 2019 :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:

Final Fantasy VII Remake’s Combat Feels New But Respectful to the Original

Final Fantasy VII Remake has a battle system that fits perfectly for the game.



Gold Member
Honestly, the only big thing I saw that is sickening to me, is DLC summons. That is some serious bullshit.


They will probably fill out Midgar for a full 30 hrs or more game, but visually it will still be pretty samey I fear and get boring quick.
Oh, FFS. First game is just Midgar? Don't know how many games there will be? (i.e., may not even get the full story if the games don't do well?) Potential re- mis-characterization? DLC summons - wut??

I feel like Square is incapable of fucking this up, which is such a tragedy. FFVII is in my top ten of all time. :(


Gold Member
Too bad they didn’t do some type of timed demo for the rest of the world. I remember importing the Blu-ray of Advent Children just for the FFXIII demo years ago.


Can't wait., day one..
Im a little worried about the development cycle for the second episode...
It can ruined the experience for me if i have to wait more 3 years to conclude the whole history.


The combat looks bad like most expected :(

I dont know it's closer to the The Last Story's combat, which while still flawed is still better than getting another shitty action rpg/faux mmorpg system. It's a still a shame though because a proper remake that adresses the litany of issues with the original FFVII might have actually ended up as a good game.


Midgar is apparently the first disc of the remake. The 2nd disc will probably be the old over world.
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Elden Member
Midgar is apparently the first disc of the remake. The 2nd disc will probably be the old over world.

Where in the world did you read that. Nothing at all like that has been said. They’ve outright said this release is only Midgar.
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Darkness no more
Too bad they didn’t do some type of timed demo for the rest of the world. I remember importing the Blu-ray of Advent Children just for the FFXIII demo years ago.

I remember paying around $100 to import that too. Then it ended up being 30 minutes of running down a straight pathway and hitting X a bunch of times :messenger_grinning_smiling:
I was worried about the combat more than anything but now I'm very happy they have found what looks like a great mix of real time and turn based combat.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
You guys do get that Midgar is the kind of the whole continent, right? Hence the Midgar Zolom fight taking place outside of the city.

Lone Wolf

So is this PS4 only or is it PC as well? Is it ever coming to Xbox or Switch? I cant seem to find concrete info.


Elden Member
So is this PS4 only or is it PC as well? Is it ever coming to Xbox or Switch? I cant seem to find concrete info.

PS4 only at release. No announcements on other systems yet, but everyone expect a Xbox release within 6-8 months.

But if you want it at release, you are 100% going to have to buy a PS4
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Lone Wolf

PS4 only at release. No announcements on other systems yet, but everyone expect a Xbox release within 6-8 months.

But if you want it at release, you are 100% going to have to buy a PS4
Got it. Its looking real good so Ill probably be jumping in on PS4.
I gotta be honest, with how much time this has had in the oven you would think they would have at least a rough ball park of what episodes will cover what and where the end goal is... that isn’t very promising :(
Under promise, over deliver if possible. With all the stress on these guys to undertake arguably the biggest remake in gaming history, you wouldn't want to continually over promise and under deliver, which has maybe happened a little bit with the release date and additional gameplay video's only now surfacing. I'm still under the mindset of take the time you need to do it right vs. rushing it out due to public pressure, we as a community of gamers also are some of the most unforgivable critics around (generally speaking)

Me personally I loved what I saw and was on the edge of my seat as I watched it, the combat seemed like a hybrid of FFXV with elements of FFVII and I'm totally ok with that. Visually stunning, voice acting seemed good to me, I think everyone needs to remember that this is the first of an episodic game and the first part is where all the growing pains happen, character models, layouts, combat system, buildings, things going forward will get easier for the dev's and its likely a case of learning as you progress like anything new in life.

I'm also pretty stoked cause I managed to get a pre-order in on the 1st Class CE and to anyone who thinks $330 USD is overpriced, its still my fav game of all time and I spent so much more making my left arm a themed sleeve of FFVII and I love that too, do what makes you happy.


Of all the very good reasons not to remake FFVII, this is the one I was most worried about. They're stretching the story out to the point of being a Netflix series, which means it will be endlessly bingeable but emotionally flat with zero catharsis. They'll find themselves circling the same cul de sac that every other bloated, whored out media carcass ends up in, where everyone is just waiting for it to be over.

Who on Earth thinks Jesse of all people needs more than 10 minutes of screen time? It's just pure insane fanboyism. I want to know what the menus in the Wall Market diner look like! Jesus, get over it. The original wasn't perfect, narratively speaking, but the one thing it did exactly right--the thing every game in the series used to get exactly right back when it had a soul--is establishing stable forward momentum and basic dramatic urgency. Remember all the train analogies? The whole point is that you're caught up in something that is taking you forward, thrusting you towards something necessary and inevitable. Check out of the first four or so hours of the original: it's all under time pressure. Even when you don't literally have a time bomb clock ticking down, you have some kind of danger nipping at your heels. Flee the Shinra reinforcements, get off the train before the checkpoint, escape the Turks, get out of the slums before they collapse, rescue Aerith before Shinra does... whatever they're planning to do. The finale is a high speed chase out of a city that is too hostile to hang around in.

You're not supposed to dick around for hours and hours scoping out every minute detail of the environments. That's a Bethesda game and they all suck ass when it comes to telling a good story.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
I feel like they’re going to add a lot of cutscenes and side quests to do to stretch it to 10-15 hours otherwise 5 is a crazy ask for $60
Well, it's two on the original if you follow everything right, but if you're going to mess around, you could easily spend five hours. In the remake I can imagine this with more places, quests and trivia, so 10 to 15 is fair to assume
I like the combat change. Its a mix of action rpg for the scratch damage and then turn based for the finishing damage. Looks really fun. Reminds me a bit of FF XIII. Say what you want about linearity or story, but that game had a legit awesome battle system.
I only wanted a Gamecube-Resident Evil style remake, that keeps the gameplay and the fixed camera logic but redraws all the art and models beautifully & faithfully. That would be doable without 20 episodes, and much better in keeping with the original game's feel and legacy.



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