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Gamespot's procedurally generated No Man's Sky daily previews/reveals! 7/7 to 7/10


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Well, then. That settles that question.

It also makes it more clear about the procedural generation. They said everyone starts out in a new, undiscovered system of their own on the farthest edge of the universe and the basic goal is to get to the center of the galaxy where, apparently, an Antagonist of some sort is waiting to be "dealt with" in some way.

The procedural generation most likely occurs at the EDGES of this universe and just builds outward as new people create accounts to join the game. When a new player joins the game for the first time, it sounds like the server creates an attachment solar-system for them to start out in. They then can explore their own new system, or neighboring systems and then eventually work their way into the center of the known universe.

So, the interior of the universe is most likely pre-generated ahead of time and everything new get's tacked on to the current outer-edges of the universe.

At least, that's what it sounds like to me??

The game has an algorithm for generating planets and the like, the algorithm is the same for everyone so the results are always the same. They aren't hand crafting anything, but it's not randomized in the sense that something like Diablo was.


Interesting. But to be honest I would love a co-op or team mode because doing stuff alone is great but I would love to be together with others and discover together.


I am so going to listen to this while approaching a cold, dark moon that orbits around a huge ass gass giant.

Also, it has just occured to me. Let's say there are 1m players on a single server playing this game (a number highly unlikely to happen soon) they're spread across an entire galaxy that consists of hundreds of millions of stars.

What are the odds of running into each other? Like 1 to what 400.000?


Assuming the galaxy is similar to our own, there should be somewhere between 100 and 400 billion stars. That number is unfathomably large and if they really spread everyone out evenly around the edge, I don't think you'll ever see another player.

That is unless they add ways for people to find each other, which I bet they'll do. You could easily imagine individual stars being highlighted in your galaxy map when another player sends a distress call or something like that.
Well, then. That settles that question.

It also makes it more clear about the procedural generation. They said everyone starts out in a new, undiscovered system of their own on the farthest edge of the universe and the basic goal is to get to the center of the galaxy where, apparently, an Antagonist of some sort is waiting to be "dealt with" in some way.

The procedural generation most likely occurs at the EDGES of this universe and just builds outward as new people create accounts to join the game. When a new player joins the game for the first time, it sounds like the server creates an attachment solar-system for them to start out in. They then can explore their own new system, or neighboring systems and then eventually work their way into the center of the known universe.

So, the interior of the universe is most likely pre-generated ahead of time and everything new get's tacked on to the current outer-edges of the universe.

At least, that's what it sounds like to me??

Maybe it's easier to think of it this way - the entire game universe is already completely generated at the very start. It has a predetermined set of numbers that are the seed of the procedural generation, so the only thing a player really does is he "activates" that part of the galaxy (i.e. a planet) to read into the seed number and temporarily "physically create" this planet for you, so you could see it, land on it and interact with it. When I say "physically create", I mean the game will generate and load a series of 3D meshes, textures, load existing ones etc. that correspond to this particular predetermined variation of a planet and store it in memory. Once you leave the solar system/planet, they are probably unloaded from memory and the cycle begins again on another planet.

Another thing about finding people randomly etc. which people have mentioned before - you will have a galactic map, showing all of the planets players chose to reveal as discovered. This means that the most likely scenario of running into someone will be a planned encounter, as in a player deciding to go towards a discovered planet on the map or two players figuring out they're the closest to one another and then deciding to meet half way. Random encounters will probably be highly unlikely or maybe even nigh impossible, at least until people massively start nearing the center of the galaxy.

I'd rather they just say this is a single player game and be done with the confusion, then reveal more detail about multiplayer interaction later on.
The thing is, if the galaxy really is to scale, the chances of somebody randomly finding a planet you've discovered are extremely slim, and the chances of them landing on the exact spot where you left a sign are basically nonexistent.
What would be cool is if you could leave a beacon near interesting places, that other players could detect if they happen to be in range.
In the Verge preview, "Beacons & points of interest on planets" were listed as "in progress" on a whiteboard in the studio.

Well, then. That settles that question.

It also makes it more clear about the procedural generation. They said everyone starts out in a new, undiscovered system of their own on the farthest edge of the universe and the basic goal is to get to the center of the galaxy where, apparently, an Antagonist of some sort is waiting to be "dealt with" in some way.

The procedural generation most likely occurs at the EDGES of this universe and just builds outward as new people create accounts to join the game. When a new player joins the game for the first time, it sounds like the server creates an attachment solar-system for them to start out in. They then can explore their own new system, or neighboring systems and then eventually work their way into the center of the known universe.

So, the interior of the universe is most likely pre-generated ahead of time and everything new get's tacked on to the current outer-edges of the universe.

At least, that's what it sounds like to me??
Well, it's all generated procedurally, but if what Unicorn said is accurate, it sounds like the vast majority of the universe will be pre-generated. Player planets may be generated on the fly, or they may not. Until a few minutes ago, I'd assumed the entire thing would be. lol


So what is Sony's level of involvement with this game, if any? I can't believe a big company like them wouldn't have swept in after the flood the developer experienced and help them get back on their feet in exchange for exclusivity.
AH, I get it now.

The universe will already be completely created when we first enter it - it'll just be covered by a "fog of war" that lifts as we explore it.

The "procedurally generated" part refers to basically "loading" or "pre-loading" sections of the universe that you are in or adjacent to and they are continually loaded and unloaded as you pass through them, so as not to completely fill up your RAM with data for the whole entire universe at one time.

Random Question - is this universe FLAT or 3D? Will the planets/stars/whatever be on a single plane, or all over a XYZ axis? I know WE Can move XYZ, but will the planets be XYZ too? It'll be interesting to see a map of the universe if it's all over a XYZ axis.


Well, then. That settles that question.

It also makes it more clear about the procedural generation. They said everyone starts out in a new, undiscovered system of their own on the farthest edge of the universe and the basic goal is to get to the center of the galaxy where, apparently, an Antagonist of some sort is waiting to be "dealt with" in some way.

The procedural generation most likely occurs at the EDGES of this universe and just builds outward as new people create accounts to join the game. When a new player joins the game for the first time, it sounds like the server creates an attachment solar-system for them to start out in. They then can explore their own new system, or neighboring systems and then eventually work their way into the center of the known universe.

So, the interior of the universe is most likely pre-generated ahead of time and everything new get's tacked on to the current outer-edges of the universe.

At least, that's what it sounds like to me??

That sounds pretty reasonable.

That also means that players who start the game way later on after it was introduced have a lot more to go to get to the center of the universe. if you want a good chance of it you better get the game sooner than later.


you can't put a price on sparks
It's interesting that everything is also constant, so you CAN see what other people have seen just that hey are so far away it is unlikely
AH, I get it now.

The universe will already be completely created when we first enter it - it'll just be covered by a "fog of war" that lifts as we explore it.

The "procedurally generated" part refers to basically "loading" or "pre-loading" sections of the universe that you are in or adjacent to and they are continually loaded and unloaded as you pass through them, so as not to completely fill up your RAM with data for the whole entire universe at one time.

Random Question - is this universe FLAT or 3D? Will the planets/stars/whatever be on a single plane, or all over a XYZ axis? I know WE Can move XYZ, but will the planets be XYZ too? It'll be interesting to see a map of the universe if it's all over a XYZ axis.

I know they keep throwing "universe" and "galaxy" but I'm guessing we're only dealing with one galaxy, at least at first. I assume it'll be just like a normal galaxy would be in 3D space, so there are a lot of solar systems above and below you, but it's still a disc shape so the vertical stretch of the galaxy is significantly shorter than it's diameter. I guess Elite: Dangerous' galaxy map is as good an example as any as to what we can expect for NMS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAtj24xpO2I

Btw, regarding the procedural generation, just to be clear, even if the galaxy is "already generated" (perhaps I worded it poorly), its generated contents are not stored on the disc or HDD. That would probably require terabytes of data, who knows.

There is an actual generation of a planet and its contents when you visit it, it's just that its generation has already been predetermined by the developers beforehand, or more accurately by the algorithms the developers created. The game reads the seed number which then influences and generates this planet, always in the same way, for every player, every time. Of course, this will get slightly more complicated when you actually deplete the planet of resources, so this planet will now carry an additional info or number, storing the change you've made.
So what is Sony's level of involvement with this game, if any? I can't believe a big company like them wouldn't have swept in after the flood the developer experienced and help them get back on their feet in exchange for exclusivity.

Why not? Seems perfectly reasonable to me from Sony's perspective.

NMS was a pretty high profile game when it was first unveiled that got a lot of positive buzz.
By helping the devs out after the flood they have insured that PS4 will be getting at least console exclusivity (for a time, I think the devs said an XB1 version may come eventually), and by having the game at their press conference they are associating their console with this game and managed to get even MORE positive buzz for it.

From Sony's perspective, it was probably a cheap investment to help out the developers of this game. Worst case scenario is that the game will bomb and they won't be out too much money, but more likely the game will be popular and sell quite well on the PS4. Best case scenario (and one that Sony would love to have happen) is that this game gets the same kind of mainstream appeal as Minecraft and they may end up with a huge hit on their hands. Sure it's not EXCLUSIVE exclusive to PS4, but neither was Minecraft and that became one of, if not THE, biggest selling game on the 360.


What I want to know is: when you see a planet, it says "Discovered by: fuzzyset", which is neat. BUT, do the actions I take on the planet get "sync'd" between everyone? Like, can I leave signs saying "fuzzyset was here" for the whole world to see? I really hope that's the case. Can you imagine coming across a planet that's just been decimated by someone? It would be so creepy I think.

I can't wait for this game. I also can't wait for the knock-offs. More games like this please.

Its going to be a problem if you get the game later than everyone and you start to discover destroyed planets everywhere though...

I expect a lot of people just dick around and ruin all the planets they see.
Sounds like you just want to see a let's play. What they've provided is a collage of details and features. Each clip is filled with information, especially the E3 video. It compressed all of the core elements of the exploration experience into a tight drive by.

Each shot showed environmental detail - from fauna to resources, space stuff - ship take off and combat to fleets and trade ships to wingman AI to flow of combat taking course from space to on a planet. It showed brief shots of the multitool in action, as well as snippets of details on screens, such as the multitool screen and ship screens.

Another reason we get these snippets is because the game isn't final, so pacing and balance aren't accounted for. To want to see this finished product and in the "to-scale" pace and presentation is unrealistic and disingenuous to what they want the player to experience day one.

I know what they've shown and I know of the details they've been talking about. I would like to see a gameplay video showing off the stuff more (and the many other things they've talked about, most of which have not been shown in detail at all.) A "let's play," whatever the heck you want to call it. I just want to see more fleshed out footage, and i'm sure that's why other people are hungry for more footage too.

I'm not demanding for any footage, nor am I expecting much. I'm just saying what I'd like to see. Honestly there is a reason people are still hungry for more gameplay. Don't try to dismiss it as people being "entitled" or whatever. (Not saying that's what you were doing, but still)


Gold Member
God this game is going to be HUGE.

both in scale as in sales. Also, that dev in the interview is awesome [Sean Murray].


Batteries the CRISIS!
They're using 64-bit calculations for this game, right? They would have to with such a large area, I'd think.


Do we know anything about how interstellar travel is going to look like? I mean, flying from one planet to another is a given, but will players warp or something. Like, you select a star in the sky, and you set warp, or wil there be some sort of galaxy map?

IMO it would be the best way to let players choose a star from the sky, and then let them have some sort of distance info. After that, players should have to gather the resources required to complete the travel.

Buggy Loop

They're using 64-bit calculations for this game, right? They would have to with such a large area, I'd think.

With procedural algorithms you dont really rely on model precision, far as i know. So this is not a case of star citizen going 64bit.

But most likely they do just to get as many variables as they could, it´d let them set the everything from what substance you find on the planet/moon, its position, its physics(orbit/rotation period and gravity) its atmosphere, animals, even name, etc. Much like Elite.


So fucking weird.

A few weeks ago it was just another space sim game/procedurally generated game like you see come out every few months on PC lately. I was just waiting on the Kickstarter and for people to admit "yeah, that first video was really really ambitious but no way is the game going to be like that".

Then suddenly a week later it's at E3 and a PS4 exclusive and dudes are up on the stage, not huddling with the other procedurally generated space games in Indie Alley.
This bit ....

They have created "drones" that they release in the game world to explore the different planets and make gifs so they can see what different kinds of planets the game system has generated.

Mind Blown!!!

All this info sounds just too good to be true. If they truly deliver on the vision, this will be one of the game of the generations. And to play this with Morpheus/OcR ... mmmm mmm mmmm

I hope we get real gameplay demos soon.


So fucking weird.

A few weeks ago it was just another space sim game/procedurally generated game like you see come out every few months on PC lately. I was just waiting on the Kickstarter and for people to admit "yeah, that first video was really really ambitious but no way is the game going to be like that".

Then suddenly a week later it's at E3 and a PS4 exclusive and dudes are up on the stage, not huddling with the other procedurally generated space games in Indie Alley.

I agree, it does look great but I would wish that they went back into hiding until it's ready.
The hype could deflate this game if they're not careful but I hope it's worth it and I don't think Sony will buy full exclusive rights because it's hardly a franchise that can spin off into other game types. I think the exclusive window will be all Sony needs.


Do we know anything about how interstellar travel is going to look like? I mean, flying from one planet to another is a given, but will players warp or something. Like, you select a star in the sky, and you set warp, or wil there be some sort of galaxy map?

IMO it would be the best way to let players choose a star from the sky, and then let them have some sort of distance info. After that, players should have to gather the resources required to complete the travel.
I imagine it would be a bit like Starbound where you need a certain resource, resources, and amount of resources to make that kind of travel.
I imagine it would be a bit like Starbound where you need a certain resource, resources, and amount of resources to make that kind of travel.

Yeah they said you won't be able to go interstellar at first. No clue what it will look like, apart from the ships zooming off in the trailer.
Do we know anything about how interstellar travel is going to look like? I mean, flying from one planet to another is a given, but will players warp or something. Like, you select a star in the sky, and you set warp, or wil there be some sort of galaxy map?

IMO it would be the best way to let players choose a star from the sky, and then let them have some sort of distance info. After that, players should have to gather the resources required to complete the travel.

Check out my short transcript of a photo from The Verge's visit to Hello Games. Pretty much confirms a galactic map. I suppose you could just select a star in the sky (like in Space Engine) but that's pretty imprecise as the star you're looking at might be a lot further than what your current engine or fuel permits.

They've mentioned you will upgrade your ship, your engine etc. so I'm assuming interstellar travel will depend on the strength of your engine and the amount of fuel you have. The traversal itself will probably be via hyperjumps, you select a star in range in the galactic map, hit the hyperjump button and you warp there almost instantly. They kind of hint on it at the end of one of the trailers, when the ship leaves orbit and then the vision/FOV kind of warps. It's a standard thing in most open world space sims where you don't have warp gates (like the X series) or space lanes (like Freelancer).


Elite: Dangerous has a pretty sleek looking hyperjump and it's more of a placeholder effect for now.
Do we know anything about how interstellar travel is going to look like? I mean, flying from one planet to another is a given, but will players warp or something. Like, you select a star in the sky, and you set warp, or wil there be some sort of galaxy map?

IMO it would be the best way to let players choose a star from the sky, and then let them have some sort of distance info. After that, players should have to gather the resources required to complete the travel.

In some of the gameplay videos, you can see ships "warping in" from outside of your viewable screen area. Sorta Star-Trek style.

I would assume, unless it's just for scripted events, that you could buy a ship with some sort of light-speed/warp-speed for faster travel.

Who knows!


I feel like these dudes reached into my brain and pulled out No Man's Sky. I've always wanted a game like this. The only thing that is missing is terraforming. I want to turn a wasteland into a tropical paradise as well as turn a paradise into a wasteland. Suck up plants and animals and place them on another planet. Watch what happens.

Would also be neat if there was an adverse effect on a planet's ecology as you take its resources. Like to charge up your jump drive you have to take a large amount of water from the planet, and if you take too much then the planet turns into a desert. They say they want to keep working on this game, so hopefully something like this could be added in the future.

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
I can't even imagine how the back end of this will look once its done. this game seems so crazy and out there that I still can't believe its being coming to PC let alone consoles. I can't watch the third video atm. but is there any word on warp drives and such? also on the topic of meeting other people. couldn't you just warp to the other player?


The thing is, if the galaxy really is to scale, the chances of somebody randomly finding a planet you've discovered are extremely slim, and the chances of them landing on the exact spot where you left a sign are basically nonexistent.
What would be cool is if you could leave a beacon near interesting places, that other players could detect if they happen to be in range.

Its going to be a problem if you get the game later than everyone and you start to discover destroyed planets everywhere though...

I expect a lot of people just dick around and ruin all the planets they see.

Haha, 2 completely different opinions.
Something about this series makes it seem like a retrospective documentary about this game that changed the world. Like in 10 years, everyone will be living large parts of their lives in No Man's Sky with their VR equipment Sword Art style and it will be as ubiquitous as watching TV and will lower crime across the world to an all time low. That's a compliment btw. It's great.
I agree, it does look great but I would wish that they went back into hiding until it's ready.
The hype could deflate this game if they're not careful but I hope it's worth it and I don't think Sony will buy full exclusive rights because it's hardly a franchise that can spin off into other game types. I think the exclusive window will be all Sony needs.
They couldn't go into hiding even if they wanted to.

You think they approached Gamespot to get this feature going? Or approached Sony to get up on stage at E3? lol

It was nice seeing a couple glimpses of their tech in the latest video, hopefully the last video is really epic.


This is definitely sounding better and better. I'm glad they seem to realize that a lot of people felt like they didn't have enough information about what this really is going to be.

They still didn't really detail a ton about the gameplay, but the bits they described do help me get a decent idea.


Check out my short transcript of a photo from The Verge's visit to Hello Games. Pretty much confirms a galactic map. I suppose you could just select a star in the sky (like in Space Engine) but that's pretty imprecise as the star you're looking at might be a lot further than what your current engine or fuel permits.

They've mentioned you will upgrade your ship, your engine etc. so I'm assuming interstellar travel will depend on the strength of your engine and the amount of fuel you have. The traversal itself will probably be via hyperjumps, you select a star in range in the galactic map, hit the hyperjump button and you warp there almost instantly. They kind of hint on it at the end of one of the trailers, when the ship leaves orbit and then the vision/FOV kind of warps. It's a standard thing in most open world space sims where you don't have warp gates (like the X series) or space lanes (like Freelancer).


Elite: Dangerous has a pretty sleek looking hyperjump and it's more of a placeholder effect for now.

That jump in that webm looks phenomenal. Hello Games should try to do something similar. It's really immersive.
The thought of exploration thrills me. For years, as long as the severs are still up, there will always be uncharted areas to explore. This sounds heavenly.

I wonder if all 3 systems will share the same universe code wise. That sounds cool but I not sure how feasible it would be.


People are cleverer then what games designers think
Fucking Bravo.

That line alone, coming from a Developer's mouth, makes me want to just throw my skepticism out the window and go in day one on this game. Although then I'm still reminded how regardless I still ended up really not liking Minecraft, so the skepticism remains, but still going to be following this game very closely.

These guys also just feel like really genuine, cool guys who you almost feel compelled to support (Like the CDProjektRED guys). I really hope this game does turn out fantastic.


Gold Member
Well, it's all generated procedurally, but if what Unicorn said is accurate, it sounds like the vast majority of the universe will be pre-generated. Player planets may be generated on the fly, or they may not. Until a few minutes ago, I'd assumed the entire thing would be. lol

It's not exactly "pre-generated", but rather "pre-determined". There's an algorithm(s) which, based on an initial seed (a number, or whatever, that decides how the generation should start, after which it will always proceed the same way), generates all the content in a procedural manner (which is not the same as "random") as you get to it. All players have the same seed, so everything will be generated the same way for everyone. I don't know exactly how their procedural algorithms work, obviously, but the point is that you get potentially endless variations of planets (as well as flora and fauna, etc), and those variations will be the same for everyone.
DO'D knocked it out w/ these videos. Good stuff.

Game itself looks ridiculous and can't wait until they can actually start pushing out some more information. It's a tease, but, it doesn't feel like a façade, I actually buy into that these guys are pulling it off. It surely won't be perfect, but, it's the kind of development and dreaming that I'm ready to buy in at 100% on Day 1.


Fafracer forever
Icyflamez96 said:
What's up with spore and why are so many comparisons of this nature being made?
They are advertising procedural ecology(although the tools-video suggests otherwise) - which is exactly what Spore tried to do.
It's not exactly "pre-generated", but rather "pre-determined". There's an algorithm(s) which, based on an initial seed (a number, or whatever, that decides how the generation should start, after which it will always proceed the same way), generates all the content in a procedural manner (which is not the same as "random") as you get to it. All players have the same seed, so everything will be generated the same way for everyone. I don't know exactly how their procedural algorithms work, obviously, but the point is that you get potentially endless variations of planets (as well as flora and fauna, etc), and those variations will be the same for everyone.
Yeah, I guess "pre-seeded" would've been a better way to describe it. I thought the seeding would take place at runtime, and then the seeds recorded on the central server, for reference by latecomers. I guess I mostly thought that because of the, "We don't even know what the players will see," comments from the devs.
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