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Geoff Keighley hyping this years E3 as the Best One Ever!


Guys, it is time.



I like Geoff but he hypes everything.

Came to post this. Geoff is cool and seems to have a real love for this stuff but what did you honestly expect him to say?

"Gee, guys... E3's looking kinda shit this year." He wants you to watch his coverage of it.

What he says he is on twitter: Producer/Creator: The Game Awards, YouTube Live at E3

He is not a journalist he is part of PR. Not saying his heart is not in the right place. Or he is a bad guy. Or he is dishonest and that he doesn't really believe this is an amazing year. But his job is to push those shows. Its how he pays his bills. So this quote from him is meaningless hype like every web site is doing right now. Though I hope he is correct. I will enjoy the spectacle as I sip my kool-aide.
Why is this thread worthy? This guy says similar shit every year. Of course he's going to hype it up and say it's going to be amazing.
Bring it on, Doritos Pope! I'm uncertain if there exists any combination of games on the planet that could add up to the insanity that was that 20 minute stretch of Sony 2015. You could roll out Half-Life 3, but that wouldn't come anywhere close.

Still hyped for the press conferences even if a lot of stuff has been leaked and apparently companies releasing trailers and info the week before E3 deliberately is now a thing, but, come on, there aren't any games in even a theoretical gaming universe your wildest imaginations could think up that could possibly beat the trifecta. Since that didn't give me a heart attack I at least know that no level of hype could possibly kill me.
Why is this thread worthy? This guy says similar shit every year. Of course he's going to hype it up and say it's going to be amazing.
Our simultaneous love and hate for the man makes almost everything he says interesting. We don't know if it's the gaming enthusiast speaking or the corporate shill.


How are they going to top FF7/Shenmue 3/Last Guardian?

By showing FF7/Shenmue/Last Guardian again.

Same way they'll do E3 2017.


I'm always surprised at the amount of opposition we have here on GAF against a Crash revival. I've never played the Crash games, so I don't have any nostalgia towards them, but I've always thought it was a beloved franchise.

I also don't understand some people as well. When a classic, beloved franchise is rumored to be returning, why be so against the idea of a revival just because "the IP is outdated in this day and age"? Are you people going to be saying the same thing about Banjo Threeie when it inevitably gets revealed at E3 one day
(crossing my fingers for this year!)
? Some people are weird.


Why is this thread worthy? This guy says similar shit every year. Of course he's going to hype it up and say it's going to be amazing.

Sure, it's marketing, but neogaf is a big part of it, wether we like it or not. It's the echo chamber the game industry needs to generate the "hype". Remember, neogaf->internet->neogaf.
In Geoff We Trust.

I'll be watching his show all day in Monday, just like I've been doing for the past several years. It's just not E3 without him.


Sour puss. I bet that if they announced "FF7 will release tomorrow" there would still be a vocal minority who would lambast them for not releasing it today.

Sony did the best E3 of any company ever in the history of E3. That anyone would want to diminish that is beyond me. Sure, I'd like to see them try to top that this year. It's not like they have very strong competition going in. Both Microsoft and Nintendo are low odds contenders.

Why are you writing it as if it is a fact? Don't you realise that people have different tastes?


Junior Member
how will anyone top Sony's Last Guardian/FF7 remake/Shenmue 3 blowout

unless GabeN finally shows us a 3

Woohoo loads of games we can't play for who knows how many years!

Hopefully they reveal games which we can actually get our hands on within a year ish.
It's easy to bag on Geoff but the dude is a gamer, loves games and legit is a good guy. He spends some of his own money for VGA's and last years E3 stream was great! He is doing his job and hyping it up but I take his word as genuine.

He's a PR guy, but I'll always have respect for him for the shoutout he gave Kojima (and the implicit diss of Konami) at the last VGAs.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
No releasing it tomorrow would actually be pretty dope. Much better than the current "In the year 20XX" state of affairs :p

So, you're saying there wouldn't be an internet backlash if they said "it'll release tomorrow"?

I might live in another sense of time than most gamers (who are vocal about these things) but I don't think 2018 is that far away. Neither is 2020. I have so many other things happening around me that demands long-time planning that just the prospect of Horizon and FFXII in 2017 is making me giddy. 2016 is already too busy of a year.
As much as I appreciate the guys enthusiasm, and want to believe the hype, there's just no way you can top last year's Sony conference, even combining all the shows this year, the weak of reveals we're going through now, and a surprise Nintendo direct with a full NX blowout, it still wouldn't top that TLG/FFVIIR/Shenmue triple punch of insanity.

I mean those were dreams coming true. Short of Half Life 3, there's only the less impactful Beyond Good and Evil 2, Crash reboot and Pokemon console MMO that are left unrealised, and I realistically only see the two least impactful of those ever actually happening.

Still, I hope the guy is right.
Doesnt Nintendo usually got the Developer Roundtable (where they first showed Skyward Sword Artwork?...maybe NX will be there...maybe they will show us how the console looks like :D
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