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Gears of War 2 - Lots of new info from Game Informer


Atomspike said:
Any word on dynamic lighting and shadowing ? Gears 1 was a let down in those areas.
or they will stay in shitso level in Gears 2 ?!

Improved Character lighting and ambient occlusion is in. Dynamic lighting was in halo3, so no reason why Gears can't do it. As for dynamic shadowing, who knows. COD4 and BF:BC had it.
SPEA said:
You wanna get even more hyped for Gears 2? Listen to this:
MP3: http://a1135.g.akamai.net/f/1135/18227/1h/cchannel.download.akamai.com/18227/podcast/MINNEAPOLIS-MN/KFAN-AM/videogamesweekly_040908.mp3
Webpage: http://www.kfan.com/cc-common/podcast/single_podcast.html?podcast=Video_Games_Weekly.xml

It's podcast with the guys from Game Informer. The show is "Video Games Weekly" on KFAN radio. They talk a little bit about Gears 2. Good stuff starts at 19:30. Enjoy

Thank you. I'm starting to get psyched.


I've seen the article and the screenshots and I must say that Gears 2 will be a lot more vibrant and coherent. The lightning engine is a big step up.


formerly cjelly
Cdammen said:
I've seen the article and the screenshots and I must say that Gears 2 will be a lot more vibrant and coherent. The lightning engine is a big step up.
Yeah, it does look much better than Gears 1.

The comparison shot they have shows it off really well.


Hammer24 said:
"shitso level"?! Gears now had bad lighting?! :lol :lol :lol
Well , Gears had artificial lighting with a lot of bloom and baked shadows , now compare that with a fully dynamic lighting system with shadowmaps in games like Uncharted , and tell me the difference, which one is more natural?


Atomspike said:
Well , Gears had artificial lighting with a lot of bloom and baked shadows , now compare that with a fully dynamic lighting system with shadowmaps in games like Uncharted , and tell me the difference, which one is more natural?

are u just trying to stir up stuff?
The Podcast stuff sound really awesome, if the Gameinformer pics are indeed screenshots, than I'm already blown away by this game.

This is becoming my most wanted title for the year.


With regards to the new UE tech demo, has anything been mentioned on Gears 2 having destructible enviroments? I know that was one of the new features, has it been added?
FFChris said:
With regards to the new UE tech demo, has anything been mentioned on Gears 2 having destructible enviroments? I know that was one of the new features, has it been added?
Well, they showed the destructive enviroments on a Gears 1 multiplayer map at the GDC, I'm sure they will use this feature for Gears 2 aswell.


Hellraizer said:
Well, they showed the destructive enviroments on a Gears 1 multiplayer map at the GDC, I'm sure they will use this feature for Gears 2 aswell.

I'm not too sure, it could just be part of the new engine. I'm sure stuff like that requires an awful lot of processing power. Hope it's in though.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
FFChris said:
With regards to the new UE tech demo, has anything been mentioned on Gears 2 having destructible enviroments? I know that was one of the new features, has it been added?

Gears is the showcase for UE3. I expect all the latest additions they showed off to be in the game.
cjelly said:
Yeah, it does look much better than Gears 1.

The comparison shot they have shows it off really well.

I dont think the comparison scene seemed such a big step up...Sounds like the big steps are:

1: bigger environments
2. More enemies
3. More vibrant and varied world.
4. Much bigger enemies

Aesthetically, thes things will show off the engine much better than the first, that shot didnt really show it for me though. As it only had some added geometry and nicer lighting.


Atomspike said:
i suppose this was running on a monster work station with a bunch of cores and fancy GPU , eventually ,they will downgrade most aspects to meet the 360 limitations

It was running on xbox 360
and the Densest Troll of the Year award goes to...
Atomspike said:
i suppose this was running on a monster work station with a bunch of cores and fancy GPU , eventually ,they will downgrade most aspects to meet the 360 limitations

why so defensive ? i had just a question and wanted it to be answered .


Atomspike said:
i suppose this was running on a monster work station with a bunch of cores and fancy GPU , eventually ,they will downgrade most aspects to meet the 360 limitations

why so defensive ? i had just a question and wanted it to be answered .

You will see more and more trolling like this as more information comes out about Gears 2. Some people are not going to be very happy that one of the best looking games is on the 360.


Karma said:
You will see more and more trolling like this as more information comes out about Gears 2. Some people are not going to be very happy that one of the best looking games is on the 360.
now the simplest remark is considered trolling here ? seriously get a life.


Looks hot to say the least.


Gold Member
Proelite said:
Improved Character lighting and ambient occlusion is in. Dynamic lighting was in halo3, so no reason why Gears can't do it. As for dynamic shadowing, who knows. COD4 and BF:BC had it.
Not the CoD4 I played


Yoboman said:
Not the CoD4 I played

You sure? I'm pretty sure the game showed off dynamic shadowing multiple times throughout the game (the first mission with the lightning, when the
copter is chasing you over the broken greenhouses
The new engine looks impressive. This gen I was hoping for much improved physics and AI, hopefully this engine can provide the technology and impetus for developers to start making truly next generation games.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
This Atomspike guy is hilarious - "shitso-level" lighting in Gears? Really?

Atomspike said:
i suppose this was running on a monster work station with a bunch of cores and fancy GPU , eventually ,they will downgrade most aspects to meet the 360 limitations

Wow man, not only do they specifically say that that demonstration is the UE3 engine running on 360 hardware, but they said everything we saw there AND more will be in Gears 2 - to the point that some of the tech was created specifically for ideas that they are going to put in Gears 2...

I'm sure your "monster work station" and downgrading to meet 360 specs made a lot of guys at Epic blush... :lol

It's like you came in to trash a game you know absolutely nothing about...


Gold Member
BeeDog said:
You sure? I'm pretty sure the game showed off dynamic shadowing multiple times throughout the game (the first mission with the lightning, when the
copter is chasing you over the broken greenhouses
If they did, I don't recall it. I do recall most of the shadows being shadow maps though. Even though the lighting itself was fully dynamic


FFChris said:
With regards to the new UE tech demo, has anything been mentioned on Gears 2 having destructible enviroments? I know that was one of the new features, has it been added?

I finally got a chance to read the entire GI article yesterday and it said something in there along the lines of "With the new destructible environments one person can be taking cover on the corner of a wall and his enemy can chip away at the wall leaving only exposed steel supports leaving you vulnerable to enemy snipers" So, it seems like that indicates we'll be getting the destructible environments. :D


Aladuf23 said:
I finally got a chance to read the entire GI article yesterday and it said something in there along the lines of "With the new destructible environments one person can be taking cover on the corner of a wall and his enemy can chip away at the wall leaving only exposed steel supports leaving you vulnerable to enemy snipers" So, it seems like that indicates we'll be getting the destructible environments. :D

Oh excellent. I'm suprised no one has mentioned that before, it's going to add a whole new dimension to the cover mechanic.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
FFChris said:
Oh excellent. I'm suprised no one has mentioned that before, it's going to add a whole new dimension to the cover mechanic.

I always just assumed that what we saw at GDC was going to be placed in Gears 2 with greater effect and detail.
Yeah it seemed pretty clear that all the tech that was shown at the GDC announcement was based on what we will be seeing in Gears 2.


Atomspike said:
i suppose this was running on a monster work station with a bunch of cores and fancy GPU , eventually ,they will downgrade most aspects to meet the 360 limitations
It's running on a 360 lol, I bet Epic will be glad to know that you think they're game is running on a high-end PC though. Sorry KZ2/Uncharted but Gears is taking back it's crown this year.


Ariexv said:
It's running on a 360 lol, I bet Epic will be glad to know that you think they're game is running on a high-end PC though. Sorry KZ2/Uncharted but Gears is taking back it's crown this year.

Please, stop comparing them. They aren't even from the same genre!


Ariexv said:
It's running on a 360 lol, I bet Epic will be glad to know that you think they're game is running on a high-end PC though. Sorry KZ2/Uncharted but Gears is taking back it's crown this year.

So in order to counter a fanboy, you also have to rely on trolling huh? Damn I love how any kind of hyped game brings out the worst.

Haven't seen the scans of the game yet, so can't wait until it's fully revealed! The first game was fun in co-op with my cousin; probably should pick up the PC version.
Having seen the screens, info and everything with my own two eyes..... Gears 2 is now a must have.

What's funny about the story line, is I see them adding a bit of "matrix" to it having an almost "Zion" feel to the last becon of civilization. Course looking at the matrix movies from the 3rd one back, you realize that the scope was much bigger than what the first 2 movies offered and it looks like Epic is planning that with the Gears saga.

Cannot wait!! :D


VictimOfGrief said:
one back, you realize that the scope was much bigger than what the first 2 movies offered and it looks like Epic is planning that with the Gears saga.
certainly worked wonders for the Matrix. :p


Just got my GI and holy smack Gears 2 looks HAWT!

I'm digging the idea of Locust monks chanting in the background with a gigantic Locust worm (that looks to be barfing up another worm) acting like moving cover AND trying to kill you at the same time.

I have my doubts about the story though, but really, does this game REALLY NEED a better one? :lol
Proelite said:
A flamethrower might not work, but a flare gun that shoots a flaming grenade in an almost parabolical path would work great. The grenade burns on the ground for around 5-10 secounds. It would work great for Kryll levels, as instead of shooting propane gas cans, you make your own path.

The addition of a light loving Kryll alternate would be great to gameplay. Just shoot a flame grenade into a bunch of Locusts and watch them get teared apart. However, stay out of the light!

I hate the idea of flamethrowers, but a flare gun would be awesome.

As for the second part i don't really like the idea. I'd prefer an alternative route like having light sources which can be destroyed (or removed in some fashion).

beerbelly said:
I can't wait to play an inevitable blackout sequence where you're stranded alone deep in the caves with only a torch while in the distance you hear a locust priest summoning the giant zergs.

Please let this happen:D
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