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Gravity Falls S2 |OT| Mysteries, tall gingers & endless sweaters (series finale 2/15)

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Great episode. I'm assuming whoever animated the pixel art for Fight Fighters did the same for Giffany (hard G all the way). It looked fantastic.

The octopus joke had to go over Disney's heads for that to get on the air
No kidding, but it was really subtle. Unless you knew what it was a reference to, it wouldn't make much sense. I thought it was hilarious.

As an aside, Disney needs to release full season sets of Gravity Falls. I am hoarding all the episodes on my DVR, but it's starting to get unruly.

PK Gaming

That episode was pretty disappointing (probably a first for me)

I loved the joke where Stan makes a comment regarding Soos chance of finding a girl. Slim to none without money. Obviously ridiculous, but not without some truth. In his current state, Soos simply isn't appealing towards women, and that's fine. A lot of people are like that, but what's important is that they don't stay like that. Actual self improvement is a thing. So I thought the episode would deal with self improvement... But nope! Instead, we get Melody, who was pretty much reverse engineered to like Soos. "Oh wow, you like playing on kids rides? You're sooooooo intriguing." Jesus christ, what a hollow, contrived character.

Blergh. I think the episode would have been much more compelling if Soos worked his ass off to be more appealing. Because the message shouldn't be "you should just be yourself" it should be "you should be the best possible version of yourself." As it stands, Soos is literally rewarded for doing nothing. He doesn't take any strides to improve as a person, and that's disappointing.

The dating sim part of the episode was surprisingly generic. Gravity Falls is good at playing with generic tropes and making them fresh (see Double Dipper), so it was more than a little disappointing when Giffany played the generic jealous girfriend trope completely straight. There was sooooo much material to work with here when to dating sims, I was hoping we'd get a bigger look into what the game is like (rather than a few short of scenes)

At least the spritework was gorgeous?


Well, Soos got friendly with a girl, but it was far from a relationship and he didn't had enough of a impact for her to even think to stay.

I thought Giffany was fine. It surprised me that they had Visual Novels at all in a US show and as such the Yandere was satisfying enough.


Hey guys, go to Google and type in Dipper Pines and see what the first results include. Not what I expected.

Dipper Pines - Gravity Falls Wiki


My brother and I laughed pretty hard when we saw this.

Great episode as usual. The Bill one before was excellent too. This is definitely the 2nd best cartoon on TV now. So good.

Everybody better be watching TMNT. Korra's gotten pretty good now too.

But the later isn't on TV...

Fantastic Episode, really looking forward to the next one.
Hey all! Sorry for the late responses! Thanks as anyways for keeping things up to date.

First things first:

Little Gift Shop of Horrors Synopsis -
In three separate mysterious tales, Stan is cursed by a Witch, Waddles accidentally eats a bowl of brain-enhancing jelly and builds a machine that allows him to speak for the first time, and Mabel faces her fear of Claymotion.

Guest starring is astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson ("Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey") as "smart" Waddles.

and yes, I had the date right, Disney Channel is airing it first on 10/4 while XD is doing it that Monday...

Unfortunately, according to the press release:


This seems to be the only new GF in October. Keep in mind this only covers regular DC, so there's a chance on XD...I will keep you guys notified.

Really liked the scene of her walking thorough the arcade machines while she was possesing the animatronic

Yeah, super cool scene.
(I wish I wouldn't be too lazy for gifs)


(keeping unlinked for spoilers...) Your wish is granted!

Also, have a freebie!


I hate those fucking things!

Some things might be too creepy for GF.

funny as it sounds (thanks for the info on the statue, I had no idea), I actually have seen this guy's work before:


does TONS of cool/cutesy GF arts.
FUN FACT: how did I find him? Truth be told, his works were actually mentioned on GAF before:


I actually thought it was real, and had my balls busted for it. Oh, well...

New Giant Bomb Quicklook has unexpected Gravity Falls content toward the end:

Unless I get my DIpper/Mabel/Wendy figures, still not buying. You fooled me once with Infinity 1.0, Disney!

Well, you guys pretty much covered all my notices about the episode, except for:

Okay, so Wendy's the voice of reason in this episode. (shrugs shoulders...) Why the fuck not? It's better than nothing at all. I don't even know anymore... However, I thought her reading material was really interesting, considering that she continues to explore it after Stan's "Soos" joke towards her (the second she opened her mouth, I knew that was coming...) (strokes beard in interest) Hmm....

That episode was pretty disappointing (probably a first for me)

I get what you're saying, but I think the show was going in a different direction with that argument.
To me, it was kinda like something out of "40-Year Old Virgin" in which Soos was perfectly content with his life until his grams brings up the whole "girl" thing, which puts that doubt into his head.

So, if anything, I think you're giving Soos WAY too much credit. Sure, the jealous waifu is a cliche, but you're talking about a guy in which that thing is his first real interaction with a girl. So, when meeting Melody, someone that finds his innocence (for lack of a better word) charming, he instantly gets doubts about that better experience. I'm not going to say that the "better version of yourself" isn't true, but when it comes to dating/romance, there are different variables everywhere. Some people believe in opposites attracts, some vice versa, etc, etc...

Besides, you mentioned "Double Dipper" and wasn't the whole point was that Dipper had to be himself to get closer to Wendy? Hell, those were Tyrone's dying words, so you really can't blame the show for not going back on that point....

Your second topic (about the waifu) I actually wanted to ask the board about.


The above link is for the AV Club review of the last episode. (Unfortunately, these are probably the only mainstream reviews that include GF; can't spell ignorant without...)

Anyways, a lot of people find this interesting because the usual reviewer gave this his lowest rating ever for the series, the main complain being Giffany. I consider myself to be a reasonably smart guy, but I'm not sure if I get his point. Is he saying that
her one-track mind without any other angle provided is what brings the story down? He goes from tangent to tangent by stating that there should have been a sort of barometer noting the "hits" and "misses" of a relationship, to the lack of complexity, such was the case as the Wendy and Dipper thing in "Into the Bunker"

I dunno. For some reason, it kinda reminds me of the people who try to defend Robbie: "He's misunderstood." "Wendy never took his side when compared to Dipper..." "They would have been fine if Dipper left everything alone..." etc.

On the other hand, I'm like, "...maybe he's just an asshole?"

Does everything have to be multi-layered?
Help me out here, GF-GAF...

There's no way the animatronics part of the episode could have been a reference to Five Nights at Freddy's without time travel being involved, right? Because that's a surprising coincidence.

It's a hell of a coincidence. And that's all it is. This particular episode must have been written and storyboarded months ago.

Yep. Footage was first shown at July's SDCC. On tumblr, one of the artists goes into detail (and seems kinda salty about the comparison)



Does everything have to be multi-layered?
Help me out here, GF-GAF...

I don't think so. In any case making
GIFfany multi-layered wouldn't be making any sense. She literally _is_ programmed to be the stereotypical batshit insane yandere. Giving her an actual personality outside of the crazy would be the weird because she isn't actually a person.


Sock Mabel: "Gabe, we can finally be together again!"
Sock Gabe: "I'd love to Mabel, but I was just called off to fight in the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!"
*Cue giant sock monster*

This scene gets me every time and is just pure 'wut'.


Favorite scene of last episodes was the credits.

There's no way the animatronics part of the episode could have been a reference to Five Nights at Freddy's without time travel being involved, right? Because that's a surprising coincidence.

Animatronics have always been considered terrifying monstrosities, so no doubt it was a coincidence. Regular Show had an episode about creepy animatronics a few years ago as well.
Animatronics have always been considered terrifying monstrosities, so no doubt it was a coincidence. Regular Show had an episode about creepy animatronics a few years ago as well.

It's weird that people think that when this show is just Alex Hirsch's childhood on display and animatronic pizza robots are a staple of the past.


My nephews pointed out that the latest episode reminded them of Five Nights at Freddies. That was a "oh damn!" moment for me since I didn't even think about it.


Maybe it was a reference to Octodad? You guys and your damn dirty minds…..

The part with the grandfather not going to heaven was hilarious.

Yeah that too, heck Soos' grandmother is all kinds of weird especially in this episode- "Soos' life is my soap opera"

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Just caught both of the newest episodes.

Loved both of them, I can't believe how much better Season 2 has been to Season 1, and I really liked Season 1. I also somehow am consistently surprised how much they're getting away with. Lots of cool scenes, funny humor, and episodes totally addressing things that were problematic/questionable in the first season.
It was pretty much Me and my girlfriend and her love and Five Nights at Freddy's but with Gravity Falls characters instead. I always think the episodes will end up dumb but end up loving them anyway.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Decided to give this show a shot and spent the last week getting caught up. Just finished the 'Soos and the Real Girl' episode and without a doubt its easily my favorite one from this season, which is pretty shocking as I was skeptical of an episode focused on Soos to be enjoyable (I like the guy, but he has his ups and downs). I loved the dating sim references, the yandere look Giffany gave to Soos before going totally crazy was the best.

Episode 2 would be the runner up, though I'm so bummed about
Dipper getting friendzoned by Wendy. Here's hoping she reconsiders, because otherwise I may start praying for a Dipper x Pacifica moment to happen.
Also this is fantastic.

told ya the man did awesome work.

This is one of my favs that popped up recently (different artist though...)


Decided to give this show a shot and spent the last week getting caught up. Just finished the 'Soos and the Real Girl' episode and without a doubt its easily my favorite one from this season, which is pretty shocking as I was skeptical of an episode focused on Soos to be enjoyable (I like the guy, but he has his ups and downs). I loved the dating sim references, the yandere look Giffany gave to Soos before going totally crazy was the best.

Episode 2 would be the runner up, though I'm so bummed about
Dipper getting friendzoned by Wendy. Here's hoping she reconsiders,

Welcome to the club! Glad you're enjoying the series!

As for your comment (no need for the spoilers, the episode is already a month and a half old...), I've posted a LOT of stuff in this thread (as well of DMPrince's season 1 thread) about it (I can see the other GF-GAFfers rolling their eyes as I write this), so I'll try to make it brief:

Look at it this way, at the end of ITB, Dipper got what he wanted. He didn't ask for a girlfriend; he asked for everything to be okay/him not to end up ignored like Robbie and the other 7-8 exes she had. Granted, any other advancement is halted for the time being(again, not necessarily a bad thing...)

The other thing to consider to is that despite her adult height and adult voice, Wendy is still just a kid herself. I sure in hell didn't know what I wanted in any aspect of life at fifteen. For all we know, maybe she wants something better for Dipper, than to be another person she ends up call-screening for the rest of their lives...

As I said before, the show's not over yet; I'm sure they'll hit this note a few times more...(if I was to guess, I'd say when the time-traveler comes back, if the fore-mentioned "Robbie's revenge" episode doesn't happen first)

Not to go off on a tangent, but the resolution(s) such as the above are kinda worrisome (show-wise) if you think about it...

As stated by other GF-GAFfers, nearly every episode this season has to do with the wrapping up some kinda leftover from season 1.

1. Grunkle Stan is in on the spooky stuffs...
2. Wendy/Dipper thing...
3. Pacifica and Mabel are frenemies now...
4. Mabel (finally) admits she can be a selfish twat at times...
5. Soos takes a step away from being a man-child...

All this is cool and all, but what happens when everything is addressed? Is it going to be just mysteries until the end of the season/series? That's not a bad thing, but consider this: with everything that's happened with Season 1, mixed elements of both the real world and the supernatural helped Dipper (no offense to Mabel, but this is his story) become a stronger person by the time we see him at the Season 1 finale. If everything gets wrapped up before the S2 ending, will we see something of the same effect?

Furthermore, with everything mentioned above, why not go deeper into it? Sure, Stan knows about the hidden stuff of GF, so why not ask him about it? (or my question, what does it mean if he knew about all this dangerous stuff around, and yet, the only time he openly offers to help was the whole "Robbie hypnotizing Wendy" thing? Was it worse that Dipper could imagine?)

Wendy could be another example of this. Okay, they're best friends now, and she wants to go exploring/solving mysteries with Dipper. Awesome! But then why she is left out of the picture in the dark 90% of the time since then (just like Season 1)? Instead, Mabel is halfheartedly there in place of. To me, that's like Batman going on a mission, and instead of asking Batgirl for assistance, he turns to Bat-Mite.

What is the whole point of the GF team doing this if they're not going to use it? With all of the above already happened, I have no idea where they're going from here (Hirsch has said in interviews that the main theme of Season 2 is having
the twins' bond threatened more than ever
, but with the Stan/Wendy stuff already finished, I don't know what else is there to mention...

because otherwise I may start praying for a Dipper x Pacifica moment to happen.


Pure salt...that's why you're my boy, Dipper...


They're going to make the pig evil (like
the dog
in Rick & Morty) aren't they?

and more words of wisdom...




fuckin' yes to that last one...

EDIT: extended preview for new episode:



World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Welcome to the club! Glad you're enjoying the series!

As for your comment (no need for the spoilers, the episode is already a month and a half old...), I've posted a LOT of stuff in this thread (as well of DMPrince's season 1 thread) about it (I can see the other GF-GAFfers rolling their eyes as I write this), so I'll try to make it brief:

Look at it this way, at the end of ITB, Dipper got what he wanted. He didn't ask for a girlfriend; he asked for everything to be okay/him not to end up ignored like Robbie and the other 7-8 exes she had. Granted, any other advancement is halted for the time being(again, not necessarily a bad thing...)

The other thing to consider to is that despite her adult height and adult voice, Wendy is still just a kid herself. I sure in hell didn't know what I wanted in any aspect of life at fifteen. For all we know, maybe she wants something better for Dipper, than to be another person she ends up call-screening for the rest of their lives...

Excellent post and thanks for the warm welcome. Seeing your perspective on Dipper x Wendy made me feel better about their situation. :D


Pure salt...that's why you're my boy, Dipper...

As mentioned before, hate ships are the best ships! :p
Just watched it the other night, one of the best episodes yet. I'm just amazed just how much they push the envelope with Soos's mom's Heaven joke.

Also, saw this on KYM:

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