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GAF Running Club |OT| - Couch to Marathons, All abilities

No running for 18 days, mostly due to life, a cold and seeing my girlfriend. Back on it last night. Did 9.46 miles around where I live in 1hr 24. Hadn't entirely planned on booking it quite so much but its good to be back in the saddle.

Running a half marathon on Saturday. Not a race just running the distance. Pray for me...

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Woohoo, recorded a PB today! Did my 5k this morning in 27.30 which works out to be 5.30 per km, beating my previous best which was 5.46 per km.

Nothing amazing but I'm making progress so I'm happy. My next goal is to try to get it under the 25 minute mark.
Half - marathon in 1:36:58. The last time i ran this distance my time was 1:50.
I was worried crossfit was messing up my running. Now to stuff my face with pizza.


Half - marathon in 1:36:58. The last time i ran this distance my time was 1:50.
I was worried crossfit was messing up my running. Now to stuff my face with pizza.
Nicely done. I'm jealous. I ran 1:48 in October and can't really imagine getting any faster. But I'm an old fart by GAF standards.

I just ordered the Nike flyknit lunars after struggling with several strained tendons in minimal shoes.


Been using minimal for a year and a half so it'll be interesting going back to some cushion.
Nicely done. I'm jealous. I ran 1:48 in October and can't really imagine getting any faster. But I'm an old fart by GAF standards.

I just ordered the Nike flyknit lunars after struggling with several strained tendons in minimal shoes.


Been using minimal for a year and a half so it'll be interesting going back to some cushion.
Love minimalist shoes but i am heading back to a pair with more support. Also minimalist shoes wear out a bit too quickly.
So I started running agian! The couch to 5k podcast has been a great resource for me. I tend to underestimate my abilities in the beginning, and I end up doing to little. But have you guys ever had one of you're legs fall a sleep on you while running? Its been happening to me recently. I've always been under the impression that if you dont use your legs then they fall a sleep.
I used to do cross country in high school, where I was taught to run with the heel strike technique. I remember that after 2 years of CC, it had taken a toll on my knees. Not sure if it was the heel striking, the fact that we ran 3-4 miles on concrete a ~4 times per week, or something else.

Anyway, I'm going on 24 now, and I haven't really ran since my sophomore year of high school. I recently went to the doctor for a regular checkup, and she told me to get more exercise. I figured I'd start jogging home from work, so I started doing that a couple weeks ago. It's a little over 2 miles, mostly flat on concrete sidewalks, but the last ~25% of the way is hilly.

Oh god my knees.

After every run (I've been doing it 2-3 times a week) I could barely walk the day after. I believe it's the common IT band syndrome, and I've been trying to figure out why I get it every time. I read about how heel striking is bad for you so I started running on the balls of my feet, which I do enjoy more, but it's very taxing on my legs since I've never done it before. It still didn't stop the knee pain. So for now I've just started walking home, and jogging for about a half a mile. Even in that short distance, I can feel the tension in my knees. It's really discouraging because I'm not overweight or anything (I'm really skinny), and it's not like I'm sprinting down the pavement (I'm going at a light jog), but my knees feel so abused anyway.


Perhaps you need to ease yourself into it a bit more. Try the couch to 5k program mentioned above. That's how I initially built up my running.

And I had terrible knee trouble as well, but after switching away from heel striking nearly two years ago, it's helped a lot. But yeah, your calves will hate you for it. It's best to ease into that as well.


Getting ready for my yearly half marathon at the end of april. I am really going for it this year as this is probably one of the last times in my life i can (or want to) spend so much time on running. Increased training to six times a week for two months and just beat my 10k record with 4 min (43:39). Hoping for a time under 1:40 which would at least 8min better than last year. Will probably go into a severe depression if I get sick or injured in the next weeks, fingers crossed.
Oh god my knees.

Are your shoes fairly new? I notice that when my shoes start to break down I really feel it in my knees. Also, definitely make sure you're easing into the distance, otherwise you'd definitely set yourself up for IT band issues (among other things), and ultimately IT band issues only get better with less running + foam rolling.

In the past whenever I've bought foam rollers I just go for a cheap one, wear it out, and buy a new one. But recently I bought this one that's more structured and "tougher" and it's amazing: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0040EGNIU/?tag=neogaf0e-20

Yes, it's 4x the price of a plain foam roller, but it's appreciably better than the cheaper ones. Definitely worth the investment if you're a frequent runner.


I use the same one, Red. It's excellent, and has lasted a while now without getting noticeably less effective.
Bruised my knee when I hyper extended my leg hurdling. Having a bruised knee sounds so tame but it's one of the most painful injuries I've had. Been walking around like a 90 year old man for the past week. Gotta give it some rest to get better, never thought it would be so hard to not run
Guys I find myself running 7 miles 5/7 out of the week. I stopped being "tired" ages ago. I may tackle a marathon soon...maybe =p
Dayumn. I hope I can say the same thing one day.

My goal was to be able to finish a 10K, but not surprisingly that goal turned out to be way too ambitious for the time frame. Ran my first 5K though and feel really good about that. The race is soon and I hope I can finish a few minutes faster than today, but just finishing a real race is probably going to feel really good already.

Had a strange tingling feeling in my left foot towards the end though, felt like it was asleep.


I ran 8 miles on Friday for the first time in my life. I ran it on the treadmill which wasn't that bad. The next day my instep was killing me.

Any one else hit a milestone this weekend.


you guys have any good remedys for inflammation/ strain of the archilles? it has been one month already- and it hurts just a little when i get out of bed or from my work chair - after sitting down for a few hours. oddly enough it does not hurt at all when i walk
Did another 5k today and felt pretty bad for about an hour afterwards. It was only my second 5k ever so I'm not going to try and push farther for now. It feels really good to run for half an hour without stopping.
Signed up for the Philly Marathon today. Just hoping I can get through the next 7 months without too many injury problems. I'd like to at least get a PR there.
Signed up for the Philly Marathon today. Just hoping I can get through the next 7 months without too many injury problems. I'd like to at least get a PR there.

Best of luck. What time are you shooting for?

I'm 13 weeks into my marathon training and am very fortunate to have avoided any serious injury thus far *knocks on wood*. Had a big bruise on my foot about 4-5 weeks ago that I was worried was a stress fracture, but it turned out to just be a tweaked tendon that required a day or two of extra rest and some new shoes.

I'm very much looking forward to race day at this point. Shooting for sub-4 hours, which I was pretty hopeful for until a much more difficult than anticipated 19-miler this weekend. We'll see how the 20 goes in two weeks though.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Just ran a mile in 6:18, which is a PR of mine.

Last time I ran a timed mile was way back in seventh grade when I did it in 7:45. I'm not a big runner (over the last couple months I've run once or twice every two weeks, if that), but I felt in good enough shape to test myself. Really happy with the result all things considered.

Now I'm wondering if I can get a sub-6 minute time with lots more practice... Hmmm


im signing up for this years standard charted half this year again. unfortunately im in a worse position than last year. injured my aechilles in january and have not been training much since then. i could run 16km last year without much issues- but these days 5km is enough to make ne begging for air.
Ugh. I'm running Bay-to-Breakers and all I want is to be able to do it without walking. I'm not sure I'll be able to do it. It is 7.5 miles and I'm to 5 miles or so. But I'm running on pretty flat terrain.
Decided to do a half marathon in October.

Have a good chunk of my schedule set.

If all goes according to plan, I'll be in the best fitness shape in 8 years.
Very excited about my progress thus far.

Next year, I'll be able to realistically consider a full marathon.


Got through Couch to 5k Week 5 Day 3 yesterday (where it suddenly goes to a 20 minute run despite my longest run being 8 minutes previously).

Felt pretty good actually... key for me is to start off slow and then pick the pace up in the last half of the run. A little sore today, but not too bad.


Going to start running again today. Its been almost a year and I know this is going to suck.... I am thinking about going 2 miles but that might even be unrealistic. Wish me luck, I miss running and really want to get back into it this spring!


So who's doing their Boston taper? I've got a mess of a schedule for that weekend which involves flying back home to Toronto for a wedding on Saturday and back to Raleigh the night of the marathon, but would be down to chat with gaffers at the pre-race dinner.

Triathlon's put me in the best shape of my life (a wee little eight pack!) and I'm hoping to run 6:50s so that I can finally break 3hrs.
So who's doing their Boston taper? I've got a mess of a schedule for that weekend which involves flying back home to Toronto for a wedding on Saturday and back to Raleigh the night of the marathon, but would be down to chat with gaffers at the pre-race dinner.

Triathlon's put me in the best shape of my life (a wee little eight pack!) and I'm hoping to run 6:50s so that I can finally break 3hrs.

No Boston taper for me, but I'm about two weeks out from starting my taper for the Lincoln marathon. Boston is but a total pipe dream at this point as I just want to finish Lincoln (my 1st) in under 4.

Good luck @ Boston though, sub 3-hours is uncomprehensible to me at the moment.
So who's doing their Boston taper? I've got a mess of a schedule for that weekend which involves flying back home to Toronto for a wedding on Saturday and back to Raleigh the night of the marathon, but would be down to chat with gaffers at the pre-race dinner.

Triathlon's put me in the best shape of my life (a wee little eight pack!) and I'm hoping to run 6:50s so that I can finally break 3hrs.

Congrats on qualifying for Boston. I ran it 4 years ago and it was easily my favorite marathon. The crowds are awesome, the competition is top notch, the course is historic - it's an amazing experience. And don't stress too much about Heartbreak - it's not as bad as everyone says.


It's quite difficult to run so early in the morning! Not because it's too early, but it's too cold. My Floridan ass cannot handle anything under 50. :-(

Oof. I'm from Chicago. I haven't run in anything warmer than 35~ in the past month and a half :p 50 would be amazing.

I'm training for my first 5k! It's at the end of April :) I haven't done much running before, so I've taken these past 5 weeks to work my way up from being able to barely run a mile to being able to run 2-2.5 miles consistently! I run 3 days a week, and do other cardio stuff on days in between, except for thursdays and sundays which are my rest days.

Do y'all have any tips on how to best recover after a run (either that day or the day after)? Soreness is good but sometimes it's a bit much.


After training 4 times a week during 5 months last year, I took the last six months off following the race I was preparing for: Paris-Versailles. It's only 16 kilometers, but there's a rather steep climb from 6 to 9...
I managed 1:26'21" after my knee began to hurt quite badly in the weeks leading up to the race, so I stopped training and ran without any objective. I then took my sweet time seeing a doctor (fascia lata) and getting soles done, but long story short, I took delivery of them yesterday (180€!) and tonight's the first test run. I'll take it slow, work up to 15- and 20-kilometer races and then maybe a a marathon next Spring :) I'll try to pop up in here more often, and also find people to run with IRL!


Paris-Versailles looks awesome!
Congrats on qualifying for Boston. I ran it 4 years ago and it was easily my favorite marathon. The crowds are awesome, the competition is top notch, the course is historic - it's an amazing experience. And don't stress too much about Heartbreak - it's not as bad as everyone says.
Yeah, I live in Raleigh right now and I wasn't too worried, and then I saw the elevation profile last week and realised that I usually have 2-4 hills worse than that in my normal runs. There may be no serious climbs here, but there're rollers galore.
Best of luck. What time are you shooting for?

I'm 13 weeks into my marathon training and am very fortunate to have avoided any serious injury thus far *knocks on wood*. Had a big bruise on my foot about 4-5 weeks ago that I was worried was a stress fracture, but it turned out to just be a tweaked tendon that required a day or two of extra rest and some new shoes.

I'm very much looking forward to race day at this point. Shooting for sub-4 hours, which I was pretty hopeful for until a much more difficult than anticipated 19-miler this weekend. We'll see how the 20 goes in two weeks though.

I'll be happy with sub-3:25. BQ right now would be a bit of a stretch given all my injury problems, but I'll take it if it somehow happens.


Paris-Versailles looks awesome!

Yeah, I live in Raleigh right now and I wasn't too worried, and then I saw the elevation profile last week and realised that I usually have 2-4 hills worse than that in my normal runs. There may be no serious climbs here, but there're rollers galore.

I live in Raleigh as well. I'm just getting back into running after many years away from it. I live near the Neuse River and running in my neighborhood is a chore. I've been spending a lot of time at the Y on the treadmill trying to get my cardio and legs back in some sort of shape. Ran my first 5K (on the treadmill) without stopping the other day. This was a big deal for me considering how badly I had let myself get out of shape. My pace is still somewhat slow though.

I try to do road running once or twice a week but need to find a friendlier area to run in than around my house. I just can't seem to run much further than 1.5 miles before my lungs give out. I'd like to be able to run an actual 5K before all of the local ones dry before summer.

Do others here supplement their training on a treadmill or just do road work exclusively?


I live in Raleigh as well. I'm just getting back into running after many years away from it. I live near the Neuse River and running in my neighborhood is a chore. I've been spending a lot of time at the Y on the treadmill trying to get my cardio and legs back in some sort of shape. Ran my first 5K (on the treadmill) without stopping the other day. This was a big deal for me considering how badly I had let myself get out of shape. My pace is still somewhat slow though.

I try to do road running once or twice a week but need to find a friendlier area to run in than around my house. I just can't seem to run much further than 1.5 miles before my lungs give out. I'd like to be able to run an actual 5K before all of the local ones dry before summer.

Do others here supplement their training on a treadmill or just do road work exclusively?

Cool, man. I live DT Raleigh and work in Brier Creek, so I mainly do my running either at work or out of DT towards the art gallery and the greenways there. Also run in Umstead/Crabtree/Johnson since I really like single-track trails, but I've been 100% pavement leading up to the marathon. I don't do /any/ treadmill since I hate it. We have them at work and in my apartment, but I run outside in the pouring rain rather than use it. Just hate it.

Not sure where along the Neuse you are, but it has a greenway that runs along it. I ride my bike out towards Clayton sometimes and ride alongside it for a minute at Old Baucom Road.


rollin' in the gutter
Cool, man. I live DT Raleigh and work in Brier Creek, so I mainly do my running either at work or out of DT towards the art gallery and the greenways there. Also run in Umstead/Crabtree/Johnson since I really like single-track trails, but I've been 100% pavement leading up to the marathon. I don't do /any/ treadmill since I hate it. We have them at work and in my apartment, but I run outside in the pouring rain rather than use it. Just hate it.

Not sure where along the Neuse you are, but it has a greenway that runs along it. I ride my bike out towards Clayton sometimes and ride alongside it for a minute at Old Baucom Road.

Ha, Raleigh here too. Also live downtown about a mile east of state. I'm doing the Tar Heel 10-miler in a couple weeks. Good luck in Boston, it looks like we're close pace-wise if you ever need a running partner. I've done all my running solo so it would be nice to run with someone else from time to time.


Ha, Raleigh here too. Also live downtown about a mile east of state. I'm doing the Tar Heel 10-miler in a couple weeks. Good luck in Boston, it looks like we're close pace-wise if you ever need a running partner. I've done all my running solo so it would be nice to run with someone else from time to time.
Yeah, def. I'm doing chintzy 30 minute race pace stuff up til Boston, but I'd def be down afterwards. You on Strava?


rollin' in the gutter
Yeah, def. I'm doing chintzy 30 minute race pace stuff up til Boston, but I'd def be down afterwards. You on Strava?

Nope, not on Strava. I'm tapering also and hoping I start to feel more energized as the race approaches...


I just picked up a pair of Nike Free Run sneaks and I'm totally ready for the spring and summer for my jogging/running sessions. Wish me luck guys. I was jogging like crazy last year 4 to 5 miles every other day. Then winter came along and I didn't have the proper attire so I couldn't jog outside like I use to but now it's getting warm. So I will be back on my grind!


Shin splints with three weeks to go to the event I've trained 6 times a week all 2013. Had to be picked up and driven home from last run. Now to try to rest and let it heal without becoming impatient and risk making it worse.


Nope, not on Strava. I'm tapering also and hoping I start to feel more energized as the race approaches...
Had a hell of a swim and tempo run today, starting to feel that taper energy. Let me know if you want to grab a quick 30-40 minute run ~6p on Monday or Wednesday. Out of Morning Times maybe...? Or do the Nog run...
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