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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

If you're disappointed with this season and not super hopeful for the rest of the series let me hear you say YE-AH!

(This captures how I get about this episode pretty well.)


They could have made the space/time warping issue less ridiculous this episode by having a red priestess at dragon stone suddenly have a vision of Jon and crew getting their asses beat by the dead army and convincing Dany that she had to go save them. The persuit could have taken days and Dany could have left a bit ahead of time.

I understand that the show can't have too many Starks alive at one time, but I think Benjen would have had better payoff if he reunited with Jon soon after getting to the wall. They could have had very interesting dialogue together before having Benjen ultimately die. Benjen could give up his horse to both Jon and Gendry (who refused to leave Jon's side) and his sacrifice would have made more sense. It would have also made more Sense how Jon survived if Gendry brought him back to the wall.


Also, people are saying Night King was luring Dany to save the 7, which is fine, but then why did the wights cross the ice and try to kill them? Wouldn't that ruin the plan of the Night King?

Or did the Night King know the dragons would come in the nick of time, knowing Jon and co. wouldn't die.

Or do they not have control of the horde?

I honestly don't think therw was any luring. Dany coming have the Night King a perfect opportunity to possess a greater steed than an undead horse. I'm sure the Night King would've killed all 3 dragons as they were decimating the army. Remember how they say Wall is supposedly built with magic that no White walker can cross it. Nobody ever said flying over the wall, which the Night King can do and probably now will be able to destroy the wall.
Technically it could work against them. More men = more men the Night King can convert to wights if they die in combat. The key to beating the Night King may not be massive armies. Hell, since we found out in this episode, killing a White Walker insta-kills all their wights, then forget about fighting the Night King's armies, just go after the Night King himself and figure out how to take him out.

That's what the armies are for. Big ass distraction while Jon goes on a small party mission to kill the NK. The armies are expendable. Doesn't matter how many undead there are if the necromancer/Lich is dead.


This exchange between The Hound and Tormund is one of my favorites from this season.

The way she looks at you? Like she wants to carve you up and eat your liver?

You do know her!

That was great.
No Fucks Given Hound is the best.
Only way this would work was if this was Little Finger throughout this episode


Otherwise, it just wouldn't make sense for them to bicker in private. If they are just playing him, I will be impressed and sigh with relief.

LOL that gif is great.
Also, people are saying Night King was luring Dany to save the 7, which is fine, but then why did the wights cross the ice and try to kill them? Wouldn't that ruin the plan of the Night King?

Or did the Night King know the dragons would come in the nick of time, knowing Jon and co. wouldn't die.

Or do they not have control of the horde?

Cause if the dragons showed up while the wights were standing far away, they would have been easily destroyed and the white walkers would be in much more danger. In addition, the dragons were too distracted saving the crew to even pay attention to what the Night King was doing.

Night King probably wanted to kill all three. Drogon barely dodged the second spear.


Oh, great.

The OP villain becomes even more powerful.

Why did the writers feel compelled to give the Night King a fuckin' dragon, lol

At least we can take solace in the fact that Drogon will probably wipe the floor with Undead Visirion.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I am going to be honest: I legitimately forgot who Benjen was entirely and it took reading this thread to remind me.

Otherwise, I was scratching my head who the hell just popped up to save Jon and why.

So why exactly is the Dornish army just sitting at home doing nothing after their leaders were killed?

Probably went to the Gengis Khan School of Dropping Everything Once Your Leader Dies


Jon is the worst in making smart decisions. Killing random undead instead of climbing on top of the dragon was monumentally stupid.

Also, so the night king really did not know that lake was frozen enought for the army to pass? He knew jon was there and a priority target since he saw jon at hardhorne, so, i dont know, send one undead to test the lake every 30 min or so??? They really explained the time they had by 5 wights and an army of undead not being abe to tell if a lake is frozen?

And I am holding off on the LF, sansa and arya extravaganza, since they can fix it all next episode. I mean, all season long, sansa was "dont trust LF" and she cannot navigate through this incredibly obvious ploy? That is not LF being smart, thats sansa being an idiot.

Best case is arya killing LF with the dagger he gave bran, hence why bran gave it to her, and she becoming him. That fixes it in my book.


semen stains the mountaintops
Oh, great.

The OP villain becomes even more powerful.

Why did the writers feel compelled to give the Night King a fuckin' dragon, lol

At least we can take solace in the fact that Drogon will probably wipe the floor with Undead Visirion.

I think this episode showed us why.

People kept saying how fucked the Night King was once Dany attacked them with her dragons, and in a few seconds we saw them kill maybe thousands of Wights. For a bit there we realized that the Night King was fuuuuuucked until he pulled out those spears.

Now the playing field is way more on the Night King's side again.
I honestly don't think therw was any luring. Dany coming have the Night King a perfect opportunity to possess a greater steed than an undead horse. I'm sure the Night King would've killed all 3 dragons as they were decimating the army. Remember how they say Wall is supposedly built with magic that no White walker can cross it. Nobody ever said flying over the wall, which the Night King can do and probably now will be able to destroy the wall.

It feels like luring because we know TNK can see like 3ER a bit.

And we know that he had specific ice spears meant for dragons, and then chains to bring the dragon out of the water.

Cause if the dragons showed up while the wights were standing far away, they would have been easily destroyed and the white walkers would be in much more danger. In addition, the dragons were too distracted saving the crew to even pay attention to what the Night King was doing.

Night King probably wanted to kill all three. Drogon barely dodged the second spear.

Yeah but they actively try to kill the 7.

So, if they were successful, then Dany would notice and fly away. They needed to be in a stale mate to allow Dany to make the rescue and serve the distraction.


The big reveal was spoiled by some dumb cunt I used to work with sending me a picture of the final shot after they streamed it from America. Fucking hell, a twist like that and it was spoiled for me. There goes my one shot at that.

Luckily it didn't take away from the episode. Enjoyed it a lot, especially the walk and all those talks. Good stuff there. I always enjoy a scene where The Hound is himself. Some classic stuff from him there.

First thing that came to mind when the Night King did his thing was "OP as fuck".


For everyone who hated the Arya and Sansa scenes(I was one of them) it can be redeemed in the finale if it turns out both or one of them is playing Littlefinger. If not, then yeah, that really hurts the plot overall.
It's gotta be going that way (playing Littlefinger) because or else the sisters have just totally regressed back into when they were little bickering children. They would have not developed or matured at all during all this time and literally EVERYONE watching would be pissed.
Most of their ridiculous conversations have been had in private, though. Why would they be pretending behind closed doors?

If it is revealed that they're playing Littlefinger, it wouldn't really excuse the shitty way they presented it up until now.

Atomic Odin

So I was left with a few questions there

1) Was that just a regular throw or does the night king has some magical physical prowess (if that makes sense) where he can throw for such absurd lengths with such power & precision.

2) I know their weapons are supposed to be magical but taking a dragon down with one hit?

3) So the wights can swim now? How did they managed to get those chains wrap around the dragon?

4) Can the night king just fly across the wall super quick now? Will the wall magic still work against him?

Usual teleportation complaints aside that was a solid episode. Drogon burning wight fools, Hound at his best (Dumb Cunt), the interactions between the A-team. Dragon dying mad me very sad though.

Also one more point, this episode confirms that any kind of fire has no effect whatsoever on the proper White Walkers, either regular or dragonfire. I'm getting the feeling Night King can only be killed if someone pulls out that shard of dragonglass the COTF had put in him.
Really enjoyed the episode but I wish they came up with a better reason to go north. So so dumb.

Also, Dany probably could've went nuclear and taken out the NK herself with three fucking dragons.
Most of their ridiculous conversations have been had in private, though. Why would they be pretending behind closed doors?

If it is revealed that they're playing Littlefinger, it wouldn't really excuse the shitty way they presented it up until now.

I just assume Littlefinger is everywhere and hears everything. Or at least maybe the sisters feel that way and are being extra cautious.
Also one more point, this episode confirms that any kind of fire has no effect whatsoever on the proper White Walkers, either regular or dragonfire. I'm getting the feeling Night King can only be killed if someone pulls out that shard of dragonglass the COTF had put in him.
At what point did the episode prove the White Walkers were immune to fire?

They just did the same thing they did last time when they attacked Bran at the tree where they made the fire go away with their cold proximity thing. But direct dragon fire?
Arya knows exactly what's going on, I claim. She is there testing Sansa loyalties. But she knows littlefinger's game and he isn't surviving next episode. The way the dragon was speared and it sinking thereafter was both magnificent and tragic. And Dany and Jon's chemistry at bedside scene was great.

Solid episode. Ready for the finale.


Most of their ridiculous conversations have been had in private, though. Why would they be pretending behind closed doors?

If it is revealed that they're playing Littlefinger, it wouldn't really excuse the shitty way they presented it up until now.

Not saying they've caught him doing it but Littlefinger is known to ease drop or at least hear more or less everything so it is still a possibility that they don't consider their conversations private.
The way the dragon's wound flared gave me the impression that it hit some sort of internal organ or gland that's responsible for the fire-breathing (and/or flight), but that's just the way my brain works.

It's entirely possible that dragons are just super hot inside and piercing one with something super cold causes an explosive reaction.


semen stains the mountaintops
Jon is kinda fucked if he goes against Night King 1v1. Dude is strong as fuuuuck, I honestly didn't think he was physically so powerful. That totally caught me off guard.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Jon is kinda fucked if he goes against Night King 1v1. Dude is strong as fuuuuck, I honestly didn't think he was physically so powerful. That totally caught me off guard.

Buddy has a contingency plan for everything life throws at him, and yet his creators didn't seem like they had one too. Also, is there like a frozen Detroit up there in the deep North, because where the fuck did they get those chains? The WIldings didn't seem like the type to have smelters capable to make things like that.
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