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Halo |OT5| Believe, Again

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I prefer the clean, slick aesthetic of maps like Boardwalk and Swordbase in Reach. I hope there are maps that look like that in Halo 4. Adrift is very busy looking. But as long as it plays well I won't complain.
I prefer the clean, slick aesthetic of maps like Boardwalk and Swordbase in Reach. I hope there are maps that look like that in Halo 4. Adrift is very busy looking. But as long as it plays well I won't complain.

Im surprised, we still haven't seen any videos of longbow yet.

Das Kalk

Neo Member
Yup pretty much. The other map looks fun though.

Has there been any gameplay footage on the snowy map yet?

I don't think anything substantial, since the Pros were playing on the smaller maps. But Kenneth Scott posted a link to a gallery with some Multiplayer screenshots, which included an overhead of Longbow


Does it remind anyone else of Containment?
I don't think anything substantial, since the Pros were playing on the smaller maps. But Kenneth Scott posted a link to a gallery with some Multiplayer screenshots, which included an overhead of Longbow


Does it remind anyone else of Containment?[/QUOTE]

In terms of looks, Gorgeous, just gorgeous.

Skybox is not too shabby either.


I hope they improve the water. It sticks out like a sore thumb.

Just looks unfinished compared to the immaculate detail of everything else.


Reach's water is much nicer.

Waiting on the day we get a water vehicle. :(

One can dream...


Damn you guys can post... I was busy yesterday finishing my game dev final project and I come back to like 15 pages of posts. lol... now time to get member. Here are my thoughts on the recent discussions.

IMO PV isn't all that great... kind of feels like a waste of an AA slot. As a camo user the radar plays a huge role in my gameplay and learning to read it for intent, direction, etc. is a skill that can easily make up for most of PV's benefits. I actually feel that the Sensory Upgrade is MUCH more powerful as I've watched the videos closely of those using it and it looks to be exactly double radar range from 25-50 (if it is still under the typical 25 distance of past Halos). Sensory is not only just a support package, but it is always on and frees up the ability to use another AA like thrusters, camo, etc. Not exactly sure about increased sensitivity, but that is just an added bonus. If the radar didn't have elevation icons then PV would be worth a little more, but there are few instances where PV trumps plain radar even without Sensory. Pure distance, idle/camping players, better body language reading, and maybe a couple other minor things but that is pretty much all. Not enough to warrant an AA slot in my opinion. Active camo all the way for me. ;) God I hope that the radar jamming is still part of AC. :)

As a camo player I feel that I have a good sense of the power of information when playing... PV just doesn't really feel like it adds enough additional knowledge to trump any other AA's benefits.

Also that thruster pack gif was something that I kept thinking to point out, glad someone else did. :) Looks crazy and I can't wait for the fun gameplay possibilities of customs with the new armor abilities.

Next thing is that I'm not sure if anyone else has pointed this out, but the points that you earn for Infinity Slayer are NOT points used for determining who wins. The score to win is 600 with 10 points per kill so effectively 60 kills as opposed to 50 in other Halo games. What the points do is add to your personal ordinance meter... meaning those of us playing with style get more ordinance drops than those just killing things. Sadly we don't directly affect the score. lol...


The increased amount of kills may also account for the reason why the matches are going on longer than they have in past, especially on Adrift where most of the matches went to the last minute mark.

I think I had one more thing to talk about, but I can't remember right now. Just can't wait for the Forge reveal and the Active Camo specs. :) I plan on going through the maps with a fine comb in my mindful cartography video series. Gotta draft them up on sketchup first though.
Despite that it'll raise more CoD comparisons and flaming, I think there should be a CoD control scheme with a silly name or something. When I played MW2 I was pleased to find the 'Spartan' control scheme that was nearly the same as Halo. Made playing it much easier for me, so it could be good for players used to such a scheme.

There is a control scheme in Medal of Honor frontline that is exactly like Halo called "hail to the chief"

i think the cod control scheme in PDXBLA was called "Duty calls"
There is a control scheme in Medal of Honor frontline that is exactly like Halo called "hail to the chief"

i think the cod control scheme in PDXBLA was called "Duty calls"

Brink did this with all of their control schemes... it was awesome. :)


Here's a list of the pre-set controls schemes in "Brink":


Sound familiar? They should! Each of those phrases refers to a well-known shooter franchise, and selecting that option will cause "Brink" to control just like that franchise. In case you're a bit slow on the uptake, here are the references:

Hey, I haven't seen any Xbox controller layout designers around so I (really) quickly put together a pretty handy web drag and drop layout designer.
I wasn't going to publish it yet, because it looks horrible, and uses an image I grabbed from google images, but while you're still (kinda) talkin' about controllers:


For those who prefer doing it visually...

Edit: may as well test the sample (default) output:

RT: Fire
RB: Melee
RS: Scope

LT: Throw Grenade
LB: Use AA
LS: Sprint

A: Jump
B: Crouch
X: Reload/Action
Y: Switch Weapon

DP: Switch Grenade
BACK: Score board
START: Settings/Loadouts


I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before but seeing that picture of longbow reminded me about an addition to the radar. Maybe it was a perk I was using that enhanced the motion tracker but when the enemy is driving a vehicle on the map outside of the normal tracker range, the outside edge of the radar displays an arrow pointing in their direction to keep you aware an enemy manned vehicle is present on the map.
Wanted to pop in and state that Promethean Vision looks very overpowered. Watching Elamite on Haven essentially confirmed this and he uses it throughout the entire match. You can essentially always get the drop on someone as you come around a corner. It doesn't matter if they hear the ping, you will always have an exact bead on their head the instant you enter their vision.
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before but seeing that picture of longbow reminded me about an addition to the radar. Maybe it was a perk I was using that enhanced the motion tracker but when the enemy is driving a vehicle on the map outside of the normal tracker range, the outside edge of the radar displays an arrow pointing in their direction to keep you aware an enemy manned vehicle is present on the map.
Didn't reach do this? With a big blob on the outside of your tracker?
RT: Fire
RB: Melee
RS: Scope

LT: Throw Grenade
LB: Jump
LS: Sprint

A: Use AA
B: Crouch
X: Reload/Action
Y: Switch Weapon

DP: Switch Grenade
BACK: Score board
START: Settings/Loadouts


My voicing my opinion on the MLG vids after sleeping on it

The Good
Hit detection will be nice for online play. Missing shots due to lag is such a mystery in previous Halo games, now it will be as clear as day and night. Awesome addition.

The Bad
Armor Abilities's in Halo 4 really worry me. In Reach, sometimes you can get a game of 4v4 where everyone is using sprint only and on the rare occasion. Now that everyone gets sprint, this means everyone will be FORCED to have an ability. I want to see longer cooldowns for these abilities. The bad thing about Reach is that the equipment gets abused because the recharge rate is so fast that it allows people to use abilities at EVERY ENCOUNTER, thus dominating gameplay. There needs to be a barebones playlist on day 1. No loadouts, equipment, and no ordinances.

Unused ordinances should be lost after you die and it should take more kills to get an ordinance.

It looks like players are locked stationary after the match ends. One of my favorite things about halo is messing around/teabagging ect after regulation ends but before everyone is back in lobby.

If that overshield invincibility isn't a bug, it needs to be nerfed hard.

I'd like to see the shield recharge rate move faster

Agreeing with most people, the Rocket Pistol looked so underpowered. Didn't see a single pro get a kill with it, in fact they seemed to all struggle with it. Not a good replacement for Reach's glorious Pro-pipe, which should still be brought back anyway.

Minor detail, but I miss the Halo 2/3 BR reticle. Also, the BR audio needs more oomph. Still feels underwhelmingly soft.

Yup, the "+10 Headshot" Middle UI text needs to go.

The Ugly

Adrift - It really needs some more lighting.


Hey, I haven't seen any Xbox controller layout designers around so I (really) quickly put together a pretty handy web drag and drop layout designer.
I wasn't going to publish it yet, because it looks horrible, and uses an image I grabbed from google images, but while you're still (kinda) talkin' about controllers:


For those who prefer doing it visually...

Not a bad default.

I am going to suggest a BJ scheme.

RT: Fire
RS: Scope

LT: Throw Grenade
LB: Jump
LS: Sprint

A: Crouch (Guess you are going to have to have it toggled)
B: Melee (I think melee was always better on a face button, with auto aim you don't really need to aim melees)
X: Reload/Action (Hated B to reload, it is always X in every other fricking game)
Y: Switch Weapon

DP: Switch Grenade
BACK: Score board
START: Settings/Loadouts


Gold Member
On MLG interview they said they were showing 3 maps, I only see 2 maps in videos? Maybe I am wrong?

Loving the Carbine btw, it looks so badass!
I really really really want Halo 4 to have either harder difficulties (mythic ect) or tune the difficulty levels much more easy as it is now becomes very easy and then normal becomes legendary heroic and heroic becomes legendary and legendary becomes harder.

All the halo games are pretty easy even on legendary and i dont want to have to screw up the game mechanics via SLASO to make it "harder"
360 ships with 4GB.. and can be extended the same way the Wii U can.

Are they shipping a SKU with a hard drive? The only reason MS has a 4GB is so that they can market a $199 Xbox, any real gamer is getting one with a hard drive, because you need one.

Need the Forge reveal ASAP!

Why are you trying to kill the buzz?

There are more people in Arena than in Super Slayer right now.
That's how terrible the playlist is.

There is zero reason for Super Slayer and Team Slayer to exist. The fragmentation is ridiculous, especially with bleed through removed, that vanilla playlist shouldn't exist. Get rid of it and just make Team Slayer TU.

There will probably be a counter to PV. Blind eye pro if you will.

Do not want. That is very rock paper scissors balance.

Next thing is that I'm not sure if anyone else has pointed this out, but the points that you earn for Infinity Slayer are NOT points used for determining who wins. The score to win is 600 with 10 points per kill so effectively 60 kills as opposed to 50 in other Halo games. What the points do is add to your personal ordinance meter... meaning those of us playing with style get more ordinance drops than those just killing things. Sadly we don't directly affect the score. lol...

I have, but I wanted to quote your post because I don't think many people are seeing or understanding this. There is a separation of individual and team score in H4 (yes, just like COD). In both regular slayer and infinity slayer, the only thing that affects team score is kills.

Disappointed we haven't seen any Longbow from MLG or others sources. Several pros said they played on Longbow, so those guys played on it.

As for control schemes, I'll wait until the final schemes are listed before deciding. I think that default has melee, shoot, grenade, AA, and sprint all not on face buttons, but I'm pretty wary of crouch on B button. With so many abilities in H4, you are going to have to sacrifice an action to a face button that you probably want on a bumper or a stick, so it's going to be finding which one you are comfortable with being on a face button.
RT: Fire
RB: Melee
RS: Scope

LT: Throw Grenade
LB: Jump
LS: Sprint

A: Use AA
B: Crouch
X: Reload/Action
Y: Switch Weapon

DP: Switch Grenade
BACK: Score board
START: Settings/Loadouts
I actually really like that. Only problem would be attempting to turn whilst using an AA (same issue as Reach BJ), only solution is clawing, which I hate.
RT: Fire
RB: Reload/Action
RS: Scope

LT: Throw Grenade
LB: Sprint
LS: Crouch

A: Jump
B: Melee
X: Use AA
Y: Switch Weapon

DP: Switch Grenade
BACK: Score board
START: Settings/Loadouts

Real men use Recon. And no AA's.
You can attach a hard drive of any size to it via USB. You can just grab this and call it a day.

I have no interest in doing that. Yeah if I get one at some point I will have to, but just give your users the storage they need with the device. Poor decision on Nintendo's part in my opinion.

Nintendo wants to get actual third party support for this thing, well if they expect me to buy Assassins Creed or Call of Duty on their console, they need to have storage on the thing to store my DLC.
Nice Little App there Der. :) You should totally increase functionality by separating out the D-Pad directions and allowing the creation of custom bubbles. That would allow for any game to be used. And then maybe in the future you can make preset bubble groups for the popular games. This would be my preferred Control Scheme:

RT: Fire
RB: Sprint
RS: Scope

LT: Throw Grenade
LB: Use AA
LS: Crouch

A: Jump
B: Melee
X: Reload/Action
Y: Switch Weapon

DP: Switch Grenade
BACK: Score board
START: Settings/Loadouts


Yeah really, they just make it annoying to watch the footage.

PV here, PV there, PV when getting shot, PV when red dot on radar, PV when spotting someone infront of you.


Personally, I would rather keep toggling PV instead of using radar because radar can be fooled with crouching/elevation, and it's also at the bottom of the HUD which forces you to divert your eyes.
Personally, I would rather keep toggling PV instead of using radar because radar can be fooled with crouching/elevation, and it's also at the bottom of the HUD which forces you to divert your eyes.

Most of the time when I play Halo I rarely have to worry about players that are crouching. And I actually really like the new icons for the elevation on the radar... the shading differentiation of Reach was easy to misread at times. I'd rather have another AA rather than something that only gives additional information in special circumstances.
I guess the games still got a lot of polish to go through, but I really dont like the multiplayer sound effects, and im worried because unlike the announcer and medals, they dont seem 'raw', they sound like good bits of audio in they're own right.

I really hope that if the audio's not final, that they move away from the metallic clanging. I think Reach has associated the metallic clanging sound with torturous boredom and shitty gameplay in my head.

I find it bizzare that we already seem to know of a third of the games maps. That doesn't leave much space for classics like The Pit and Guardian.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before but seeing that picture of longbow reminded me about an addition to the radar. Maybe it was a perk I was using that enhanced the motion tracker but when the enemy is driving a vehicle on the map outside of the normal tracker range, the outside edge of the radar displays an arrow pointing in their direction to keep you aware an enemy manned vehicle is present on the map.

I thought I saw this on non vehicular maps in the first ViDoc
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