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Gary Oldman: "it’s not like I’m a fascist or a racist"

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No, I'm referring specifically to you last line, I can't be at ease with mob rule and humanity's propension to demonize the unsavoury demography du jour..

Gary Oldman wasn't spouting racist/homophobic slurs in this particular interview (although, I wouldn't be surprised at how he must express himself in his private life), but he WAS excusing them. And you seem to be of the impression that people woke up one day, out of the blue, and decided en masse "hey, let's annoy the shit out of people who use racist/homophobic language flippantly. That's cool right?" As though this shit "didn't matter" before and people are only just now deciding to make a big deal of it.

I may be wrong of course but Gary Oldman didn't strike me as someone who is excusing racist/homophobic words. His intention seemed to be aimed at those who use anti-racism and anti-homophobia, but don't adhere to it, to make themselves look better than they are.

One of my biggest fear, with 'PC' (even if you don't like the term), is that by making some kind of opinions disappear, they will stay invisible till it's too late to see how much they have progressed in the voting booth. Better an evil you see that one you don't.

Actually, the people who have been calling out the use of this language as wrong have always been around. As I said before this shit has never been ok. So framing this modern-day "no bullshit" movement as some "fad of the day" is disrespectful of the all the work minorities have done to get to this point, and claim the type of respect that would allow us to finally say, "You know what? Saying shit like that ain't cool, and I don't have to tolerate your bullshit excuses for why you think it's ok to use these words," on a larger scale.

These ideas didn't just pop up because you're only now paying attention to what's going on.

Yes, of course there has always been people who, feeling empowered by social concensus, think it's alright to demonize some categories of the population - and, on the other side, people who were against that. I didn't say anything else, I believe. As I tried to say in another topic, there is nothing I find more scary than well-intentionned people who believe they are on the side of righteousness and justice.


PC seems to mean "Liberals stopping me from saying nigger, jew, or fag" nowadays. Why would you want to champion that?


What about Chris Brown? His career is doing great.

Huge difference between singers + actors. One is part of a whole, the other is (wrong or right) considered "their own thing". All the record company has to do is put Chris Brown out there, if people want to listen they can pay. That's not the same as building a whole role that could go to anybody and putting Mel Gibson in it. If Mel wrote a book, he'd probably make some money. Actors are their own brand in a way, but it's built up by what is given to them by others. I don't think "the public" cares that much.
Gibson got shitcanned because he verbally abused his girlfriend, and she had the good sense of recording his crazy ass abusing and threatening her.

He also broke her jaw. Mel deserves all the ire he gets as far as I'm concerned. Shit gets blown out of proportion with celebrities all the time but I'm reasonably certain that isn't one of them. Alec I'm not so sure about.

I don't particularly have anything bad to say about the point Mr. Oldman is making here. The wording should be better though.


One of my biggest fear, with 'PC' (even if you don't like the term), is that by making some kind of opinions disappear, they will stay invisible till it's too late to see how much they have progressed in the voting booth. Better an evil you see that one you don't.

I think this is a misplaced concern. We do see this. It's not the case that we're going to have an election where suddenly a bunch of huge racists appear out of nowhere and take over the government. There's no hidden conspiracy to wait until there's some critical mass of racists. Racists are voting now, and we can see the effects of their votes. Look at the EU, where anti-EU parties which are often pretty racist have gained ground recently. They didn't hide anything. Or look at other kinds of bigotry - it's easy to track voters' attitudes towards gay marriage if you just pay attention to the votes. Bigotry doesn't sneak up on us.

It's definitely true that people vote in ways that seem strange given what they tell pollsters, say, but it's not clear to me what the value is in making sure people feel free to express their bigotry to pollsters. Surely the main effect of not stigmatizing certain beliefs is that we less effectively communicate that these beliefs are wrong and harmful. Stigmatization is the main process by which society as a whole comes to have better beliefs, past a point. It's not just the case that racists are much quieter now than they used to be; Americans are much less racist now than they used to be on all sorts of important political issues just because (a) older people have been shamed out of their beliefs and (b) young people are to some extent inoculated against, say, anti-miscegenation messages just because we've stigmatized them.


Double Academy Award winner Sean Penn used to beat Madonna.

The story behind this is absolutely crazy. He had her tied to a chair and smacked her up for an extended period of time - I think he even left for a walk and returned to continue the abuse. Only reason she escaped is because, at some point, he left her use the bathroom.
I think this is a misplaced concern. We do see this. It's not the case that we're going to have an election where suddenly a bunch of huge racists appear out of nowhere and take over the government. There's no hidden conspiracy to wait until there's some critical mass of racists. Racists are voting now, and we can see the effects of their votes. Look at the EU, where anti-EU parties which are often pretty racist have gained ground recently. They didn't hide anything. Or look at other kinds of bigotry - it's easy to track voters' attitudes towards gay marriage if you just pay attention to the votes. Bigotry doesn't sneak up on us.

It's definitely true that people vote in ways that seem strange given what they tell pollsters, say, but it's not clear to me what the value is in making sure people feel free to express their bigotry to pollsters. Surely the main effect of not stigmatizing certain beliefs is that we less effectively communicate that these beliefs are wrong and harmful. Stigmatization is the main process by which society as a whole comes to have better beliefs, past a point. It's not just the case that racists are much quieter now than they used to be;

I do live in the EU, and this is the reason why I have some strong beliefs on this subject. By simply ignoring and be contemptuous with these ideas, I'm convinced that both the medias and the mainstream political parties have helped to legitimate them proportionnaly by how much credit these mainstream parties have lost over the years, and I strongly believe that an open public debate on this subject, idea versus idea, may be more sane than simply hiding it and hoping it will go away while we don't look.

Americans are much less racist now than they used to be on all sorts of important political issues just because (a) older people have been shamed out of their beliefs and (b) young people are to some extent inoculated against, say, anti-miscegenation messages just because we've stigmatized them.

You believe more in coercion than in appealing to the rationnality of your fellow human, do you ?


Have you said, "Fucking Jews... the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. Are you a Jew?" Because that's what Mel actually said. I think people seem to forget why Mel wound up so heavily castigated. He didn't call a papparazo a name, or get pushed into shouting a racial slur. He, while drunk driving, engaged in classic, vitriolic anti-semitism.

So, to Gary and those who think what he's saying is within the pale of civilized communication, something that the "PC crowd" should leave alone, I simply have to disagree.

He said it and many people -- rightly, I think -- decided they weren't going to work with him in the future. I think that's perfectly okay. I wouldn't want to work with that person, regardless of what might be many other fine qualities.
Yes, I don't understand why anyone feels the need to stand up for him. This wasn't just some one-off comment. He has a history of this stuff.
PC seems to mean "Liberals stopping me from saying nigger, jew, or fag" nowadays. Why would you want to champion that?
Seriously. PC to me just means treating people with an ounce of fucking respect. Why the hell is this such a big fucking problem? Sorry you can't call me a nigger dyke without maybe getting a little flack for it. Boo-fucking-hoo.


I do live in the EU, and this is the reason why I have some strong beliefs on this subject. By simply ignoring and be contemptuous with these ideas, I'm convinced that both the medias and the mainstream political parties have helped to legitimate them proportionnaly by how much credit these mainstream parties have lost over the years, and I strongly believe that an open public debate on this subject, idea versus idea, may be more sane than simply hiding it and hoping it will go away while we don't look.
Well, we're not talking about "hiding" or "ignoring" racism, or not looking at it. We're talking about loudly arguing against it any time it pops up. I don't think what you're saying makes sense as a criticism of people using this opportunity to make clear that racism is wrong. Honestly, I would have characterized your position as being opposed to open public debate, and in favor of ignoring some racism - you seem to favor being really careful not to speak out too strongly against racism and you're opposed to condemning people as racists.

I think that what you need to be arguing (and what you seemed to be arguing) is that it's important to ignore racism to some extent, insofar as we need to not let people's racism influence how we treat them such that people feel safe to be openly racist. But let's be clear that that's what looks like just "hoping it will go away", as opposed to actually taking steps to reduce the ability of racists to transmit their beliefs to future generations.

You believe more in coercion than in appealing to the rationnality of your fellow human, do you ?

Certainly we don't have significantly less racism now than we used to because reasonable people were swayed by rational arguments. That's a pretty silly position, particularly in light of the research that's been done on human cognition. I don't claim that my explanation was a complete one, but for racism in the US it comes pretty close. For issues like homophobia there's an important element of familiarity with and affection for individual targets of bigotry tending to reduce bigotry, but that's also not really about rationality.

J2 Cool

The story behind this is absolutely crazy. He had her tied to a chair and smacked her up for an extended period of time - I think he even left for a walk and returned to continue the abuse. Only reason she escaped is because, at some point, he left her use the bathroom.

But he says a lot of the right things and seems politically progressive and hangs out w madonna now. so its ok?


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Goddammit, why'd I have to click on this thread and ruin Gary Oldman for myself?
And my response is "that doesn't make it good."

No one, including Oldman, said it does.

So ummm... do something about those people too?

I think the point is the fact that all those other guys are still doing just fine, with no public excommunication, shows that Mel's blackballing is NOT about "society finally coming around and realizing this shit is unacceptable" or anything of the sort.

I'm not understanding the "THEY GOT AWAY WITH SHIT SO LET MEL GIBSON FREE" thing. He said shit repeatedly and people got tired of working with him. It's not like he's in jail or anything.

Again, Oldman's point is that it's hypocritical to flip the fuck out over a drunk guy yelling some slurs like he's the only one that ever did it or like that makes him subhuman. ESPECIALLY when this exact same Hollywood community falls all over itself to work with, and this exact same entertainment media lavishes praise on, Roman Polanski -- who drugged and raped/sodomized a 13-year old -- and Woody Allen.


No one, including Oldman, said it does.

I think the point is the fact that all those other guys are still doing just fine, with no public excommunication, shows that Mel's blackballing is NOT about "society finally coming around and realizing this shit is unacceptable" or anything of the sort.

Again, Oldman's point is that it's hypocritical to flip the fuck out over a drunk guy yelling some slurs like he's the only one that ever did it or like that makes him subhuman. ESPECIALLY when this exact same Hollywood community falls all over itself to work with, and this exact same entertainment media lavishes praise on, Roman Polanski -- who drugged and raped/sodomized a 13-year old -- and Woody Allen.

Ummm...last I checked these two didn't exactly escape unscathed. I personally would have loved it if they were run out of Hollywood, but they're not exactly well-liked, either.


Again, Oldman's point is that it's hypocritical to flip the fuck out over a drunk guy yelling some slurs like he's the only one that ever did it or like that makes him subhuman. ESPECIALLY when this exact same Hollywood community falls all over itself to work with, and this exact same entertainment media lavishes praise on, Roman Polanski -- who drugged and raped/sodomized a 13-year old -- and Woody Allen.

So what? That's life, people get away with things all the time. That doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to everything.
The "PC brigade" didn't ruin anything for Mel, he did.


He;s an old man
Old enough to know better.
Yes, I don't understand why anyone feels the need to stand up for him. This wasn't just some one-off comment. He has a history of this stuff.

Seriously. PC to me just means treating people with an ounce of fucking respect. Why the hell is this such a big fucking problem? Sorry you can't call me a nigger dyke without maybe getting a little flack for it. Boo-fucking-hoo.

Exactly, society pretty much has one rule. Don't be an asshole, it is not that hard.


But he says a lot of the right things and seems politically progressive and hangs out w madonna now. so its ok?

Nothing excuses his actions back then, but whether or not he's "okay" now is totally up to the individual. Some people will always see a monster, while others will see a human being who is no longer that person.

Of course, some people are easier to forgive than others.


Again, Oldman's point is that it's hypocritical to flip the fuck out over a drunk guy yelling some slurs like he's the only one that ever did it or like that makes him subhuman.
There are plenty of people in the world treated as subhuman. Mel Gibson is not one of them, and it's fucking ridiculous that you compare his situation to theirs.


Not gonna lie when I heard Gibson say "raped by a pack of niggers", that shit cut me deep. I grew up watching lethal weapon flicks and the bulk of his other movies, and it never occurred to me that he might liken me to a rabid dog or something less than human.
So what? That's life, people get away with things all the time. That doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to everything.

And again, no one said we should. But 1) there is a difference between "turning a blind eye" and attempting to ruin someone's career, and 2) what you said has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not Oldman was right to call it "hypocritical".

There are plenty of people in the world treated as subhuman. Mel Gibson is not one of them, and it's fucking ridiculous that you compare his situation to theirs.

Welcome to human speech where hyperbole is a thing.
I personally would have loved it if they were run out of Hollywood, but they're not exactly well-liked, either.

Well every actor wants to be in his movies and one of them just won an Oscar for being in one, Woody was also nominated for one for the same movie, and that was a few months ago (on top of all his other Oscars and Oscar nominations for virtually every movie he puts out). Yes he's really persona non grata like Mel Gibson.


And again, no one said we should. But 1) there is a difference between "turning a blind eye" and attempting to ruin someone's career, and 2) what you said has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not Oldman was right to call it "hypocritical".

Welcome to human speech where hyperbole is a thing.
You know, he's not owed a career. He worked in the public and that was great until it wasn't. He made his choices and is still a multi-millionaire with his own island and church. He isn't some victim here.


Seriously. PC to me just means treating people with an ounce of fucking respect. Why the hell is this such a big fucking problem? Sorry you can't call me a nigger dyke without maybe getting a little flack for it. Boo-fucking-hoo.


Would you swear constantly in front of upper management on the job? If not, guess what, you're part of the so called "PC" police that you hate.
I think the problem with political correctness is that it doesn't work against discrimination. It doesn't address the root of why some people are so fucked up to look at the view like that.

Bill Burr had a great bit about it on the late night show with Conan; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BevNkLH-q8

I am surprised to see so many posts here taking this story on faith like this is all the proof you need Oldman is a gross dirty racist. Like the interviewing style, editing and questioning methods didn't have a lot to do with it.
I am not defending him, but nor am I slamming him. The people who made that magazine and the interviewer had their own agenda. There is always another side of the story, and that gets buried in political correctness.
I am surprised to see so many posts here taking this story on faith like this is all the proof you need Oldman is a gross dirty racist. Like the interviewing style, editing and questioning methods didn't have a lot to do with it.
I am not defending him, but nor am I slamming him. The people who made that magazine and the interviewer had their own agenda. There is always another side of the story, and that gets buried in political correctness.

Cause he's excusing Gibson's jewish/black tirades with 'we've all said something like that', which is just projection.

It's not someone saying Oldman said these things, those words came out of his mouth. Unless Gary wants to come out and say that the interview was fabricated. That would change everything.
Cause he's excusing Gibson's jewish/black tirades with 'we've all said something like that', which is just projection.

It's not someone saying Oldman said these things, those words came out of his mouth. Unless Gary wants to come out and say that the interview was fabricated. That would change everything.

Yeah I guess, but like we've established so many times before the words we actually say to express ourselves only account for something like 30% of our ability to express ourselves. Who really knows when you take tone, response to question, and body language into account, as well as if he was referring to the first or second part of the statement, I.e - the specifics of what those guys said OR, just the general census that people say fucked up things when they are upset.
Yeah I guess, but like we've established so many times before the words we actually say to express ourselves only account for something like 30% of our ability to express ourselves. Who really knows when you take tone, response to question, and body language into account, as well as if he was referring to the first or second part of the statement, I.e - the specifics of what those guys said OR, just the general census that people say fucked up things when they are upset.

He has the power to come out and better explain himself. At best it was just a poorly expressed/constructed rant, at worst he's saying to leave those guys alone because he has said similarly offensive things.

Giving the public room to speculate is his problem, a easily fixable one at that.


Junior Member
Not gonna lie when I heard Gibson say "raped by a pack of niggers", that shit cut me deep. I grew up watching lethal weapon flicks and the bulk of his other movies, and it never occurred to me that he might liken me to a rabid dog or something less than human.

Yep. I'm sure a lot of minority producers, actors, directors, and writers felt be same. He went from the A-list to the F-list instantly. Its amazing how much his career has collapsed.


i agree with him 100% - people are complete hypocrites

i think mel gibson would have just as likely said "chink" or "faggot" - guy is obviously deranged and we need to get over ourselves

he's absolutely right though..people's hypocrisy when it comes to these issues is just as flagrant. Want to call mel gibson an ignorant bigot after watching apocalypto? What?
Except of hypocrisy, as Oldman said. But pointing that out makes Oldman an asshole and has GAFers rushing to throw away their fan club memberships.

Unless you want to share a story of the time you claimed jews were responsible for all the wars in the world or demeaned a race of people in order to threaten someone...or even have a bulk of instances of others doing that.....it's not really hypocrisy.


Yep. I'm sure a lot of minority producers, actors, directors, and writers felt be same. He went from the A-list to the F-list instantly. Its amazing how much his career has collapsed.

When Zach Galifianakis can shut you down, you are V-list.


I see nothing wrong with the interview, I actually agree with him tbh.

Thank goodness there are other sane people in this thread. I see nothing wrong with what he is saying, I think many people share the same opinion, but the truth is hard to swallow, so what's the point in bringing it up.
Thank goodness there are other sane people in this thread. I see nothing wrong with what he is saying, I think many people share the same opinion, but the truth is hard to swallow, so what's the point in bringing it up.

You say racist shit in private? If so, example?


in response to this thread

I need to vent GAF.

I work at a liquor store in a college town. We get customers from all over the world. Seems like you have a very apathetic attitudes towards racism in general.

So today, a bunch of the Norwegian students decided to throw a "Mexican party."

All day long I've been dealing with these fucking assholes in sombreros, ponchos and fake mustaches buying tequila and Corona.

Some of them even had dirt on their face. I asked a girl why and she responding by saying "because Mexicans are dirty!" Like WHAAAT THEEE FUUUUUCK?????

I asked one if they were any actual Mexicans at the party and she just gave me a blank stare. Like I was crazy for asking that.

The worst part is that every time I tried to explain to them that what they were doing is fucked up, they responded by saying that it was all in good fun, or that they weren't trying to be offensive or that it was no big deal etc.

I just left work and I'm still fucking angry. None of these kids had any fucking awareness of what they were doing. In a town where a lot of Mexicans live and work.

FUCK, man!

you responded with

Sounds like a fun party.

...maybe just a poor attempt at comedy, if so, maybe stop attempting comedy.


Yeah I guess, but like we've established so many times before the words we actually say to express ourselves only account for something like 30% of our ability to express ourselves. Who really knows when you take tone, response to question, and body language into account, as well as if he was referring to the first or second part of the statement, I.e - the specifics of what those guys said OR, just the general census that people say fucked up things when they are upset.
Okay but in Mel Gibsons context it was a targeted comment at jewish people.

Maybe if he stupidly said something like "oh I got jewed" then yeah I can understand how someone might say it was a poor choice of words but not the worst thing ever but he spefically made anti-semtic comments.
Thank goodness there are other sane people in this thread. I see nothing wrong with what he is saying, I think many people share the same opinion, but the truth is hard to swallow, so what's the point in bringing it up.

There's no truth here to swallow other than guess what, not everyone is some hidden racist and they don't know it. There's many people who go their lives without saying these offensive things. Anyone who has said things they regret generally said it at a young age and learned from it. Mel Gibson made his comments as an adult.

J2 Cool

I think in short what he's trying to say is people are more the sum of their parts, not defined by a situation or moment, and he derides the pc police who are out to find every questionable moment of behavior and that its an ultimately silly endeavor.

I also hate and disagree with ppl so quickly to label someone "crazy". Mel Gibson clearly had anger issues and was pretty out of control, but its so ridiculous to dismiss someone like that a "crazy". Amana Bynes was a legitimate case where she had mental issues going on. Dave Chapelle as "crazy" was completely overboard. But it sticks. Tom Cruise on the couch being called "crazy" is out of line. I still don't understand how such an inoffensive moment turned ppl around on the guy.

I just don't like the hyperfocus Hollywood throws on a celebrity story that picks up steam, and its all ppl seem to be able to remember and say about the person. Its so far removed from a critical evaluation of someone and entirely unfair.


I have to say, Gary Oldman's response, as well as others in this thread, are in themselves perfect examples of why bigotry shouldn't be tolerated. To be quite honest, I am not so much frequently alarmed by those who say shitty things as those who would defend them, because they are the ones who perpetuate such behavior.

An oft-brought up argument is that others have thought or said similar things at least once in their lives. Two problems there: 1) false equivalency: I have never so much thought or said something so hateful that, say for example, Mel Gibson had said, ever, and 2) even if I had, it doesn't mean I would be denied of the ability to criticize him for it.

Moreover, these excuses come off as egocentric, cowardly, and lazy. Instead of coming to terms with the very idea that you are the problem, it's suddenly the fault of others for being too sensitive. Your defense of random shithead with a dumbass opinion would somehow, by proxy, justify your right to indulge in it, and absolve yourself of all responsibility to cultivate your thoughts and actions to become more tolerant.
Moreover, these excuses come off as egocentric, cowardly, and lazy. Instead of coming to terms with the very idea that you are the problem, it's suddenly the fault of others for being too sensitive. Your defense of random shithead with a dumbass opinion would somehow, by proxy, justify your right to indulge in it, and absolve yourself of all responsibility to cultivate your thoughts and actions to become more tolerant.

Unless you want to share a story of the time you claimed jews were responsible for all the wars in the world or demeaned a race of people in order to threaten someone...or even have a bulk of instances of others doing that.....it's not really hypocrisy.

Well, again, if the same entertainment industry that worships Woody Allen and hands him Academy Award nominations like they're going out of style, and continues to send a steady stream of notable actors and acclaim Roman Polanski's way while producing and distributing his movies, and rushes to put out Chris Brown's next album, and puts Bieber on the cover of every teen magazine, etc etc etc, is the same entertainment industry that declares Mel Gibson persona non grata and blackballs him for a (private) drunken rant...that is, in fact, really hypocrisy.
Well, again, if the same entertainment industry that worships Woody Allen and hands him Academy Award nominations like they're going out of style, and continues to send a steady stream of notable actors and acclaim Roman Polanski's way while producing and distributing his movies, and rushes to put out Chris Brown's next album, and puts Bieber on the cover of every teen magazine, etc etc etc, is the same entertainment industry that declares Mel Gibson persona non grata and blackballs him for a (private) drunken rant...that is, in fact, really hypocrisy.

As others have pointed out, Gibson is being shut out by individuals. Members of The Hangover cast demanded Mel not be given the role, unless zach galifianakis is also greenlighting roman polanski's movies then there's no point in saying the 'entertainment industry' is doing anything. Robert Downey Jr has been a big supporter of Gibson, but RDJ isn't casting or funding his projects.

Also, Gibson has been in movies since the incident and actors have backed him up, but He has damaged too many relationships and irked too many powerful people, not some shadowy monolith.
Well every actor wants to be in his movies and one of them just won an Oscar for being in one, Woody was also nominated for one for the same movie, and that was a few months ago (on top of all his other Oscars and Oscar nominations for virtually every movie he puts out). Yes he's really persona non grata like Mel Gibson.

Roman Polanski can't even get back in the US. That's probably bigger than Mel Gibson not starring in a movie.

Thank goodness there are other sane people in this thread. I see nothing wrong with what he is saying, I think many people share the same opinion, but the truth is hard to swallow, so what's the point in bringing it up.

Enjoy saying racist shit in private then. Fine by me.

I think in short what he's trying to say is people are more the sum of their parts, not defined by a situation or moment, and he derides the pc police who are out to find every questionable moment of behavior and that its an ultimately silly endeavor.

I also hate and disagree with ppl so quickly to label someone "crazy". Mel Gibson clearly had anger issues and was pretty out of control, but its so ridiculous to dismiss someone like that a "crazy". Amana Bynes was a legitimate case where she had mental issues going on. Dave Chapelle as "crazy" was completely overboard. But it sticks. Tom Cruise on the couch being called "crazy" is out of line. I still don't understand how such an inoffensive moment turned ppl around on the guy.

I just don't like the hyperfocus Hollywood throws on a celebrity story that picks up steam, and its all ppl seem to be able to remember and say about the person. Its so far removed from a critical evaluation of someone and entirely unfair.

Dave Chapelle is touring right now. Tom Cruise just released a film and Mission Impossible 5 is already on the way. Amanda Bynes did Easy A, had a movie cancelled over something that had shit all to do with her, and then retired from acting because no one gave a damn.

Man, that crazy stigma.

Well, again, if the same entertainment industry that worships Woody Allen and hands him Academy Award nominations like they're going out of style, and continues to send a steady stream of notable actors and acclaim Roman Polanski's way while producing and distributing his movies, and rushes to put out Chris Brown's next album, and puts Bieber on the cover of every teen magazine, etc etc etc, is the same entertainment industry that declares Mel Gibson persona non grata and blackballs him for a (private) drunken rant...that is, in fact, really hypocrisy.

Great. Again, let's throw Chris Brown, Polanski, and Woody Allen in there too.

Allen is one solid conviction away from jail, Brown was in jail, and Polanski can't enter the US. Allen is the only one who's even fuzzy and that's because they can't even convict him.

To all those saying "I used to like Oldman!' and "Fuck off Gary", do you still like any of these dudes and gals?; http://www.indiewire.com/article/over_100_in_film_community_sign_polanski_petition

Whoopi Goldberg's defense of Polanski soured me on her. So no, not really. I'm not sure why I have to like these people? That's a case by case basis, and it's not like any of them are my friends. I'll watch Gary Oldman in a movie, but him as a person? Pretty easy just to say he's wrong.
Roman Polanski can't even get back in the US. That's probably bigger than Mel Gibson not starring in a movie.

Uh, yes, that's because he is a wanted criminal. That has nothing to do with the hypocrisy of the entertainment industry eagerly financing, distributing, starring in, and awarding the movies of this wanted felon while blackballing someone for saying shitty things in private while drunk.

Allen is one solid conviction away from jail, Brown was in jail, and Polanski can't enter the US. Allen is the only one who's even fuzzy and that's because they can't even convict him.

Why do you keep bringing up the legal problems these people have as though that's relevant? Mel paid the minor legal consequences of what he did and was blackballed; those others have avoided, or paid, the very major legal consequences of their much more serious transgressions, while still enjoying the acclaim of the industry.


It never ceases to amaze how Jodie Foster of all people could defend Gibson and cast him in one of her films. You'd think that she of all people would know how dangerous and violent men like Mel could be...
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