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Halo: Reach Beta Thread

All these people talking about owning each other already, Im anticipating my worst k/d ever as I try out all the loadouts and all the different weapons to see how they feel and when they're most useful.

It'll start evening out again once I come to grips with my preferred equipment.
DualX said:

Side note: Anyone else wonder if that email from Microsoft (about Halo 2 discontinuing, and inviting us to play the Halo Reach beta) mean we'll be getting a F&F?

That would be interesting, how many people got those codes? Im guessing such a low percentage of people got them that they actually could be?
bobs99 ... said:
This is why I think custom games browsers would suck, in my opinion server lists or customs games browsers done wrong would be horrific:
That doesn't really matter though. If you want to play a game of lasers only with moonjump on, finding people to play with is more important that quality of rabble. A custom games browser with excellent search function would be an amazing diversion from more focused matchmaking.

As it stands, the huge bulk of Halo's gameplay options are utterly wasted. I can count the number of non-standard matchs I've played on... well not that small, but it's tiny. Getting a group together to play Halo is one thing, but agreeing on silly rulesets is near impossible.


Dani said:
MTV is also running a live stream on their site.
Yeah but MTV is blocked at my job and the iPhone's Safari browser can't even handle an image heavy page let alone streaming video. Plus, most video players use Flash which the iPhone does not support. Its justin.tv or nothing. :p


I get the impression that was more of a cordial invitation than a formal one. I doubt everyone who's played Halo 2 ever counts as F&F.
DualX said:

Side note: Anyone else wonder if that email from Microsoft (about Halo 2 discontinuing, and inviting us to play the Halo Reach beta) mean we'll be getting a F&F?

I completely forgot about that.. I had got the MS points and the message on XBL about the beta, but I never got the email.. Any idea why that would be?

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
DualX said:

Side note: Anyone else wonder if that email from Microsoft (about Halo 2 discontinuing, and inviting us to play the Halo Reach beta) mean we'll be getting a F&F?

Halo 2 codes =/= F&F codes. As far as I am aware, the Halo 2 codes will be letting people play on May 3rd without needing ODST.
Oozer3993 said:
List_of_people_to_direct_burning_jealousy_towards = List_of_people_to_direct_burning_jealousy_towards + 2



Coding up an Arena rating app is causing programming to infect every part of my brain lol
Your "list" is an integer?
Friends of friends only worked one level deep, friends of friends of friends does not work.

As for early codes, well I entered one of the email compos a few days back, fingers crossed but i'll just put myself into ice until the 3rd if I have too.
bobs99 ... said:
They FRUSTRATE me on the PC :lol , I dont want to play weird rules and mods! I guess if you were lucky enough to come across a cool bunch of people playing a unique gametype it could be good, but I garuntee most of the games will be people who want you to try out theyre crappy custom game rules.

It would also take population away from matchmaking. I just dont like the idea of a service which will be hit and miss taking away from a service which works well.

Then make your own custom game and people will find yours! What if you're in the mood for territories? I haven't played territories in forever. It always gets vetoed. I hate that. There's gotta be a few other people on at the same time as me who want to play some territories. That's just one example of course.
Genesis Knight said:
I thought only people who played Halo 2 and had original Xbox Live accounts got that message.
I think it was people who played Halo 2 on Live during a particular timeframe, as I have an original XBL account, some 3,300 games of Halo 2 played, and got nothing (likely because I'd continued my loyalty by buying a 360 and Halo 3 and was busy playing a ton of games of that).

But still, it's a nice idea, and good consolation for shutting down the servers.

And I think the Halo 2 codes are for the first proper day of the beta, not the F&F.
Son of Godzilla said:
That doesn't really matter though. If you want to play a game of lasers only with moonjump on, finding people to play with is more important that quality of rabble. A custom games browser with excellent search function would be an amazing diversion from more focused matchmaking.

As it stands, the huge bulk of Halo's gameplay options are utterly wasted. I can count the number of non-standard matchs I've played on... well not that small, but it's tiny. Getting a group together to play Halo is one thing, but agreeing on silly rulesets is near impossible.

Well if you cant agree on silly rulesets with friends then your going to find it hard to do so with randomers on Live, even if you have the same mindset. Dont get me wrong, im sure theres the perfect group of people playing the perfect gametypes out there, but finding them through the game is going to be insanely difficult. It would be better to look for forums where people play Halo in different ways? Forgehub is probably perfect for that?

Having to use the internet isnt exactly ideal, but theres no way that kind of system could be implimented well without drawbacks to other areas of the game.

Church RvB said:
Then make your own custom game and people will find yours! What if you're in the mood for territories? I haven't played territories in forever. It always gets vetoed. I hate that. There's gotta be a few other people on at the same time as me who want to play some territories. That's just one example of course.

The problem is, the vast majority of people will want to play theyre own rules and so a lot of people will be making servers, but no one will be filling them? I know for sure im not going to stay in a game where the rules annoy me, and my idea of fun is vastly different from other people's.


Church RvB said:
Then make your own custom game and people will find yours! What if you're in the mood for territories? I haven't played territories in forever. It always gets vetoed. I hate that. There's gotta be a few other people on at the same time as me who want to play some territories. That's just one example of course.
That would be amazing for when I want to be able to try out my new zombie maps as well as making adjustments to the gametype itself.


Anyone else urked by how the character models hold weapons a certain way but it's not reflected in the first person view? It really bothered me in Halo 2 when the Elites wielded Energy Swords and it bothers me now (Sword stance again). I guess it's better gameplay-wise to not have the Sword coming into the screen from the right side but it would be kind of sweet. :)

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
The Customs games browser is a moot point. It's been said that it won't be including before due to how it would split up and fracture the community and Bungie haven't indicated any change in that position nor have they talked about such a feature for Reach.

We've had years and years of successful online Halo without it too, so there's certainly no incentive to add the feature.

As much as I'd like the idea, at least on paper - I'd have to see it in action with Halo's community to have any real opinion on it, talking about it won't make it happen.


If you're going to define every ruleset, and then say "find other people who picked this exact game mode", you're going to wait a while. With literally thousands of possibilities (speaking purely from a probability standpoint, not from "would anyone choose this") you'd have to get insanely lucky to match with one person.

Why does everyone have to agree? I remember back in the day we'd just alternate amongst our group who decided what we played in Perfect Dark. :(


Neo Member
Hydranockz said:
I hate to be 'that' guy but unless you can give us some credible proof, chances are, people will think you're just making it up :p


I'm going to keep my impressions pretty broad, because there were a few surprises in there that I didn't expect, and although I'm sure they will be spoiled by tomorrow, I don't want to be the one to do it. I think the guys at Bungie have worked too hard to have someone spoil the fun, so I just want to add something in a positive way.

I will just say that im 'pretty good' at Halo, as in I've had my fair share of first places in each iteration of the game, so take that as you will.


Menus are slick

Good assortment of new symbols for the spartans, as far as I can tell all the old ones are still there.

Once you are in the actual game, it is SMOOTH.. i mean i felt like i was flying when i was running between rooms. I've been playing BFBC2 a ton lately, so I'm sure that affected my perception of it.

The new loadout system is great. My favorite 'perk' was the sprint function, just for mobility alone. Using the other perks made me feel a little gimped because I couldn't start running when I wanted to.

Jet pack is what you would expect. If you jump a little before you take off, you get a lot more momentum than if you just blast off from a standing position.

Hammer Lock is pretty sweet. It's not my cup of tea, but i thought it was cool seeing people randomly pop it off during firefights. I did kill a guy in Hammerlock one time with two melees to the back, but im not sure if it was just because he was coming out of it at the time.

Cloak worked as expected too, although it did throw me for a loop for a second when all the 'ghost pings' popped up on my radar.

General Gameplay:

The game feels 'heavier' to me than Halo 3.. which is a good thing in my opinion. The weapons sound and feel meaner. It felt like the player is rooted more naturally in the world, ala BFBC2 as opposed to previous Halo games. I was really digging just the general feel of the game.

Firefights seem to last a bit longer on average.

The general Halo tactic of softening up someone while you run towards them, then finishing them off in close quarters is still the way to go. I'm impressed that the core of the gunplay and combat is so unchanged, even with all these new bells and whistles.

The BR replacement is gonna be bit of an adjustment for some people I think. When I first picked it up, my first instinct was to go into BR mode and pop off 3-4 shots in a rhythm, which was pretty ineffective. The cross hair gives great feedback, and you can really get a feel for how to time your shots. It is a much more fun and interesting weapon than the BR in my opinion.

One little cool thing I noticed (thanks to a loading menu tip) is that the motion sensor is tilted slightly now to include elevation. Cool stuff.

All in all, it's a definite step forward in the combat department, the new loadout system introduces a heap of variety into the mix, which is a great thing.. and while the graphics are not terribly improved, nobody is gonna care when they jump in and start blastin fools. Anyone whose played Halo before will feel right at home. Reach is gonna be number 1 on XBL for a long long time.

There is some more things I saw, but I dont wanna spoil it, so... that's it!

tl;dr: Before I played the beta, I was lukewarm to the game, now I'm day one.


Shake Appeal said:
I think it was people who played Halo 2 on Live during a particular timeframe, as I have an original XBL account, some 3,300 games of Halo 2 played, and got nothing (likely because I'd continued my loyalty by buying a 360 and Halo 3 and was busy playing a ton of games of that).

But still, it's a nice idea, and good consolation for shutting down the servers.

And I think the Halo 2 codes are for the first proper day of the beta, not the F&F.

They are probably the same thing. The H2 codes are just sent when the beta officially launches.

I got a good amoun of games on my service record too, but I didn't get the H2 code. Obviously I didn't play the game when I sould have. :p
Dani said:
The Customs games browser is a moot point. It's been said that it won't be including before due to how it would split up and fracture the community and Bungie haven't indicated any change in that position nor have they talked about such a feature for Reach.

We've had years and years of successful online Halo without it too, so there's certainly no incentive to add the feature.

As much as I'd like the idea, at least on paper - I'd have to see it in action with Halo's community to have any real opinion on it, talking about it won't make it happen.

Keeping quiet won't help either. As small as a voice that I have in this thread and in the Halo community, I'd rather hope something I say can be heard and at least pondered on by a Bungie developer. Look at Network Test 1 and Invasion. Bungie is really thinking outside of the box on this game. I'm not limiting this mindset to just Custom Game Browsers either. If people have ideas they should speak them. People wanted a horde mode in H3. We didn't get one. Gears 2 gave it to us. Now a bunch of games have one. Go figure.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Shake Appeal said:
Didn't we do server browser model versus matchmaking to death in the thread before this one?
Haggis/Real Food

There's a suitable BSG quote for for HaloGAF...


Very nice write up! Thanks for posting it up - make sure you've a few HaloGAFers lined up to play with during the Beta!
bobs99 ... said:
Well if you cant agree on silly rulesets with friends then your going to find it hard to do so with randomers on Live, even if you have the same mindset. Dont get me wrong, im sure theres the perfect group of people playing the perfect gametypes out there, but finding them through the game is going to be insanely difficult. It would be better to look for forums where people play Halo in different ways? Forgehub is probably perfect for that?

Having to use the internet isnt exactly ideal, but theres no way that kind of system could be implimented well without drawbacks to other areas of the game.

The problem is, the vast majority of people will want to play theyre own rules and so a lot of people will be making servers, but no one will be filling them? I know for sure im not going to stay in a game where the rules annoy me, and my idea of fun is vastly different from other people's.

If the Custom Game Browser was actually good then that wouldn't be a problem.

-Search for all CTF games, you find tons.
-Refine your search for all 1 flag CTF games, you find less, but still a ton.
-Go more in depth and look for 1 flag on Last Resort.

Do you really think you're going to be nit picking through a whole bunch of games with crazy rules? Sure there will be a lot out there. But if you're looking for 1 flag CTF on Last Resort, I would assume there's at least a few people out there with a regular game going.

It all depends on how good the (fictional) Custom Game Browser is. Like many have said, PC games have been doing this for ages!
Church RvB said:
Keeping quiet won't help either. As small as a voice that I have in this thread and in the Halo community, I'd rather hope something I say can be heard and at least pondered on by a Bungie developer. Look at Network Test 1 and Invasion. Bungie is really thinking outside of the box on this game. I'm not limiting this mindset to just Custom Game Browsers either. If people have ideas they should speak them. People wanted a horde mode in H3. We didn't get one. Gears 2 gave it to us. Now a bunch of games have one. Go figure.
Yea, it's not like browser is absolutely necessary. It's just something that addresses the problem most directly. I'm perfectly willing to give Bungie a chance to better support community/non-standard playlists, but if they bungle it as bad as Halo 3 did... they will already have my money and I can't reasonably say it will have an affect on future purchasing decisions... but still.
Church RvB said:
If the Custom Game Browser was actually good then that wouldn't be a problem.

-Search for all CTF games, you find tons.
-Refine your search for all 1 flag CTF games, you find less, but still a ton.
-Go more in depth and look for 1 flag on Last Resort.

Do you really think you're going to be nit picking through a whole bunch of games with crazy rules? Sure there will be a lot out there. But if you're looking for 1 flag CTF on Last Resort, I would assume there's at least a few people out there with a regular game going.

It all depends on how good the (fictional) Custom Game Browser is. Like many have said, PC games have been doing this for ages!

The other guy who's interested in the topic was saying he would love custom game browsers for unique weird gametypes. Sure for the example you mentioned you would get hundreds of games but it would no better than matchmaking in terms of crazy settings. It would be worse than matchmaking:

What if you join that 1 flag CTF game and find that its a crazy Forge varient where everyone spawns in a box and the asshole host spawnkills them over and over? :lol

What if its a legit game, but the asshole host is AFK?

What if you join and find yourself in a modded lobby?

There are too many problems with letting people control matches, honestly if you want to play customs with a good group then its best to stick with your own friends or find like minded people on HaloGaf or whatever. For now I prefer the matchmaking model.


The main problem in adding browsing for custom games is that matchmaking will lose population, and Bungie want to keep as many people as possible in matchmaking to keep up the quality of matches.

I could see it being in Firefight though, that game cries out for custom games searches.
Son of Godzilla said:
Yea, it's not like browser is absolutely necessary. It's just something that addresses the problem most directly. I'm perfectly willing to give Bungie a chance to better support community/non-standard playlists, but if they bungle it as bad as Halo 3 did... they will already have my money and I can't reasonably say it will have an affect on future purchasing decisions... but still.

Yeah, I'm buying Reach on day one. Midnight launch and all! Everything looks great so far. I just get tired of playing the same games over and over again. Slayer, Slayer, CTF, Slayer. (just an example, you know what I mean) Like VIP for example. Almost everyone I know hates the Bungie created version. But they made it so there's an option where you can have checkpoints and score. But no VIP gametypes utilize this (except for Rocket Race, can you consider that VIP?)

Here's a thought. One team has a VIP, He can only be killed with an assassination. They are tasked with protecting him as he scores points by going to the checkpoints. Once he dies the round is over and its the other teams chance. Most checkpoints captured over two full rounds wins (two rounds for each team that is). Is it a perfect gametype? No, probably not. But it sure beats the hell out of playing the same shitty VIP variant over and over again. (I'm pretty sure Bungie has a VIP variant called Escort that basically like this, but I've never had the opportunity to play it! It sounds so fun!


And this is why you play custom games! If you get tired of the same old stuff, you go play a goofy gametype with a bunch of people.

I've also read somewhere (can't remember where to save my life) that they've actually worked on making the ability to add new gametypes easier to do on their end, so in theory they could make new playlists with goofier game modes.
bobs99 ... said:
The other guy who's interested in the topic was saying he would love custom game browsers for unique weird gametypes. Sure for the example you mentioned you would get hundreds of games but it would no better than matchmaking in terms of crazy settings. It would be worse than matchmaking:

What if you join that 1 flag CTF game and find that its a crazy Forge varient where everyone spawns in a box and the asshole host spawnkills them over and over? :lol

What if its a legit game, but the asshole host is AFK?

What if you join and find yourself in a modded lobby?

There are too many problems with letting people control matches, honestly if you want to play customs with a good group then its best to stick with your own friends or find like minded people on HaloGaf or whatever. For now I prefer the matchmaking model.

What? You don't make any sense at all. MM and a custom games search would not be mutually exclusive, and how would an EXTRA choice be a bad thing? Can you honestly say, with a straight-face, that a custom games search would hurt MM at all? Really?

And by goofy settings, I merely meant a wide range of search options available that you could specify further.

Like CTF : 1 Flag : Map Powerhouse : Human Weapons Only.

No games found? Back up before the weapon specifications (too specific) and join one of the ones that pop up.

An option would do nothing except broaden Halo's audience, not hurt it. A big WTF to anyone who thinks otherwise.

GhaleonEB said:
Yes. The browser would have to restrict some of the settings that can be modified to qualify for search - which partly defeats the purpose of a custom game in the first place - or the quality of games would be much, much lower than matchmaking in general.

Of course it would. There's a shit-ton of gray area between "no options once soever" and "customize gravity percentage etc."


Church RvB said:
If the Custom Game Browser was actually good then that wouldn't be a problem.

-Search for all CTF games, you find tons.
-Refine your search for all 1 flag CTF games, you find less, but still a ton.
-Go more in depth and look for 1 flag on Last Resort.

Do you really think you're going to be nit picking through a whole bunch of games with crazy rules? Sure there will be a lot out there. But if you're looking for 1 flag CTF on Last Resort, I would assume there's at least a few people out there with a regular game going.

It all depends on how good the (fictional) Custom Game Browser is. Like many have said, PC games have been doing this for ages!
Yes. The browser would have to restrict some of the settings that can be modified to qualify for search - which partly defeats the purpose of a custom game in the first place - or the quality of games would be much, much lower than matchmaking in general.

At any rate, it's a moot point since it's not in Reach.

AnimatorZombie, thanks for the impressions.
bobs99 ... said:
The other guy who's interested in the topic was saying he would love custom game browsers for unique weird gametypes. Sure for the example you mentioned you would get hundreds of games but it would no better than matchmaking in terms of crazy settings. It would be worse than matchmaking:

What if you join that 1 flag CTF game and find that its a crazy Forge varient where everyone spawns in a box and the asshole host spawnkills them over and over? :lol

What if its a legit game, but the asshole host is AFK?

What if you join and find yourself in a modded lobby?

There are too many problems with letting people control matches, honestly if you want to play customs with a good group then its best to stick with your own friends or find like minded people on HaloGaf or whatever. For now I prefer the matchmaking model.

All of your concerns are legitimate. But what I'm saying is it all depends on how good this Custom Game Browser was.

Would you be able to select Last Resort DEFAULT?
Can you view the game settings before entering the lobby?
Could you (the custom game creator) put up a description tag of the people your looking to play with/what you're trying to accomplish with you custom game?

Matchmaking is great. I just get sooooo tired of playing the same bullshit. I want variety.
Mo0 said:
And this is why you play custom games! If you get tired of the same old stuff, you go play a goofy gametype with a bunch of people.

I've also read somewhere (can't remember where to save my life) that they've actually worked on making the ability to add new gametypes easier to do on their end, so in theory they could make new playlists with goofier game modes.
I think it was one of the weekly updates that stressed they can pretty much design new gametypes at will now. I believe the Stress Test/Gen Defense was used as an example. Which kinda makes sense, because from what we've seen it really does seem... off-kilter.
Church RvB said:
All of your concerns are legitimate. But what I'm saying is it all depends on how good this Custom Game Browser was.

Yea, there's not much of a nightmare scenario of loading up a game and finding out it's all wonk-ass shit when that stuff can just be displayed from the browser.


343i Lead Esports Producer
lol, I've been talking so much about Onyx, I'm gonna end up in Gold and just embarrass myself :lol :lol I'll stop now.
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