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Gravity Rush 2 |OT| Mewton's Law of Gravity

Please tell me there wont be a lot of these crappy sneaking missions. I'm on the one where you have to take a picture of some deal going down. This is horrible and way too long.
Why am I forced to do stealth with zero stealth tools??
Hi guys

About to finish up yakuza 0 here and looking for a change in pace. Would this game be drastically different in terms of structure from yakuza 0, or is it kind of the same gameplay with different skin?

I honestly don't know much about Gravity rush. To my understanding,it is a quest based open world game, kind of like yakuza (though that isn't entirely open world...)

Thanks for any input on this.

Pretty different. Yakuza 0 is a bigger game than Gravity Rush 2, which in a way is astounding because Gravity Rush 2 is plenty big. Its minigames are very different and the way combat works is also different (a lot more flying around in GR2, as you can imagine). Yakuza 0's also much bigger on elaborate cutscenes and densely woven plots; Gravity Rush 2 is a much lighter game in that sense. I'm playing through 0 now after spending 40 hours in GR2, and I don't that they tread much of the same ground at all, nor do I feel burnt out on either game. So I say go for it.


The fights with the electric woman from the crystal ended up being more irritating than they needed to be due to how many there were and how finnicky the camera gets

It's a pretty open area, right? Did you try pressing R3 to reset the camera angle?

Please tell me there wont be a lot of these crappy sneaking missions. I'm on the one where you have to take a picture of some deal going down. This is horrible and way too long.
Why am I forced to do stealth with zero stealth tools??

That's basically the only major one I could remember off the top of my head that has less leeway compared to others. The rest of the missions involving stealth are either optional side quests or can be easily accomplished by taking different routes.

Gameplay spoilers for future missions:
Episode 8 one is easy as pie. You just use gravity to walk on the sides of the buildings to avoid being seen at all. There's even a trail of gravity gauge crystals for you to follow. The areas you need to go to aren't even patrolled by any guards so I'm not sure why some people complained about this section at all. The second notable stealth mission is during episode 14. If you float under the buildings you should be fine.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Blah. I can't take any more of these garbage tier sidequests. Also hate lunar mode.

Going to try to mainline the story missions and just quit if I run into a wall from skipping side missions. Just not liking this a fraction as much as I did the first game.


That side quest that involved
melting away the grumpy father's heart
pulled at my heart strings a bit there. Good stuff.

Also, just wanna say this game is great and I love it.


I beat the game last night. I'm not going to spoil anything but wow, it got crazy at the end. It had some frustrating moments but I really loved the game. Stealth sections weren't too bad for me but the camera could get annoying. I'm sad too be finished, I love Kat's optimism and blind trust so much. I've barely touched the side missions and challenges so I need to start that stuff soon.


I didn't realise until after the game finished (and I tried to redo that irritating mission where Raven's trying to stop you delivering) that you can wall jump in lunar mode. Should really read the tips properly.


Aftershock LA
Beat it last night, and man, what an awesome game. An improvement over the original in every way, and I absolutely loved the original.

I felt increasingly sad as I reached the end of the game. It was like reaching the end of a good book. I just didn't want it to end. Kat is hands down one of the most endearing new protagonists I've seen in a very long time. Fantastic game, and I'm already thinking of diving back in. I already completed all of the Side Quests, and got Gold for every Challenge, so now it's just cleaning up some of few extras (like finding the paintings, and defeating the rare Nevi in the Mines. I'm not a Trophy guy, but since I Platinumed Gravity Rush 1 on PS4 (and maybe Vita, I can't remember), I feel like I must Platinum Gravity Rush 2.

I wish there would be a third. The characters and series deserves a third entry. I have no idea how well this one did, though.

EDIT: Oh yeah, in case anyone was interested, my final playtime was about
40 hours and some change
(spoilered just in case). That included doing all of the side missions, and getting Gold on all of the Challenge missions. I have my entire playthrough archived on Youtube as well: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTac8PLbKXNgjuyD8CLeMl-KdxRfiYOxm

EDIT 2: I avoided reading the thread before I beat the game, because I know how some folks can be about spoilers, but reading it now, it's amusing to see so many people not a fan of the intro. I actually loved it. It wasn't what I was expecting, and it was a nice, slow, atmospheric buildup to the moment when you get full control of Kat and can go where you want. It also did a great job of establishing the people of Banga Settlement, and getting you to bond with them. Overall, the biggest compliment I can give Gravity Rush 2 (among many, many glowing compliments), is how excellently it pulls off its world building. I am legit fascinated by the world of Gravity Rush, and did not want to leave it. I felt that way after playing the first one, but this one really got me. The feeling of having gone on a fun, whimsical, sometimes dramatic and engaging journey is potent. Like the end of a Studio Ghibli film (me and my wife watched Spirited Away for her first time a few weeks ago, and Gravity Rush reminds me of a Ghibli film in a lot of ways).


Junior Member
I didn't realise until after the game finished (and I tried to redo that irritating mission where Raven's trying to stop you delivering) that you can wall jump in lunar mode. Should really read the tips properly.
You can even kick off walls a little in Normal style.
Have to say, the new Dusty Tokens rewards are pretty balanced. 50 for a challenge, 10 for finding a treasure (plus I believe another 40/50 when someone else gets it). I'm just 1000 shy before I get to 6000, and I believe I got the last 1000 after the end of the bonus period.


I just checked my PS plus cloud saves and realized my gravity rush 2 system file is like 700mb big. What gives? Is that because of all the pictures you take or is there any other explanation for this game having a massive system save like that?


Finally getting started on the challenges today, so apologies if y'all get spammed with them!
They'll be pretty easy to beat

Struggled to get the 50 seconds I needed to gold Spring Breeze (I think it's called) only to see the quickest is... 20 seconds. D:

I just checked my PS plus cloud saves and realized my gravity rush 2 system file is like 700mb big. What gives? Is that because of all the pictures you take or is there any other explanation for this game having a massive system save like that?
I'd assumed it reserves a load of space for pictures, but I don't know if it's been confirmed anywhere.


You can do all challenges after main story completion right? Just want to make sure, been out of town for work. Have time to power through this game now. Loved what I played so far.


Chapter 3 spoilers

Did anyone experience a random event in Jirga Para Lhao where Kat spots a flock of birds/seagulls and gives chase?

It happened to me when I was doing the New World side mission (specifically when I was taking the man to see Lisa), but ran out of gravity power halfway and had to give up.

Did I miss anything significant by not catching them?

Oh and is it just me, or did the background music for Jirga Para Lhao (Lei Colmosna) change slightly in chapter 3? I could have sworn they added on a little jingle in certain parts of the track...
Oh and is it just me, or did the background music for Jirga Para Lhao (Lei Colmosna) change slightly in chapter 3? I could have sworn they added on a little jingle in certain parts of the track...

During the second half of the track there's
an accordion added to the mix, which I assumed corresponded to the 'Take The Old Man To All The Places Where He Spent Time With His Wife' side quest, which ends with Kat singing along to his accordion
. I'm not positive that that's the trigger, though.

I like what they were going for with that addition, but some of it ends up weirdly dissonant. I'd rather just have the regular version of that track playing.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Finally found this game at a Best Buy near me. Pick it and Yakuza 0 up with a gift card I'd gotten. Only just got through the first part but already loving it and was not expecting the opening and its fun finally getting to control Kat again. That and she's as charming as ever. I love that they had her sleeping in the bird coop


Just beat the game. Amazing last few chapters. I'll finish story missions eventually.... but my desire isn't really there.
Beat it last night, and man, what an awesome game. An improvement over the original in every way, and I absolutely loved the original.

I felt increasingly sad as I reached the end of the game. It was like reaching the end of a good book. I just didn't want it to end. Kat is hands down one of the most endearing new protagonists I've seen in a very long time. Fantastic game, and I'm already thinking of diving back in. I already completed all of the Side Quests, and got Gold for every Challenge, so now it's just cleaning up some of few extras (like finding the paintings, and defeating the rare Nevi in the Mines. I'm not a Trophy guy, but since I Platinumed Gravity Rush 1 on PS4 (and maybe Vita, I can't remember), I feel like I must Platinum Gravity Rush 2.

I wish there would be a third. The characters and series deserves a third entry. I have no idea how well this one did, though.

EDIT: Oh yeah, in case anyone was interested, my final playtime was about
40 hours and some change
(spoilered just in case). That included doing all of the side missions, and getting Gold on all of the Challenge missions. I have my entire playthrough archived on Youtube as well: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTac8PLbKXNgjuyD8CLeMl-KdxRfiYOxm

EDIT 2: I avoided reading the thread before I beat the game, because I know how some folks can be about spoilers, but reading it now, it's amusing to see so many people not a fan of the intro. I actually loved it. It wasn't what I was expecting, and it was a nice, slow, atmospheric buildup to the moment when you get full control of Kat and can go where you want. It also did a great job of establishing the people of Banga Settlement, and getting you to bond with them. Overall, the biggest compliment I can give Gravity Rush 2 (among many, many glowing compliments), is how excellently it pulls off its world building. I am legit fascinated by the world of Gravity Rush, and did not want to leave it. I felt that way after playing the first one, but this one really got me. The feeling of having gone on a fun, whimsical, sometimes dramatic and engaging journey is potent. Like the end of a Studio Ghibli film (me and my wife watched Spirited Away for her first time a few weeks ago, and Gravity Rush reminds me of a Ghibli film in a lot of ways).

That's exactly how I felt. Never wanted it to end.


Do we know exactly when the dlc is supposed to take place?

No. Feels like it'll set (ending spoilers)
during the one year period where Kat has been missing after you beat the game. It could be after you apparently find Kat, but that seems weird. And if it were to happen before GR2, that seems weird too, because why have they never mentioned it at all.

Do we know exactly when the dlc is supposed to take place?

Also the PSO costume is an abomination. Give us the Nier crossover pls

There's hope yet!


Phantasy Star Online 2 DLC is up in the US if you missed the announcement. It's free costume and props.

Cheers, gonna grab it tomorrow. I need to get back to this game. Like others it clicks for me HARD...and then clicks off just as fast. :/ I love it but haven't been able to stay with it. Now with binging Nioh it's even harder.
No. Feels like it'll set (ending spoilers)
during the one year period where Kat has been missing after you beat the game. It could be after you apparently find Kat, but that seems weird. And if it were to happen before GR2, that seems weird too, because why have they never mentioned it at all.

There's hope yet!

Being set
during the one year period would be ideal. It would give us time to see Raven take her place as the beloved protector of the city and give them a chance to wrap a nice little bow on what happens at the end
Do we know exactly when the dlc is supposed to take place?

Also the PSO costume is an abomination. Give us the Nier crossover pls

No. Feels like it'll set (ending spoilers)
during the one year period where Kat has been missing after you beat the game. It could be after you apparently find Kat, but that seems weird. And if it were to happen before GR2, that seems weird too, because why have they never mentioned it at all.

Given the teaser image and the fact that it's called 'Another Story: The Ark of Time – Raven's Choice', it sounds like it at least covers
the one year period from the first game between Kat falling into the gravity abyss and coming back a year later, where Raven was handling the situation with the ark full of kids from Boutoume
. I agree that it would be weird to only cover events from the first game, so hopefully it gets more current as well.

I'm surprised so many people seem to hate the PSO2 costume - I'm digging it.
Given the teaser image and the fact that it's called 'Another Story: The Ark of Time – Raven’s Choice', it sounds like it at least covers
the one year period from the first game between Kat falling into the gravity abyss and coming back a year later, where Raven was handling the situation with the ark full of kids from Boutoume
. I agree that it would be weird to only cover events from the first game, so hopefully it gets more current as well.

I'm surprised so many people seem to hate the PSO2 costume - I'm digging it.

It's all subjective. I just think the two pigtails look dumb and it feels really out of place.


Given the teaser image and the fact that it's called 'Another Story: The Ark of Time – Raven's Choice', it sounds like it at least covers
the one year period from the first game between Kat falling into the gravity abyss and coming back a year later, where Raven was handling the situation with the ark full of kids from Boutoume
. I agree that it would be weird to only cover events from the first game, so hopefully it gets more current as well.

I'm surprised so many people seem to hate the PSO2 costume - I'm digging it.

Well either way, I can't wait. I kinda hope this one is focused on the story though; dunno if I necessarily want to send part of those five hours on Raven doing random stuff, I want to make the most of it.

As for the PS02 costume, she's in her underwear. Not much else to say...

And yea, it's not like this is Kat's first sexy/revealing/controversial outfit (Like the Spy outfit for example), but this one in particular just looks so trashy and gaudy, and just completely turns me off. Hell, even if she was wearing pants or whatever, the outfit would still look dumb to me, the shields seem unnecessary, and then last but not least, the pigtails just manage to make her even look worse. It makes her look like a little girl that's playing dress up for the first time lol

So it's not so much the blatant fanservice (Although obviously that's a factor), but that's it just plain ugly to look at imo, as opposed to all her other outfits.
Except the idol outfit. I don't like that one either.

That harsh critique aside (I'm bored, and it's my first time really articulating my dislike for it), yes I'm aware it's just a downloadable costume, so for whoever likes it, you do you. But since the topic was brought up, I may as well say it now lol
Well either way, I can't wait. I kinda hope this one is focused on the story though; dunno if I necessarily want to send part of those five hours on Raven doing random stuff, I want to make the most of it.

As for the PS02 costume, she's in her underwear. Not much else to say...

And yea, it's not like this is Kat's first sexy/revealing/controversial outfit (Like the Spy outfit for example), but this one in particular just looks so trashy and gaudy, and just completely turns me off. Hell, even if she was wearing pants or whatever, the outfit would still look dumb to me, the shields seem unnecessary, and then last but not least, the pigtails just manage to make her even look worse. It makes her look like a little girl that's playing dress up for the first time lol

So it's not so much the blatant fanservice (Although obviously that's a factor), but that's it just plain ugly to look at imo, as opposed to all her other outfits.
Except the idol outfit. I don't like that one either.

That harsh critique aside (I'm bored, and it's my first time really articulating my dislike for it), yes I'm aware it's just a downloadable costume, so for whoever likes it, you do you. But since the topic was brought up, I may as well say it now lol

Totally agree. At least the Spy outfit wasn't nearly this egregious. She's literally in her panties and has this obnoxious shields on her sides. And I can't really tell if the patterns on the armor is carbon fiber or fishnet but assuming the latter.. Christ
So it's not so much the blatant fanservice (Although obviously that's a factor), but that's it just plain ugly to look at imo, as opposed to all her other outfits.
Except the idol outfit. I don't like that one either.

I getcha. I actually just like the fact that it's big and dumb like actual PSO2 characters are, the fanservice is negligible. The juxtaposition against all of the other classy outfits is fun. Except the
costume - never liked that one.


I getcha. I actually just like the fact that it's big and dumb like actual PSO2 characters are, the fanservice is negligible. The juxtaposition against all of the other classy outfits is fun. I also never liked the

I know nothing about PS02, so from the jump, the collaboration confused me. All I knew is the outfit looked dumb lol

They must redeem themselves with a 2B outfit pronto


I'm still angri there is no proper photomode in the game like Uncharted's one, I wish I could take screenshots of the cities from a wider viewing angle and possibly even change the weather too

Heres are some of the photos I took though of the world










I just finished it and it was awesome.
I adored the ending epilogue and when all of a sudden I got to play as Raven during the final boss sequence I got chills. I loved that surprise so much.
What a cool, creative, and charming game. I'll probably platinum this sucker since I love it so much.


I just finished it and it was awesome.
I adored the ending epilogue and when all of a sudden I got to play as Raven during the final boss sequence I got chills. I loved that surprise so much.
What a cool, creative, and charming game. I'll probably platinum this sucker since I love it so much.

Savor it.


that entire section where you are in Etos was so fucking cool. That gameplay shift and the confusion it gave me was awesome.
So gooooood. And fuck, the music is amazing the whole game too. And the atmosphere in general. I love the shit out of this game.
Just finished tonight.
Episode 27
hit me right in the feels.

This game definitely had its ups and downs, but I don't regret it one bit. Fantastic game, and one that will stick with me for a while.
that entire section where you are in Etos was so fucking cool. That gameplay shift and the confusion it gave me was awesome.
So gooooood. And fuck, the music is amazing the whole game too. And the atmosphere in general. I love the shit out of this game.

Agreed wholeheartedly!

I'm still angri there is no proper photomode in the game like Uncharted's one, I wish I could take screenshots of the cities from a wider viewing angle and possibly even change the weather too

Heres are some of the photos I took though of the world

Be sure to check out the Photo Mode thread as well, so there aren't just a couple of us posting in there!


Aftershock LA
That's exactly how I felt. Never wanted it to end.

I'm still bummed about it. I'd love another entry in the series. Kat is too damn lovable to not give her a third and "final" outing. I'd also be okay with an anime series. I have Discovery of Gravitation stuck in my head and have had it since I beat the game! I didn't want to say goodbye, and that theme is such a beautiful mix of nostalgia, melancholy, and hope. I love the moment where (late game side mission spoiler)
Kat sings Discovery of Gravitation for the old man in Music Lane

I absolutely love Kat's voice actress as well. She nails the naivete and charm of the character. I'm really glad we didn't get an English dub over the game. Surprised, actually. Then again, if they were trying to keep the budget modest, localization would be expensive (and it would rob the game of the interesting language they've created for the series, which adds a lot of character and realism to the world).
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