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Gravity Rush 2 |OT| Mewton's Law of Gravity

Welp, finally wrapped this up last night. After ~65 hours I figured it was time to bring this thing to an end, and end it did. The last 3rd is just non-stop. There's definitely a hint of bittersweet closure to the whole thing with the way the game dives head first into wrapping up pretty much every loose end, including all the little side character plots. The way it's structured really makes it feel like a journey to get where you end up towards the end, particularly how the 2nd half connects to Gravity Rush 1, and how all the character work and world building from both games converge. I'm beyond satisfied, but also left wanting more because the core of the game is such a goofy, uplifting experience. Haven't felt this in a while.

Finished all the side missions and got gold on all the challenges already. I really have no idea why people complained about some of these side missions so much tbh. I never got stuck on anything for more than maybe a minute (the second stunt actor thing is probably the most demanding scenario in the game, but it's really not that bad), and the stealth/non-gravity scenarios are so easy in general. That's not to say there are no lackluster side activities, they generally hover from "solid" to "good" with a few standout gems and a few hastily slapped together tangents that go on for one beat too long, but I was always entertained by the writing. The real worst part of the game is BY FAR Episode 12. Woof. That episode needed a lot of massaging to get it where it needed to be. I had a blast for 99% of this though, so whatever. Might go back for all the picture challenges, but I need to get away from it for a while (at least until the DLC) and let it all sink in.

Stunning art style, simple but endearing and entertaining writing, great world building, amazing main character, and a fantastic set of core mechanics. Gravity Rush 2 makes good on all the promises and potential of the first game, and then some. Just like the first game though, there's a sense of mid-budget workarounds and old school Japanese "use your imagination" sensibilities that holds the presentation back slightly, but if you can get lost in what the game does well, there's a lot to love. I kept getting struck with this oddly strong sense of nostalgia as everything was coming to a close. That kind of nostalgia you don't even really know what it's for. A yearning to go back to some hazy illusion of some time that never really existed, but the experience keeps digging up. The different takes on Discovery of Gravitation especially kill me with that feeling, over and over. The whole thing is just.... it's beautiful, fam


I'm still bummed about it. I'd love another entry in the series. Kat is too damn lovable to not give her a third and "final" outing. I'd also be okay with an anime series. I have Discovery of Gravitation stuck in my head and have had it since I beat the game! I didn't want to say goodbye, and that theme is such a beautiful mix of nostalgia, melancholy, and hope. I love the moment where (late game side mission spoiler)
Kat sings Discovery of Gravitation for the old man in Music Lane

I absolutely love Kat's voice actress as well. She nails the naivete and charm of the character. I'm really glad we didn't get an English dub over the game. Surprised, actually. Then again, if they were trying to keep the budget modest, localization would be expensive (and it would rob the game of the interesting language they've created for the series, which adds a lot of character and realism to the world).
Yeah that theme is so solid - you absolutely nailed my feelings on it. If we ever get a third game, I think I would literally cry. I love Kat and the world of Gravity Rush so much. But hey, I'm happy with what we got, and if that's all it ends up being, all I at least have these two games to get back to.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who appreciated that quest! I was getting chills the entire time I'd hear the accordion, and then when I finally found it and Kat joined in to sing...and seeing it brought that old man back to happier memories... it perfectly embodies the genuine sweetness and personality of the game's hero in a way few, few games manage. That's what makes the side missions worth playing, more than anything else.

The language is equal parts silly, equal parts weirdly beautiful. And Kat's VA nails the language so effectively - I can't imagine anyone doing the voice but her. Raven does a solid job, as well, capturing the gruffness to her but in a way that conveys her compassion, as well.


Aftershock LA
Yeah that theme is so solid - you absolutely nailed my feelings on it. If we ever get a third game, I think I would literally cry. I love Kat and the world of Gravity Rush so much. But hey, I'm happy with what we got, and if that's all it ends up being, all I at least have these two games to get back to.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who appreciated that quest! I was getting chills the entire time I'd hear the accordion, and then when I finally found it and Kat joined in to sing...and seeing it brought that old man back to happier memories... it perfectly embodies the genuine sweetness and personality of the game's hero in a way few, few games manage. That's what makes the side missions worth playing, more than anything else.

The language is equal parts silly, equal parts weirdly beautiful. And Kat's VA nails the language so effectively - I can't imagine anyone doing the voice but her. Raven does a solid job, as well, capturing the gruffness to her but in a way that conveys her compassion, as well.

As a man who wouldn't shut up about Gravity Rush on the Vita and tried to get as many people to give it a shot as possible, I'm just grateful we got a sequel at all. I never thought a sequel was coming, so it was a legit pleasant surprise when I learned one had been greenlit (and was nail-bitingly tense about it being cancelled for reasons). It very easily could have began and ended with Gravity Rush 1. At least this one feels a bit more complete than GR1 did. There are still lots of questions and speculation, but I feel pretty satisfied with the game and the conclusion. I can't help but want more, though! XD

On the topic of side missions, even though some of them can be a pain in the ass, what I love about them all is that they make Jirga Para Lhao and Hekesville feel like a real place. More end game spoilers coming: I also really love how
the last few chapters and side missions of the game have Kat and then Raven revisiting people and places that, if you've done the side missions, offer up more of an epilogue to those characters and their story beats, and it had a really sweet and nostalgic feel to it. Very few games ever have you revisiting characters you helped in side quests. It just made the world feel that much more cohesive and real
. I highly encourage everyone to complete every side mission. It really adds so much to the game by the time the final credits roll. Worth the annoyances and frustrations (Moving Day; how I hate you).
I'm still bummed about it. I'd love another entry in the series. Kat is too damn lovable to not give her a third and "final" outing. I'd also be okay with an anime series. I have Discovery of Gravitation stuck in my head and have had it since I beat the game! I didn't want to say goodbye, and that theme is such a beautiful mix of nostalgia, melancholy, and hope. I love the moment where (late game side mission spoiler)
Kat sings Discovery of Gravitation for the old man in Music Lane

I absolutely love Kat's voice actress as well. She nails the naivete and charm of the character. I'm really glad we didn't get an English dub over the game. Surprised, actually. Then again, if they were trying to keep the budget modest, localization would be expensive (and it would rob the game of the interesting language they've created for the series, which adds a lot of character and realism to the world).

Absolutely. I love the mix of French and Japanese. It somehow feels like a very organic pigeon language.

Honestly, even 3 weeks after beating the game it is sticking with me. I have no qualms in putting this among my favorite games of all time. It's a flawed masterpiece. however, what this game does right, it does them so well that they completely make up for any of the issues.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I'm definitely starting to enjoy it more since deciding to focus on the story missions and ignoring the side quests. I was doing them all between missions up through chapter 9 and just not having a good time as only one or two were interesting and more were annoying. Still doing some of the challenges as those are mostly fun. Figure once I beat it I can look up which sidequests are decent and chip away at them since I bought the game digitally.

Getting back to
has helped my enjoyment a ton more as I like that setting much more than the new one. Camera in chapter 12 was garbage though.

Anyway, I'm on chapter 15 now I think. Will continue plugging away and get it beaten before Zelda/Switch on 3/3.

My main mistake was probably moving immediately into this after finishing Remastered the week before. I'd probably not been as annoyed with side quests etc. if I'd held off and played this down the road as I tend to jump around genres as I get sick of playing the and thing (much less same series) consecutively.


I'm still angri there is no proper photomode in the game like Uncharted's one, I wish I could take screenshots of the cities from a wider viewing angle and possibly even change the weather too

Heres are some of the photos I took though of the world

Those are some nice pics!
This game looks so good.

I know nothing about PS02, so from the jump, the collaboration confused me. All I knew is the outfit looked dumb lol

They must redeem themselves with a 2B outfit pronto

Kinda offtopic but worst part is that the GR2 PSO2 outfit is still rather tame compared on whats in PSO2. Really, that game is fun but man, looking at the awesome art of PSO1 and then looking at... whatever the fuck is that shit on PSO2 is depressing.
Finally finished! Overall I really enjoyed the game, with a small amount of mixed feeling over the actual game design.

Positively, I loved the story, and came away very satisfied. I feel like by and large the questions I had were answered and the characters I had invested in came to satisfying conclusions in their arcs. There's probably a pretty obvious question I have on my mind in regards to Raven but there's still the dlc to go which I assume for now might shine a little more light on that. The only stuff I have a little trouble with is
reconciling some of the syd /alias stuff from the first game in relation to this game. I think we kind of saw Syd/Alias coming but exactly why he behaves how he does in the first game mystifies me haha
. I honestly think there isn't anything left to be revealed there though, I think that aspect of the story was just a little sloppily told or lost in translation and I'll have to settle with taking that how I want to. Otherwise very sad to see the end of the little world and the lore they carved out. I kind of want more but at the same time I honestly think they hit a good level with the lore. They told us what we needed to know, left a decent amount in the air for interpretation and walked away. With these things the more intricate they get, usually the more disappointing it becomes. I will miss the world and the characters though. I hope the team's next game carries some of Gravity Rush's dna in terms of world building and originality.

As I mentioned at the start though, there is a little mixed feelings which is a shame. I'd like to come out of this feeling super triumphant that we got the ultimate Gravity Rush game if that's to be it. Controlwise and combat wise I thought it was perfect. The style of gameplay will always be unwieldy but this felt like the best most polished version of the mechanics they could get us. I love that the game is huge and almost like two games, but I ended up a bit bored of the first half and was SUPER happy when Chapter 3 happened and we got back to a lot of what was set up in the first game. There is a lot of character building done in the first half of the game though that made a lot of the moments later, I will say that. In the end though, I felt they pretty much entirely failed at every turn when attempting to expand on the original's formula and add new ways to play, particularly the heavy use of poor stealth systems. Initially reading complaints about these at launch I expected something similar to the mission in the first game where you try to protect the sacred gem and for there to be very little of this, but it turns up WAY too often in story missions and literally just wasn't fun. Some of the side quests too, the way they tried to apply the mechanics differently just didn't work for me, and it does cast a shadow on the game a little for me and makes me feel in terms of gameplay, it maybe is best to leave this world behind now.

Whatever though. Those moments did bring me down, but I powered through because just the pure joy of soaring through the city, the colourful massive world, the interesting thoughtful characters and the awesome story kept me hooking. They tried to go big and in some ways truly succeeded in ways they could never have managed on the vita and in some ways it didn't work and made me think the game was better as a smaller scope handheld title. What can you do. The game overall was extremely unique and really managed to scratch an itch that other games haven't for me. In terms of the slice of lifey fiction with the characters, with the style of play, the intriguing lore, and just a plain lovable protagonist. If it really is it for Kat, I hope they preserve the character in other ways throughout the years, cameos, ports etc, Kat & her world shouldn't be forgotten.
I tried fighting the Giant Nevi again.

I've come to the conclusion that fuck absolutely everything about those fights.
How are you approaching that fight? I have the thing dead in abut two minutes; just dodge the scythe, hit circle as soon as the scythe breaks apart to suck the pieces in, throw pieces of the scythe back at it, repeat until dead.


I tried fighting the Giant Nevi again.

I've come to the conclusion that fuck absolutely everything about those fights.

It's easy to dodge the scythe attacks. Beyond that, use stasis for long range and kicks when you think you're close enough. There's only one area I think that doesn't have objects to throw.


So if I wanted to find a Rare Nevi should I just do the mining thing where you keep going deeper and breaking the green orbs? And hope one pops out of it?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Really enjoying the game so far even though I'm early in. Does missing a conversation matter that much?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Is there any way to back out of one of the mining missions? I took on one and I'm having trouble beating it and would like to come back later.
Welp, finally wrapped this up last night. After ~65 hours I figured it was time to bring this thing to an end, and end it did. The last 3rd is just non-stop. There's definitely a hint of bittersweet closure to the whole thing with the way the game dives head first into wrapping up pretty much every loose end, including all the little side character plots. The way it's structured really makes it feel like a journey to get where you end up towards the end, particularly how the 2nd half connects to Gravity Rush 1, and how all the character work and world building from both games converge. I'm beyond satisfied, but also left wanting more because the core of the game is such a goofy, uplifting experience. Haven't felt this in a while.

Finished all the side missions and got gold on all the challenges already. I really have no idea why people complained about some of these side missions so much tbh. I never got stuck on anything for more than maybe a minute (the second stunt actor thing is probably the most demanding scenario in the game, but it's really not that bad), and the stealth/non-gravity scenarios are so easy in general. That's not to say there are no lackluster side activities, they generally hover from "solid" to "good" with a few standout gems and a few hastily slapped together tangents that go on for one beat too long, but I was always entertained by the writing. The real worst part of the game is BY FAR Episode 12. Woof. That episode needed a lot of massaging to get it where it needed to be. I had a blast for 99% of this though, so whatever. Might go back for all the picture challenges, but I need to get away from it for a while (at least until the DLC) and let it all sink in.

Stunning art style, simple but endearing and entertaining writing, great world building, amazing main character, and a fantastic set of core mechanics. Gravity Rush 2 makes good on all the promises and potential of the first game, and then some. Just like the first game though, there's a sense of mid-budget workarounds and old school Japanese "use your imagination" sensibilities that holds the presentation back slightly, but if you can get lost in what the game does well, there's a lot to love. I kept getting struck with this oddly strong sense of nostalgia as everything was coming to a close. That kind of nostalgia you don't even really know what it's for. A yearning to go back to some hazy illusion of some time that never really existed, but the experience keeps digging up. The different takes on Discovery of Gravitation especially kill me with that feeling, over and over. The whole thing is just.... it's beautiful, fam

Exactly the same feeling the original game gave me.

Can't wait to dive back into this one.

Such an amazing series. So underappreciated. Can't believe the ratings it got lmao.


I was just listening to the OST with my good headphones and wow. The music is even better than I originally thought. Such an impressive OST.
Just finished it. Got to end credits anyway.


I desperately wanted to like this game. So I waited till I finished it to give impressions. I quite liked GR on Vita, and I completed that at well. I kept on playing GR2 even though I was not enjoying it, just holding out hope that somehow this game would eventually become good. It didn't.

Some of the worst gameplay design I have ever seen in a big budget game. Just atrocious. The "want to put my hands around the designers necks and shake them" kind of bad. I thought GR Vita was quite endearing. GR1 gameplay was just so so. But it was original and had charm to it. And I did like the exploration stuff. But GR2 some how makes playing the game less fun than GR1.

The mission designs just make me ANGRY because of how shit they are! I think the anger is mostly because the world design is actually well realized artistically and beautiful. And they even give us all of the
GR1 city in there too
but then they give this beautiful world to what has to be the worst gameplay design team in the whole industry and let them just piss all over it.


Just finished it. Got to end credits anyway.


I desperately wanted to like this game. So I waited till I finished it to give impressions. I quite liked GR on Vita, and I completed that at well. I kept on playing GR2 even though I was not enjoying it, just holding out hope that somehow this game would eventually become good. It didn't.

Some of the worst gameplay design I have ever seen in a big budget game. Just atrocious. The "want to put my hands around the designers necks and shake them" kind of bad. I thought GR Vita was quite endearing. GR1 gameplay was just so so. But it was original and had charm to it. And I did like the exploration stuff. But GR2 some how makes playing the game less fun than GR1.

The mission designs just make me ANGRY because of how shit they are! I think the anger is mostly because the world design is actually well realized artistically and beautiful. And they even give us all of the
GR1 city in there too
but then they give this beautiful world to what has to be the worst gameplay design team in the whole industry and let them just piss all over it.
You just complained about the gameplay in 3 paragraphs and managed to explained nothing... Good job! I actually felt the same way until i played it again and completely changed my mind.


Just finished it. Got to end credits anyway.


I desperately wanted to like this game. So I waited till I finished it to give impressions. I quite liked GR on Vita, and I completed that at well. I kept on playing GR2 even though I was not enjoying it, just holding out hope that somehow this game would eventually become good. It didn't.

Some of the worst gameplay design I have ever seen in a big budget game. Just atrocious. The "want to put my hands around the designers necks and shake them" kind of bad. I thought GR Vita was quite endearing. GR1 gameplay was just so so. But it was original and had charm to it. And I did like the exploration stuff. But GR2 some how makes playing the game less fun than GR1.

The mission designs just make me ANGRY because of how shit they are! I think the anger is mostly because the world design is actually well realized artistically and beautiful. And they even give us all of the
GR1 city in there too
but then they give this beautiful world to what has to be the worst gameplay design team in the whole industry and let them just piss all over it.

Maybe you can elaborate instead of delving into a mindless rant? I'm very interested in what your gameplay style is like as well. I hope you weren't just kicking all over the place and not resetting the camera when you needed to. And by getting to the end credits you do mean the second credits, right?

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I can't rage to near the extent PuppetMaster did, but I finished this up just now and honestly just glad it's done.

Love the characters and world, but found to to be one of the more frustrating games I've played to completion. I don't have the interest or energy to elaborate and this thread is pretty much ready for community and being the place for people who loved the game to keep chatting, so I'll respect that.

I'd probably give it a 7.5 whereas Remastered I'd give a 9.

I may chip away at side missions etc. some still. Just counted and I have 19 side missions and 3 challenges left that I haven't at least bronzed.


You just complained about the gameplay in 3 paragraphs and managed to explained nothing... Good job! I actually felt the same way until i played it again and completely changed my mind.

Yea I'm like, I don't know what to say since he didn't go into any actual details...


Yea I'm like, I don't know what to say since he didn't go into any actual details...

You know! The thing! They did that wrong! And that other detail, it was so bad! It's unacceptable the devs even did that one particular thing too, what the hell?

/s :^)
Finally starting this game after having it for a little over two weeks, and not touching it. Just finished up the remaster of the first game a few days ago so I'm more than ready to continue Kat's story.


Just finished it. Got to end credits anyway.


I desperately wanted to like this game. So I waited till I finished it to give impressions. I quite liked GR on Vita, and I completed that at well. I kept on playing GR2 even though I was not enjoying it, just holding out hope that somehow this game would eventually become good. It didn't.

Some of the worst gameplay design I have ever seen in a big budget game. Just atrocious. The "want to put my hands around the designers necks and shake them" kind of bad. I thought GR Vita was quite endearing. GR1 gameplay was just so so. But it was original and had charm to it. And I did like the exploration stuff. But GR2 some how makes playing the game less fun than GR1.

The mission designs just make me ANGRY because of how shit they are! I think the anger is mostly because the world design is actually well realized artistically and beautiful. And they even give us all of the
GR1 city in there too
but then they give this beautiful world to what has to be the worst gameplay design team in the whole industry and let them just piss all over it.

You must play some really amazing games if this is the worst in the industry.
Tried Delvool diving again earlier today. Layer 18 is not my friend right now.

Also had a rare Nevi spawn in an earlier layer (8 or so?). There was nothing in that layer to pick up and throw, so I tried to fight it melee. Guess how that went...

I wonder: if someone else picks up your ghost, does that mean you can't claim it yourself anymore?


I can't rage to near the extent PuppetMaster did, but I finished this up just now and honestly just glad it's done.

Love the characters and world, but found to to be one of the more frustrating games I've played to completion. I don't have the interest or energy to elaborate and this thread is pretty much ready for community and being the place for people who loved the game to keep chatting, so I'll respect that.

I'd probably give it a 7.5 whereas Remastered I'd give a 9.

I may chip away at side missions etc. some still. Just counted and I have 19 side missions and 3 challenges left that I haven't at least bronzed.
There are fans in this thread but they are honest about what they like/dislike. You too are not explaining what you have found so wrong with the game. This game needs a second play through plus a slow pace. It puts the first game to shame.


There are fans in this thread but they are honest about what they like/dislike. You too are not explaining what you have found so wrong with the game. This game needs a second play through plus a slow pace. It puts the first game to shame.

Yea I'll probably never get why people prefer the first game. The sequel has some missteps, sure, but it was just bigger and better in virtually every way that mattered to me.

Also I kinda do wanna play it again already. I should do the whole mining thing first though.


Yea I'll probably never get why people prefer the first game. The sequel has some missteps, sure, but it was just bigger and better in virtually every way that mattered to me.

The only thing I really miss from GR1 now is the Rift Planes missions. The tablet missions are just 'eh' and can get really stale after the 3rd challenge. Otherwise I vastly prefer GR2.
It's bitter sweet for me so far. Maybe I like GR1 too much (played on Vita twice and got the Platinum on PS4) or maybe I need to play it more slower. It's obviously better than GR1 in almost every way. But I think the side missions are bit of a drag with only a few good ones. Obviously the best solution would be to skip the side missions, but then I'll end up missing out on the rewards, specially the upgrades. I just started Chapter 3 and things are beginning to pick up so we'll see.

Oh yeah I'm not really into the new powers, I pretty much switch back to the normal one unless I have to use the new ones.
I can't rage to near the extent PuppetMaster did, but I finished this up just now and honestly just glad it's done.

Love the characters and world, but found to to be one of the more frustrating games I've played to completion. I don't have the interest or energy to elaborate and this thread is pretty much ready for community and being the place for people who loved the game to keep chatting, so I'll respect that.

I'd probably give it a 7.5 whereas Remastered I'd give a 9.

I may chip away at side missions etc. some still. Just counted and I have 19 side missions and 3 challenges left that I haven't at least bronzed.

There are absolutely some frustrations to be noted with GR2 (namely stealth being under-explained/trial-and-error, and Episode 12, which should not have shipped as-is), which I can't fault anyone for taking issue with. It's impossible for me to look back at GR1 and point to anything that it did better, though.


Shit, I wish there were more side missions... I only disliked a few of them, like the one where you helped a lady move. (It was also my last one, so it was a lame way to end things lol)
Shit, I wish there were more side missions... I only disliked a few of them, like the moving one.

They're not all that bad. The stories are good or sometimes funny, but they are getting a tad repetitive at times or they end up being a tad too long. (Zoey was something else)
Now that I'm in Chapter 3's location I can't wait to play the side missions.


They're not all that bad. The stories are good or sometimes funny, but they are getting a tad repetitive at times or they end up being a tad too long. (Zoey was something else)

Repetitive? They pretty much always put you in different situations or contexts. Hell they even give you unique cutscenes and even tutorials depending on the mission. Even stuff like the stealth/stalking ones or finding a particular place tend to be varied at least a little bit.

And is Zoey the one where you walk the dog? I still will never get why that seems to be the one GAF hates the most lol


Aftershock LA
Absolutely. I love the mix of French and Japanese. It somehow feels like a very organic pigeon language.

Honestly, even 3 weeks after beating the game it is sticking with me. I have no qualms in putting this among my favorite games of all time. It's a flawed masterpiece. however, what this game does right, it does them so well that they completely make up for any of the issues.

Very true. Also true, is that the issues the game has are incredibly minor compared to truly flawed games. Outside of a janky camera every once in a while, and a learning curve to her gravity powers (which wasn't too bad for me coming from beating Gravity Rush 1 on both the Vita and PS4; controlling Kat in GR2 was a breeze). It's worthy of high praise and scores. A "flawed gem," to me, is something like Heavenly Sword or Second Sight. Maybe Gravity Rush 1. Gravity Rush 2 is a legit quality game, with some incredible world-building, gorgeous art design, beautiful animations, and engaging gameplay. The addition of the two new gravity styles is what really elevated the combat. It's going to feel weird going back and live-streaming Gravity Rush Remastered, because GR2 expanded on the concepts in that game significantly.

I can't wait for the DLC, even if it's set before GR2. Just diving into that world again will feel good. Like Bloodborne, I can see myself diving back into GR2 over and over again. It's a classic, and I hope more people give it a go.


Like Bloodborne, I can see myself diving back into GR2 over and over again. It's a classic, and I hope more people give it a go.

Yep, I won't make the same mistake I made with the first one. Keeping this forever lol, because I know there will come a time when I want to replay it
this year.


I just finished it and boy, did I hate most of the missions. Almost nothing they make you do was fun to me at all. It's either super boring "visit these 10 quest markers" or "bring this object from A to B" stuff, or super frustrating instant-fail "do this exactly like we want you to" missions. The only activites I liked were searching for the apple treasures and the photo collections.

If it wasn't so, so beautiful and charming, I'd probably have hated it. It was a huge let-down after how much I liked GR1. It's a case of less is more, I guess.
Since you guys are talking about replaying the game, may I ask if you're going to start a completely different film or if you're just replaying the missions? A new save would probably be better, but I don't really feel like grinding again for the power-ups (and I don't like having the save be incomplete).


Since you guys are talking about replaying the game, may I ask if you're going to start a completely different film or if you're just replaying the missions? A new save would probably be better, but I don't really feel like grinding again for the power-ups (and I don't like having the save be incomplete).

It was either replay the missions, or just start over on a easier difficulty.
So overall, for people who are finished, would the preference be for the team to make another GR game, or just take that originality and uniqueness and make something new? In my own little write-up I was kind of torn. Character wise I would miss everyone but at the same time I think things got wrapped pretty much dead on perfect in terms of resolution. It's difficult to know when is enough, probably more so for the actual creatives.


Seems like most of my GAF friends stopped playing. Anyone here still in the middle of it? I'm still doing challenges and stuff. Add me if you are too: Wretched_Walrus


Yea I'll probably never get why people prefer the first game. The sequel has some missteps, sure, but it was just bigger and better in virtually every way that mattered to me.

Also I kinda do wanna play it again already. I should do the whole mining thing first though.
Probably the more down to earth story. The story here is spread throughout all missions and activities which GR1 had the story in the main missions mostly.

Additionally, i feel Kat's abilities are underused. I personally use the Lunar jump then quickly move to standard mode and double tap X to launch face first. Looks soo bad ass! I feel people don't have a grip on the control and that sours the experience.

Regarding the missions, some people don't know in the stealth missions you can take out guards which makes the stealth more open ended or less fixed.

It's thoss little things that adds up to make a better experience.


I just finished it and boy, did I hate most of the missions. Almost nothing they make you do was fun to me at all. It's either super boring "visit these 10 quest markers" or "bring this object from A to B" stuff, or super frustrating instant-fail "do this exactly like we want you to" missions. The only activites I liked were searching for the apple treasures and the photo collections.

If it wasn't so, so beautiful and charming, I'd probably have hated it. It was a huge let-down after how much I liked GR1. It's a case of less is more, I guess.

That is me, I've stopped playing it just pretty early too, love GR1, hate this one, dialogue, story, character and mission are so bad it hurts, the visual and artstyle are marvelous though, waste potential.


Since you guys are talking about replaying the game, may I ask if you're going to start a completely different film or if you're just replaying the missions? A new save would probably be better, but I don't really feel like grinding again for the power-ups (and I don't like having the save be incomplete).

I would start over to get the vision of the developer. Do side missions as they come too. The side missions grows the world, character, and gravity meter/health. I kinda fought the game first time to get through the story and didn't enjoy myself. The second time, it was like a vile was removed. I started to experiment with different powers and mixing them up; testing their properties. Just a fascinating game that encourages you to mix abilities.


So overall, for people who are finished, would the preference be for the team to make another GR game, or just take that originality and uniqueness and make something new? In my own little write-up I was kind of torn. Character wise I would miss everyone but at the same time I think things got wrapped pretty much dead on perfect in terms of resolution. It's difficult to know when is enough, probably more so for the actual creatives.
I feel the devs need to flesh out the lore so people will understand it better. The lore is just too deep the not continue. They should do something new too.


Probably the more down to earth story. The story here is spread throughout all missions and activities which GR1 had the story in the main missions mostly.

Additionally, i feel Kat's abilities are underused. I personally use the Lunar jump then quickly move to standard mode and double tap X to launch face first. Looks soo bad ass! I feel people don't have a grip on the control and that sours the experience.

Regarding the missions, some people don't know in the stealth missions you can take out guards which makes the stealth more open ended or less fixed.

It's thoss little things that adds up to make a better experience.

Yeah, story, rift areas and no stealth (I absolutely hate stealth) are things that are better i 1 to me.

So overall, for people who are finished, would the preference be for the team to make another GR game, or just take that originality and uniqueness and make something new? In my own little write-up I was kind of torn. Character wise I would miss everyone but at the same time I think things got wrapped pretty much dead on perfect in terms of resolution. It's difficult to know when is enough, probably more so for the actual creatives.

Depend, I'm all for a new IP, if it has no be another GR it needs to have Kat though. There's still a lot to develop with this world.

Rest 2 is better, especially gameplay.
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