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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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Super Sleuth
yeah but I drew so poorly in the mage match :(
it's clearly a bad deck ;)

Even still the way you activated the quest with patches was disgusting and would have won most matchups.

My packs were mostly a bust. Opened 60 packs and only got Voraxx and King whatever warrior legendary garbage.

Oh well.


Have no idea what to do with this golden Hemet. Will keep him to use in daily quests I guess.

Going to craft the rouge and warrior quests, then wait to see what else is good.
70 packs plus the 3 free ones. Four legendaries: new Elise, sunkeeper Tarim, normal unite the murlocs and golden unite the murlocs. Drop rate is pretty good but what I really wanted was Kalimos so I can make a shaman elemental deck.
Have no idea what to do with this golden Hemet. Will keep him to use in daily quests I guess.

Going to craft the rouge and warrior quests, then wait to see what else is good.

If hunter quest ends up not being terrible, I can see a situation where you play Hemet before dropping Carnassa to clear out all the junk low cards so you're just constantly dropping and pulling your raptors.


Playing Tempo Mage in Wild with Flamewaker. Have been wanting to do this since I started playing but never bothered to buy the full Blackrock.


55 more packs, and wound up with another 2260 dust and 4 legendaries!

Fire Plume's Heart - hooray
A Golden Mosh - lol, but hey it's 1600 dust if it turns out to suck
Ozruk - ?
And Hemet - which was a neat card I was hoping to be able to play around with

Also, they definitely made the epic drop rate higher, right?:

I checked it again since it certainly did for me.

Did you have enough balance for what you were trying to buy?

I see. Well, I tried to spend $13.99 CDN, and have $15 US in Blizzard balance. Should have worked, right? :(

Maybe I need to be on desktop?

Confirmed, I had to be on my PC. Thanks for the help though!


Netherspite Historian basically ALWAYS discover DraKOP in priest now

Elemental Dragon Priest seems very decent curvestone deck, carried the hell out by Dr. 5


Bad news is my packs sucked

Good news is I've got 11k dust

Settle asap plz meta so I can net deck

Also they didn't improve the drop rates, you're just lucky kids


The amount of luck people get with some of their arena picks is just insane. Just played a Mage at 1-0 who had 3 firelands portals among 2 blizzards, multiple other useful spells and all fantastic minions.


Quest Rogue? After Crystal Core activates, it's a 5/5 that keeps pumping out 5/5s every turn.

i'm still not sure that's good enough although i might consider hogger, the taunt 5/5s can help when you're being smorced down and if they don't represent lethal that turn they have to deal with 10/10 of stuff post-quest


i'm still not sure that's good enough although i might consider hogger, the taunt 5/5s can help when you're being smorced down and if they don't represent lethal that turn they have to deal with 10/10 of stuff post-quest

hogger doesn't have stealth which is pretty essential for this deck considering that a 5/5 stealth is pretty difficult to deal with


i'm still not sure that's good enough although i might consider hogger, the taunt 5/5s can help when you're being smorced down and if they don't represent lethal that turn they have to deal with 10/10 of stuff post-quest

But honestly having played like 30 rogue matches now and winning st least 20 of them, Rogue Quest is way faster than I thought so Moroes is more efficient because of its 3 cost, you can prep+core+moroes in turn 5 lots of times


hogger doesn't have stealth which is pretty essential for this deck considering that a 5/5 stealth is pretty difficult to deal with

it depends on what you're running but I don't think the stealth and generation over multiple turns is actually super important.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Dog TTK combo mage is nutso
(TTK= Two turn kill)


I got the following Legendaries from 118 packs.

Clutchmaster Zavas
Unite the Murlocs
Jungle Giants
Awaken the Makers

Everything is playable for me and for classes that I play, but I'm still completely unsure about the the Druid Legendary and Quest. Once the meta settles, I might disenchant them, looking forward to trying Discard Zoo, Murloc Shaman, and Deathrattle/Nzoth Priest. Priest will be stronger in Wild though.

For my main class, I'm lucky to get two Dinomancy for Hunter but disappointed I couldn't get a single Stampede or the Marsh Queen Quest. Saw my friend who got it complete the Quest by turn 3 and played Carnassa Turn 5 and it was GG by Turn 6 lol. I'm also curious about the Quest Rogue and Taunt Warrior, still thinking how I'm going to spend my 8k dust though.
wild quest murloc is insane fun. i should probably make room for a 4 mana 7/7 tho , in general having big bombs surrounding the big quest minions seems smart to chew at removal


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
10 extra packs for delay in EU?
10 extra packs for delay in EU?

If we were scheduled to get it at the same time as US, then maybe some packs... but we are never in line with the US release. It is usually 1AM (UK time), about 7 hours after US.

It is now a bit later than usual, but I dont think this deserves a few packs - even though I would like a few more!


Unconfirmed Member
Rogue Quest is something I don't really fault the community for not predicting, even though I've personally been cautiously optimistic about it being powerful.

But I do wonder how the playtesters didn't catch it, seeing how fast it became clear the deck is so powerful. Just like jade, the only real counter is killing them by turn 7.
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