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Grand Theft Auto V |OT2| <Title available for purchase>

I can't keep track of all the new information they introduce to me. I don't remember how to use or get Chop, I don't remember some of the controls like locking on to people to melee or diving off of piers, they just flash this info at me and expect me to remember it forever but there are so many things to keep track of. Is there like something in game that lets me see all of this?
Yeah I can never read those in time, if you pause after one pops up there is a tab in the pause menu that has a log of the recent help tips. Also there is a big digital manual you can download on PC.
omg funniest thing just happened

it was one of those random side quest, some couples was super drunk and needed a ride back to their motel

i couldnt stop laughing
when they have sex in the back of the car while you driving them to their motel, the car was bouncing up and down

I just drove them up to the
Altruist Cult
. I don't think they're going to be okay...
Man, just being Franklin is tough in this game.

I was hanging out at this pool party that I "invited" myself into. Used the right arrow to try to talk up some fine honeys. One of them says, "If you don't get out of my face, I'm going to call the police". I try to talk to her. She picks up her phone and calls the cops. I get a fucking 1 star for no reason. God damn it, so I say ok fuck this, I run out onto the hills and go a little bit farther away and hide next to a wall and tree/bushes. Like 2 cop cars show up. Four officers on foot trying to find me, I'm cornered. So I start walking/running away, thinking "well it's only 1 star, and I'm not armed, I'll be able to run away". Police officer sees me, yells "He's black!" or atleast that's what I heard. And they just start blazing away!!! I'm fucking unarmed, and I didn't even touch anyone!! I was just standing next to a white girl. So, I'm getting shot, and I'm like eff this, and I take down the 2 nearest to me. Instant 3 stars, police heli appears out of no where, and they shoot at me on the hillside. I run back into my safe house, a bunch of police follow me though the door. I cap them all as they come in one by one. I run downstairs for a more enclosed area. BAM flanked by police coming through my pool window, one shot with a shotgun to the head.

I got shot by an army of police for standing next to someone while being black.

Oscar worthy.

Why is Franklin not allowed to play tennis? I want to level up his strength stat and punching people takes too long/is too much of a bother with the cops. What else can I do?
So what aiming method is everybody using? I've seen a lot of people complaining about the free aim being crappy. Is it worse than Max Payne? Because I thought the free aim in that felt pretty good.
omg funniest thing just happened

it was one of those random side quest, some couples was super drunk and needed a ride back to their motel

i couldnt stop laughing
when they have sex in the back of the car while you driving them to their motel, the car was bouncing up and down

I couldn't stop laughing when
I drove them up the mountain to the crazy people eating cult.

So what aiming method is everybody using? I've seen a lot of people complaining about the free aim being crappy. Is it worse than Max Payne? Because I thought the free aim in that felt pretty good.

Default. Makes it super easy to pop out of cover, take a shot and get back in cover. Makes combat more fun then tedious or difficult.


Honestly, I could do without Trevor. I'm not sure how it gets later but I just got to the point of unlocking him and I've yet to see the point.

Team Franklin and Mike.

It gets better. I hated him when you first unlock him but I've started to like him once he starts interacting with the other two.


I'm kind of disappointed how easy it is to drive to the top of Chiliad. In SA you pretty much had to take the dirt path up. But here I can use a dune buggy and scale up the side like nothing. Diminishes the value of the height and the accomplishment of scaling it. In SA it took like 8 minutes to drive up.

Anyone else fee that way?
In general cars are weird when airborne. Scaling and descending chiliad wasn't quite as entertaining whereas in SA the car would tumble, flip, roll, but now we control air movement and stuff is stiff to let you down that.


Not enough has been said about this original soundtrack. It really is incredible. Definitely was not the type the sound I was expecting out of a grand theft auto game but it fits so perfectly. I really hope it gets released somehow.


Hen House mission is total BS.
You get attacked by frigging bikers every time and it takes them 3 bullets and the mission is over. No way to dodge, no way to fight back
. Won't bother.


Has the car saving been sorted out yet?

I don't know but I never take my modded vehicles out for actual missions. I always just use them for errands or small stuff. Always keep them in the garage when you arent using them. I had to learn the hard way just like a lot of you guys. Sunk almost a quarter million into a really nice fucking Sultan. Left it to blow up a meth lab and it disappeared. Didn't end up in the in impound lot either.


Just had the best fun with a bulldozer. Flip cars at red lights over endways and then drive right over the back, squash the thing flat. Amazing.


Not enough has been said about this original soundtrack. It really is incredible. Definitely was not the type the sound I was expecting out of a grand theft auto game but it fits so perfectly. I really hope it gets released somehow.

It reminds me of the Payday 2 OST, it has that vibe to it that belongs in the game
Hopefully for the next game they'll go one step further with the wanted system and make it so that the police only come if there is a witness to your crime that dials 911. It's kinda lame that just for knocking someone out when there's nobody else that can even see it will still result in the cops coming. Once I even just punched a hiker to death on top of a mountain with nobody else anywhere close to my location to know about it but I still got a wanted star. The police obviously couldn't get to me way up on the mountain but still you get my point.

Isn't that how it works now? I've gotten into fights on the street surrounded by people without getting wanted level, and I've killed alone people without getting a wanted level. Seems like you can get away with it if nobody sees and you're not using a loud weapon. Maybe somebody did see you and you weren't aware.

I absolutely love how the cops act now. I was sitting on a roof shooting cars as they passed with a silenced SMG, eventually someone called the cops and when they showed up I just sat there and watched them walk around looking for me with their flashlights. It was hilarious.


Not enough has been said about this original soundtrack. It really is incredible. Definitely was not the type the sound I was expecting out of a grand theft auto game but it fits so perfectly. I really hope it gets released somehow.

yeah, i like it a lot too.

subtle build up when you start a heist.. easy to miss but sets the tone. i've never been so tense just driving down the street in a game. 1st heist jitters and all.


Are people really having trouble with flight controls? I haven't had any issues at all with them. No troubles in flight school or anything. If anything I think they're too easy...


So I went to the Options and realized why the aim reticle was soo small.

Safe zone is wayyyyy to low, I found the proper safe zone for my tv and it looks right.

Also the Gun Sounds were kinda weak, checked the Speaker settings and put it on Narrow, ooh guns sound amazing


yeah, i like it a lot too.

subtle build up when you start a heist.. easy to miss but sets the tone. i've never been so tense just driving down the street in a game. 1st heist jitters and all.

A couple of those early Franklin missions had these really cool urban synth beats to them. Particularly in the Repossession mission where you're in the warehouse. Down the line I know I'm gonna be playing missions over again just to hear the music.


So I was in some sports car racing up a hill, run into another car head on and just get FLIPPED INTO THE AIR.

Some old school last gen ridiculous physics moment.

Cant' wait to get hoooome.


I did it out in the open like a man. First try.

It isn't in the slightest bit difficult. Maybe with lock-on off it is.

They weren't even able to try to
abduct me

Just don't stop shooting.

omg funniest thing just happened

it was one of those random side quest, some couples was super drunk and needed a ride back to their motel

i couldnt stop laughing
when they have sex in the back of the car while you driving them to their motel, the car was bouncing up and down

I backed out of the car, and took a selfie. Sadly the photo came out like shit.



Not enough has been said about this original soundtrack. It really is incredible. Definitely was not the type the sound I was expecting out of a grand theft auto game but it fits so perfectly. I really hope it gets released somehow.

Disagree. I don't like a single song so far.

Just sharing a different PoV.
I just noticed if you make Chop happy in the iFruit app he will be able to search for hidden things in the world. So he does have more functionality it's just unfortunately hidden through the app.

The app just started working for me today.
omg funniest thing just happened

it was one of those random side quest, some couples was super drunk and needed a ride back to their motel

i couldnt stop laughing
when they have sex in the back of the car while you driving them to their motel, the car was bouncing up and down

That was one of the first things I found as Trevor, and he asked to join in when we got near the hotel. Dude was totally expecting it to turn into a three way
So yesterday I went to the first heist wearing my awesome gray suit.

And that picky fucker Lester wouldn't let me bounce because my shoes were "skate shoes".


A couple of those early Franklin missions had these really cool urban synth beats to them. Particularly in the Repossession mission where you're in the warehouse. Down the line I know I'm gonna be playing missions over again just to hear the music.

Yep. That's where the soundtrack seemed really awesome. Otherwise, it is maybe too subtle.
I'm finding it a lot harder, too. Especially the mission for the first heist where you have to
hijack the van with the gas
. It took me several tries and 30 minutes of driving to evade those assholes in that slow-ass van. I get how evasion works in theory, but it's kind of hard in missions where you're stuck with a slow vehicle and the cops are on you like glue. I eventually managed to evade them by driving up some stairs into an outdoors mall-esque area where they couldn't follow. If they had a helicopter I can't think of any conceivable way I could have lost them.

In that mission you should've snuck around the back, stealth killed the one dude and then took the van. No police no trouble.


So do we know of a way to make some good money outside of story missions yet? I want to buy some property in the hopes of steady income but it is all ridiculously expensive.

I can't say I like that certain things are locked off from certain characters, I flew a plane I stole to the hanger but because I was Michael the icons weren't there and so wouldn't save the plane. So unless my game is being a bit lane that kind of sucks, same for the property I own, only Trevor can do it to get income.
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