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GAF, what do you consider to be a food crime?

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You need to listen to the man. Lightly salted watermelon is amazing.
Naw, not if it's a good, ripe melon. I find the salt dessicates it and jacks up the texture. So not only do you rob it of its natural flavor, you make it a bit spongier. IMO, of course.

Edit: oh, you said lightly salted. That's a bit different.


  • Eating pizza or doner kebab with knife and fork.
  • Eating doner without kraut
  • Not eating the inside of a german brötchen or the edges of toast
  • Pouring massloads of sauce or salsa onto something like a steak (Unless the steak tastes like shit, then you're free of sin)


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
What you did there, I see it.

Well I wasn't trying to be clever or sly or anything, chinese food being popular among jewish folks (especially in the NY area) is less of a stereotype/generalization and more of just a mundane, readily accepted fact of life.


  • Fried egg that hasn't been cooked enough i.e. the yolk is still runny.
  • Anything but well done steak
  • Vegetables on a pizza
  • All cakes that aren't chocolate
  • Mustard on a hot dog
  • Onions that aren't diced (seriously, anything bigger than a tiny cube and the crunchy horrible texture is just impossible to enjoy)
  • Mayonnaise on anything
  • Anything lower than 'Medium' spice at Nandos
  • Cream-based curries (seriously? no spice at all? It's just a yoghurt then)
  • Yoghurts with bits in it
  • American bacon
  • Potato scones that aren't fried. Additionally, they should be fried so much that they are burnt. Non-burnt potato scones are a disgrace.

I am not sure if this is bait or not. Literally everything on this list is contentious.

Mayonnaise on ___________

American mayo is nasty. You just have not known the sweet pleasure that is the MSG laden goodness of Kewpie Mayo.

There is only one food crime and that is being a picky eater who will never leave their comfort zone. Not liking something is OK; but short of dietary restrictions, not trying is never OK.


The only thing that I'll actually get sad about when I see it is overdone steak.

A family friend of ours has to eat every bit of beef well-done. Striploin, tenderloin, prime rib, doesn't matter, has to be well done. It's horrifying.

They must have jaws of steel.


White bread-- It's like glue, not food. You may as well use some paper towels for your sandwich!

Overcooked red meat-- Dishonors the animal it came from!

Raw celery-- Maybe if I had 4 legs... But as a seasoning (or for soup/stock), thank you very much, indeed.

Pineapple on pizza-- Enter the sogginess. You would defile cheese in such a way??

Hollandaise sauce-- It is my kryptonite. I fully admit this is a substance that is amazing, but i am but an egg-Padawan, and this is some Jedi level shit. Damn, even reading the ingredients makes me think I would like it... I guess bad sauce has clouded my judgement.

People who cannot even handle pepper, let alone a Tabasco level spice. Give me at least 100,000 scovilles or give me death!

Ketchup murder-- Did you really order ketchup with a side of fries?

E92 M3

Well I wasn't trying to be clever or sly or anything, chinese food being popular among jewish folks (especially in the NY area) is less of a stereotype/generalization and more of just a mundane, readily accepted fact of life.

No it's true, except this Christmas I had sushi lol. Us Jews love Chinese and Japanese food. These days it's more Japanese, though.


Do you have any examples of these two? "Shaped rice grains" gives no significant results on google.

Hm, you're right, I can't find anything about the rice thing. I could swear I read it on a store-bought pack of rice, but I don't remember the brand.

In my experience, American fruits and vegetables are unnaturally photogenic compared to produce from other countries. The most prominent example would be American apples, which are extremely glossy and shiny and fake-looking. They're waxed with shellac and/or (FDA-approved) chemical waxes.

Unlike natural "wax," the kind of wax they add later to make the apples more visually appealing doesn't prevent decay. I find American apples have a tendency to be overripe on the inside even though they don't look it from the outside, unlike apples from pretty much any other country, which actually look real.

You can find a ton of sources for the produce thing being bad in various ways, which differ based on the type of produce; e.g. for apples, some of the chemical waxes can break down into carcinogens.


Dunking lovingly, meticulously prepared sushi into soy sauce. From sophisticated construction of flavors and textures to wet & salty bite.

American Sushi in general is kind of abominable. Everything is drowned in tempura crumbs, wasabi mayo, teriyaki, and "yum yum sauce" (which is kind of a vaguely racist entity in and of itself). I'll admit that I get it once in a while as a guilty pleasure, but there isn't anything like the real stuff.

  • Eating pizza or doner kebab with knife and fork.
  • Eating doner without kraut

Interesting, doner is usually served with kraut outside of the US? Almost never the case here. Also, our doner kebab sandwiches are usually too big to eat with your hands without it falling apart... and you can't exactly fold them like you do with NY pizza.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
White bread-- It's like glue, not food. You may as well use some paper towels for your sandwich!

I would argue that this is not uniformly true, only for the most popular brands like wonder or that other one I can't remember that starts with a B. It's pretty easy to find a decent, fairly hearty loaf of white bread.
American Sushi in general is kind of abominable. Everything is drowned in tempura crumbs, wasabi mayo, teriyaki, and "yum yum sauce" (which is kind of a vaguely racist entity in and of itself). I'll admit that I get it once in a while as a guilty pleasure, but there isn't anything like the real stuff.

Stop fighting against your mouth, embrace what you love!

E92 M3

American Sushi in general is kind of abominable. Everything is drowned in tempura crumbs, wasabi mayo, teriyaki, and "yum yum sauce" (which is kind of a vaguely racist entity in and of itself). I'll admit that I get it once in a while as a guilty pleasure, but there isn't anything like the real stuff.

Interesting, doner is usually served with kraut outside of the US? Almost never the case here. Also, our doner kebab sandwiches are usually too big to eat with your hands without it falling apart... and you can't exactly fold them like you do with NY pizza.

There are some amazing sushi restaurants with Japanese chefs. Of course the cheaper places will be mediocre.
In my head, I put people who eat well done steak with creationists/science-deniers. Uneducated and unwilling to listen.

I'm most surprised by how many people dislike ketchup on hotdogs. Ketchup, mustard, relish I thought were the classic condiments. Most cartoons with hotdogs has ketchup and mustard so I started eating that way. Without anything, it's too dry.

Unpopular opinion: people who only eat pepperoni or cheese pizza when availability and price isn't an issue. That's such a waste. You have one bite and you'd have it all.


Gold Member
Amerikan melty cheeze imitation on anything!! Seriously like eating plastic.

Overcooked seafood is the second worst crime.


I'm on Team No Well-Done Steaks, but also Team No Runny Eggs, so I guess I'm weird. Also no ketchup on anything but French fries, and no mayo on anything. Pineapple on pizza is weird but fine. Like if someone only eats pizza with pineapple that's wrong, but if every once in a while someone gets hit by the pineapple bug? Sure, go for it.


There are some amazing sushi restaurants with Japanese chefs. Of course the cheaper places will be mediocre.

Oh, absolutely. I probably should have said Americanized Sushi. You can get good traditional sushi here... well, if you live near a coast.


Any steak more cooked than medium rare.
Ketchup or pretty much any sauce on steak. A good steak can stand on it's own with the right level of salt, pepper, and tenderizing.
Solid egg yolks. They should at least be a little runny.
Anything buy black coffee. Same with a good steak, a well prepared cup of coffee doesn't need extra shit added to it to make it taste good.


British food. At least English food, can't speak for the other regions.

People judging an entire country's cuisine based on what is likely to be a handful of experiences.

There is only one food crime and that is being a picky eater who will never leave their comfort zone. Not liking something is OK; but short of dietary restrictions, not trying is never OK.

As a reasonably reformed kinda-former picky eater I would like to say it is often a psychological thing, usually linked to some mild food related experience/trauma, and mostly it can be very difficult in a great deal of social situations. Trying new food at a restaurant could be a waste of money or an insult to the cook, trying food someone else has cooked can also result in insulting the cook without meaning to or as is often the case being bullied into eating something via peer-pressure. Constantly bugging picky eaters to try things is usually well meant but incredibly insensitive, a positive relaxed approach can often get them naturally coming out of their shell. The other problem is that without having a mature palette it can be difficult to experiment at home with new food.

tldr - be kind to picky eaters and they should eventually have a better attitude


In my experience, American fruits and vegetables are unnaturally photogenic compared to produce from other countries. The most prominent example would be American apples, which are extremely glossy and shiny and fake-looking. They're waxed with shellac and/or (FDA-approved) chemical waxes.

Have you ever been to Japan? Their produce looks naturally photoshopped. American produce looks like compost compared to their works of horticultural art.

I can't think of any fruits in the USA that look particularly photogenic. Is this some sort of myth? I was just in London and the produce there looked exactly the same if not better than it does here. I also remember it looking better in Germany.


Anything buy black coffee. Same with a good steak, a well prepared cup of coffee doesn't need extra shit added to it to make it taste good.

I love black coffee but almost always have to drink it with cream to cut the acid. It's one case I can actually understand (in contrast I don't think there's any reason like GERD for people to eat steak with ketchup, which is just disgusting).


Runny eggs are highly situational - in a sandwich, they're an abomination and invitation to disaster.

On a plate with a side of bread, however, they're golden nectar.
Chili that isn't spicy.
It's not proper chili unless it causes you physical pain.

Gluten free pie crust.
I get that some people can't eat gluten, but man those pie crusts are denser than a thousand black holes.

Sweet pickles.
Can't stand them. Pickles are supposed to be sour.

Hot sauces that just taste like vinegar.
I need more flavor than that.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
People who don't put pickles on burgers, or really people who get a burger with 0-2 toppings complete waste in my eyes.

Pickles are awful and just corrupt everything they touch with pickle taste.
Serving room temperature soda with ice.
Cooked yolk in eggs.
Steak cooked beyond Medium.
People who request modification to restaurant entree (outside of food allergy)


I do this.

Most of the flavor is on top of the burger, so by biting it upside down I'm maximizing the flavor by letting the flavorful side hit my tongue first.

That's generally not how it actually works?
Try an experiment with a PBJ - take a bite with the jam on the top, then one with the peanut butter on top.
Which taste came through more strongly on each bite?
That's generally not how it actually works?
Try an experiment with a PBJ - take a bite with the jam on the top, then one with the peanut butter on top.
Which taste came through more strongly on each bite?

You just reminded me I need to add PBJ to my list on the first page.

I think it doesn't work in your scenario though because PBJ is much stronger flavor. Whereas on a burger, all the sauces etc overwhelm the patty.


Have you ever been to Japan? Their produce looks naturally photoshopped. American produce looks like compost compared to their works of horticultural art.

I haven't been, but I heard about that. I'm told it isn't manipulated in any way and just naturally looks like that, as you described. Pretty awesome!

I can't think of any fruits in the USA that look particularly photogenic. Is this some sort of myth? I was just in London and the produce there looked exactly the same if not better than it does here. I also remember it looking better in Germany.

I'm not the most well traveled person in the world, but in the countries I've been to, American produce has always stood out to me as being aesthetically manipulated. I concede that it's an anecdotal claim, but I'm certainly not buying anymore American fruits & veggies due to my experiences with them.


I love black coffee but almost always have to drink it with cream to cut the acid. It's one case I can actually understand (in contrast I don't think there's any reason like GERD for people to eat steak with ketchup, which is just disgusting).

Yeah I can see that with coffee being too acidic. I think there are some exceptions when the coffee is traditionally prepared with some sort of cream included. Vietnamese coffee or a Cuban coffee are good exceptions to that rule. Also, good luck with the GERD. I know the feeling of how much that shit sucks.


I don't understand the difference between the bread used in a "toast sandwich" versus "regular bread" and why the former would be gross un-toasted

well you are supposed to toast toast, it's just gross to me untoasted (the texture is the bigger factor here), bread isn't.


My pet peeve is more on habits, when people who scoops up all but one or two spoon full of food left for others. It's like, why even bother.

These things really piss me off

Well done steak
Ketchup on steak, Ketchup in general it's pure fucking sugar
Cutting spaghetti/noodles
Pineapple on pizza
Fried egg where the yolk is solid, runny eggs are best

Seeing these will usually make me pretty angry.

I like well done steak, and yes, friends vocally judge me for it, all the time.

Who the heck chooses to cuts noodles?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
well you are supposed to toast toast, it's just gross to me untoasted (the texture is the bigger factor here), bread isn't.


You don't toast toast, you toast bread, and then it becomes toast.

For real I have no idea what is going on right now.

"toast" is the state of bread after it has been toasted. There isn't like some specific bread that exists only to be toasted and is weird to eat before it has been toasted, at least not that I have ever heard of.
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