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GAF Votes: Final Fantasy series rankings (Voting ends Mar. 2)


i think 5 is a fair number. theres only 14 titles in series, which means with 10 you're either a big fan of the series or your forced to give games you dislike points.

Plenty of people like more than five entries in the series, so I'd like for them to be able to have them represented in the form of points. But yeah... ideally I'd like for everyone to at least submit five votes.


I'll just list my top 5

1. FF8 - Maybe it's the mindblowing graphics (for its time). Or maybe it's the incredibly engaging story. Or maybe it's because i'm so damn in love with the FF8 fictional modern-fantasy world. Whichever it is, there's no doubt in my mind that FF8 is special. Is it perfect? Nope, there's a complete lack of difficulty and the story went to hell (like FF12 lol) towards the end. But what i experienced in Disc 1 can be easily summed up as the best gaming experience i have ever played. It is simply magical. FF7 and FF9 are fine games but FF8 set the standard for what i enjoy in a FF title - originality, interesting theme and incredible minigames. TripleTriad is good enough to be a standalone game.

2. FF12
3. FF10
4. FF7
5. FF10-2

1. FF8; A brave follow-up to FFVII. In many hands, this could have been the most safest sequel imaginable. Instead, Square delivered great flexibility with the Junction system (and gave many players enough rope to hang themselves with) and a story that was noticeably different over what FF had delivered previously with personal drama prioritised far above saving the world hysterics. A superb world, fun characters, amazing soundtrack and a system that allows you to define your characters as you please. I could write more, but I'll stop here. The best in the traditional series.

2. FF12; The best in the non-traditional series. The wonderful gambit mechanics and a battle system that scratched my adventuring / loot itch hard, make this feel like a true cohesive role playing game, rather than a set of disparate elements cobbled together for the sake of the JRPG genre. Even the development issues which hindered the direction and story can't stop the raw design genius shining through.

3. FF7; A lot of fun, good pacing and tons of memorable moments.

4. FF10
5. FF6
6. FF11
7. FF4
8. FF9
9. FF13
10. FF2

Omg we have the exact same taste! :3



I don't know why, but I LOLed at this. You just give your Top 10 list, formatted correctly (thanks), and then end with a needlessly aggressive DEAL WITH IT.

Like a boss. (⌐■_■)
1. FF6; Always has been my favorite and still hasn't been topped. The only one I've replayed multiple times and never seem to tire of it.
2. FF12; The Final Fantasy game I spent the most time trying to perfect the first time through. I clocked in right around ninety hours and left the last five or six hunts untouched because they get to the point that I feel like I'm wasting time and not enjoying a game. But they're ancillary content and can't really be a mark against it. Loved most all aspects of this one.
3. FF9; This one is likely more due to nostalgia. I'd have to replay to see how I feel it holds up with all the complaints about slow combat. I bet I'd still dig it but probably less than other lower entries.
4. FF10-2; While I spent less time overall on this compared to FFX it was a much more entertaining product. Worse story but the structure of the adventure and battles are better.
5. FF10; Thought they did a lot of good stuff with it and one I still find reasonably enjoyable. Looking forward to the remake/HD thing.
6. FF13; Torn on this one. Totally got into the battle system but ultimately disliked most all characters and story. Completely forgettable in that regard. Still, the battle system is quick and fun and once the game opens up in the latter half it becomes quite great.
7. FF8; I know it has a lot of bad. But I like it. I don't know why. When I first played it and was much younger I liked the characters (including Squall) and was a sopping mess during some of their "romantic" scenes. Ugh. Oh, and best card game ever. Just now decided that's enough to put it above FF4. Let's copy and paste...
8. FF5; Never did beat, maybe only unlocked half the jobs, but I like the job system and really should put the time into getting further in it. Maybe the next Job Fiesta will be the push I need. I wasn't a member last time and couldn't fully join in.
9. FF4; I don't believe the game has aged well but I like the five-person battles. It moves quicker than the later games on the Playstation so it ranks above them.
10. FF7; I beat it. Thought the characters were almost all bad. Barely cared about the story because I thought it was extremely poorly written. Also hated how everyone was able to be shaped by the Materia system and be whatever class after coming away from the SNES games and having each class have some real character to it. He's a treasure hunter, damnit! Yuffie is just stupid. Y'know? I had much more fun with Advent Children. Hell, I'd rather replay Dirge of Cerberus. Still need to play Crisis Core.

Edit: Reordered mine a tiny bit.


This is gonna be really tough for me, as some of my choices alternate a lot. For example, my top two choices are 10 and 9, and I usually alternate in which I call my favorite. Twelve and 13 are also really tough. I guess right now I'm thinking:

1. FF10
2. FF9
3. FF12
4. FF13
5. FF4
6. FF10-2
7. FF13-2
8. FF7
9. FF5
10. FF3

Didn't rank 11 even though my time with it was quite nice. I haven't played enough of 2 to really give it an adequate rank. Don't like 8 and I while I never finished 6, it didn't really resonate with me. 10-2 and 13-2 are both neck and neck too, still not sure which I ultimately liked more (but I love both). All 10 are great IMO. 5 and 7 I never beat but played enough to where I feel I could rank them, and I greatly enjoyed both.


Just the ones I've played.

1. FF8
2. FF10
3. FF6
4. FF12
5. FF9
6. FF7
7. FF4

I don't include 10-2 in the list because that would mean giving it points.


1. FF5. Engaging plot, great job system. I've completed the Four Job Fiesta every year and always enjoy it.

2. FF9. I loved the characters, and while the battle system was more restrictive than most, it worked out really well. Also, Chocobo Hot&Cold is the most addictive minigame ever.

3. FF10. I've only played it once, come to think of it (I'm considering picking up the PSV rerelease), but I loved the sphere grid, the clear plot (one of the most sensible in the series, actually), and the loot system.

4. FF10-2. The plot was weak, but the battle system was incredible.

5. FF7. Classic, although on subsequent playthroughs the Materia system feels pretty subpar and the plot is among the least sensible.
1. FF5. Engaging plot, great job system. I've completed the Four Job Fiesta every year and always enjoy it.

2. FF9. I loved the characters, and while the battle system was more restrictive than most, it worked out really well. Also, Chocobo Hot&Cold is the most addictive minigame ever.

3. FF10. I've only played it once, come to think of it (I'm considering picking up the PSV rerelease), but I loved the sphere grid, the clear plot (one of the most sensible in the series, actually), and the loot system.

4. FF10-2. The plot was weak, but the battle system was incredible.
I see you and I share some similarities. Right on! Our first and second spots are switched.


1. FF12; First FF that felt huge even without a proper world map. Felt like a FF for grownups. Basch, Balthier and Ashe were great characters.
2. FF8; I can see why lots of people hate it, but when it came out for me it was great. BEST soundtrack in the series period. Triple triad.
3. FF7; FF goes mainstream. <3 Tifa and Aeris. Great soundtrack.
4. FF6; Female lead, and arguably best villain? Solid soundtrack.
5. FF10; Voices! Solid soundtrack. Auron rocks, Tidus sucks.
6. FF9; Characters didnt do it for me, story didn't either.
7. FF13; Had its moments but overall pretty forgettable.


1. FF6
2. FF4
3. FF5
4. FF10
5. FF7
6. FF9
7. FF8
8. FF1

I have not played 2, 3, 10-2, or 13-2, not finished 12 or 13, and don't count 11 or 14 as mainline due to their MMO nature.


1) FF8 - Love almost everything about this. The absolute favorite being the junctions system, and how so many parts of the game revolve around it.

2) FF7 - Liked this game a lot back when it first came out. All the subsequent compilation games only added to my fondness. Probably my favorite cast of characters in the series.

3) FF10 - Really enjoyable story told in perfect pacing. Square needs to hire back whoever handled the scenarios in this. The last great offline FF game.

4) FF11 - Hella addicting with great gameplay, once I got past the punishing beginning. I'm embarrassed to even think about how many hours I devoted to this game.

5) FF9 - The comfort food of the series. It's not my favorite FF, yet somehow, it's the one FF I kept replaying.

6) FF6 - Best villain in all of FFs.

7) FF10-2 - Fun, but insubstantial in so many ways.

8) FF13 - Enjoyable at first, but ultimately disappointing

9) FF1 - Nostalgia :)

10) FF14 - The original designers must HATE FF fans. Greatly improved since then.

Outside of top 10:
11) FF4 - The scenarios in this game drove me absolutely bonkers.
12) FF5 - <3 the job system.
13) FF12 - UGH in so many ways. The first twenty hours was so fucking amazing. But it turned to shit around the sandsea area. I tried to replay this so many times, and always quit around there. The later parts of the game was an absolute torture to play. It was worth it just to see the Ultima CS though. What a disappointment.
14) FF3 - meh
15) FF2 - POS really

Still needs to play FF13-2 :)


1. FF6; streamlined battles and imagery which evokes the Baroque
2. FF4; the reason why I got into FF as a kid
3. FF1; have your imagination play along, I ardently believe that this is the purpose of FF
4. FF3; dig the setting
5. FF5; believes this game qualifies as the most fun FF
6. FF7; good game all around
7. FF2; Mysidian Tower
8. FF9; characters are memorable
9. FF12; well, the characters seem cool
10. FF8; Fithos Lusec is pretty catchy


Unconfirmed Member
6. FFI
7. FFXIV(I liked it, forget the haters)
8. FFX
9. FFV

Honorable mentions: FF:CC and Chocobo Racing, though these are not allowed.
Top 10:

1. FF10 - Easily my favorite. Loved the strategic take on the battle system, the Sphere Grid was amazing, and the story sticks with me to this day.
2. FF9 - The best PS1 FF. Great battle system (if too slow) with personality and charm to spare in the characters.
3. FF6 - Not without its issues, but a true classic for sure. Still has some of the best music in the series.
4. FF13 - I loved it despite its issues and think it gets way more crap than it deserves. I got attached to every character, and loved the linear, narrative-focused experience (the 20-hour battle tutorial, not so much). Deal with it.
5. FF13-2 - Both better and worse than 13, but ultimately 13's longer, more focused narrative wins the day for me. Loved both however.
6. FF8 - The best soundtrack in the series, and a departure for the franchise in terms of story and scenario. When it works (not always), it really works.
7. FF4 - An essential part of JRPG history, and should be played by anyone who loves the genre. It's showing its age though, and its legacy has been diluted through so many re-releases.
8. FF10-2 - Amazing battle system, rollercoaster narrative and world structure. Some of it's great, some of it's not, but it was a successful experiment.
9. FF7 - Will always be credited for putting JRPGs on the map in the U.S., but has aged the worst of all FFs post-3 and is antiquated and overrated in its current form. Could be amazing if remade, though.
10. FF5 - Never could get into this one. Definitely gets credit for introducing the Job System, but uneven difficulty, bland characters, and a completely forgettable story ensured I never enjoyed this one much.

The ones that didn't make the cut:

11. FF1 - The original. The foundation. Completely antiquated by today's standards, but remakes have rendered it playable and helped it remain relevant.
12. FF12 - A massively multiplayer offline RPG. I don't enjoy MMOs, so I didn't enjoy this. The License Board was a horrible idea that was terribly executed. One of the series' worst main characters and a totally forgettable narrative just cements FF12's place near the bottom for me. Balthier was awesome, though.
13. FF3 - Not a terrible game, but just completely antiquated by today's standards with a meh story, and overshadowed by every other FF game except...
14. FF2 - Worst. Battle. System. Ever. Also: wildly uneven difficulty, and a whatever story. Pass.


I feel like I'm a weird one since I love all of them (except X-2, but I don't really harbor any hatred or anything toward it... someday I'll give it another try). Especially with the top 8-10 of my list there's really only a negligible difference in how I feel about them.

I love them all. I might sound a bit more negative on some of them sometimes, but it's all in relation to other Final Fantasies. Final Fantasy is one of those series that stands so far above most other things out there for me, even the worst FF is something I love.

I probably can't objectively say that FF is better than most games out there. But emotion plays a huge role in enjoyment. I grew up with this series. So that gives me a huge bias. There is pretty much nothing that Square can do to push me away from the FF series. I am the very definition of a blind fangirl and to be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm no critic. I'm just a fan. It's great to be able to just love things.

This doesn't include the spin offs like that Vincent-based shooter though.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
This doesn't include the spin offs like that Vincent-based shooter though.
That game didn't even know what it wanted to be. Devil May Cry? A third-person shooter? A combo of the two?

That game is the definition of an identity crisis. It doesn't count.
1. FF6 ;Best convergence of story, memorable characters, classic gameplay, all things FF.
2. FF5 ; Best use of class system outside of Tactics
3. FF4 ;Used the parts of the earlier games to make something truly great.
4. FF10 ;Outside of the ridiculous subquests, nearly every aspect was perfect.
5. FF8 ;Grossly unbalanced, but it just works for me. Laguna's story is especially great.
6. FF9 ;Great throwback gameplay and charming story and characters.
7. FF7 ;It's been outdone in every way, but still a solid FF.
8. FF12 ;Flawed, but spectacular. A wonderful hybrid of Bioware and Final Fantasy styles.
9. FF10-2 ;Best battle system with a ridiculous story, but works if in the right mood.
10. FF3 ; Fantastically tight battle system and good story for the time. Builds wonderfully on the elements of FF1. The limited enemies in battle just about ruin the otherwise decent DS version.


1. FF8; My first ever FF game and as such is the one that holds the most memories for me. Dat intro, the graphics, the summons, the weird (but not entirely unpleasant) feeling I got when I saw Quistis and Edea in CGI... A brilliant start into the franchise of Final Fantasy. Also, Gunblades and Triple Triad were (and still are) beyond awesome.

2. FF11; My first MMO, and it was such a great experience, I wish I could re-live it all the time. Starting out with some RL friends who eventually lost interest, I played this religiously for a good 3 years, striving to become a great Dragoon. This was also my first experience of clan-related gaming and was a part of some of the better linkshells Hades Server had to offer.

3. FF3; The first FF I ever completed. An engaging story made better on my DS so I could take it anywhere.

4. FF4; Great story and visuals (again, on DS), and contains my favourite character from Final Fantasy: Kain Highwind!

5. FF12; Picked this one up a few times and enjoyed the battle system as it was more in line with FF11. Fun to play and its DS spin-off Revenant Wings wasn't too bad, either.


1. FF8 - Love the story, characters, art, and world + that card game. I understand the hate for the draw system, but it allowed you to change the difficulty on the fly (I loved it). I think Squall is my favorite main FF character so that also puts this one on top.
2. FF7 - Tough one, would've been top FF game, but loved the story for 8 more. Just a solid title all around. Love the characters
3. FF10 - Didn't like it the first time I tried it, but glad I gave it a second chance. The ability to switch out characters on the fly made it so much more fun. Plus some good supporting characters, and love that theme.
4. FF4 - I just remember the main character as a badass.

x. Final Fantasy Crisis Core would have rounded out my top 5.
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