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GOP Operative Sought Clinton Emails From Hackers, Implied a Connection to Flynn


Those of us looking for instant gratification aren't going to get it. But this definitely reads like another piece of the puzzle. Donald Trump jokingly says "go get those emails" but people took it seriously. They're running out of alibis.

kgriffin said:
WSJ: Reports from Intel agencies describe Russian hackers discussing how to obtain emails from Clinton’s server, transmit them to Flynn.

Now that's the shit. The first article is island hopping: a connection to Flynn but not totally in the Trumposphere if you will. This seems much clearer: Russian hackers trying to get stolen goods to General Flynn.
In Comey's testimony, didn't he allude to the way in which people can sort of accidentally get sucked into a treasonesque path by just starting out doing something dumb and immoral? I forget his exact wording...but it seemed to me at the time like he was choosing his words carefully to imply that someone can start by trying to get an edge, and wind up in a much darker place.
So let's recap this is someone Trump put in with the nation's deepest secrets. He is likely guilty of:

Lying on security clearance forms


Actual Treason

Yet Trump still is insisting on defending him.
WSJ must've been working on this story for a long-ass time.

Mr. Smith died at age 81 on May 14, which was about 10 days after the Journal interviewed him. His account of the email search is believed to be his only public comment on it.

Benjamin Wittes @benjaminwittes

Ok folks, I am officially retiring the "tick tick tick" thing. It was an attempt to give people a heads up as things were in the pipeline...

...but it has given rise to a lot of misunderstandings, on a number of different levels--including about my own motives.
No more ticks. Probably for the best tbh, it just gets people hyped up. We'll read the stories when they break either way.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
In Comey's testimony, didn't he allude to the way in which people can sort of accidentally get sucked into a treasonesque path by just starting out doing something dumb and immoral? I forget his exact wording...but it seemed to me at the time like he was choosing his words carefully to imply that someone can start by trying to get an edge, and wind up in a much darker place.

I forget if it was Comey or one of the NSA/CIA guys, but yeah, they basically said you can go down a treasonous path without realizing it at first.


So basically we got a direct chain from Trump -> Russia.

  1. Trump worked with registered foreign agents like Flynn
  2. Flynn worked with GOP operatives
  3. GOP operatives worked with Hackers
  4. Hackers were official Russian state apparatus.
A direct line, constructed step-by-step.


This is a lot of nothing as far as a big boom. We have had people like Roger Stone openly admit months ago they were in direct contact with the Hackers.

This revelation maybe gets Flynn in more trouble but then again its a dead man claiming something and it again establishes a pretty clear Trump was not involved narrative
Trumps campaign advisor and future national security advisor was actively working with Russia to get Clintons hacked emails.

That may not be Trunp himself, but it implies collusion with his campaign. If you think Flynn was working on this behind Trumps back you are crazy.
WSJ must've been working on this story for a long-ass time.

No more ticks. Probably for the best tbh, it just gets people hyped up. We'll read the stories when they break either way.

Yeah that is a good idea. I'd be ok with just the boom part, though, as I respect his discretion as to which stories are significant.


Some more deets:

In one Smith email reviewed by the Journal, intended to entice outside experts to join his work, he offered to make introductions to Mr. Flynn’s son, Michael G. Flynn, who worked as chief of staff in his father’s company. Mr. Smith’s email mentioned the son among a small number of other people he said were helping.

Michael G. Flynn didn’t respond to a request for comment.

In another recruiting email seen by the Journal, Jonathan Safron, a law student Mr. Smith described as a close colleague, included links to the websites and LinkedIn profiles of people purportedly working with the Smith team. At the top of the list was the name and website of Flynn Intel, which Mr. Flynn set up after his 2014 firing as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Mr. Safron declined to comment on his email or Mr. Smith’s project.

In phone conversations, Mr. Smith told a computer expert he was in direct contact with Mr. Flynn and his son, according to this expert. The person said an anti-Clinton research document prepared by Mr. Smith’s group identified the younger Mr. Flynn as someone associated with the effort. The expert said that based on his conversations with Mr. Smith, he understood the elder Mr. Flynn to be coordinating with Mr. Smith’s group in his capacity as a Trump campaign adviser.
This is a lot of nothing as far as a big boom. We have had people like Roger Stone openly admit months ago they were in direct contact with the Hackers.

This revelation maybe gets Flynn in more trouble but then again its a dead man claiming something and it again establishes a pretty clear Trump was not involved narrative

Flynn? You mean the guy being investigated by the FBI, which led to Trump firing Comey to try to make the investigation go away? Which is why Mueller was hired? That Flynn?

At this point you can only say "it's nothing" if you're only looking at one part of the whole. It's like you're standing three inches from a nine-foot painting of a horse saying "it's nothing".


They're gonna get to Flynn. Probably him and Manafort. Fucking rats both, and only one in the barrel is gonna get to avoid the water.



Googled to get more details from the article. From DailyKos:

Those investigators have examined reports from intelligence agencies that describe Russian hackers discussing how to obtain emails from Mrs. Clinton's server and then transmit them to Mr. Flynn via an intermediary, according to U.S. officials with knowledge of the intelligence.

GOP operative sought to obtain hacked Clinton emails.

Operative apparently was working with or was contacted by Flynn regarding the emails.

"he never stated that Mr. Flynn was involved."

The article mentions 5 different possible sources for the emails were found, only 2 of which are confirmed Russian.

This doesn't sound like a hard connection. It sounds like they found someone to put pressure on that could get them a hard connection.

Ok this:

"In one Smith email reviewed by the Journal, intended to entice outside experts to join his work, he offered to make introductions to Mr. Flynn's son, Michael G. Flynn, who worked as chief of staff in his father's company. Mr. Smith's email mentioned the son among a small number of other people he said were helping."

Is much more clear

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
I can't tell if the "it's been months and nothing's happened" people are naive about how long this stuff takes, secret Trump supporters, or just have short attention spans.
I have to admit this is a little underwhelming considering we waited a week for this. We already know Flynn is shady af and prob gonna get locked up.


How awful is the GOP that we get a bombshell like this; that if true, is waaay worse than anything Nixon did and the response is “oh well, it might be the start of something”
How awful is the GOP that we get a bombshell like this; that if true, is waaay worse than anything Nixon did and the response is “oh well, it might be the start of something”

No, don't blame the GoP. Blame the idiots here who doesn't understand how an investigation works and want instant gratification.
Mr. Smith died at age 81 on May 14, which was about 10 days after the Journal interviewed him.
What do you guys think? I mean, if he really was that old, natural causes could be plausible, but it still seems suspicious to me...


This seems pretty weak...

So a guy trying to buy Hillary's emails from maybe russians sort of implied he knew Flynn?

Going to need some more.



What do you guys think? I mean, if he really was that old, natural causes could be plausible, but it still seems suspicious to me...

Take your conspiracy FUD elsewhere. You realise that's the same line of thinking that came up with the Seth Rich hitpiece.
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